path: root/views/prediction.haml
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'views/prediction.haml')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/views/prediction.haml b/views/prediction.haml
index 47e83fa..2a315f9 100644
--- a/views/prediction.haml
+++ b/views/prediction.haml
@@ -16,14 +16,14 @@
New Prediction
- %h3.card-title Prediction Results:
+ %h3.card-title Prediction:
%a.btn.btn-link{:href => "#details0", data: { toggle: "modal", remote: to("/prediction/#{}/details"), :id=>"link01"}}
- = @compound.svg
+ = embedded_svg(@compound.svg, :title=>"click for details")
%p= @compound.smiles
- @model_types = {}
- @dbhit = {}
@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
= (type == "Regression") ? "#{prediction[:value].delog10.signif(3)} (#{unit})</br>#{@compound.mmol_to_mg(prediction[:value].delog10).signif(3)} #{(unit =~ /\b(mmol\/L)\b/) ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}" : prediction[:value]
- / show prediction interval or probability
+ / show prediction interval or probability
+ - if type == "Regression"
- - if type == "Regression"
%b 95% Prediction interval:
- interval = (prediction[:prediction_interval].nil? ? nil : prediction[:prediction_interval])
/ prediction interval popover
@@ -82,7 +82,12 @@
= interval.nil? ? "--" : "#{interval[1].delog10.signif(3)} - #{interval[0].delog10.signif(3)} (#{unit})"
= "#{@compound.mmol_to_mg(interval[1].delog10).signif(3)} - #{@compound.mmol_to_mg(interval[0].delog10).signif(3)} #{(unit =~ /\b(mmol\/L)\b/) ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}" if !interval.nil?
- - else
+ %p
+ %b Confidence:
+ %br
+ = prediction[:confidence]
+ - else
+ %p
%b Probability:
/ probability popover
%a.btn.fa.fa-info-circle{:href=>"javascript:void(0)", :title=>"Pobability", :tabindex=>"0", data: {trigger:"focus", toggle:"popover", placement:"left", html:"true", content:"Probability that the prediction belongs to one of the given classes."}}
@@ -92,6 +97,10 @@
- if prediction[:probabilities].size == 2
= "#{prediction[:probabilities].keys[1]}: #{prediction[:probabilities].values[1].signif(3)}"
+ %p
+ %b Confidence:
+ %br
+ = prediction[:confidence]
/ show warnings and info