POSIX compatible Installer for OpenTox IST/ALU Services on Debian based systems =============================================================================== POSIX-compliant (not limited to a particular shell) installer. Report bugs via GitHub. - Safe (existence of all the binaries will be checked before running, apart from GNU Core Utils) - Idempotent (multiple execution does not change a thing) - Atomic (return value of each non-elemtary action is asserted to be TRUE) - Encapsulated (everything is installed in a sub-directory in $HOME) - Logged (all non-elemtary actions are logged) Assumptions: A) Checked out this installer via 'cd && git clone git://github.com/opentox/install && cd install && git checkout oldarch', preferably in Debian 6.x B) 'sudo' configuration to gain root privileges assumed (needed only for installation). Configure in config.sh, see comments there. By default, everything is installed to $HOME/opentox-ruby (=OT_PREFIX). The configs go to OT_PREFIX/.sh__ot.sh for each package. After installation, configure the system by editing the startup file of your favorite shell (in BASH the file '~/.bashrc') to include '~/install/ot-tools-user.sh' (in BASH with 'source ~/install/ot-tools-user.sh'). If you now open a new shell and type otconfig, all environment variables are adjusted automatically. IMPORTANT workaround: before using the system for the first time: Open a shell, otconfig, otkill, gem uninstall rack, and uninstall the latest version (1.4.1), otstart. To uninstall the system simply delete the link from the startup file (e.g. '~/.bashrc'). To save disk space delete directory OT_PREFIX. Anyone can run multiple Opentox versions on the same machine: Install again as a different user. Usage ===== Start a shell Start the system: otstart Reload the system: otreload Kill the system: otkill Configure shell manually: otconfig