AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-02-22Replaced quotes.davor
2013-02-21warning messages fixedChristoph Helma
2013-02-15sleep time in task error test reducedChristoph Helma
2013-02-14descriptor file loaded from compound serviceChristoph Helma
2013-02-13add method for wait for task error testmguetlein
2013-02-11debug message removedChristoph Helma
2013-02-11roo version set to 1.10.1 (1.10.2 is defunct)Christoph Helma
2013-01-23pc_descriptors.yaml obtained from compound serviceChristoph Helma
2013-01-23begin/rescue blocks removedChristoph Helma
2013-01-18local inchi conversion, url_for removed, gem dependencies in gemspecChristoph Helma
2012-12-07accept header for html requests is fixed in before-methodmguetlein
2012-10-31Compounds removed from allnde target, fixed metadataAndreas Maunz
2012-10-31Fixing allnde (params) and URL rewrite for dataset from RDFAndreas Maunz
2012-10-31Added allnde target, correct order for uri-list requestsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-30CSV dl iteration: cols->rowsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-29Avoiding feature rdfAndreas Maunz
2012-10-27Fixed dropped valuesAndreas Maunz
2012-10-26Function names fixedAndreas Maunz
2012-10-26Using opentox-client libsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-26More efficient SPARQL-based CSVAndreas Maunz
2012-10-26CSV: Removed unnecessary get()s and fixed header escapesAndreas Maunz
2012-10-24Merged shimsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-24CommentsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-24CommentsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-23Fixed metadata filling find_by_titleAndreas Maunz
2012-10-23find_by_title() now genericAndreas Maunz
2012-10-22Added elsifAndreas Maunz
2012-10-22Added feature finding for csv uploadAndreas Maunz
2012-10-19Removed debugAndreas Maunz
2012-10-19Encoding failures rescuedAndreas Maunz
2012-10-19Correct quoting for nominal featuresAndreas Maunz
2012-10-19Fixed CSV parsing for unusual encodingsAndreas Maunz
2012-10-11Using RestClientAndreas Maunz
2012-10-10Metadata, params for PCAndreas Maunz
2012-10-09Replacing nil with blankAndreas Maunz
2012-10-01PC calculationAndreas Maunz
2012-09-11Added silent mode.davor
2012-09-03Fixed ruby versionAndreas Maunz
2012-08-22Rm 4S backend creation.v5.0.0pre1davor
2012-08-22Rm separated 4S bachend.davor
2012-08-21Removed Ruby CheckAndreas Maunz
2012-08-20halt error codes fixedChristoph Helma
2012-08-20new compound serialisation methodsChristoph Helma
2012-08-16Added dataset 4S backend.davor
2012-08-13gem name fixed to avoid bundler errorsChristoph Helma
2012-08-09Added default config.davor
2012-08-07Update dataset.gemspecdavor
2012-08-03Fixed path.davor
2012-08-03Changed path.davor