path: root/batch.rb
diff options
authorgebele <>2018-05-22 09:22:40 +0000
committergebele <>2018-05-22 09:22:40 +0000
commit198165e4a0e46c522e28b69f10c9c8e5327f6bbb (patch)
tree9709022fdb13f28c9e6072e6ba0156141ae25ab4 /batch.rb
parentb101916876ce06d06633af2a3ac6a34bd6cb2762 (diff)
add additional files
Diffstat (limited to 'batch.rb')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/batch.rb b/batch.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0002279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/batch.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+require 'csv'
+require 'tempfile'
+module OpenTox
+ class Batch
+ include OpenTox
+ include Mongoid::Document
+ include Mongoid::Timestamps
+ store_in collection: "batch"
+ field :name, type: String
+ field :source, type: String
+ field :identifiers, type: Array
+ field :compounds, type: Array
+ field :warnings, type: Array, default: []
+ def self.from_csv_file file
+ source = file
+ name = File.basename(file,".*")
+ batch = self.find_by(:source => source, :name => name)
+ if batch
+ $logger.debug "Skipping import of #{file}, it is already in the database (id: #{})."
+ else
+ $logger.debug "Parsing #{file}."
+ table = file, :skip_blanks => true, :encoding => 'windows-1251:utf-8'
+ batch = => source, :name => name, :identifiers => [], :compounds => [])
+ # features
+ feature_names = table.shift.collect{|f| f.strip}
+ warnings << "Duplicated features in table header." unless feature_names.size == feature_names.uniq.size
+ compound_format = feature_names.shift.strip
+ bad_request_error "#{compound_format} is not a supported compound format. Accepted formats: SMILES, InChI." unless compound_format =~ /SMILES|InChI/i
+ numeric = []
+ features = []
+ # guess feature types
+ feature_names.each_with_index do |f,i|
+ metadata = {:name => f}
+ values = table.collect{|row| val=row[i+1].to_s.strip; val.blank? ? nil : val }.uniq.compact
+ types = values.collect{|v| v.numeric? ? true : false}.uniq
+ feature = nil
+ if values.size == 0 # empty feature
+ elsif values.size > 5 and types.size == 1 and types.first == true # 5 max classes
+ numeric[i] = true
+ feature = NumericFeature.find_or_create_by(metadata)
+ else
+ metadata["accept_values"] = values
+ numeric[i] = false
+ feature = NominalFeature.find_or_create_by(metadata)
+ end
+ features << feature if feature
+ end
+ table.each_with_index do |vals,i|
+ identifier = vals.shift.strip
+ batch.identifiers << identifier
+ begin
+ case compound_format
+ when /SMILES/i
+ compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles(identifier)
+ when /InChI/i
+ compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_inchi(identifier)
+ end
+ rescue
+ compound = nil
+ end
+ if compound.nil? # compound parsers may return nil
+ batch.warnings << "Cannot parse #{compound_format} compound '#{identifier}' at line #{i+2} of #{source}."
+ next
+ end
+ batch.compounds <<
+ end
+ batch.compounds.duplicates.each do |duplicate|
+ dup = Compound.find duplicate
+ positions = []
+ batch.compounds.each_with_index do |co,i|
+ c = Compound.find co
+ if !c.blank? and c.inchi and c.inchi == dup.inchi
+ positions << i+1
+ end
+ end
+ batch.warnings << "Duplicate compound at ID #{positions.join(' and ')}."
+ end
+ end
+ batch
+ end
+ end