POSIX compatible Installer for OpenTox IST/ALU Services ======================================================= A) It is assumed that your system is configured for sudo to gain root privileges. B) It is assumed that your system is configured for using non-free packages. This is a POSIX-compliant (not limited to a particular shell) Opentox installer. Please report bugs always via GitHub. Here are some of my goals when writing the installer: - Safe (existence of all the binaries will be checked before running, apart from GNU Core Utils) - Idempotent (multiple execution does not change a thing) - Atomic (return value of each non-elemtary action is asserted to be TRUE) - Encapsulated (everything is installed in a sub-directory in $HOME) - Logged (all non-elemtary actions are logged) Even if we officially support only *one* distro (currently Debian 6.0.1), I tested the installer successfully on various Ubuntus. In the README at the top are the requirements of the installer. By default, everything is installed to $HOME/opentox-ruby (=OT_PREFIX). The configs go to OT_PREFIX/.sh__ot.sh for each package. After running the installer, configure the system by editing the startup file of your favorite shell (in my case, BASH with the file ~ /. bashrc) to include ~/.opentox-ui.sh (in my case with 'source ...'). This file is the only one that the installer creates outside OT_PREFIX. Thus, the system is fully configured: If you now open a new shell, all environment variables will be adjusted. To start the system I run the following (but that is not part of the installer): sudo nohup ~/opentox-ruby/redis-2.2.2/src/redis-server ~/opentox-ruby/redis-2.2.2/redis.conf & sudo nohup ~/opentox-ruby/nginx/sbin/nginx -c ~/opentox-ruby/nginx/conf/nginx.conf & To uninstall the system simply delete the link from the startup file: Done. To save disc space delete directory OT_PREFIX. Anyone can run multiple Opentox versions on the same machine: Just install again, but to a different OT_PREFIX. The switch works manually: Include the sh__ot.sh files from the desired OT_PREFIX in ~/opentox-ui.sh (only one installation may be activated at any time). Some useful scripts to put in your ~/.bashrc in case you are using bash (assuming OT_PREFIX is '~/opentox-ruby'): # Load server config otconfig() { source ~/.opentox-ui.sh } # Start the server otstart() { otkill sudo bash -c "source ~/.opentox-ui.sh; nohup redis-server ~/opentox-ruby/redis-2.2.2/redis.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &" sudo bash -c "source ~/.opentox-ui.sh; nohup nginx -c ~/opentox-ruby/nginx/conf/nginx.conf >/dev/null 2>&1 &" sleep 2 if ! pgrep nginx>/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Failed to start nginx."; fi if ! pgrep redis-server>/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "Failed to start redis."; fi } # Display log alias otless='less ~/.opentox/log/production.log' # Tail log alias ottail='tail -f ~/.opentox/log/production.log' # Reload the server otreload() { sudo bash -c "source ~/.opentox-ui.sh; nginx -s reload" } # Kill the server otkill() { sudo killall nginx >/dev/null 2>&1 sudo bash -c "source ~/.opentox-ui.sh; redis-cli shutdown >/dev/null 2>&1" }