path: root/views/details.haml
diff options
authorgebele <>2015-06-18 12:07:25 +0200
committergebele <>2015-06-18 12:07:25 +0200
commitd356e84babc0b753ba29f27f589b5a85bbd2e982 (patch)
tree878839cb4019518424e0c0a2dee17471802633e7 /views/details.haml
parent1bcf3e70deeac061db0450587668af442cbc6bc5 (diff)
general css update with bootstrap
Diffstat (limited to 'views/details.haml')
1 files changed, 29 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/views/details.haml b/views/details.haml
index 02d7b66..00d8f61 100644
--- a/views/details.haml
+++ b/views/details.haml
@@ -1,28 +1,31 @@
-%link{ :href=>"/style.css", :media=>"screen, projection", :rel=>"stylesheet", :type=>"text/css"}
+ $(document).ready(function(){
+ $("#details").on('', function() {
+ $(this).removeData('bs.modal');
+ });
+ });
- .details{:style=>"padding:0.7em;padding-bottom:5em;"}
- %button{:id=>"closebutton", :onclick=>"parent.$('#iframe_details').bPopup().close();parent.$('#iframe_overview').bPopup().close();"}
- X
- %h2{:style=>"margin-left:8px;"}
- Names and synonyms:
- %img{:src=>"#{@compound.uri}/image", :alt=>"Compound image not available", :width=>"300px", :heigth=>"300px"}
- %p
- %b="SMILES:"
- %p= @smiles
- %br
- %b="InChI:"
- %p= @inchi
- %br
- %b="Names:"
- %p{:style=>"padding-left:0.5em;"}
- - if @names !~ /^no names/i
- = @names.join("; ")
- - else
- = @names
- %p{:style=>"padding-left:0.5em;"}
- / pubchem link
- %a{:href=>"", :title=>"Link opens in new window.", :alt=>"pubchem read across", :target=>"_blank"} PubChem read across
- %i (experimental)
+ %button.close{ :type=>" button", data: { dismiss:"modal"}} &times;
+ %h2
+ Names and synonyms:
+ %img{:src=>"#{@compound.uri}/image", :alt=>"Compound image not available", :width=>"300px", :heigth=>"300px", :style=>"float:left;"}
+ %p
+ %b="SMILES:"
+ %p= @smiles
+ %br
+ %b="InChI:"
+ %p= @inchi
+ %br
+ %b="Names:"
+ %p{:style=>"padding-left:0.5em;"}
+ - if @names !~ /^no names/i
+ = @names.join("; ")
+ - else
+ = @names
+ %hr
+ %p{:style=>"padding-left:0.5em;"}
+ / pubchem link
+ %a.btn.btn-primary{:href=>"", :title=>"Link opens in new window.", :alt=>"pubchem read across", :target=>"_blank"} PubChem read across
+ %i (experimental)