%div.modal-body{:style=>"padding:10px;"} %button.close{ :type=>" button", data: { dismiss:"modal"}} × - if @type =~ /classification/i %div.row %div.col-md-4 %h3{:style=>"margin-left:8px;"} Significant fragments: %img{:src=>"#{@compound.uri}/image", :alt=>"#{@compound.smiles}", :title=>"#{@compound.smiles}", :width=>"300px", :heigth=>"300px"} - if !@significant_fragments.empty? %div.col-md-8 %table{:id => "sf"} %tr / @value_map => hash; interpret the effect %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"} Predominantly in compounds with activity "inactive" %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"} p value - @significant_fragments.each do |fragments| / fragments == [effect, smarts, pValue] / fragments[0] = effect /- $logger.debug "effect:\t#{fragments[0]}\n" - if fragments[0] == @value_map.index("inactive") %tr %td / fragments[1] = smarts = fragments[1] -#%img{:src => "http://smartsview.de/smartsview/auto/png/1/both/#{CGI.escape(fragments[1])}", :class => "smarts"} %td /fragments[2] = pValue = fragments[2] %tr %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"} Predominantly in compounds with activity "active" %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"} p value - @significant_fragments.each do |fragments| / fragments == [effect, smarts, pValue] - if fragments[0] == @value_map.index("active") %tr %td -#%img{:src => "http://smartsview.de/smartsview/auto/png/1/both/#{CGI.escape(fragments[1])}", :class => "smarts"} = fragments[1] %td = fragments[2] %br - if @type =~ /regression/i %div.row %div.col-md-4 %h3 Descriptors: %img{:src=>"#{@compound.uri}/image", :alt=>"#{@compound.smiles}", :title=>"#{@compound.smiles}", :width=>"300px", :heigth=>"300px"} - if !@significant_fragments.empty? %div.col-md-8 %table{:id =>"de"} %tr %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"} Descriptor %th{:style=>"border:2px solid #E6E6E6;"} value - @significant_fragments.each do |fragments| %tr %td = fragments[0] %td = fragments[1][0].round(3) %br