path: root/views/batch.haml
diff options
authorgebele <>2017-11-06 11:21:18 +0000
committergebele <>2017-11-06 11:21:18 +0000
commitb7e1a4bb8b8e47326928171044c0d7b54d62e278 (patch)
treed9b8bb742cd359f300d20965816333cd527aa155 /views/batch.haml
parent2d19e8a294b0c95a4b49d963f383b9b9b3918ea0 (diff)
added prediction objects;re-ordered code and cleanup
Diffstat (limited to 'views/batch.haml')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/views/batch.haml b/views/batch.haml
index fccd88c..2fb5966 100644
--- a/views/batch.haml
+++ b/views/batch.haml
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
- function progress(model,idx,total) {
- var p = 100/total;
- var percent = Math.round((idx+1)*p);
- var bar = document.getElementById("bar_"+model);
- var prog = document.getElementById("progress_"+model);
- = percent + '%';
+ function progress(value,id) {
+ var percent = Math.round(value);
+ var bar = document.getElementById("bar_"+id);
+ var prog = document.getElementById("progress_"+id);
+ = value + '%';
if (percent == 100){ = "none";
- }
+ };
var HttpClient = function() {
this.get = function(aUrl, aCallback) {
@@ -22,248 +22,66 @@
- function renderResponse(model,idx,compound,last,total,tmppath) {
- // create request
- if (model == "Cramer"){
- var dataset = '#{}';
- var uri = "#{to("/batch/")}" + model + '/?dataset=' + escape(dataset) + '&tmppath=' + tmppath;
- } else {
- var dataset = '#{}';
- var uri = "#{to("/batch/")}" + model + '/?compound=' + escape(compound) + '&dataset=' + dataset + '&idx=' + idx + '&tmppath=' + tmppath;
- };
+ var markers = [];
+ function renderTask(task_id,model_id,id) {
+ var uri = "#{to("/")}" + 'task/?turi=' + task_id;
var aClient = new HttpClient();
aClient.get(uri, function(res) {
- // progress bar function
- progress(model,idx,total);
var response = JSON.parse(res);
- var td = document.getElementById("prediction_"+compound+'_'+model+'_'+idx);
- //td.innerHTML = "";
- if (model != "Cramer"){
- // init general structure
- a = ["title", "type", "db_hit", "measurements", "prediction", "interval", "probability", "warnings", "info"];
- // handles consesus mutagenicity
- if (response['sa_prediction'] != false){
- var p = document.createElement("p");
- var h = document.createElement("h5");
- = "sa";
- // Consensus mutagenicity
- var t = document.createTextNode("Consensus mutagenicity");
- h.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h);
- // handle db_hit first
- if (response['db_hit'] != false){
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['db_hit']);
- p.appendChild(value);
- var h2 = document.createElement("h5");
- var t = document.createTextNode("Measurements:");
- h2.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h2);
- for (var i=0; i<response['measurements'].length; i++){
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['measurements'][i]);
- var br = document.createElement("br");
- p.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(br);
- };
- };
- // Consensus prediction
- var h3 = document.createElement("h5");
- var t = document.createTextNode("Consensus prediction:");
- if (response['sa_prediction']['prediction'] == false){
- var value = document.createTextNode("non-mutagenic");
- };
- if (response['sa_prediction']['prediction'] == true){
- var value = document.createTextNode("mutagenic");
- };
- h3.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h3);
- p.appendChild(value);
- // Consensus confidence
- var h4 = document.createElement("h5");
- var t = document.createTextNode("Consensus confidence:");
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['confidence']);
- h4.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h4);
- p.appendChild(value);
- // Structural alerts for mutagenicity
- var h5 = document.createElement("h5");
- var t = document.createTextNode("Structural alerts for mutagenicity:");
- h5.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h5);
- if (response['sa_matches'] != false){
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['sa_matches']);
- p.appendChild(value);
- } else {
- var span = document.createElement("span");
- var value = document.createTextNode("none");
- = "italic";
- span.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(span);
- };
- // append to td
- td.appendChild(p);
- };
- // proceed to general structure
- for (val of a){
- var p = document.createElement("p");
- var h = document.createElement("h5");
- = val;
- if (val == "title") {
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['model_name']);
- h.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(h);
- } else if (val == "db_hit" && response['db_hit'] != false && response['sa_prediction'] == false) {
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['db_hit']);
- p.appendChild(value);
- } else if (val == "measurements" && response['measurements'] != false) {
- var t = document.createTextNode("Measurements:");
- h.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h);
- if (response['model_type'] == "Regression"){
- for (var i=0; i<response['measurements'].length; i++){
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['measurements'][i]);
- var br = document.createElement("br");
