OBMOL_METHODS = { "NumAtoms" => "Number of atoms", "NumBonds" => "Number of bonds", "NumHvyAtoms" => "Number of heavy atoms", "NumResidues" => "Number of residues", "NumRotors" => "Number of rotatable bonds", "GetEnergy" => "Heat of formation for this molecule (in kcal/mol)", "GetMolWt" => "Standard molar mass given by IUPAC atomic masses (amu)", "GetExactMass" => "Mass given by isotopes (or most abundant isotope, if not specified)", "GetTotalCharge" => "Total charge", } OBDESCRIPTOR_METHODS = { "HBA1" => "Number of hydrogen bond acceptors 1 (JoelLib)", "HBA2" => "Number of hydrogen bond acceptors 2 (JoelLib)", "HBD" => "Number of hydrogen bond donors (JoelLib)", "L5" => "Lipinski rule of five", "logP" => "Octanol/water partition coefficient", "MR" => "Molar refractivity", "MW" => "Molecular weight", "nF" => "Number of fluorine atoms", "nHal" => "Number of halogen atoms", "spinMult" => "Total spin multiplicity", "TPSA" => "Topological polar surface area", } # Get a list of OpenBabel algorithms # @return [text/uri-list] URIs of OpenBabel algorithms get '/openbabel' do algorithms = OBMOL_METHODS.collect{|name,description| url_for("/openbabel/#{name}",:full)} algorithms << OBDESCRIPTOR_METHODS.collect{|name,description| url_for("/openbabel/#{name}",:full)} response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' algorithms.join("\n") end # Get RDF/XML representation of OpenBabel algorithm # @return [application/rdf+xml] OWL-DL representation of OpenBabel algorithm get '/openbabel/:property' do description = OBMOL_METHODS[params[:property]] if OBMOL_METHODS.include? params[:property] description = OBDESCRIPTOR_METHODS[params[:property]] if OBDESCRIPTOR_METHODS.include? params[:property] if description algorithm = OpenTox::Algorithm::Generic.new(url_for("/openbabel/#{params[:property]}",:full)) algorithm.metadata = { DC.title => params[:property], DC.creator => "helma@in-silico.ch", DC.description => description, OT.isA => OTA.DescriptorCalculation, } response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' algorithm.to_rdfxml else halt 404, "Unknown OpenBabel descriptor #{params[:property]}." end end # Calculate OpenBabel descriptors # Supports the following OpenBabel methods (see OpenBabel API http://openbabel.org/api/2.2.0/) # - NumAtoms Number of atoms # - NumBonds Number of bonds # - NumHvyAtoms Number of heavy atoms # - NumResidues Number of residues # - NumRotors Number of rotatable bonds # - GetEnergy Heat of formation for this molecule (in kcal/mol) # - GetMolWt Standard molar mass given by IUPAC atomic masses (amu) # - GetExactMass Mass given by isotopes (or most abundant isotope, if not specified) # - GetTotalCharge Total charge # - HBA1 Number of hydrogen bond acceptors 1 (JoelLib) # - HBA2 Number of hydrogen bond acceptors 2 (JoelLib) # - HBD Number of hydrogen bond donors (JoelLib) # - L5 Lipinski rule of five # - logP Octanol/water partition coefficient # - MR Molar refractivity # - MW Molecular weight # - nF Number of fluorine atoms # - nHal Number of halogen atoms # - spinMult Total spin multiplicity # - TPSA Topological polar surface area # @param [String] compound_uri Compound URI # @return [String] descriptor value post '/openbabel/:property' do obconversion = OpenBabel::OBConversion.new obmol = OpenBabel::OBMol.new compound = OpenTox::Compound.new params[:compound_uri] obconversion.set_in_and_out_formats 'inchi', 'can' obconversion.read_string obmol, compound.to_inchi if OBMOL_METHODS.keys.include? params[:property] eval("obmol.#{params[:property].underscore}").to_s elsif OBDESCRIPTOR_METHODS.keys.include? params[:property] descriptor = OpenBabel::OBDescriptor.find_type(params[:property]) descriptor.predict(obmol).to_s else halt 404, "Cannot calculate property #{params[:property]} with OpenBabel" end end # Calculate all OpenBabel descriptors for a dataset # @param [String] dataset_uri Dataset URI # @return [text/uri-list] Task URI post '/openbabel' do task = OpenTox::Task.create("Calculating OpenBabel descriptors for #{params[:dataset_uri]}", url_for('/openbabel',:full)) do dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.find(params[:dataset_uri]) result_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.create result_dataset.add_metadata({ DC.title => "OpenBabel descriptors for " + dataset.metadata[DC.title].to_s, DC.creator => url_for('/openbabel',:full), OT.hasSource => url_for('/openbabel', :full), OT.parameters => [ { DC.title => "dataset_uri", OT.paramValue => params[:dataset_uri] }, ] }) obconversion = OpenBabel::OBConversion.new obmol = OpenBabel::OBMol.new obconversion.set_in_and_out_formats 'inchi', 'can' OBMOL_METHODS.merge(OBDESCRIPTOR_METHODS).each do |name,description| feature_uri = File.join result_dataset.uri, "feature", "openbabel", name metadata = { OT.hasSource => url_for("/openbabel/#{name}", :full), DC.description => description, DC.title => name, } result_dataset.add_feature feature_uri, metadata end dataset.compounds.each do |compound_uri| compound = OpenTox::Compound.new(compound_uri) obconversion.read_string obmol, compound.to_inchi #result_dataset.add_compound compound_uri OBMOL_METHODS.keys.each do |name| feature_uri = File.join result_dataset.uri, "feature", "openbabel", name value = eval("obmol.#{name.underscore}").to_f result_dataset.add compound_uri, feature_uri, value end OBDESCRIPTOR_METHODS.keys.each do |name| feature_uri = File.join result_dataset.uri, "feature", "openbabel", name value = OpenBabel::OBDescriptor.find_type(params[:property]).predict(obmol).to_f result_dataset.add compound_uri, feature_uri, value end end result_dataset.save result_dataset.uri end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' halt 503,task.uri+"\n" if task.status == "Cancelled" halt 202,task.uri.to_s+"\n" end