# fs.rb # Feature Selection # Author: Andreas Maunz # Get list of feature selection algorithms # @return [text/uri-list] URIs of feature selection algorithms get '/fs/?' do list = [ url_for('/feature_selection/rfe', :full) ].join("\n") + "\n" case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" OpenTox.text_to_html list else content_type 'text/uri-list' list end end # Get representation of recursive feature elimination algorithm # @return [application/rdf+xml] OWL-DL representation of recursive feature elimination algorithm get "/fs/rfe/?" do algorithm = OpenTox::Algorithm::Generic.new(url_for('/feature_selection/rfe',:full)) algorithm.metadata = { DC.title => 'recursive feature elimination', DC.creator => "andreas@maunz.de, helma@in-silico.ch", DC.contributor => "vorgrimmlerdavid@gmx.de", BO.instanceOf => "http://opentox.org/ontology/ist-algorithms.owl#feature_selection_rfe", RDF.type => [OT.Algorithm,OTA.PatternMiningSupervised], OT.parameters => [ { DC.description => "Dataset URI", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "dataset_uri" }, { DC.description => "Prediction Feature URI", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "prediction_feature_uri" }, { DC.description => "Feature Dataset URI", OT.paramScope => "mandatory", DC.title => "feature_dataset_uri" }, { DC.description => "Delete Instances with missing values", OT.paramScope => "optional", DC.title => "del_missing" } ] } case request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] when /text\/html/ content_type "text/html" OpenTox.text_to_html algorithm.to_yaml when /application\/x-yaml/ content_type "application/x-yaml" algorithm.to_yaml else response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' algorithm.to_rdfxml end end # Run rfe algorithm on dataset # @param [String] dataset_uri URI of the training dataset # @param [String] prediction_feature URI # @param [String] feature_dataset_uri URI # @return [text/uri-list] Task URI post '/feature_selection/rfe/?' do raise OpenTox::NotFoundError.new "Please submit a dataset_uri." unless params[:dataset_uri] raise OpenTox::NotFoundError.new "Please submit a prediction_feature_uri." unless params[:prediction_feature_uri] raise OpenTox::NotFoundError.new "Please submit a feature_dataset_uri." unless params[:feature_dataset_uri] ds_csv=OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get( params[:dataset_uri], {:accept => "text/csv"} ) ds=Tempfile.open(['rfe_', '.csv']) ds.puts(ds_csv) ds.flush() prediction_feature = URI.escape(params[:prediction_feature_uri].split('/').last) # get col name fds_features = OpenTox::Dataset.new(params[:feature_dataset_uri]).load_features fds_csv=OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.get( params[:feature_dataset_uri], {:accept => "text/csv"}) fds=Tempfile.open(['rfe_', '.csv']) fds.puts(fds_csv) fds.flush() del_missing = params[:del_missing] == "true" ? true : false task = OpenTox::Task.create("Recursive Feature Elimination", url_for('/feature_selection',:full)) do |task| r_result_file = OpenTox::Algorithm::FeatureSelection.rfe( { :ds_csv_file => ds.path, :prediction_feature => prediction_feature, :fds_csv_file => fds.path, :del_missing => del_missing } ) # # # Upload dataset ds = OpenTox::Dataset.find ( OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.post( File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-dataset"]), File.open(r_result_file).read, {:content_type => "text/csv"} ) ) ds.features.each { |id,info| # rewrite features fds_features.each { |fid,finfo| if ( (fid.split('/').last == id.split('/').last) && (finfo[DC.title] == info[DC.title]) ) ds.features[id] = finfo break end } } r_result_uri = ds.save begin ds.close!; fds.close! File.unlink(r_result_file) rescue end r_result_uri end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' raise OpenTox::ServiceUnavailableError.newtask.uri+"\n" if task.status == "Cancelled" halt 202,task.uri.to_s+"\n" end