module OpenTox class Application < Service # Get metadata of the dataset # @return [application/rdf+xml] Metadata OWL-DL get '/:id/metadata' do end # Get a dataset feature # @param [Header] Accept one of `application/rdf+xml or application-x-yaml` (default application/rdf+xml) # @return [application/rdf+xml,application/x-yaml] Feature metadata get %r{/(\d+)/feature/(.*)$} do |id,feature| end # Get a list of all features # @param [Header] Accept one of `application/rdf+xml, application-x-yaml, text/uri-list` (default application/rdf+xml) # @return [application/rdf+xml, application-x-yaml, text/uri-list] Feature list get '/:id/features' do end # Get a list of all compounds # @return [text/uri-list] Feature list get '/:id/compounds' do end end end =begin require 'rubygems' gem "opentox-ruby", "~> 3" require 'opentox-ruby' require 'profiler' require 'rjb' set :lock, true @@datadir = "data" @@idfile_path = @@datadir+"/id" unless File.exist?(@@idfile_path) id = Dir["./#{@@datadir}/*json"].collect{|f| File.basename(f.sub(/.json/,'')).to_i}.sort.last id = 0 if id.nil? open(@@idfile_path,"w") do |f| f.puts(id) end end helpers do def next_id open(@@idfile_path, "r+") do |f| f.flock(File::LOCK_EX) @id = f.gets.to_i + 1 f.rewind f.print @id end return @id end def uri(id) url_for "/#{id}", :full end # subjectid ist stored as memeber variable, not in params def load_dataset(id, params,content_type,input_data) @uri = uri id raise "store subject-id in dataset-object, not in params" if params.has_key?(:subjectid) and @subjectid==nil content_type = "application/rdf+xml" if content_type.nil? dataset =, @subjectid) case content_type when /yaml/ dataset.load_yaml(input_data) when /json/ dataset.load_json(input_data) when "text/csv" dataset.load_csv(input_data, @subjectid) when /application\/rdf\+xml/ dataset.load_rdfxml(input_data, @subjectid) when "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile" dataset.load_sdf(input_data, @subjectid) when /multipart\/form-data/ , "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" # file uploads case params[:file][:type] when "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile" dataset.load_sdf(input_data, @subjectid) when /json/ dataset.load_json(params[:file][:tempfile].read) when /yaml/ dataset.load_yaml(params[:file][:tempfile].read) when "application/rdf+xml" dataset.load_rdfxml_file(params[:file][:tempfile], @subjectid) when "text/csv" dataset.load_csv(params[:file][:tempfile].read, @subjectid) dataset.add_metadata({ DC.title => File.basename(params[:file][:filename],".csv"), OT.hasSource => File.basename(params[:file][:filename]) }) when /ms-excel/ extension = File.extname(params[:file][:filename]) case extension when ".xls" xls = params[:file][:tempfile].path + ".xls" File.rename params[:file][:tempfile].path, xls # roo needs these endings book = xls when ".xlsx" xlsx = params[:file][:tempfile].path + ".xlsx" File.rename params[:file][:tempfile].path, xlsx # roo needs these endings book = xlsx else raise "#{params[:file][:filename]} is not a valid Excel input file." end dataset.load_spreadsheet(book, @subjectid) dataset.add_metadata({ DC.title => File.basename(params[:file][:filename],extension), OT.hasSource => File.basename(params[:file][:filename]) }) else raise "MIME type \"#{params[:file][:type]}\" not supported." end else raise "MIME type \"#{content_type}\" not supported." end dataset.uri = @uri # update uri (also in metdata) dataset.features.keys.each { |f| dataset.features[f][OT.hasSource] = dataset.metadata[OT.hasSource] unless dataset.features[f][OT.hasSource]}"#{@@datadir}/#{@id}.json","w+"){|f| f.puts dataset.to_json} end end before do @accept = request.env['HTTP_ACCEPT'] @accept = 'application/rdf+xml' if @accept == '*/*' or @accept == '' or @accept.nil? @id = request.path_info.match(/^\/\d+/) unless @id.nil? @id = @id.to_s.sub(/\//,'').to_i @uri = uri @id @json_file = "#{@@datadir}/#{@id}.json" raise "Dataset #{@id} not found." unless File.exists? @json_file extension = File.extname(request.path_info) unless extension.empty? case extension when ".html" @accept = 'text/html' when ".json" @accept = 'application/json' when ".yaml" @accept = 'application/x-yaml' when ".csv" @accept = 'text/csv' when ".rdfxml" @accept = 'application/rdf+xml' when ".xls" @accept = 'application/ms-excel' when ".sdf" @accept = 'chemical/x-mdl-sdfile' else raise "File format #{extension} not supported." end