OpenTox Dataset ================= * An OpenTox REST Webservice * Stores associations between compounds and features in datasets * Implements the OpenTox compound API 1.1 ( REST operations: Get a list of datasets GET / - List of dataset URIs 200,400,404 Get a dataset GET /{id} - Dataset representation 200,400,404 Upload a dataset POST / Dataset representation Dataset URI 200,400,404 Delete a dataset DELETE /{id} - - 200,404 Delete all datasets DELETE / - - 200,404 Supported MIME formats ( * application/rdf+xml (default): read/write OWL-DL Examples: Get a list of all datasets: curl Upload a dataset: curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/rdf+xml" --data-binary @{my_rdf_file} Get a dataset representation: curl{id} Delete a dataset: curl -X DELETE{id} Installation: Copyright (c) 2009 Christoph Helma. See LICENSE for details.