path: root/views/model_details.haml
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2019-09-03 13:45:36 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2019-09-03 13:45:36 +0200
commitd1032e4f40d9fbb212e85e0db4f0ecd2e8ac9a88 (patch)
tree48922d60d750839dacd5d0a4a6e50ea3fe68da63 /views/model_details.haml
parent5bb4c24c6cfc1ddfae14eb9543b283baae2d75be (diff)
parenta84d9eabf1b921086a688f81df28b0f21ba4df19 (diff)
development merged, git links in fixed1.4.0
Diffstat (limited to 'views/model_details.haml')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/views/model_details.haml b/views/model_details.haml
index c5e3370..ab58035 100644
--- a/views/model_details.haml
+++ b/views/model_details.haml
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
- %div.panel-heading
- %b Model:
- %div.panel-body
+ %div.card-body
+ %h6.card-title Model:
%a{:href=>model.source, :rel=>"external"}
= model.source
@@ -10,152 +9,188 @@
= "Type:\t"
= type
- - training_dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.find model.model.training_dataset_id
= "Training compounds:\t"
- = training_dataset.data_entries.size
+ = data_entries.count/3
= "Training dataset:\t"
- %a{:href=>"#{to("/predict/dataset/#{}")}"}
+ %a{:href=>"//#{$host_with_port}/predict/dataset/#{}"}
- %div.panel-heading
- %b Algorithms:
- %div.panel-body
- Similarity:
- %a{:href=> "{model.model.algorithms["similarity"]["method"].sub("::", "%2F")}", :rel=>"external"}
- = model.model.algorithms["similarity"]["method"]
- = ", min: #{model.model.algorithms["similarity"]["min"]}"
- %br
- Prediction:
- - if model.model.algorithms["prediction"]["method"] !~ /Caret/
- %a{:href=>"{model.model.algorithms["prediction"]["method"].sub("::","%2f")}", :rel=>"external"}
- = model.model.algorithms["prediction"]["method"]
+ %div.card-body
+ %h6.card-title Algorithms:
+ %p.card-text
+ Similarity:
+ %a.card-link{:href=> "{model.model.algorithms["similarity"]["method"].sub("::", "%2F")}", :rel=>"external"}
+ = model.model.algorithms["similarity"]["method"]
+ = ", min: #{model.model.algorithms["similarity"]["min"]}"
+ %br
+ Prediction:
+ - if model.model.algorithms["prediction"]["method"] !~ /Caret/
+ %a.card-link{:href=>"{model.model.algorithms["prediction"]["method"].sub("::","%2f")}", :rel=>"external"}
+ = model.model.algorithms["prediction"]["method"]
+ - else
+ %a.card-link{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ = model.model.algorithms["prediction"]["method"]
+ %br
+ Descriptors:
+ = model.model.algorithms["descriptors"]["method"]+","
+ = model.model.algorithms["descriptors"]["type"]
+ %div.card-body
+ - if type == "Classification"
+ %h6.card-title #{crossvalidations.size} independent 10-fold crossvalidations:
- else
- %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
- = model.model.algorithms["prediction"]["method"]
+ %h6.card-title #{crossvalidations.size} independent 10-fold crossvalidations (-log10 transformed):
+ - crossvalidations.each_with_index do |cv,idx|
+ %p.card-text
+ - if model.classification?
