# descriptors.rb # Calculation of physico-chemical descriptors # Author: Andreas Maunz, Christoph Helma require 'openbabel' module OpenTox class Application < Service before '/descriptor/:method/?' do if request.get? @algorithm = OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor.new @uri @algorithm.parameters = [ { RDF::DC.description => "Dataset URI", RDF::OT.paramScope => "optional", RDF::DC.title => "dataset_uri" },{ RDF::DC.description => "Compound URI", RDF::OT.paramScope => "optional", RDF::DC.title => "compound_uri" } ] @algorithm.metadata = { RDF.type => [RDF::OT.Algorithm, RDF::OTA.DescriptorCalculation], } end end get '/descriptor/?' do render [ uri('/descriptor/physchem'), uri('/descriptor/smarts_match'), uri('/descriptor/smarts_count'), uri('/descriptor/lookup')].sort end get '/descriptor/smarts_match/?' do @algorithm.parameters += [ { RDF::DC.description => "SMARTS strings", RDF::OT.paramScope => "mandatory", RDF::DC.title => "descriptors" } ] @algorithm.metadata[RDF::DC.title] = "SMARTS matcher" render @algorithm end get '/descriptor/smarts_count/?' do @algorithm.parameters += [ { RDF::DC.description => "Counts SMARTS matches", RDF::OT.paramScope => "mandatory", RDF::DC.title => "descriptors" } ] @algorithm.metadata[RDF::DC.title] = "SMARTS count" render @algorithm end get '/descriptor/physchem/?' do @algorithm.parameters += [ { RDF::DC.description => "Physical-chemical descriptors (see #{File.join @uri, 'list'} for a list of supported parameters)", RDF::OT.paramScope => "mandatory", RDF::DC.title => "descriptors" } ] @algorithm.metadata[RDF::DC.title] = "Physical-chemical descriptors" render @algorithm end get '/descriptor/physchem/list/?' do response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor::DESCRIPTORS.collect{|k,v| "#{k}\t#{v}"}.join "\n" end get '/descriptor/physchem/unique/?' do response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor::UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS.collect{|d| "#{d}\t#{OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor::DESCRIPTORS[d]}"}.join "\n" end get '/descriptor/lookup/?' do @algorithm.parameters += [ { RDF::DC.description => "Read feature values from a dataset", RDF::OT.paramScope => "mandatory", RDF::DC.title => "feature_dataset_uri" } ] @algorithm.metadata[RDF::DC.title] = "Dataset lookup" render @algorithm end post '/descriptor/:method' do if params[:method] == "physchem" params[:descriptors] = OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor::UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS if !params[:descriptors] or params[:descriptors] == [""] else bad_request_error "Please provide 'descriptors' parameters.", @uri unless params[:descriptors] end if params[:compound_uri] # return json @compounds = [params[:compound_uri]].flatten.collect{|u| OpenTox::Compound.new u} result = OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor.send(params[:method].to_sym, @compounds, params[:descriptors]) Hash[result.map {|compound, v| [compound.uri, v] }].to_json elsif params[:dataset_uri] # return dataset task = OpenTox::Task.run("Calculating #{params[:method]} descriptors for dataset #{params[:dataset_uri]}.", @uri) do |task| @compounds = OpenTox::Dataset.new(params[:dataset_uri]).compounds result = OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor.send(params[:method].to_sym, @compounds, params[:descriptors]) dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.new dataset.metadata = { RDF::DC.title => "Physico-chemical descriptors", RDF::DC.creator => @uri, RDF::OT.hasSource => @uri, } dataset.parameters = [ { RDF::DC.title => "dataset_uri", RDF::OT.paramValue => params[:dataset_uri] }, { RDF::DC.title => "descriptors", RDF::OT.paramValue => params[:descriptors] }, ] params[:method] == "smarts_match" ? feature_type = RDF::OT.NominalFeature : feature_type = RDF::OT.NumericFeature @compounds.each do |compound| @features ||= result[compound].keys.collect{|name| OpenTox::Feature.find_or_create({ RDF::DC.title => name, RDF.type => [RDF::OT.Feature, feature_type], RDF::DC.description => OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor.description(name) }) } @features.each do |feature| value = result[compound][feature.title] dataset.add_data_entry compound, feature, value if value end end dataset.put dataset.uri end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' halt 202,task.uri else bad_request_error "Please provide a dataset_uri or compound_uri parameter", @uri end end end end