ENV['FMINER_SMARTS'] = 'true' ENV['FMINER_NO_AROMATIC'] = 'true' ENV['FMINER_PVALUES'] = 'true' ENV['FMINER_SILENT'] = 'true' ENV['FMINER_NR_HITS'] = 'true' @@bbrc = Bbrc::Bbrc.new @@last = Last::Last.new def calc_metadata(smarts, ids, counts, fminer_instance, feature_dataset_uri, value_map, params, p_value=nil) # Either p_value or fminer instance to calculate it return nil if (p_value.nil? and fminer_instance.nil?) return nil if (p_value and fminer_instance) # get activities of feature occurrences; see http://goo.gl/c68t8 non_zero_ids = ids.collect { |idx| idx if counts[ids.index(idx)] > 0 } feat_hash = Hash[*(@@fminer.all_activities.select { |k,v| non_zero_ids.include?(k) }.flatten)] if p_value.nil? and fminer_instance.GetRegression() p_value = fminer_instance.KSTest(@@fminer.all_activities.values, feat_hash.values).to_f effect = (p_value > 0) ? "activating" : "deactivating" else p_value = fminer_instance.ChisqTest(@@fminer.all_activities.values, feat_hash.values).to_f unless p_value g=Array.new value_map.each { |y,act| g[y-1]=Array.new } feat_hash.each { |x,y| g[y-1].push(x) } max = OpenTox::Algorithm.effect(g, @@fminer.db_class_sizes) effect = max+1 end metadata = { RDF.type => [OT.Feature, OT.Substructure], OT.smarts => smarts, OT.pValue => p_value.abs, OT.effect => effect, OT.parameters => [ { DC.title => "dataset_uri", OT.paramValue => params[:dataset_uri] }, { DC.title => "prediction_feature", OT.paramValue => params[:prediction_feature] } ] } metadata[OT.hasSource]=feature_dataset_uri if feature_dataset_uri metadata end # Get list of fminer algorithms # # @return [text/uri-list] URIs of fminer algorithms get '/fminer/?' do list = [ url_for('/fminer/bbrc', :full), url_for('/fminer/bbrc/sample', :full), url_for('/fminer/last', :full), url_for('/fminer/bbrc/match', :full), url_for('/fminer/last/match', :full) ].join("\n") + "\n" case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" OpenTox.text_to_html list else content_type 'text/uri-list' list end end # Get RDF/XML representation of fminer bbrc algorithm # @return [application/rdf+xml] OWL-DL representation of fminer bbrc algorithm get "/fminer/bbrc/?" do algorithm = OpenTox::Algorithm::Generic.new(url_for('/fminer/bbrc',:full)) algorithm.metadata = { DC.title => 'fminer backbone refinement class representatives', DC.creator => "andreas@maunz.de, helma@in-silico.ch", DC.contributor => "vorgrimmlerdavid@gmx.de", # BO.instanceOf => "http://opentox.org/ontology/ist-algorithms.owl#fminer_bbrc", RDF.type => [OT.Algorithm,OTA.PatternMiningSupervised], OT.parameters => [ { DC.description => "Dataset URI", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "dataset_uri" }, { DC.description => "Feature URI for dependent variable", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "prediction_feature" }, { DC.description => "Minimum frequency", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "min_frequency" }, { DC.description => "Feature type, can be 'paths' or 'trees'", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "feature_type" }, { DC.description => "BBRC classes, pass 'false' to switch off mining for BBRC representatives.", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "backbone" }, { DC.description => "Significance threshold (between 0 and 1)", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "min_chisq_significance" }, { DC.description => "Whether subgraphs should be weighted with their occurrence counts in the instances (frequency)", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "nr_hits" }, { DC.description => "Set to 'true' to obtain target variable as a feature", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "nr_hits" }, ] } case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" OpenTox.text_to_html algorithm.to_yaml when /application\/x-yaml/ content_type "application/x-yaml" algorithm.to_yaml else response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' algorithm.to_rdfxml end end # Get RDF/XML representation of fminer bbrc algorithm # @return [application/rdf+xml] OWL-DL representation of fminer bbrc algorithm get "/fminer/bbrc/sample/?" do algorithm = OpenTox::Algorithm::Generic.new(url_for('/fminer/bbrc/sample',:full)) algorithm.metadata = { DC.title => 'fminer backbone refinement class representatives, obtained from samples of a dataset', DC.creator => "andreas@maunz.de", # BO.instanceOf => "http://opentox.org/ontology/ist-algorithms.owl#fminer_bbrc", RDF.type => [OT.Algorithm,OTA.PatternMiningSupervised], OT.parameters => [ { DC.description => "Dataset URI", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "dataset_uri" }, { DC.description => "Feature URI for dependent variable", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "prediction_feature" }, { DC.description => "Number of bootstrap samples", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "num_boots" }, { DC.description => "Minimum sampling support", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "min_sampling_support" }, { DC.description => "Minimum frequency", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "min_frequency" }, { DC.description => "Whether subgraphs should be weighted with their occurrence counts in the instances (frequency)", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "nr_hits" }, { DC.description => "BBRC classes, pass 'false' to switch off mining for BBRC representatives.", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "backbone" }, { DC.description => "Chisq estimation method, pass 'mean' to use simple mean estimate for chisq test.", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "method" } ] } case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" OpenTox.text_to_html algorithm.to_yaml when /yaml/ content_type "application/x-yaml" algorithm.to_yaml else response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' algorithm.to_rdfxml end end # Get RDF/XML representation of fminer last algorithm # @return [application/rdf+xml] OWL-DL representation of fminer last algorithm get "/fminer/last/?" do algorithm = OpenTox::Algorithm::Generic.new(url_for('/fminer/last',:full)) algorithm.metadata = { DC.title => 'fminer latent structure class representatives', DC.creator => "andreas@maunz.de, helma@in-silico.ch", DC.contributor => "vorgrimmlerdavid@gmx.de", # BO.instanceOf => "http://opentox.org/ontology/ist-algorithms.owl#fminer_last", RDF.type => [OT.Algorithm,OTA.PatternMiningSupervised], OT.parameters => [ { DC.description => "Dataset URI", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "dataset_uri" }, { DC.description => "Feature URI for dependent variable", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "prediction_feature" }, { DC.description => "Minimum frequency", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "min_frequency" }, { DC.description => "Feature type, can be 'paths' or 'trees'", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "feature_type" }, { DC.description => "Whether subgraphs should be weighted with their occurrence counts in the instances (frequency)", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "nr_hits" }, { DC.description => "Set to 'true' to obtain target variable as a feature", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "nr_hits" }, ] } case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" OpenTox.text_to_html algorithm.to_yaml when /application\/x-yaml/ content_type "application/x-yaml" algorithm.to_yaml else response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' algorithm.to_rdfxml end end # Get RDF/XML representation of fminer matching algorithm # @param [String] dataset_uri URI of the dataset # @param [String] feature_dataset_uri URI of the feature dataset (i.e. dependent variable) # @param [optional] parameters Accepted parameters are # - prediction_feature URI of prediction feature to calculate p-values for get "/fminer/:method/match?" do algorithm = OpenTox::Algorithm::Generic.new(url_for("/fminer/#{params[:method]}/match",:full)) algorithm.metadata = { DC.title => 'fminer feature matching', DC.creator => "mguetlein@gmail.com, andreas@maunz.de", RDF.type => [OT.Algorithm,OTA.PatternMiningSupervised], OT.parameters => [ { DC.description => "Dataset URI", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "dataset_uri" }, { DC.description => "Feature Dataset URI", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "feature_dataset_uri" }, { DC.description => "Feature URI for dependent variable", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "prediction_feature" } ] } case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" OpenTox.text_to_html algorithm.to_yaml when /application\/x-yaml/ content_type "application/x-yaml" algorithm.to_yaml else response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' algorithm.to_rdfxml end end # Run bbrc algorithm on dataset # # @param [String] dataset_uri URI of the training dataset # @param [String] prediction_feature URI of the prediction feature (i.e. dependent variable) # @param [optional] parameters BBRC parameters, accepted parameters are # - min_frequency Minimum frequency (default 5) # - feature_type Feature type, can be 'paths' or 'trees' (default "trees") # - backbone BBRC classes, pass 'false' to switch off mining for BBRC representatives. (default "true") # - min_chisq_significance Significance threshold (between 0 and 1) # - nr_hits Set to "true" to get hit count instead of presence # - complete_entries Set to "true" to obtain data entries for each compound # - get_target Set to "true" to obtain target variable as feature # @return [text/uri-list] Task URI post '/fminer/bbrc/?' do @@fminer=OpenTox::Algorithm::Fminer.new @@fminer.check_params(params,5,@subjectid) task = OpenTox::Task.create("Mining BBRC features", url_for('/fminer',:full)) do |task| @@bbrc.Reset if @@fminer.prediction_feature.feature_type == "regression" @@bbrc.SetRegression(true) # AM: DO NOT MOVE DOWN! Must happen before the other Set... operations! else raise "no accept values for dataset '"+@@fminer.training_dataset.uri.to_s+"' and feature '"+@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri.to_s+ "'" unless @@fminer.training_dataset.accept_values(@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri) value_map=@@fminer.training_dataset.value_map(@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri) end @@bbrc.SetMinfreq(@@fminer.minfreq) @@bbrc.SetType(1) if params[:feature_type] == "paths" @@bbrc.SetBackbone(false) if params[:backbone] == "false" @@bbrc.SetChisqSig(params[:min_chisq_significance].to_f) if params[:min_chisq_significance] @@bbrc.SetConsoleOut(false) feature_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.new(nil, @subjectid) feature_dataset.add_metadata({ DC.title => "BBRC representatives for " + @@fminer.training_dataset.metadata[DC.title].to_s, DC.creator => url_for('/fminer/bbrc',:full), OT.hasSource => url_for('/fminer/bbrc', :full), OT.parameters => [ { DC.title => "dataset_uri", OT.paramValue => params[:dataset_uri] }, { DC.title => "prediction_feature", OT.paramValue => params[:prediction_feature] }, { DC.title => "min_frequency", OT.paramValue => @@fminer.minfreq }, { DC.title => "nr_hits", OT.paramValue => (params[:nr_hits] == "true" ? "true" : "false") }, { DC.title => "backbone", OT.paramValue => (params[:backbone] == "false" ? "false" : "true") } ] }) feature_dataset.save(@subjectid) @@fminer.compounds = [] @@fminer.db_class_sizes = Array.new # AM: effect @@fminer.all_activities = Hash.new # DV: for effect calculation in regression part @@fminer.smi = [] # needed for matching the patterns back # Add data to fminer @@fminer.add_fminer_data(@@bbrc, value_map) if (params[:get_target] == "true") feature_dataset.add_feature @@fminer.prediction_feature.uri, @@fminer.prediction_feature.metadata end g_array=@@fminer.all_activities.values # DV: calculation of global median for effect calculation g_median=g_array.to_scale.median raise "No compounds in dataset #{@@fminer.training_dataset.uri}" if @@fminer.compounds.size==0 task.progress 10 step_width = 80 / @@bbrc.GetNoRootNodes().to_f features = Set.new # run @@bbrc # prepare to receive results as hash { c => [ [f,v], ... ] } fminer_results = {} (0 .. @@bbrc.GetNoRootNodes()-1).each do |j| results = @@bbrc.MineRoot(j) task.progress 10+step_width*(j+1) results.each do |result| f = YAML.load(result)[0] smarts = f[0] p_value = f[1] if (!