- p.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(br);
- if (response['converted_measurements'] != false) {
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['converted_measurements'][i]);
- var br = document.createElement("br");
- p.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(br);
- if (i+1 != response['measurements'].length){
- var br2 = document.createElement("br");
- p.appendChild(br2);
- };
- };
- };
- } else if (response['model_type'] == "Classification"){
- for (var i=0; i<response['measurements'].length; i++){
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['measurements'][i]);
- var br = document.createElement("br");
- p.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(br);
- };
- };
- } else if (val == "prediction" && response['prediction_value'] != false) {
- var t = document.createTextNode("Prediction:");
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['prediction_value']+" "+response['model_unit']);
- h.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h);
- p.appendChild(value);
- if (response['converted_value'] != false) {
- var br = document.createElement("br");
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['converted_value']+" "+response['converted_model_unit']);
- p.appendChild(br);
- p.appendChild(value);
- };
- if (response['model_type'] == "Classification" && response['probability'] != false){
- var h = document.createElement("h5");
- var t = document.createTextNode("Probability:");
- h.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h);
- for (var i=0; i<response['probability'].length; i++){
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['probability'][i]);
- var br = document.createElement("br");
- p.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(br);
- };
- };
- } else if (val == "interval" && response['interval'] != false) {
- var t = document.createTextNode("95% Prediction interval:");
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['interval']+" "+response['model_unit']);
- h.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h);
- p.appendChild(value);
- if (response['converted_interval'] != false) {
- var br = document.createElement("br");
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['converted_interval']+" "+response['converted_model_unit']);
- p.appendChild(br);
- p.appendChild(value);
- };
- } else if (val == "warnings" && response['warnings'] != false && response['db_hit'] == false) {
- var t = document.createTextNode("Warnings: ");
- h.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h);
- for (var i=0; i<response['warnings'].length; i++){
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['warnings'][i]);
- var br = document.createElement("br");
- p.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(br);
- };
- } else if (val == "info" && response['info'] != false) {
- var t = document.createTextNode("Info: ");
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['info']);
- h.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h);
- p.appendChild(value);
- };
- // append to td
- td.appendChild(p);
- };
- };// if model != Cramer
- if (model == "Cramer"){
- for(i=0; i < response['tds'].length; i++){
- progress('Cramer',i,response['tds'].length);
- var td = document.getElementById(response['tds'][i]);
- var p = document.createElement("p");
- var h = document.createElement("h5");
- var t = document.createTextNode("Oral toxicity (Cramer rules)");
- = "cramer";
- h.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h);
- var h2 = document.createElement("h5");
- var t = document.createTextNode("Cramer rules:");
- h2.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h2);
- if (response['cramer_rules'][i] != "nil"){
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['cramer_rules'][i]);
- p.appendChild(value);
- } else {
- var span = document.createElement("span");
- var value = document.createTextNode("none");
- = "italic";
- span.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(span);
- };
- var h3 = document.createElement("h5");
- var t = document.createTextNode("Cramer rules, with extensions:");
- h3.appendChild(t);
- p.appendChild(h3);
- if (response['cramer_rules_extensions'][i] != "nil"){
- var value = document.createTextNode(response['cramer_rules_extensions'][i]);
- p.appendChild(value);
- } else {
- var span = document.createElement("span");
- var value = document.createTextNode("none");
- = "italic";
- span.appendChild(value);
- p.appendChild(span);
- };
- // append to td
- td.appendChild(p);
- if (i === response['tds'].length-1) {
- $("img#circle_Cramer").hide();
- $("a#downbutton_Cramer").show();
- };
- };
- };// if model == Cramer
- // if last compound change progress to download;
- if (last == true) {
- $("img#circle_"+model).hide();
- $("a#downbutton_"+model).show();
+ progress(response['percent'],id);
+ if (response['percent'] == 100){
+ window.clearInterval(markers[id]);
+ $("a#downbutton_"+id).removeClass("disabled");
+ $("a#detailsbutton_"+id).removeClass("disabled");
+ function simpleTemplating(data) {
+ var html = '<ul class=pagination>';
+ $.each(data, function(index, item){
