OpenTox Datasets ================= * An OpenTox REST Webservice * Stores associations between compounds and features in datasets * Implements a subset of the OpenTox dataset API ( * Current version runs at REST API Description Method URI Parameters Result Status codes Get a list of all GET / List of URIs 200, 500 datasets Get a XML representation GET /{id} XML representation 200, 404, 500 of a dataset of a dataset Get the dataset name GET /{id}/name Dataset name 200, 404, 500 Get all compound URIs GET /{id}/compounds List of compound 200, 404, 500 from a dataset URIs Get all feature URIs GET /{id}/features List of features 200, 404, 500 Get all features with GET /{id}/features/compounds XML with features 200, 404, 500 corresponding compounds and compounds Get all compounds and GET /{id}/compounds/features XML with compounds 200, 404, 500 their features and featues Get all features for a GET /{id}/compound/ List of feature URIs 200, 404, 500 compound URI {compound_uri}/features Get all features for a GET /{id}/feature/ List of compound URIs 200, 404, 500 feature URI {feature_uri}/compounds Create a new dataset POST / name Dataset URI 200, 500 Create a new dataset POST / name, file Dataset URI 200, 500 from a csv file Add a new association to POST /{id} compound_uri, Dataset URI 200, 404, 500 a dataset feature_uri Delete a dataset DELETE /{id} 200, 404, 500 EXAMPLE Create a dataset from a csv file: curl -X POST -F name="Hamster carcinogenicity" -F file=@hamster_carcinogenicity.csv INSTALLATION Run 'rake install' to install the required gems and openbabel Copyright (c) 2009 Christoph Helma. See LICENSE for details.