/ unpacks multi prediction array ; / prepare it for neighbors ; / align single prediction to endpoint ; / display preordered in table view ; %div.results %h3 Neighbors: / tabs div #tabs %ul.nav.nav-tabs.nav-justified{:id=>"neighborTabs", :role=>"tablist"} / each model a tab head ; / hash for predictionFeature - predictionFeature = {} - @models.each_with_index do |model,i| / get predictionFeature type - m = Model::Lazar.find model.model_id.to_s - predFeature = Feature.find m.prediction_feature_id.to_s / define feature type (numeric : nominal) - predFeatureType = (predFeature.numeric? ? "numeric" : "nominal") / use prediction feature id for neighbor compound features - predFeatureId = m.prediction_feature_id.to_s - predictionFeature[i] = {"id" => predFeatureId, "type" => predFeatureType} %li{:class => ("active" if i == 0)} %a{:href => "#results_#{i+1}", :id => "linkTab#{i+1}", data: {toggle:"tab"}} = "#{model.endpoint} (#{model.species})" %div.tab-content / unpack to single arrays - @predictions.each_with_index do |prediction,j| / pass model type for significant fragments view #results.tab-pane{:id=>"#{j+1}", :class => ("active" if j == 0)} / prepare dataset for neighbors table ; / delete first array which contains prediction ; / following arrays are the neighbor predictions ; / call the tablesorter plugin ; / presort by similarity ; :javascript $(document).ready(function(){ $("table##{j+1}").tablesorter({ debug: false, theme: "bootstrap", headerTemplate: '', widgets: ['columns', 'uitheme', 'stickyHeaders'], widgetOptions: { stickyHeaders_attachTo : '.tab-content', stickyHeaders : '', stickyHeaders_offset : 0, stickyHeaders_cloneId : '-sticky', stickyHeaders_addResizeEvent : true, stickyHeaders_includeCaption : true, stickyHeaders_zIndex : 2, stickyHeaders_attachTo : null, stickyHeaders_xScroll : null, stickyHeaders_yScroll : null, stickyHeaders_filteredToTop: true }, sortList: [[2,1]], headers: {sorter: false}, widthFixed: false }); }); - if prediction[:neighbors].size > 0 %div.table-responsive %table{:id=>"#{j+1}", :style=>"border-style: solid;"} %thead %tr %th.sorter-false{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;"} Compound %th.sorter-false{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;"} Measured Activity %a.btn.glyphicon.glyphicon-info-sign{:href=>"#neighbors", :title=>"Measured Activity", :tabindex=>"0", data: {trigger:"focus", container:"body", toggle:"popover", placement:"left", html:"true", content:"Experimental result(s) from the training dataset."}, :style=>"z-index:auto+10;"} %th.sorter-false{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;"} Similarity %a.btn.glyphicon.glyphicon-info-sign{:href=>"#neighbors", :title=>"Similarity", :tabindex=>"0", data: {trigger:"focus", container:"body", toggle:"popover", placement:"left", html:"true", content:"Tanimoto/Jaccard similarity based on Molprint2D fingerprints."}, :style=>"z-index:auto+10;"} / %th{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;"} / Supporting Information %tbody - type = @model_types[j] - unit = @models[j].unit - prediction[:neighbors].uniq.each_with_index do |neighbor,count| %tr / Compound - c = Compound.find(neighbor) %td{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;padding-left:1em;width:50%;"} /%a.btn.btn-link{:href => "#details#{j+1}", data: { toggle: "modal", remote: to("/prediction/#{CGI.escape(neighbor["_id"])}/details"), :id=>"link#{j+1}#{count}"}} %p= c.svg %p= c.smiles / Measured Activity %td{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;padding-left:1em;width:20%;white-space:nowrap;"} = (type == "Regression" ? "#{neighbor[:measurement].delog10}" + " (#{unit})" : neighbor[:measurement]) %br = "#{c.mmol_to_mg(neighbor[:measurement].delog10)}" + " (#{(unit =~ /\b(mol\/L)\b/) ? "mg/L" : "mg/kg_bw/day"})" if type == "Regression" / Similarity = tanimoto %td{:style =>"vertical-align:middle;padding-left:1em;width:20%;"} = neighbor[:similarity].round(3) - else %span.btn.btn-default.disabled = "Not enough similar compounds in training dataset" %div.modal.fade{:id=>"details#{j+1}", :role=>"dialog"} %div.modal-dialog.modal-lg %div.modal-content