+ / accuracy, confusion matrixes
+ - accept_values = cv.accept_values
+ - av = []
+ - if accept_values[1] =~ /^non/
+ - av << accept_values[0]
+ - av << accept_values[1]
+ - else
+ - av = accept_values
+ - keys = cv.accuracy.collect{|key, value| key}
+ - acc = cv.accuracy.collect{|key, value| value.signif(3)}
+ - tpr = cv.true_rate.collect{|key, hash| hash[av[0]].signif(3)}
+ - fpr = cv.true_rate.collect{|key, hash| hash[av[1]].signif(3)}
+ - pp = cv.predictivity.collect{|key, hash| hash[av[0]].signif(3)}
+ - np = cv.predictivity.collect{|key, hash| hash[av[1]].signif(3)}
+ %tr
+ = "Nr.#{idx+1}"
+ %td
+ %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ Accuracy
+ %td
+ %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ True positive rate (Sensitivity, Recall)
+ %td
+ %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ True negative rate (Specificity)
+ %td
+ %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ Positive predictive value (Precision)
+ %td
+ %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ Negative predictive value
+ - keys.each_with_index do |key,idx|
+ %tr
+ / keys
+ key.gsub("_", " ")
+ / acc,accuray value:
+ %td= acc[idx]
+ / tpr,true positive rate
+ %td= tpr[idx]
+ / fpr,false positive rate
+ %td= fpr[idx]
+ / pp,positive predictions
+ %td= pp[idx]
+ / np,negative predictions
+ %td= np[idx]
+ %div.row.justify-content-center
+ %h6 Confusion matrix
+ %div.row{:id=>"matrix#{}#{idx}"}
+ %table.table.table-borderless.table-responsive
+ %tr
+ all
+ confidence high
+ confidence low
+ %tr.justify-content-around
+ / confusion matrix
+ - keys.each do |key|
+ - matrix = cv.confusion_matrix[key]
+ %td
+ %table.table-sm.text-center
+ %tr
+ %td
+ %td
+ %td{:colspan=>"2"} measured
+ %td
+ %tr
+ %td
+ %td
+ active
+ inactive
+ %tr
+ %td.align-middle{:rowspan=>"2"} predicted
+ active
+ %b= matrix[0][0]
+ = matrix[0][1]
+ %tr
+ //%td
+ inactive
+ = matrix[1][0]
+ %b= matrix[1][1]
+ %div.row.justify-content-center
+ %h6 Probability plot
+ %div.row
+ %img{:src=>"/#{}.png", :alt=>"#{}.png"}
- %br
- Descriptors:
- = model.model.algorithms["descriptors"]["method"]+","
- = model.model.algorithms["descriptors"]["type"]
+ / regression
+ - if model.regression?
+ / rmse, mae, r_squared, pred nr, within intv, out intv
+ - keys = cv.rmse.collect{|key, value| key}
+ - rmse = cv.rmse.collect{|key, value| value.signif(3)}
+ - mae = cv.mae.collect{|key, value| value.signif(3)}
+ - rsq = cv.r_squared.collect{|key, value| value.signif(3)}
+ - nrp = cv.nr_predictions.collect{|key,value| value}
+ - wpi = cv.within_prediction_interval.collect{|key,value| value}
+ - opi = cv.out_of_prediction_interval.collect{|key,value| value}
+ %tr
+ = "Nr.#{idx+1}"
+ %td
+ %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ %td
+ %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ %td
+ %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}= "R"+"<sup>2</sup>"
+ %td Number of predictions
+ %td Within prediction interval
+ %td Out of prediction interval
+ - keys.each_with_index do |key,idx|
+ %tr
+ / keys
+ key.gsub("_", " ")
+ / rsme:
+ %td= rmse[idx]
+ / mae:
+ %td= mae[idx]
+ / r_squared:
+ %td= rsq[idx]
+ / Predictions number:
+ %td= nrp[idx]
+ / Within prediction interval:
+ %td= wpi[idx]
+ / Out of prediction interval:
+ %td= opi[idx]
+ %div.row.justify-content-center
+ %h6 Correlation plot
+ %div.row
+ %img{:src=>"/#{}.png", :alt=>"#{}.png"}
+ - unless idx == crossvalidations.size-1
+ %hr
- - if type == "Classification"
- %div.panel-heading
- %b Independent crossvalidations:
- - else
- %div.panel-heading
- %b Independent crossvalidations (-log10 transformed):
- %div.panel-body
- /%div.row{:id=>"validations#{}", :style=>"background-color:#f5f5f5;"}
- %div.row{:id=>"validations#{}"}
- - crossvalidations.each do |cv|
- %span.col-xs-4.col-sm-4.col-md-4.col-lg-4
- = "Num folds:\t"
- = cv.folds
- %br
- = "Num instances:\t"
- = cv.nr_instances
- %br
- = "Num unpredicted"
- = cv.nr_unpredicted
- - if model.classification?
