AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-06-10update to ruby 2.0.0-p481 to solve openssl wheezy issuedevelopmentMicha Rautenberg
2013-10-17temp fix for: bundle install fails with ssl certificate verification err ↵rautenberg
2013-08-07Updated ruby to 2.0.0-p247davor
2013-06-21unicorn configuration addedChristoph Helma
2013-04-19install with ruby version 2.0.0-p0rautenberg
2013-04-08debug messsages partially removed, gem depencies updated. tested with ruby ↵Christoph Helma
2012-09-11Added silent mode.davor
2012-09-03Fixed ruby versionAndreas Maunz
2012-08-23version set to 1.0.0.pre1v1.0.0pre1Christoph Helma
2012-08-22Rm 4S backend creation.davor
2012-08-22Rm separated 4S backend.davor
2012-08-21Removed Ruby CheckAndreas Maunz
2012-08-20version set to 5.0.0pre1Christoph Helma
2012-08-16Added feature 4S backbone.davor
2012-08-13gem name fixed to avoid bundler errorsChristoph Helma
2012-08-09Added bin/feature-installer.davor
2012-08-07Changed path.davor
2012-07-18gem description addedHEADmasterChristoph Helma
2012-05-09gem configurations fixedChristoph Helma
2012-04-26.gitignore addedChristoph Helma
2012-04-25Initial commitChristoph Helma