end end # make sure subjectid is not included in params, subjectid is set as member variable params.delete(:subjectid) end ## REST API # Get a list of available datasets # @return [text/uri-list] List of available datasets get '/?' do uri_list = Dir["./#{@@datadir}/*json"].collect{|f| File.basename(f.sub(/.json/,'')).to_i}.sort.collect{|n| uri n}.join("\n") + "\n" case @accept when /html/ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' OpenTox.text_to_html uri_list else response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' uri_list end end # Get a dataset representation # @param [Header] Accept one of `application/rdf+xml, application-x-yaml, text/csv, application/ms-excel` (default application/rdf+xml) # @return [application/rdf+xml, application-x-yaml, text/csv, application/ms-excel] Dataset representation get '/:id' do case @accept when /rdf/ # redland sends text/rdf instead of application/rdf+xml file = "#{@@datadir}/#{params[:id]}.rdfxml" unless File.exists? file # lazy rdfxml generation dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.from_json,"w+") { |f| f.puts dataset.to_rdfxml } end send_file file, :type => 'application/rdf+xml' when /json/ send_file @json_file, :type => 'application/json' when /yaml/ file = "#{@@datadir}/#{params[:id]}.yaml" unless File.exists? file # lazy yaml generation dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.from_json,"w+") { |f| f.puts dataset.to_yaml } end send_file file, :type => 'application/x-yaml' when /html/ response['Content-Type'] = 'text/html' OpenTox.text_to_html JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse( when "text/csv" response['Content-Type'] = 'text/csv' OpenTox::Dataset.from_json( when /ms-excel/ file = "#{@@datadir}/#{params[:id]}.xls" OpenTox::Dataset.from_json( unless File.exists? file # lazy xls generation send_file file, :type => 'application/ms-excel' when /sdfile/ response['Content-Type'] = 'chemical/x-mdl-sdfile' OpenTox::Dataset.from_json( # when /uri-list/ # response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' # Yajl::Parser.parse( else raise "Content-type #{@accept} not supported." end end # Get metadata of the dataset # @return [application/rdf+xml] Metadata OWL-DL get '/:id/metadata' do metadata = OpenTox::Dataset.from_json( case @accept when /rdf/ # redland sends text/rdf instead of application/rdf+xml response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' serializer = serializer.add_metadata url_for("/#{params[:id]}",:full), metadata serializer.to_rdfxml when /yaml/ response['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-yaml' metadata.to_yaml end end # Get a dataset feature # @param [Header] Accept one of `application/rdf+xml or application-x-yaml` (default application/rdf+xml) # @return [application/rdf+xml,application/x-yaml] Feature metadata get %r{/(\d+)/feature/(.*)$} do |id,feature| @id = id @uri = uri @id @json_file = "#{@@datadir}/#{@id}.json" feature_uri = url_for("/#{@id}/feature/#{URI.encode(feature)}",:full) # work around racks internal uri decoding metadata = OpenTox::Dataset.from_json([feature_uri] case @accept when /rdf/ # redland sends text/rdf instead of application/rdf+xml response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' serializer = serializer.add_feature feature_uri, metadata serializer.to_rdfxml when /yaml/ response['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-yaml' metadata.to_yaml when /json/ response['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' Yajl::Encoder.encode(metadata) end end # Get a list of all features # @param [Header] Accept one of `application/rdf+xml, application-x-yaml, text/uri-list` (default application/rdf+xml) # @return [application/rdf+xml, application-x-yaml, text/uri-list] Feature list get '/:id/features' do features = OpenTox::Dataset.from_json( case @accept when /rdf/ # redland sends text/rdf instead of application/rdf+xml response['Content-Type'] = 'application/rdf+xml' serializer = features.each { |feature,metadata| serializer.add_feature feature, metadata } serializer.to_rdfxml when /yaml/ response['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-yaml' features.to_yaml when /json/ response['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' Yajl::Encoder.encode(features) when "text/uri-list" response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' features.keys.join("\n") + "\n" end end # Get