- %br
- = "Accuracy:\t"
- = cv.accuracy.round(3) if cv.accuracy
- %br
- = "Weighted accuracy:\t"
- = cv.weighted_accuracy.round(3) if cv.weighted_accuracy
- - if cv.true_rate
- %br
- = "True positive rate:\t"
- = cv.true_rate[cv.accept_values[0]].round(3)
- %br
- = "True negative rate:\t"
- = cv.true_rate[cv.accept_values[1]].round(3)
- - if cv.predictivity
- %br
- = "Positive predictive value:\t"
- = cv.predictivity[cv.accept_values[0]].round(3)
- %br
- = "Negative predictive value:\t"
- = cv.predictivity[cv.accept_values[1]].round(3)
- %p
- - ["confusion_matrix", "weighted_confusion_matrix"].each_with_index do |matrix,idx|
- %b= (idx == 0 ? "Confusion Matrix" : "Weighted Confusion Matrix")
- %table.table.table-condensed.table-borderless{:style=>"width:20%;"}
- %tbody
- %tr
- %td
- %td
- %td
- %b actual
- %td
- %td
- %tr
- %td
- %td
- %td active
- %td inactive
- -#%td total
- %tr
- %td
- %b predicted
- %td active
- %td
- =( idx == 1 ? cv.send(matrix)[0][0].round(3) : cv.send(matrix)[0][0])
- %td
- =( idx == 1 ? cv.send(matrix)[0][1].round(3) : cv.send(matrix)[0][1])
- -#%td
- =cv.confusion_matrix[0][0]+cv.confusion_matrix[0][1]
- %tr
- %td
- %td inactive
- %td
- =( idx == 1 ? cv.send(matrix)[1][0].round(3) : cv.send(matrix)[1][0])
- %td
- =( idx == 1 ? cv.send(matrix)[1][1].round(3) : cv.send(matrix)[1][1])
- -#%td
- =cv.confusion_matrix[1][0]+cv.confusion_matrix[1][1]
- -#%tr
- %td
- %td total
- %td
- =cv.confusion_matrix[0][0]+cv.confusion_matrix[1][0]
- %td
- =cv.confusion_matrix[0][1]+cv.confusion_matrix[1][1]
- %td
- -#= "Confusion Matrix:\t"
- -#= cv.confusion_matrix
- %br
- %br
- /= "Confidence plot:"
- /%p.plot
- / %img{:src=>"confp#{}.svg"}
- - if model.regression?
- %br
- %a.ht5{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"} RMSE:
- = cv.rmse.round(3) if cv.rmse
- %br
- %a.ht5{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"} MAE:
- = cv.mae.round(3) if cv.mae
- %br
- %a.ht5{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}= "R"+"<sup>2</sup>"+":"
- = cv.r_squared.round(3) if cv.r_squared
- %br
- /= "Confidence plot:"
- /%p.plot
- / %img{:src=>"/confp#{}.svg"}
- /%br
- /= "Correlation plot"
- /%p.plot
- / %img{:src=>"/corrp#{}.svg"}
- %div.panel-heading
- %b QMRF:
- %div.panel-body
- %a.btn.btn-default.btn-xs{:href=>"#{to("/report/#{}")}", :id=>"report#{}", :style=>"font-size:small;"}
- %span.glyphicon.glyphicon-download-alt
+ %div.card-body
+ %h6.card-title QMRF:
+ %a.btn.btn-outline-info{:href=>"//#{$host_with_port}/predict/report/#{}", :id=>"report#{}", :style=>"font-size:small;"}
+ %span.fa.fa-download