module OpenTox class Application < Service # Get representation of lazar algorithm # @return [String] Representation get '/lazar/?' do algorithm ='/lazar',:full)) algorithm.metadata = { RDF::DC.title => 'lazar', RDF::DC.creator => ',', RDF.Type => [RDF::OT.Algorithm] } algorithm.parameters = [ { RDF::DC.description => "Dataset URI", RDF::OT.paramScope => "mandatory", RDF::DC.title => "dataset_uri" }, { RDF::DC.description => "Feature URI for dependent variable", RDF::OT.paramScope => "optional", RDF::DC.title => "prediction_feature" }, { RDF::DC.description => "Feature generation service URI", RDF::OT.paramScope => "optional", RDF::DC.title => "feature_generation_uri" }, { RDF::DC.description => "Feature dataset URI", RDF::OT.paramScope => "optional", RDF::DC.title => "feature_dataset_uri" }, { RDF::DC.description => "Further parameters for the feature generation service", RDF::OT.paramScope => "optional" } ] render algorithm end # Create a lazar prediction model # @param [String] dataset_uri Training dataset URI # @param [optional,String] prediction_feature URI of the feature to be predicted # @param [optional,String] feature_generation_uri URI of the feature generation algorithm # @param [optional,String] - further parameters for the feature generation service # @return [text/uri-list] Task URI post '/lazar/?' do bad_request_error "Please provide a dataset_uri parameter." unless params[:dataset_uri] #resource_not_found_error "Dataset '#{params[:dataset_uri]}' not found." unless URI.accessible? params[:dataset_uri], @subjectid # wrong URI class bad_request_error "Please provide a feature_generation_uri parameter." unless params[:feature_generation_uri] task ="Create lazar model", uri('/lazar'), @subjectid) do |task| OpenTox::Model::Lazar.create(params) end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' halt 202,task.uri end # Make a lazar prediction -- not to be called directly # @param [String] compound_uri URI of compound to be predicted # @param [String] training_dataset_uri URI of training dataset # @param [String] prediction_feature_uri URI of prediction feature # @param [String] feature_dataset_uri URI of feature dataset # @param [String] feature_calculation_algorithm Name of feature calculation algorithm # @param [String] min_sim Numeric value for minimum similarity # @param [String] prediction_algorithm Name of prediction algorithm # @param [String] propositionalized Whether propositionalization should be used # @param [optional,String] pc_type Physico-chemical descriptor type # @param [optional,String] pc_lib Physico-chemical descriptor library # @param [optional,String] Further parameters for the feature generation service # @return [text/uri-list] Task URI post '/lazar/predict/?' do # pass parameters instead of model_uri, because model service is blocked by incoming call task ="Apply lazar model",uri('/lazar/predict'), @subjectid) do |task|[:model_uri]).predict(params).uri end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' halt 202,task.uri end end end