a list of all compounds # @return [text/uri-list] Feature list get '/:id/compounds' do response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' OpenTox::Dataset.from_json("\n") + "\n" end # Create a new dataset. # # Posting without parameters creates and saves an empty dataset (with assigned URI). # Posting with parameters creates and saves a new dataset. # Data can be submitted either # - in the message body with the appropriate Content-type header or # - as file uploads with Content-type:multipart/form-data and a specified file type # @example # curl -X POST -F "file=@training.csv;type=text/csv" # @param [Header] Content-type one of `application/x-yaml, application/rdf+xml, multipart/form-data/` # @param [BODY] - string with data in selected Content-type # @param [optional] file, for file uploads, Content-type should be multipart/form-data, please specify the file type `application/rdf+xml, application-x-yaml, text/csv, application/ms-excel` # @return [text/uri-list] Task URI or Dataset URI (empty datasets) post '/?' do response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' # it could be that the read function works only once!, store in varible input_data = request.env["rack.input"].read @id = next_id @uri = uri @id @json_file = "#{@@datadir}/#{@id}.json" if params.size == 0 and input_data.size==0,"w+"){|f| f.puts} OpenTox::Authorization.check_policy(@uri, @subjectid) if File.exists? @json_file @uri else task = OpenTox::Task.create("Converting and saving dataset ", @uri) do load_dataset @id, params, request.content_type, input_data OpenTox::Authorization.check_policy(@uri, @subjectid) if File.exists? @json_file @uri end raise OpenTox::ServiceUnavailableError.newtask.uri+"\n" if task.status == "Cancelled" halt 202,task.uri+"\n" end end # Save a dataset, will overwrite all existing data # # Data can be submitted either # - in the message body with the appropriate Content-type header or # - as file uploads with Content-type:multipart/form-data and a specified file type # @example # curl -X POST -F "file=@training.csv;type=text/csv" # @param [Header] Content-type one of `application/x-yaml, application/rdf+xml, multipart/form-data/` # @param [BODY] - string with data in selected Content-type # @param [optional] file, for file uploads, Content-type should be multipart/form-data, please specify the file type `application/rdf+xml, application-x-yaml, text/csv, application/ms-excel` # @return [text/uri-list] Task ID post '/:id' do response['Content-Type'] = 'text/uri-list' task = OpenTox::Task.create("Converting and saving dataset ", @uri) do FileUtils.rm Dir["#{@@datadir}/#{@id}.*"] load_dataset @id, params, request.content_type, request.env["rack.input"].read @uri end raise OpenTox::ServiceUnavailableError.newtask.uri+"\n" if task.status == "Cancelled" halt 202,task.uri.to_s+"\n" end # Deletes datasets that have been created by a crossvalidatoin that does not exist anymore # (This can happen if a crossvalidation fails unexpectedly) delete '/cleanup' do Dir["./#{@@datadir}/*json"].each do |file| dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.from_json if dataset.metadata[DC.creator] && dataset.metadata[DC.creator] =~ /crossvalidation\/[0-9]/ begin cv = OpenTox::Crossvalidation.find(dataset.metadata[DC.creator],@subjectid) raise unless cv rescue LOGGER.debug "deleting #{dataset.uri}, crossvalidation missing: #{dataset.metadata[DC.creator]}" begin dataset.delete @subjectid rescue end end end end "cleanup done" end # Delete a dataset # @return [text/plain] Status message delete '/:id' do LOGGER.debug "deleting dataset with id #{@id}" begin FileUtils.rm Dir["#{@@datadir}/#{@id}.*"] if @subjectid and !File.exists? @json_file and @uri begin res = OpenTox::Authorization.delete_policies_from_uri(@uri, @subjectid) LOGGER.debug "Policy deleted for Dataset URI: #{@uri} with result: #{res}" rescue LOGGER.warn "Policy delete error for Dataset URI: #{@uri}" end end response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' "Dataset #{@id} deleted." rescue raise "Dataset #{@id} does not exist." end end # Delete all datasets # @return [text/plain] Status message delete '/?' do FileUtils.rm Dir["#{@@datadir}/*.rdfxml"] FileUtils.rm Dir["#{@@datadir}/*.xls"] FileUtils.rm Dir["#{@@datadir}/*.yaml"] FileUtils.rm Dir["#{@@datadir}/*.json"] response['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' "All datasets deleted." end =end