require_relative 'task.rb' require_relative 'prediction.rb' require_relative 'helper.rb' include OpenTox configure :production do $logger = enable :reloader end configure :development do $logger = enable :reloader end before do @version ="VERSION").chomp end not_found do redirect to('/predict') end error do @error = request.env['sinatra.error'] haml :error end get '/?' do redirect to('/predict') end get '/predict/?' do if params[:tpid] && !params[:tpid].blank? pid = params[:tpid].to_i Process.kill(9,pid) #if (Process.getpgid(pid) rescue nil).present? end @models = Model::Validation.all @models = @models.delete_if{|m| =~ /\b(Net cell association)\b/} @endpoints = @models.collect{|m| m.endpoint}.sort.uniq @endpoints << "Oral toxicity (Cramer rules)" @models.count <= 0 ? (haml :info) : (haml :predict) end get '/task/?' do if params[:turi] task = Task.find(params[:turi].to_s) return JSON.pretty_generate(:percent => task.percent) elsif params[:predictions] pageSize = params[:pageSize].to_i - 1 pageNumber= params[:pageNumber].to_i - 1 compound = Compound.find @@compounds_ids[pageNumber] image = compound.svg smiles = compound.smiles task = Task.find(params[:predictions].to_s) unless task.predictions[params[:model]].nil? if params[:model] == "Cramer" prediction = task.predictions[params[:model]] html = "" html += "" string = "" html += "#{string}
" string += "" string += "" string += "
Cramer rules:#{prediction["Cramer rules"][pageNumber.to_i]}
Cramer rules, with extensions:#{prediction["Cramer rules, with extensions"][pageNumber.to_i]}
" else html = "" html += "" string = "" html += "#{string}
" prediction = task.predictions[params[:model]][pageNumber.to_i] sorter = [] if prediction[:info] sorter << {"Info" => prediction[:info]} if prediction[:measurements_string].kind_of?(Array) sorter << {"Measured activity" => "#{prediction[:measurements_string].join(";")}
#{prediction[:converted_measurements].join(";")}"} else sorter << {"Measured activity" => "#{prediction[:measurements_string]}
#{prediction[:converted_measurements]}"} end end # regression if prediction[:prediction_interval] sorter << {"Prediction" => "#{prediction[:prediction_value]}
#{prediction[:converted_prediction_value]}"} sorter << {"95% Prediction interval" => "#{prediction[:interval]}
#{prediction[:converted_interval]}"} sorter << {"Warnings" => prediction[:warnings].join("
")} # classification elsif prediction[:probabilities] sorter << {"Consensus prediction" => prediction["Consensus prediction"]} sorter << {"Consensus confidence" => prediction["Consensus confidence"]} sorter << {"Structural alerts for mutagenicity" => prediction["Structural alerts for mutagenicity"]} sorter << {"Lazar mutagenicity (Salmonella typhimurium)" => ""} sorter << {"Prediction" => prediction[:value]} sorter << {"Probability" => prediction[:probabilities].collect{|k,v| "#{k}: #{v.signif(3)}"}.join("
")} else sorter << {"Warnings" => prediction[:warnings].join("
")} end sorter.each_with_index do |hash,idx| k = hash.keys[0] v = hash.values[0] string += (idx == 0 ? "" : "")+(k =~ /lazar/i ? "" end string += "
" : "") # keyword string += "#{k}:" string += "" # values string += "#{v}" string += "
" end end return JSON.pretty_generate(:predictions => [html]) end end get '/predict/modeldetails/:model' do model = Model::Validation.find params[:model] crossvalidations = Validation::RepeatedCrossValidation.find(model.repeated_crossvalidation_id).crossvalidations return haml :model_details, :layout=> false, :locals => {:model => model, :crossvalidations => crossvalidations} end get '/jme_help/?' do'views','jme_help.html')) end get '/predict/dataset/:name' do response['Content-Type'] = "text/csv" dataset = Dataset.find_by(:name=>params[:name]) csv = dataset.to_csv csv end get '/predict/csv/:task/:model/:filename/?' do response['Content-Type'] = "text/csv" task = Task.find params[:task].to_s tempfile = tempfile.write(task.csv) tempfile.rewind send_file tempfile, :filename => "#{"%Y-%m-%d")}_lazar_batch_prediction_#{params[:model]}_#{params[:filename]}", :type => "text/csv", :disposition => "attachment" end post '/predict/?' do # process batch prediction if !params[:fileselect].blank? if params[:fileselect][:filename] !