@@bbrc.GetRegression) id_arrs = f[2..-1].flatten max = OpenTox::Algorithm.effect(f[2..-1].reverse, @@fminer.db_class_sizes) # f needs reversal for bbrc effect = max+1 else #regression part id_arrs = f[2] # DV: effect calculation f_arr=Array.new f[2].each do |id| id=id.keys[0] # extract id from hit count hash f_arr.push(@@fminer.all_activities[id]) end f_median=f_arr.to_scale.median if g_median >= f_median effect = 'activating' else effect = 'deactivating' end end feature_uri = File.join feature_dataset.uri,"feature","bbrc", features.size.to_s unless features.include? smarts features << smarts metadata = { OT.hasSource => url_for('/fminer/bbrc', :full), RDF.type => [OT.Feature, OT.Substructure], OT.smarts => smarts, OT.pValue => p_value.to_f, OT.effect => effect, OT.parameters => [ { DC.title => "dataset_uri", OT.paramValue => params[:dataset_uri] }, { DC.title => "prediction_feature", OT.paramValue => params[:prediction_feature] } ] } feature_dataset.add_feature feature_uri, metadata end # re-format to one big hash id_arr id_arr = {}; id_arrs.each { |id_count_hash| id_arr[id_count_hash.keys[0]] = id_count_hash.values[0] } @@fminer.compounds.collect.each_with_index { |cmpd,id| # This collects all cmpds that have an activity val = id_arr[id] ? ( params[:nr_hits] == "true" ? id_arr[id].to_i : 1 ) : 0 if (val != 0 or params[:complete_entries] == "true") fminer_results[cmpd] || fminer_results[cmpd] = {} fminer_results[cmpd][feature_uri] || fminer_results[cmpd][feature_uri] = [] fminer_results[cmpd][feature_uri] << val end } end # end of end # feature parsing which_row = @@fminer.training_dataset.compounds.inject({}) { |h,id| h[id]=0; h } @@fminer.training_dataset.compounds.each { |cmpd| feature_dataset.add_compound(cmpd) # *unconditionally* add compounds *in order* i = which_row[cmpd] if (params[:get_target] == "true") feature_dataset.add_data_entry ( cmpd, @@fminer.prediction_feature.uri, @@fminer.training_dataset.data_entries[cmpd][@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri][i] ) end fminer_results[cmpd] && fminer_results[cmpd].each { |feature, values| feature_dataset.add_data_entry( cmpd, feature, values[i] ) } which_row[cmpd] += 1 } # AM: add feature values for non-present features # feature_dataset.complete_data_entries feature_dataset.save(@subjectid) feature_dataset.uri end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' raise OpenTox::ServiceUnavailableError.newtask.uri+"\n" if task.status == "Cancelled" halt 202,task.uri.to_s+"\n" end #end # Run bbrc/sample algorithm on a dataset # # @param [String] dataset_uri URI of the training dataset # @param [String] prediction_feature URI of the prediction feature (i.e. dependent variable) # @param [optional] BBRC sample parameters, accepted are # - num_boots Number of bootstrap samples (default 150) # - min_sampling_support Minimum sampling support (default 30% of num_boots) # - min_frequency Minimum frequency (default 10% of dataset size) # - nr_hits Whether subgraphs should be weighted with their occurrence counts in the instances (frequency) # - random_seed Random seed ensures same datasets in bootBbrc # - backbone BBRC classes, pass 'false' to switch off mining for BBRC representatives. (default "true") # - method Chisq estimation method, pass 'mean' to use simple mean estimate (default 'mle'). # - cache Whether cache files should be used for the combination of dataset, min_frequency, backbone, random seed (default "false") # # @return [text/uri-list] Task URI post '/fminer/bbrc/sample/?' do @@fminer=OpenTox::Algorithm::Fminer.new @@fminer.check_params(params,100,@subjectid) # AM: 100 per-mil (10%) as default minfreq # num_boots unless params[:num_boots] num_boots = 150 LOGGER.debug "Set num_boots to default value #{num_boots}" else raise OpenTox::BadRequestError.new "num_boots is not numeric" unless OpenTox::Algorithm.numeric? params[:num_boots] num_boots = params[:num_boots].to_i.ceil end # min_sampling_support unless params[:min_sampling_support] min_sampling_support = (num_boots * 0.3).ceil LOGGER.debug "Set min_sampling_support to default value #{min_sampling_support}" else raise OpenTox::BadRequestError.new "min_sampling_support is not numeric" unless OpenTox::Algorithm.numeric? params[:min_sampling_support] min_sampling_support= params[:min_sampling_support].to_i.ceil end # random_seed unless params[:random_seed] random_seed = 1 LOGGER.debug "Set random seed to default value #{random_seed}" else raise OpenTox::BadRequestError.new "random_seed is not numeric" unless OpenTox::Algorithm.numeric? params[:random_seed] random_seed= params[:random_seed].to_i.ceil end # backbone unless params[:backbone] backbone = "true" LOGGER.debug "Set backbone to default value #{backbone}" else raise OpenTox::BadRequestError.new "backbone is neither 'true' nor 'false'" unless (params[:backbone] == "true" or params[:backbone] == "false") backbone = params[:backbone] end # method unless params[:method] method="mle" LOGGER.debug "Set method to default value #{method}" else raise OpenTox::BadRequestError.new "method is neither 'mle' nor 'mean'" unless (params[:method] == "mle" or params[:method] == "mean") method = params[:method] end # cache cache=false if params[:cache] == "true" cache=true LOGGER.debug "Set cache to true" end task = OpenTox::Task.create("Mining BBRC sample features", url_for('/fminer',:full)) do |task| if @@fminer.prediction_feature.feature_type == "regression" raise OpenTox::BadRequestError.new "BBRC sampling is only for classification" else raise "no accept values for dataset '"+@@fminer.training_dataset.uri.to_s+"' and feature '"+@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri.to_s+ "'" unless @@fminer.training_dataset.accept_values(@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri) value_map=@@fminer.training_dataset.value_map(@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri) end feature_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.new(nil, @subjectid) feature_dataset.add_metadata({ DC.title => "BBRC representatives for " + @@fminer.training_dataset.metadata[DC.title].to_s + "(bootstrapped)", DC.creator => url_for('/fminer/bbrc/sample',:full), OT.hasSource => url_for('/fminer/bbrc/sample', :full) }) feature_dataset.save(@subjectid) # filled by add_fminer_data: @@fminer.compounds = [] # indexed by id, starting from 1 (not 0) @@fminer.db_class_sizes = Array.new # for effect calculation @@fminer.all_activities = Hash.new # for effect calculation, indexed by id, starting from 1 (not 0) @@fminer.smi = [] # needed for matching the patterns back, indexed by id, starting from 1 (not 0) @@fminer.add_fminer_data(nil, value_map) # To only fill in administrative data (no fminer priming) pass 'nil' as instance raise "No compounds in dataset #{@@fminer.training_dataset.uri}" if @@fminer.compounds.size==0 # run bbrc-sample, obtain smarts and p-values features = Set.new task.progress 10 @r = RinRuby.new(true,false) # global R instance leads to Socket errors after a large number of requests @r.assign "dataset.uri", params[:dataset_uri] @r.assign "prediction.feature.uri", @@fminer.prediction_feature.uri @r.assign "num.boots", num_boots @r.assign "min.frequency.per.sample", @@fminer.minfreq @r.assign "min.sampling.support", min_sampling_support @r.assign "random.seed", random_seed @r.assign "backbone", backbone @r.assign "bbrc.service", File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-algorithm"], "fminer/bbrc") @r.assign "dataset.service", CONFIG[:services]["opentox-dataset"] @r.assign "method", method require 'digest/md5' smiles_array = @@fminer.smi.collect smiles_array.shift if smiles_array[0].nil? cachedId = Digest::MD5.hexdigest( smiles_array.sort.join+ num_boots.to_s+ @@fminer.minfreq.to_s+ random_seed.to_s+ backbone.to_s ) @r.assign "cachedId", cachedId @r.eval "cachedId <- NULL" unless cache @r.eval "source(\"bbrc-sample/bbrc-sample.R\")" begin @r.eval "bootBbrc(dataset.uri, prediction.feature.uri, num.boots, min.frequency.per.sample, min.sampling.support, cachedId, bbrc.service, dataset.service, T, random.seed, as.logical(backbone), method)" smarts = (@r.pull "ans.patterns").collect! { |id| id.gsub(/\'/,"") } # remove extra quotes around smarts r_p_values = @r.pull "ans.p.values" smarts_p_values = {}; smarts.size.times { |i| smarts_p_values[ smarts[i] ] = r_p_values[i] } merge_time = @r.pull "merge.time" n_stripped_mss = @r.pull "n.stripped.mss" n_stripped_cst = @r.pull "n.stripped.cst" rescue Exception => e LOGGER.debug "#{e.class}: #{e.message}" LOGGER.debug "Backtrace:\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" end @r.quit # free R # matching task.progress 90 lu = LU.new params[:nr_hits] == "true" ? hit_count=true: hit_count=false matches, counts, used_compounds = lu.match_rb(@@fminer.smi,smarts,hit_count,true) # last arg: always create complete entries for sampling @@fminer.training_dataset.compounds.each { |cmpd| feature_dataset.add_compound(cmpd) } feature_dataset.add_metadata({ OT.parameters => [ { DC.title => "dataset_uri", OT.paramValue => params[:dataset_uri] }, { DC.title => "prediction_feature", OT.paramValue => params[:prediction_feature] }, { DC.title => "min_sampling_support", OT.paramValue => min_sampling_support }, { DC.title => "num_boots", OT.paramValue => num_boots }, { DC.title => "min_frequency_per_sample", OT.paramValue => @@fminer.minfreq }, { DC.title => "nr_hits", OT.paramValue => hit_count.to_s }, { DC.title => "merge_time", OT.paramValue => merge_time.to_s }, { DC.title => "n_stripped_mss", OT.paramValue => n_stripped_mss.to_s }, { DC.title => "n_stripped_cst", OT.paramValue => n_stripped_cst.to_s }, { DC.title => "random_seed", OT.paramValue => random_seed.to_s }, { DC.title => "backbone", OT.paramValue => backbone.to_s }, { DC.title => "method", OT.paramValue => method.to_s } ] }) matches.each do |smarts, ids| metadata = calc_metadata (smarts, ids, counts[smarts], nil, nil , value_map, params, smarts_p_values[smarts]) feature_uri = File.join feature_dataset.uri,"feature","last", feature_dataset.features.size.to_s feature_dataset.add_feature feature_uri, metadata ids.each_with_index { |id,idx| feature_dataset.add_data_entry(@@fminer.compounds[id], feature_uri, counts[smarts][idx])} end feature_dataset.save(@subjectid) feature_dataset.uri end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' raise OpenTox::ServiceUnavailableError.newtask.uri+"\n" if task.status == "Cancelled" halt 202,task.uri.to_s+"\n" end # Run last algorithm on a dataset # # @param [String] dataset_uri URI of the training dataset # @param [String] prediction_feature URI of the prediction feature (i.e. dependent variable) # @param [optional] parameters LAST parameters, accepted parameters are # - min_frequency freq Minimum frequency (default 5) # - feature_type Feature type, can be 'paths' or 'trees' (default "trees") # - nr_hits Set to "true" to get hit count instead of presence # - complete_entries Set to "true" to obtain data entries for each compound # - get_target Set to "true" to obtain target variable as feature # @return [text/uri-list] Task URI post '/fminer/last/?' do @@fminer=OpenTox::Algorithm::Fminer.new @@fminer.check_params(params,80,@subjectid) task = OpenTox::Task.create("Mining LAST features", url_for('/fminer',:full)) do |task| @@last.Reset if @@fminer.prediction_feature.feature_type == "regression" @@last.SetRegression(true) # AM: DO NOT MOVE DOWN! Must