diff options
1 files changed, 110 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/views/model_details.haml b/views/model_details.haml
index 8691325..ba49b79 100644
--- a/views/model_details.haml
+++ b/views/model_details.haml
@@ -41,135 +41,117 @@
- if type == "Classification"
- %h6.card-text Independent crossvalidations:
+ %h6.card-title Independent crossvalidations:
- else
- %h6.card-text Independent crossvalidations (-log10 transformed):
- - crossvalidations.each_with_index do |cv,idx|
- %div.card-body
- %h6.card-title= "Nr.#{idx+1} | Num folds:#{cv.folds}"
- %p.card-text
- / predictions nr
- %div.row
- %div.col-6
- %h6
- Predictions number:
- - cv.nr_predictions.each do |key,value|
- %div.row
- %div.col
- %h6
- = key
- %div.col
- = value
- - if model.classification?
- %hr
- %div.row
- / accuracy
- %div.col-6
- %h6
- Accuracy:
- - cv.accuracy.each do |key, value|
- %div.row
- %div.col
- %h6
- = key
- %div.col
- = value.signif(3)
- %hr
- / matrixes
- %div.row
- - cv.confusion_matrix.each do |key,matrix|
- %div.col-4
- %h6
- Confusion Matrix:
- %i= key
- %br
- %table.table.table-sm.table-borderless.col-4
- %tbody
- %tr
- %td
- %td
- %td
- %h6 actual
- %td
- %tr
- %td
- %td
- %td active
- %td inactive
- %tr
- %td
- %h6 predicted
- %td active
- %td
- = matrix[0][0]
- %td
- = matrix[0][1]
- %tr
- %td
- %td inactive
- %td
- = matrix[1][0]
- %td
- = matrix[1][1]
- %br
- - if model.regression?
- %hr
- %div.row
- %div.col
- %h6
- %a.card-link{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
- - cv.rmse.each do |key,value|
- %div.row
- %div.col
- %h6
- = key
- %div.col
- = value.signif(3)
- %div.col
- %h6
- %a.card-link{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
- MAE:
- - cv.mae.each do |key,value|
- %div.row
- %div.col
- %h6
- = key
- %div.col
- = value.signif(3)
- %div.col
- %h6
- %a.card-link{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}= "R"+"<sup>2</sup>"+":"
- - cv.r_squared.each do |key,value|
- %div.row
- %div.col
- %h6.card-title
- = key
- %div.col
- = value.signif(3)
- %hr
- %div.row
- %div.col
- %h6
- Within prediction interval:
- - cv.within_prediction_interval.each do |key,value|
- %div.row
- %div.col
- %h6
- = key
- %div.col
- = value
- %div.col
- %h6
- Out of prediction interval:
- - cv.out_of_prediction_interval.each do |key,value|
- %div.row
- %div.col
- %h6
- = key
- %div.col
- = value
+ %h6.card-title Independent crossvalidations (-log10 transformed):
+ - crossvalidations.each_with_index do |cv,idx|
+ %p.card-text
+ - if model.classification?
+ / accuracy, confusion matrixes
+ - keys = cv.accuracy.collect{|key, value| key}
+ - acc = cv.accuracy.collect{|key, value| value.signif(3)}
+ %table.table.table-borderless.table-responsive
+ %tr
+ %td.text-right
+ = "Nr.#{idx+1}"
+ %td.text-center Accuracy:
+ / mimic vertical line
+ %td.border-right
+ %td.text-center Confusion matrix all:
+ %td.text-center Confusion matrix confidence high:
+ %td.text-center Confusion matrix confidence low:
+ %tr
+ %td
+ / accuracy key:
+ %table.table
+ - keys.each_with_index do |key,idx|
+ %tr
+ key.gsub("_", " ")+":"
+ %td
+ / accuray value:
+ %table.table
+ - keys.each_with_index do |key,idx|
+ %tr
+ %td.text-center= acc[idx]
+ / mimic vertical line
+ %td.border-right
+ / confusion matrixes:
+ - keys.each do |key|
+ - matrix = cv.confusion_matrix[key]
+ %td
+ %table.table-sm
+ %tr
+ %td
+ %td
+ %td
+ %h6 actual
+ %td
+ %tr
+ %td
+ %td
+ %td active
+ %td inactive
+ %tr
+ %td
+ %h6 predicted
+ %td active
+ %td
+ = matrix[0][0]
+ %td
+ = matrix[0][1]
+ %tr
+ %td
+ %td inactive
+ %td
+ = matrix[1][0]
+ %td
+ = matrix[1][1]
+ / regression
+ - if model.regression?
+ / rmse, mae, r_squared, pred nr, within intv, out intv
+ - keys = cv.rmse.collect{|key, value| key}
+ - rmse = cv.rmse.collect{|key, value| value.signif(3)}
+ - mae = cv.mae.collect{|key, value| value.signif(3)}
+ - rsq = cv.r_squared.collect{|key, value| value.signif(3)}
+ - nrp = cv.nr_predictions.collect{|key,value| value}
+ - wpi = cv.within_prediction_interval.collect{|key,value| value}
+ - opi = cv.out_of_prediction_interval.collect{|key,value| value}
+ %table.table.table-borderless.table-responsive
+ %tr
+ %td.text-center
+ = "Nr.#{idx+1} | Num folds:#{cv.folds}"
+ %td.text-center
+ %a.card-link{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ %td.text-center
+ %a.card-link{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
+ MAE:
+ %td.text-center
+ %a.card-link{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}= "R"+"<sup>2</sup>"+":"
+ %td.text-center Number of predictions:
+ %td.text-center Within prediction interval:
+ %td.text-center Out of prediction interval:
+ - keys.each_with_index do |key,idx|
+ %tr
+ %td.text-right= key.gsub("_", " ")+":"
+ / rsme:
+ %td.text-center= rmse[idx]
+ / mae:
+ %td.text-center= mae[idx]
+ / r_squared:
+ %td.text-center= rsq[idx]
+ / Predictions number:
+ %td.text-center= nrp[idx]
+ / Within prediction interval:
+ %td.text-center= wpi[idx]
+ / Out of prediction interval:
+ %td.text-center= opi[idx]
+ - unless idx == 4
+ %hr
%h6.card-title QMRF: