path: root/lib/compound.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/compound.rb')
1 files changed, 68 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compound.rb b/lib/compound.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4606aa4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/compound.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+# Get a list of a single or all descriptors
+# @param [Header] Accept one of text/plain, application/json
+# @param [Path] Descriptor name or descriptor ID (e.G.: Openbabel.HBA1, 5755f8eb3cf99a00d8fedf2f)
+# @return [text/plain, application/json] list of all prediction models
+get "/api/compound/descriptor/?:descriptor?" do
+ case @accept
+ when "application/json"
+ return "#{JSON.pretty_generate PhysChem::DESCRIPTORS} " unless params[:descriptor]
+ return PhysChem.find_by(:name => params[:descriptor]).to_json if PhysChem::DESCRIPTORS.include?(params[:descriptor])
+ return PhysChem.find(params[:descriptor]).to_json if PhysChem.find(params[:descriptor])
+ else
+ return PhysChem::DESCRIPTORS.collect{|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}\n"} unless params[:descriptor]
+ return PhysChem::DESCRIPTORS[params[:descriptor]] if PhysChem::DESCRIPTORS.include?(params[:descriptor])
+ return "#{PhysChem.find(params[:descriptor]).name}: #{PhysChem.find(params[:descriptor]).description}" if PhysChem.find(params[:descriptor])
+ end
+post "/api/compound/descriptor/?" do
+ bad_request_error "Missing Parameter " unless params[:identifier] && params[:descriptor]
+ descriptors = params['descriptor'].split(',')
+ compound = Compound.from_smiles params[:identifier]
+ physchem_descriptors = []
+ descriptors.each do |descriptor|
+ physchem_descriptors << PhysChem.find_by(:name => descriptor)
+ end
+ result = compound.calculate_properties physchem_descriptors
+ csv = (0..result.size-1).collect{|i| "\"#{physchem_descriptors[i].name}\",#{result[i]}"}.join("\n")
+ csv = "SMILES,\"#{params[:identifier]}\"\n#{csv}" if params[:identifier]
+ case @accept
+ when "text/csv","application/csv"
+ return csv
+ when "application/json"
+ result_hash = (0..result.size-1).collect{|i| {"#{physchem_descriptors[i].name}" => "#{result[i]}"}}
+ data = {"compound" => {"SMILES" => "#{params[:identifier]}"}}
+ data["compound"]["InChI"] = "#{compound.inchi}" if compound.inchi
+ data["compound"]["results"] = result_hash
+ return JSON.pretty_generate(data)
+ end
+get %r{/api/compound/(InChI.+)} do |input|
+ compound = Compound.from_inchi URI.unescape(input)
+ if compound
+ response['Content-Type'] = @accept
+ case @accept
+ when "application/json"
+ c = {"compound": {"id":, "inchi": compound.inchi, "smiles": compound.smiles, "warnings": compound.warnings}}
+ return JSON.pretty_generate JSON.parse(c.to_json)
+ when "chemical/x-daylight-smiles"
+ return compound.smiles
+ when "chemical/x-inchi"
+ return compound.inchi
+ when "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile"
+ return compound.sdf
+ when "chemical/x-mdl-molfile"
+ when "image/png"
+ return compound.png
+ when "image/svg+xml"
+ return compound.svg
+ #when "text/plain"
+ #return "#{compound.names}\n"
+ else
+ halt 400, "Content type #{@accept} not supported."
+ end
+ else
+ halt 400, "Compound with #{input} not found.".to_json
+ end