# Get a list of all possible reports to prediction models # @param [Header] Accept one of text/uri-list, # @return [text/uri-list] list of all prediction models get "/api/report/?" do models = Model::Validation.all case @accept when "text/uri-list" uri_list = models.collect{|model| uri("/api/report/#{model.model_id}")} return uri_list.join("\n") + "\n" when "application/json" models = JSON.parse models.to_json list = [] models.each{|m| list << uri("/api/report/#{m["_id"]["$oid"]}")} return list.to_json else halt 400, "Mime type #{@accept} is not supported." end end get "/api/report/:id/?" do case @accept when "application/xml" report = qmrf_report params[:id] return report.to_xml else halt 400, "Mime type #{@accept} is not supported." end end