POSIX compatible Installer for OpenTox IST/ALU Services on Debian based systems =============================================================================== POSIX-compliant (not limited to a particular shell) installer. Report bugs via GitHub. - Safe (existence of all the binaries will be checked before running, apart from GNU Core Utils) - Idempotent (multiple execution does not change a thing) - Atomic (return value of each non-elemtary action is asserted to be TRUE) - Encapsulated (everything is installed in a sub-directory in $HOME) - Logged (all non-elemtary actions are logged) A) sudo configuration to gain root privileges assumed (needed only for installation). B) configuration for non-free packages assumed. Configure in config.sh, see comments there. By default, everything is installed to $HOME/opentox-ruby (=OT_PREFIX). The configs go to OT_PREFIX/.sh__ot.sh for each package. After installation, configure the system by editing the startup file of your favorite shell (in BASH the file '~/.bashrc') to include '~/.opentox-ui.sh' (in BASH with 'source ~/.opentox-ui.sh'). This file is the only one that the installer creates outside OT_PREFIX. If you now open a new shell, all environment variables are adjusted automatically. IMPORTANT workaround: before using the system for the first time: Open a shell, otconfig, otkill, gem uninstall rack, and uninstall the latest version (1.4.1), otstart. To uninstall the system simply delete the link from the startup file: Done. To save disk space delete directory OT_PREFIX. Anyone can run multiple Opentox versions on the same machine: Install again as a different user. Usage ===== Start a shell Start the system: otstart Reload the system: otreload Kill the system: otkill Configure shell manually: otconfig