happen before the other Set... operations! else raise "no accept values for dataset '"+@@fminer.training_dataset.uri.to_s+"' and feature '"+@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri.to_s+ "'" unless @@fminer.training_dataset.accept_values(@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri) value_map=@@fminer.training_dataset.value_map(@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri) end @@last.SetMinfreq(@@fminer.minfreq) @@last.SetType(1) if params[:feature_type] == "paths" @@last.SetConsoleOut(false) feature_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.new(nil, @subjectid) feature_dataset.add_metadata({ DC.title => "LAST representatives for " + @@fminer.training_dataset.metadata[DC.title].to_s, DC.creator => url_for('/fminer/last',:full), OT.hasSource => url_for('/fminer/last', :full), OT.parameters => [ { DC.title => "dataset_uri", OT.paramValue => params[:dataset_uri] }, { DC.title => "prediction_feature", OT.paramValue => params[:prediction_feature] }, { DC.title => "min_frequency", OT.paramValue => @@fminer.minfreq }, { DC.title => "nr_hits", OT.paramValue => (params[:nr_hits] == "true" ? "true" : "false") } ] }) feature_dataset.save(@subjectid) @@fminer.compounds = [] @@fminer.db_class_sizes = Array.new # AM: effect @@fminer.all_activities = Hash.new # DV: for effect calculation (class and regr) @@fminer.smi = [] # needed for matching the patterns back # Add data to fminer @@fminer.add_fminer_data(@@last, value_map) if (params[:get_target] == "true") feature_dataset.add_feature @@fminer.prediction_feature.uri, @@fminer.prediction_feature.metadata end raise "No compounds in dataset #{@@fminer.training_dataset.uri}" if @@fminer.compounds.size==0 # run @@last xml = "" task.progress 10 step_width = 80 / @@last.GetNoRootNodes().to_f (0 .. @@last.GetNoRootNodes()-1).each do |j| results = @@last.MineRoot(j) task.progress 10+step_width*(j+1) results.each do |result| xml << result end end lu = LU.new # uses last-utils here dom=lu.read(xml) # parse GraphML smarts=lu.smarts_rb(dom,'nls') # converts patterns to LAST-SMARTS using msa variant (see last-pm.maunz.de) params[:nr_hits] == "true" ? hit_count=true : hit_count=false params[:complete_entries] == "true" ? complete_entries=true : complete_entries=false matches, counts = lu.match_rb(@@fminer.smi,smarts,hit_count,complete_entries) # creates instantiations which_row = @@fminer.training_dataset.compounds.inject({}) { |h,id| h[id]=0; h } all_target_vals = [] if (params[:get_target] == "true") @@fminer.training_dataset.compounds.each { |cmpd| all_target_vals << @@fminer.training_dataset.data_entries[cmpd][@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri][which_row[cmpd]] which_row[cmpd] += 1 } end @@fminer.training_dataset.compounds.each_with_index { |cmpd,idx| feature_dataset.add_compound(cmpd) if (params[:get_target] == "true") feature_dataset.add_data_entry ( cmpd, @@fminer.prediction_feature.uri, all_target_vals[idx] ) end } matches.each do |smarts, ids| metadata = calc_metadata (smarts, ids, counts[smarts], @@last, nil, value_map, params) feature_uri = File.join feature_dataset.uri,"feature","last", feature_dataset.features.size.to_s feature_dataset.add_feature feature_uri, metadata @@fminer.compounds.collect.each_with_index { |cmpd,id| # This collects all cmpds that have an activity count_idx = matches[smarts].index(id) if count_idx feature_dataset.add_data_entry(cmpd, feature_uri, counts[smarts][count_idx]) elsif complete_entries feature_dataset.add_data_entry(cmpd, feature_uri, 0) end } end feature_dataset.save(@subjectid) feature_dataset.uri end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' raise OpenTox::ServiceUnavailableError.newtask.uri+"\n" if task.status == "Cancelled" halt 202,task.uri.to_s+"\n" end # Matches features of a a feature dataset onto instances of another dataset. # The latter is referred to as 'training dataset', since p-values are computed, # if user passes a prediction feature, or if the training dataset has only one feature. # The result does not contain the prediction feature. # @param [String] dataset_uri URI of the dataset # @param [String] feature_dataset_uri URI of the feature dataset (i.e. dependent variable) # @param [String] prediction_feature URI of prediction feature to calculate p-values for # @param [optional] # - complete_entries Set to "true" to obtain data entries for each compound # @return [text/uri-list] Task URI post '/fminer/:method/match?' do raise OpenTox::BadRequestError.new "feature_dataset_uri not given" unless params[:feature_dataset_uri] raise OpenTox::BadRequestError.new "dataset_uri not given" unless params[:dataset_uri] @@fminer=OpenTox::Algorithm::Fminer.new @@fminer.training_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.find "#{params[:dataset_uri]}",@subjectid unless params[:prediction_feature] # try to read prediction_feature from dataset @@fminer.prediction_feature = OpenTox::Feature.find(@@fminer.training_dataset.features.keys.first,@subjectid) if @@fminer.training_dataset.features.size == 1 end @@fminer.prediction_feature = OpenTox::Feature.find(params[:prediction_feature],@subjectid) if params[:prediction_feature] raise OpenTox::NotFoundError.new "No feature #{@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri} in dataset #{params[:dataset_uri]}" unless @@fminer.training_dataset.features and @@fminer.training_dataset.features.include?(@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri) task = OpenTox::Task.create("Matching features", url_for('/fminer/match',:full)) do |task| if @@fminer.prediction_feature.feature_type == "classification" raise "no accept values for dataset '"+@@fminer.training_dataset.uri.to_s+"' and feature '"+@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri.to_s+ "'" unless @@fminer.training_dataset.accept_values(@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri) value_map=@@fminer.training_dataset.value_map(@@fminer.prediction_feature.uri) end # filled by add_fminer_data: @@fminer.compounds = [] # indexed by id, starting from 1 (not 0) @@fminer.db_class_sizes = Array.new # for effect calculation @@fminer.all_activities = Hash.new # for effect calculation, indexed by id, starting from 1 (not 0) @@fminer.smi = [] # needed for matching the patterns back, indexed by id, starting from 1 (not 0) @@fminer.add_fminer_data(nil, value_map) # To only fill in administrative data (no fminer priming) pass 'nil' as instance raise "No compounds in dataset #{@@fminer.training_dataset.uri}" if @@fminer.compounds.size==0 f_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.find params[:feature_dataset_uri],@subjectid c_dataset = @@fminer.training_dataset feature_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.create CONFIG[:services]["dataset"],@subjectid # Intialize result # Run matching, put data entries in result. Features are recreated. smarts = f_dataset.features.collect { |f,m| m[OT.smarts] } params[:nr_hits] == "true" ? hit_count=true : hit_count=false params[:complete_entries] == "true" ? complete_entries=true : complete_entries=false matches, counts = LU.new.match_rb(@@fminer.smi, smarts, hit_count, complete_entries) if smarts.size>0 @@fminer.training_dataset.compounds.each { |cmpd| feature_dataset.add_compound(cmpd) } matches.each do |smarts, ids| metadata = calc_metadata (smarts, ids, counts[smarts], @@last, nil, value_map, params) feature_uri = File.join feature_dataset.uri,"feature",params[:method], feature_dataset.features.size.to_s feature_dataset.add_feature feature_uri, metadata @@fminer.compounds.collect.each_with_index { |cmpd,id| # This collects all cmpds that have an activity count_idx = matches[smarts].index(id) if count_idx feature_dataset.add_data_entry(cmpd, feature_uri, counts[smarts][count_idx]) elsif complete_entries feature_dataset.add_data_entry(cmpd, feature_uri, 0) end } end feature_dataset.save @subjectid feature_dataset.uri end return_task(task) end