path: root/views/layout.haml
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Diffstat (limited to 'views/layout.haml')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/views/layout.haml b/views/layout.haml
index 9b13e2f..8cd5dfb 100644
--- a/views/layout.haml
+++ b/views/layout.haml
@@ -6,77 +6,53 @@
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%title lazar Toxicity Predictions
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+ %h1 lazar toxicity predictions
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+ page or send us an email.
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+ Please cite
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= yield
@@ -88,24 +64,24 @@
%a{:href => '', :rel => "external"} <i style="font-family: serife">in silico</i> toxicology gmbh 2004 - #{}
- %a{:href => to("/license"), :rel => "external"} GPL3 License
- %supporters
- %div.panel.panel-default
+ %a{:href => "//#{$host_with_port}/predict/license", :rel => "external"} GPL3 License
+ %supporters.row
+ %div.card-body.text-center
+ %div.card-title
Financial support by
- %div.panel-body
- %a{:href=>"", :rel=>"external"}
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@@ -124,3 +100,15 @@
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