# Get a list of all prediction models # @param [Header] Accept one of text/uri-list, # @return [text/uri-list] list of all prediction models get "/model/?" do models = Model::Validation.all case @accept when "text/uri-list" uri_list = models.collect{|model| uri("/model/#{model.id}")} return uri_list.join("\n") + "\n" when "application/json" models = JSON.parse models.to_json list = [] models.each{|m| list << uri("/model/#{m["_id"]["$oid"]}")} return list.to_json else bad_request_error "Mime type #{@accept} is not supported." end end get "/model/:id/?" do model = Model::Validation.find params[:id] not_found_error "Model with id: #{params[:id]} not found." unless model return model.to_json end post "/model/:id/?" do identifier = params[:identifier].split(",") compounds = identifier.collect{ |i| Compound.from_smiles i.strip.gsub(/\A"|"\Z/,'') } model = Model::Validation.find params[:id] batch = {} compounds.each do |compound| prediction = model.predict(compound) batch[compound] = {:id => compound.id, :inchi => compound.inchi, :smiles => compound.smiles, :model => model, :prediction => prediction} end return batch.to_json end