AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2013-07-08Fixed path to openbabel gem folder.davor
2013-07-04Algorithm::Generic and Model::Generic classes.Christoph Helma
2013-07-04descriptor calculation fixedChristoph Helma
2013-07-02algorithm service restructured. descriptor calculation and initial ↵Christoph Helma
quantitative models working.
2013-06-21unicorn.rb added. merge conflicts resolvedChristoph Helma
2013-06-19Merge branch 'development' of into developmentChristoph Helma
Conflicts: descriptor.rb lazar.rb lib/dataset.rb lib/lazar.rb
2013-06-19descriptor classes refactoredChristoph Helma
2013-05-03algorithm service restructuredChristoph Helma
2013-05-02Merge branch 'development' of into developmentrautenberg
2013-05-02minor polishrautenberg
2013-05-02added HEAD route for service checkgebele
2013-05-02Merge branch 'development' of into developmentgebele
2013-05-02added HEAD route for service checkgebele
2013-04-30add subjectid to URI.accessible callsrautenberg
2013-04-29add subjectid to several .new callsrautenberg
2013-04-26Fixed java compiling error.davor cannot find symbol > symbol : variable molecule
2013-04-26Complile java classes with run_cmd.davor
2013-04-24descriptor calculation with descriptor_uris parameter working.Christoph Helma
2013-04-24descriptor calculation for datasets working. Rakefile for compilation f Java ↵Christoph Helma
2013-04-19install with ruby version 2.0.0-p0rautenberg
2013-04-16Compile java with running version during
2013-04-11descriptor calculation works within tasks. rjb removed.Christoph Helma
2013-04-08debug messsages partially removed, gem depencies updated. tested with ruby ↵Christoph Helma
2013-03-27validation tests okChristoph Helma
2013-03-26cdk and joelib2 java libraries addedChristoph Helma
2013-03-26descriptor calculation moved to algorithm service. code cleanup and refactoring.Christoph Helma
2013-02-21bad_request_error instead of raiseChristoph Helma
2013-02-20Updated use of numeric?davor
2013-02-15error messages in tasks fixedChristoph Helma
2013-02-13add method for wait for task error testmguetlein
2013-02-04resolve merge conflicts: now checking in the right filesmguetlein
2013-02-04resolved merge conflictsmguetlein
2013-02-04fix model prediction -> reintroduce predictedVariable, add some debug outputmguetlein
2013-01-23VERSION updatedChristoph Helma
2013-01-23begin/rescue blocks removedChristoph Helma
url_for substituted with to
2013-01-18Added algorithm.gemspec, rm Gemfile.lockdavor
2013-01-15Update Gemfile.lockdavor
Updated rack version.
2012-12-19Update Gemfile.lockdavor
Updated unicorn version.
2012-11-19Emitting lazar model uri in debugAndreas Maunz
2012-11-16Added get_target switchAndreas Maunz
2012-10-31Added numeric status to subgraph featuresAndreas Maunz
2012-10-24Merged shimsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-24Merge branch 'development' of into developmentAndreas Maunz
2012-10-24CommentsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-24Added modified weights to local_svm_prop (classification).davor
2012-10-24Prediction dataset parameters fixedAndreas Maunz
2012-10-23Enabled ds predictinsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-23Fixed metadata filling find_by_titleAndreas Maunz
2012-10-23find_by_title() now genericAndreas Maunz
2012-10-22Added elsifAndreas Maunz