path: root/views/prediction.haml
diff options
authorgebele <>2013-03-14 17:58:24 +0100
committergebele <>2013-03-14 17:58:24 +0100
commitd5649c3bb4eb992c722c24c7fa96a912df2cbf8f (patch)
tree0567fed6a6567364c37c9766e562ea2cfb500607 /views/prediction.haml
parentc609abf8157210a75790b54ef53569c07bf851d4 (diff)
working with iframes
Diffstat (limited to 'views/prediction.haml')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/views/prediction.haml b/views/prediction.haml
index ef928fa..623275d 100644
--- a/views/prediction.haml
+++ b/views/prediction.haml
@@ -1,8 +1,3 @@
- $(function() {
- $("#tabs").tabs();
- });
@@ -21,11 +16,11 @@
%img{:src=>"#{@compound.uri}/image", :alt=>@compound.uri, :width=>"100px"}
- count=0
- - @predictions.each do |pa|
+ - @@predictions.each do |pa|
- pa.each do |p|
- p.get
- %b= @prediction_models[count].title
+ %b= @@prediction_models[count].title
- count+=1
= "Result:\n"
@@ -33,77 +28,12 @@
= "Confidence:\n"
= p.data_entries[0][2].round(3)
- %script{:src=>"/javascripts/jquery.tablesorter.min.js"}
- .results
- #tabs
- %ul
- - count_m = 0
- - @prediction_models.each do |m|
- - count_m += 1
- %li
- %a{:href => "#results_#{count_m}", :id => "link#{m.title}"}
- = m.title
- - count_rs = 0
- - @predictions.each do |pa|
- - count_rs += 1
- #results{:id=>"#{count_rs}"}
- - pa.each do |p|
- / get prediction OpenTox::Dataset
- - p.get
- / prepare dataset for neighbours table
- - p.data_entries.shift
- - p.compounds.shift
- :javascript
- $(document).ready(function(){
- // call the tablesorter plugin
- $("table##{count_rs}").tablesorter({
- // debug for development
- debug: true,
- widgets: ['zebra'],
- // disable first column
- headers: {0: {sorter: false},3: {sorter: false}},
- // presort similarity asc
- sortList: [[2,0]]
- });
- });
- / TODO catch table error if tbody is empty
- %h3= "Neighbours: "
- %table{:id=>"#{count_rs}", :class=>"tablesorter", :cellspacing=>"1"}
- %thead
- %tr
- %th
- Compound
- %th
- Measured Activity
- %th
- Similarity
- %th
- Details
- -#%tbody
- - count = 0
- - p.compounds.each do |neighbour_compound|
- %tr
- %td
- %img{:src=>"#{neighbour_compound.uri}/image", :alt=>neighbour_compound.uri, :width=>"100px"}
- %td= p.data_entries[count][0]
- %td
- = p.data_entries[count][3].round(3)
- %td
- %a{:href => "#info_#{count}", :id=>"linkNeighbour#{count}"}
- %img{:src=>"/images/arrow_right_float.png", :alt=>"arrow"}
- #info{:id=>"#{count}", :style => "display: none;"}
- info names smiles inchies Eigenschaften physic chem Verwandte links zu anderen Datenbanken info names smiles inchies Eigenschaften physic chem Verwandte links zu anderen Datenbanken info names smiles inchies Eigenschaften physic chem Verwandte links zu anderen Datenbanken info names smiles inchies Eigenschaften physic chem Verwandte links zu anderen Datenbanken info names smiles inchies Eigenschaften physic chem Verwandte links zu anderen Datenbanken
- :javascript
- $("a#linkNeighbour#{count}").click(function () {
- $("#info_#{count}").toggle();
- document.location = document.location + "#" + "linkNeighbour#{count}";
- });
- - count += 1
+ %br
+ %a{:href=> to("/prediction/neighbours"), :target=> "neighbours"}
+ %img{:src=>"/images/arrow_down_float.png", :alt=>"arrow"}
+ %iframe{:name=>"neighbours", :width=>"50%", :height=>"400px", :style=>"float:left; border:0px"}
+ %iframe{:name=>"details", :width=>"50%", :height=>"400px", :style=>"border:0px"}