~ /\.csv$/ bad_request_error "Please submit a csv file." end'tmp/' + params[:fileselect][:filename], "w") do |f| f.write(params[:fileselect][:tempfile].read) end @filename = params[:fileselect][:filename] begin input = Dataset.from_csv_file File.join("tmp", params[:fileselect][:filename]), true $logger.debug "save dataset #{params[:fileselect][:filename]}" if input.class == OpenTox::Dataset @dataset = Dataset.find input @compounds = @dataset.compounds else bad_request_error "Could not serialize file '#{@filename}'." end rescue bad_request_error "Could not serialize file '#{@filename}'." end if @compounds.size == 0 message = dataset[:warnings] @dataset.delete bad_request_error message end @models = params[:selection].keys # for single predictions in batch @@compounds_ids = @compounds.collect{|c|} @tasks = [] @models.each{|m| t =;; @tasks << t} @predictions = {} task = do @models.each_with_index do |model,idx| t = @tasks[idx] unless model == "Cramer" m = Model::Validation.find model type = (m.regression? ? "Regression" : "Classification") # add header for regression if type == "Regression" unit = (type == "Regression") ? "(#{m.unit})" : "" converted_unit = (type == "Regression") ? "#{m.unit =~ /\b(mmol\/L)\b/ ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}" : "" header = "ID,Endpoint,Unique SMILES,inTrainingSet,Measurements,Prediction #{unit},Prediction #{converted_unit},"\ "Prediction Interval Low #{unit},Prediction Interval High #{unit},"\ "Prediction Interval Low #{converted_unit},Prediction Interval High #{converted_unit},"\ "inApplicabilityDomain,Note\n" end # add header for classification if type == "Classification" av = m.prediction_feature.accept_values header = "ID,Endpoint,Unique SMILES,inTrainingSet,Measurements,Consensus Prediction,Consensus Confidence,"\ "Structural alerts for mutagenicity,Lazar Prediction,"\ "Lazar predProbability #{av[0]},Lazar predProbability #{av[1]},inApplicabilityDomain,Note\n" end # predict compounds p = 100.0/@compounds.size counter = 1 predictions = [] @compounds.each do |compound| if Prediction.where(compound:, model: $logger.debug "prediction already exists !" prediction = Prediction.find_by(compound:, model: else prediction = m.predict(compound) # save prediction object prediction_object = prediction_object[:compound] = prediction_object[:model] = prediction_object[:prediction] = prediction end if type == "Classification"# consensus mutagenicity sa_prediction = KaziusAlerts.predict(compound.smiles) lazar_mutagenicity = prediction confidence = 0 lazar_mutagenicity_val = (lazar_mutagenicity[:value] == "non-mutagenic" ? false : true) if sa_prediction[:prediction] == false && lazar_mutagenicity_val == false confidence = 0.85 elsif sa_prediction[:prediction] == true && lazar_mutagenicity_val == true confidence = 0.85 * ( 1 - sa_prediction[:error_product] ) elsif sa_prediction[:prediction] == false && lazar_mutagenicity_val == true confidence = 0.11 elsif sa_prediction[:prediction] == true && lazar_mutagenicity_val == false confidence = ( 1 - sa_prediction[:error_product] ) - 0.57 end prediction["Consensus prediction"] = sa_prediction[:prediction] == false ? "non-mutagenic" : "mutagenic" prediction["Consensus confidence"] = confidence.signif(3) prediction["Structural alerts for mutagenicity"] = sa_prediction[:matches].blank? ? "none" : sa_prediction[:matches].collect{|a| a.first}.join("; ") end # regression unless prediction[:value].blank? if type == "Regression" prediction[:prediction_value] = "#{prediction[:value].delog10.signif(3)} #{unit}" prediction["converted_prediction_value"] = "#{compound.mmol_to_mg(prediction[:value].delog10).signif(3)} #{converted_unit}" end end unless prediction[:prediction_interval].blank? interval = prediction[:prediction_interval] prediction[:interval] = "#{interval[1].delog10.signif(3)} - #{interval[0].delog10.signif(3)} #{unit}" prediction[:converted_interval] = "#{compound.mmol_to_mg(interval[1].delog10).signif(3)} - #{compound.mmol_to_mg(interval[0].delog10).signif(3)} #{converted_unit}" end prediction["unit"] = unit prediction["converted_unit"] = converted_unit if prediction[:measurements].is_a?(Array) prediction["measurements_string"] = (type == "Regression") ? prediction[:measurements].collect{|value| "#{value.delog10.signif(3)} #{unit}"} : prediction[:measurements].join("