+ html += '<li>'+ item +'</li>'+'</br>';
+ });
+ html += '</ul>';
+ return html;
+ };
+ function pagePredictions(task_id,model_id,id){
+ button = document.getElementById("detailsbutton_"+id);
+ span = button.childNodes[1];
+ if (span.className == "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right"){
+ span.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down";
+ $('#data-container_'+id).show();
+ $('#pager_'+id).show();
+ $('#pager_'+id).pagination({
+ dataSource: '#{to("/")}' + 'task/?predictions=' + task_id + '&model=' + model_id ,
+ locator: 'predictions',
+ totalNumber: #{@compounds.size},
+ pageSize: 1,
+ showPageNumbers: true,
+ showGoInput: true,
+ formatGoInput: 'go to <%= input %>',
+ formatAjaxError: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
+ $('#data-container_'+id).html(errorThrown);
+ },
+ /*ajax: {
+ beforeSend: function() {
+ $('#data-container_'+id).html('Loading content ...');
+ }
+ },*/
+ callback: function(data, pagination) {
+ var html = simpleTemplating(data);
+ $('#data-container_'+id).html(html);
+ $('#data-container_'+id).css("min-height", $(window).height() + "px" );
+ }
+ });
+ } else if (span.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-down"){
+ span.className = "glyphicon glyphicon-menu-right";
+ $('#data-container_'+id).hide();
+ $('#pager_'+id).hide();
+ };
+ };
- %a.btn.btn-warning{:href => to('/predict')}
+ %a.btn.btn-warning{:href => to("/predict?tpid=#{@pid}")}
New Prediction
@@ -274,63 +92,34 @@
%h3 Batch Prediction Results:
%h3= @filename
- / displays prediction result in table tabs
- #tabs
- %ul.nav.nav-tabs.nav-justified{:id=>"batchTabs", :role=>"tablist"}
- - @models.each_with_index do |model,i|
- - m = Model::Validation.find model unless model == "Cramer"
- %li{:class => ("active" if i == 0)}
- %a{:href => "#results_#{i+1}", :id => "linkTab#{i+1}", data: {toggle:"tab"}}
- = (model == "Cramer") ? "Oral toxicity (Cramer rules)" : "#{m.endpoint} (#{m.species})"
- %img.dlwait{:src=>"/images/wait30trans.gif", :id=>"circle_#{model}", :class=>"circle", :alt=>"wait", :style=>"display:none;"}
- %a.csv.btn{:id => "downbutton_#{model}", :href=>"#{to("/predict/#{@tmppaths[model]}/#{model}/#{@filename}")}", :title=>"download", :style=>"display:none;"}
+ - @models.each_with_index do |model,idx|
+ - m = Model::Validation.find model unless model == "Cramer"
+ - task = @tasks[idx].id
+ - predictions = @tasks[idx].predictions["#{model}"]
+ #result.panel{:id=>idx}
+ %div.row
+ %div.col-md-6
+ %h5= (model == "Cramer") ? "Oral toxicity (Cramer rules)" : (m.endpoint =~ /Mutagenicity/i ? "Consensus mutagenicity" : "#{m.endpoint} (#{m.species})")
+ #pager{:id=>idx}
+ %div.col-md-6.h5
+ %a.btn.btn-default.btn-xs.disabled{:id => "detailsbutton_#{idx}", :data=>{:toggle=>"collapse"}, :href=>"javascript:void(0)", :onclick=>"pagePredictions('#{task}','#{model}','#{idx}')", :style=>"font-size:small;"}
+ %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-menu-right
+ Details
+ %a.btn.btn-default.btn-xs.disabled{:id => "downbutton_#{idx}", :href=>"#{to("/predict/csv/#{task}/#{model}/#{@filename}")}", :title=>"download", :style=>"font-size:small;"}
- - csize = @compounds.size
- - msize = @models.size
- - timer = 0
- - @models.each_with_index do |model,j|
-{:id=>"#{j+1}", :class => ("active" if j == 0)}
- %div{:id=>"progress_"+model, :style=>"width:100%;height:2px;position:relative;background-color:#ccc;"}
- %div{:id=>"bar_"+model, :style=>"background-color: #4CAF50;width:10px;height:2px;position:absolute;"}
- %table.table.table-bordered
- %tbody
- - @compounds.each_with_index do |compound,cidx|
- - timer += 800
- :javascript
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $("").show();
- var model = '#{model}',
- msize = #{msize},
- idx = #{j+1},
- last = false,
- compound = '#{}',
- csize = #{csize},
- cidx = #{cidx},
- timer = #{timer},
- tmppath = '#{@tmppaths[model]}';
- // check for last request;
- if (cidx+1 == csize) {
- last = true;
- };
- setTimeout(function(){
- if (model != "Cramer"){
- renderResponse(model,cidx,compound,last,csize,tmppath);
- } else if (model == "Cramer" && cidx == 0){
- renderResponse(model,cidx,compound,last,csize,tmppath);
- };
- }, timer );
- });
- // table layout:
- // one row per prediction;
- // first col compound; sec col results
- %tr{:id=>model}
- // compound
- %td.col-md-6{:id=>"compound"}
- %p=embedded_svg(compound.svg, title: compound.smiles)
- %p=compound.smiles
- // prediction values from js function
- %td.col-md-6{:id=>"prediction_#{}_#{model}_#{cidx}", :style => "vertical-align:top;"}
+ %div{:id=>"progress_#{idx}", :style=>"width:100%;height:3px;position:relative;background-color:#ccc;"}
+ %div{:id=>"bar_#{idx}", :style=>"background-color: #4CAF50;width:10px;height:3px;position:absolute;"}
+ - # increase interval timer for large datasets
+ - ctimer = ((@compounds.size/1000) == 0 ? 1000 : ((@compounds.size/1000)*1000))
+ :javascript
+ var timer = #{ctimer};
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ markers[#{idx}] = setInterval(function(){
+ renderTask('#{task}','#{model}',#{idx});
+ }, timer );
+ });
+ #data-container{:id=>idx,:style=>"width:100%;"}
+ -#pager{:id=>idx}