path: root/lib/dataset.rb
diff options
authorgebele <>2019-06-13 15:28:59 +0000
committergebele <>2019-06-13 15:28:59 +0000
commit741701df8ff0861b3607a30e9aaf8b8a0c303cdf (patch)
tree40fd2c6ca4eb85f3077859d9a808d01ec5aa8ece /lib/dataset.rb
parentf37f0b654b36b66c133755c01f033859c35197f6 (diff)
update with API
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/dataset.rb')
1 files changed, 13 insertions, 120 deletions
diff --git a/lib/dataset.rb b/lib/dataset.rb
index 749167b..00685b8 100644
--- a/lib/dataset.rb
+++ b/lib/dataset.rb
@@ -1,136 +1,29 @@
# Get all datasets
-get "/dataset/?" do
- datasets = Dataset.all
+get "/api/dataset/?" do
+ datasets = Dataset.all #.limit(100)
case @accept
- when "text/uri-list"
- uri_list = datasets.collect{|dataset| uri("/dataset/#{}")}
- return uri_list.join("\n") + "\n"
when "application/json"
- datasets = JSON.parse datasets.to_json
- list = []
- datasets.each{|d| list << uri("/dataset/#{d["_id"]["$oid"]}")}
- return list.to_json
+ list = datasets.collect{|dataset| uri("/api/dataset/#{}")}.to_json
+ return list
- bad_request_error "Mime type #{@accept} is not supported."
+ halt 400, "Mime type #{@accept} is not supported."
# Get a dataset
-get "/dataset/:id/?" do
- if Task.where(id: params[:id]).exists?
- task = Task.find params[:id]
- halt 404, "Dataset with id: #{params[:id]} not found." unless task.percent == 100
- $logger.debug task.inspect
- response['Content-Type'] = "text/csv"
- m = Model::Validation.find task.model_id
- dataset = Batch.find task.dataset_id
- @ids = dataset.ids
- warnings = dataset.warnings.blank? ? nil : dataset.warnings.join("\n")
- unless warnings.nil?
- @parse = []
- warnings.split("\n").each do |warning|
- if warning =~ /^Cannot/
- smi = warning.split("SMILES compound").last.split("at").first
- line = warning.split("SMILES compound").last.split("at line").last.split("of").first.strip.to_i
- @parse << "Cannot parse SMILES compound#{smi}at line #{line} of #{dataset.source.split("/").last}\n"
- end
- end
- keys_array = []
- warnings.split("\n").each do |warning|
- if warning =~ /^Duplicate/
- text = warning.split("ID").first
- numbers = warning.split("ID").last.split("and")
- keys_array << numbers.collect{|n| n.strip.to_i}
- end
- end
- @dups = {}
- keys_array.each do |keys|
- keys.each do |key|
- @dups[key] = "Duplicate compound at ID #{keys.join(" and ")}\n"
- end
- end
- end
- $logger.debug "dups: #{@dups}"
- endpoint = "#{m.endpoint}_(#{m.species})"
- tempfile =
- header = task.csv
- lines = []
- $logger.debug task.predictions
- task.predictions[].each_with_index do |hash,idx|
- identifier = hash.keys[0]
- prediction_id = hash.values[0]
- # add duplicate warning at the end of a line if ID matches
- if @dups[idx+1]
- if prediction_id.is_a? BSON::ObjectId
- if @ids.blank?
- lines << "#{idx+1},#{identifier},#{Prediction.find(prediction_id)"\n","")},#{@dups[idx+1]}"
- else
- lines << "#{idx+1},#{@ids[idx]},#{identifier},#{Prediction.find(prediction_id)"\n","")},#{@dups[idx+1]}"
- end
- else
- if @ids.blank?
- lines << "#{idx+1},#{identifier},\n"
- else
- lines << "#{idx+1},#{@ids[idx]}#{identifier},\n"
- end
- end
- else
- if prediction_id.is_a? BSON::ObjectId
- if @ids.blank?
- lines << "#{idx+1},#{identifier},#{Prediction.find(prediction_id).csv}"
- else
- lines << "#{idx+1},#{@ids[idx]},#{identifier},#{Prediction.find(prediction_id).csv}"
- end
- else
- if @ids.blank?
- lines << "#{idx+1},#{identifier},\n"
- else
- lines << "#{idx+1},#{@ids[idx]}#{identifier},\n"
- end
- end
- end
- end
- (@parse && !@parse.blank?) ? tempfile.write(header+lines.join("")+"\n"+@parse.join("\n")) : tempfile.write(header+lines.join(""))
- #tempfile.write(header+lines.join(""))
- tempfile.rewind
- ########################
- header = task.csv
- lines = []
- task.predictions.each_with_index do |result,idx|
- identifier = result[0]
- prediction_id = result[1]
- prediction = Prediction.find prediction_id
- lines << "#{idx+1},#{identifier},#{"\n","")}"
- end
- return header+lines.join("\n")
- return
+get "/api/dataset/:id/?" do
+ dataset = Dataset.find :id => params[:id]
+ halt 400, "Dataset with id: #{params[:id]} not found." unless dataset
+ case @accept
+ when "text/csv", "application/csv"
+ return dataset.to_csv
- dataset = Dataset.find :id => params[:id]
- halt 400, "Dataset with id: #{params[:id]} not found." unless dataset
- case @accept
- when "application/json"
- dataset.data_entries.each do |k, v|
- dataset.data_entries[k][:URI] = uri("/substance/#{k}")
- end
- dataset[:URI] = uri("/dataset/#{}")
- dataset[:substances] = uri("/dataset/#{}/substances")
- dataset[:features] = uri("/dataset/#{}/features")
- return dataset.to_json
- when "text/csv", "application/csv"
- return dataset.to_csv
- else
- bad_request_error "Mime type #{@accept} is not supported."
- end
+ bad_request_error "Mime type #{@accept} is not supported."
# Get a dataset attribute. One of compounds, nanoparticles, substances, features
-get "/dataset/:id/:attribute/?" do
- if Task.where(id: params[:id]).exists?
- halt 400, "No attributes selection available for dataset with id: #{params[:id]}.".to_json
- end
+get "/api/dataset/:id/:attribute/?" do
dataset = Dataset.find :id => params[:id]
halt 400, "Dataset with id: #{params[:id]} not found." unless dataset
attribs = ["compounds", "nanoparticles", "substances", "features"]