%em in silico toxicology develops %a{:href => "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Open_source_software"} open source software: %ul %li Webservices and applications for the %a{:href => "http://www.opentox.org"} OpenTox framework %li The %code %a{ :href => "http://lazar.in-silico.de/" } lazar ( %em Lazy Structure- Activity Relationships ) program for the prediction of toxic activities and webservices. %code lazar can be used from a free %a{ :href => "http://lazar.in-silico.de/" } webinterface or by compiling the %a{ :href => "http://github.com/helma/lazar-core/" } source code ( %a{ :href => "http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html" } GNU License ) for a local installation. %p Please visit our %a{ :href => "http://github.com/helma"} GitHub repository to view and download the source code of our projects. %p We offer also %a{ :href => '/services' } commercial services for in-house installations, custom developments, consulting and support.