") prediction["converted_measurements"] = prediction[:measurements].collect{|value| "#{compound.mmol_to_mg(value.delog10).signif(3)} #{unit =~ /mmol\/L/ ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}"} if type == "Regression" else output["measurements_string"] = (type == "Regression") ? "#{prediction[:measurements].delog10.signif(3)} #{unit}}" : prediction[:measurements] output["converted_measurements"] = "#{compound.mmol_to_mg(prediction[:measurements].delog10).signif(3)} #{(unit =~ /\b(mmol\/L)\b/) ? "(mg/L)" : "(mg/kg_bw/day)"}" if type == "Regression" end predictions << prediction.delete_if{|k,v| k =~ /neighbors|prediction_feature_id|r_squared|rmse/i} t.update_percent((counter*p).ceil) counter += 1 end # write csv t[:csv] = header + to_csv(model,predictions,@compounds) # write predictions @predictions["#{model}"] = predictions else # Cramer model #t[:csv] = to_csv(model,nil,@compounds) compounds = @compounds.collect{|c| c.smiles} prediction = [Toxtree.predict(compounds, "Cramer rules"), Toxtree.predict(compounds, "Cramer rules with extensions")] output = {} output["model_name"] = "Oral toxicity (Cramer rules)" output["cramer_rules"] = prediction.collect{|array| array.collect{|hash| hash["Cramer rules"]}}.flatten.compact output["cramer_rules_extensions"] = prediction.collect{|array| array.collect{|hash| hash["Cramer rules, with extensions"]}}.flatten.compact # header csv = "ID,Endpoint,Unique SMILES,Cramer rules,Cramer rules with extensions\n" # content compounds.each_with_index do |smiles, idx| csv << "#{idx+1},#{output["model_name"]},#{smiles},"\ "#{output["cramer_rules"][idx] != "nil" ? output["cramer_rules"][idx] : "none" },"\ "#{output["cramer_rules_extensions"][idx] != "nil" ? output["cramer_rules_extensions"][idx] : "none"}\n" end predictions = {} predictions["Cramer rules"] = output["cramer_rules"].collect{|rule| rule != "nil" ? rule : "none"} predictions["Cramer rules, with extensions"] = output["cramer_rules_extensions"].collect{|rule| rule != "nil" ? rule : "none"} # write csv t[:csv] = csv # write predictions @predictions["#{model}"] = predictions t.update_percent(100) end # save task # append predictions as last action otherwise they won't save # mongoid works with shallow copy via #dup t[:predictions] = @predictions end#models end#main task @pid = $logger.debug "application pid: #{@pid}" File.delete File.join("tmp", params[:fileselect][:filename]) return haml :batch end # single compound prediction # validate identifier input if !params[:identifier].blank? @identifier = params[:identifier].strip $logger.debug "input:#{@identifier}" # get compound from SMILES @compound = Compound.from_smiles @identifier bad_request_error "'#{@identifier}' is not a valid SMILES string." if @compound.blank? @models = [] @predictions = [] @toxtree = false params[:selection].keys.each do |model_id| if model_id == "Cramer" @toxtree = true @predictions << [Toxtree.predict(@compound.smiles, "Cramer rules"), Toxtree.predict(@compound.smiles, "Cramer rules with extensions")] else model = Model::Validation.find model_id @models << model if =~ /kazius/ sa_prediction = KaziusAlerts.predict(@compound.smiles) lazar_mutagenicity = model.predict(@compound) confidence = 0 lazar_mutagenicity_val = (lazar_mutagenicity[:value] == "non-mutagenic" ? false : true) if sa_prediction[:prediction] == false && lazar_mutagenicity_val == false confidence = 0.85 elsif sa_prediction[:prediction] == true && lazar_mutagenicity_val == true confidence = 0.85 * ( 1 - sa_prediction[:error_product] ) elsif sa_prediction[:prediction] == false && lazar_mutagenicity_val == true confidence = 0.11 elsif sa_prediction[:prediction] == true && lazar_mutagenicity_val == false confidence = ( 1 - sa_prediction[:error_product] ) - 0.57 end @predictions << [lazar_mutagenicity, {:prediction => sa_prediction, :confidence => confidence}] else @predictions << model.predict(@compound) end end end haml :prediction end end get '/style.css' do headers 'Content-Type' => 'text/css; charset=utf-8' scss :style end