OpenTox Compounds ================= * An OpenTox REST Webservice ( * Uses OpenBabel ( and the CACTUS REST webservice ( * Implements a subset of the OpenTox compounds API ( * This version runs at REST API Description Method URI Parameters Result Status codes Get a representation GET /{id} Compound 200, 500 of the structure representation Representation defaults to Smiles. InChI, sdf, gif-images and names/synonyms are currently supported To select a representation you can - add the desired extension (smiles|inchi|sdf|imag|names) to the URI, e.g. /{id}.names to get all names - or select the desired mime/type in the request header Create the URI for a POST / smiles or Compound URI 200, 500 compound name Compounds can be initialized by smiles or name, names can be anything that identifies a compound (e.g. InChI, InChI Key, CAS, synonyms) Match a Smarts string GET /{id}/match/{smarts} - true|false 200, 500 Make sure to URI encode the smarts string! Indexing (i.e. GET /) and deletion operations are not supported, because objects are not stored. EXAMPLES Create an URI for Benzene: curl -X POST -d name=Benzene Create an URI for Benzene from the Smiles string: curl -X POST -d smiles='c1ccccc1' Get all synonyms for benzene: curl Get the SDF File: curl Can we find a nitrogen in benzene? curl Please make sure that smarts strings are URI encoded! INSTALLATION Run 'rake install' to install the required gems and openbabel Copyright (c) 2009 Christoph Helma. See LICENSE for details.