#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'json' options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: compare_validation_reports.rb [options]" opts.on("-d d", "--dir=dir", "Path to the validation reports dir.") do |dir| options[:dir] = (dir[-1,1] == "/" ? dir : dir + "/") end opts.on("-c", "--classification", "Select only classification reports from dir.") do |c| if options[:regression] puts "Don't use optional parameters -c and -r at the same time. Mixed by default." exit end options[:classification] = c end opts.on("-r", "--regression", "Select only regression reports from dir.") do |r| if options[:classification] puts "Don't use optional parameters -c and -r at the same time. Mixed by default." exit end options[:regression] = r end opts.on("-v", "--verbose", "Display verbose report. Standard for -d mode without -c or -r parameters.") do |v| options[:verbose] = v end opts.on("-f f", "--file=files", "Select two or more comma seperated reports.") do |files| list = files.split(",") unless list.size == 2 puts "You have to pass at least two files as argument with full path." exit end options[:files] = list end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Displays help") do puts opts exit end end.parse! if options.empty? || (!options[:files] && !options[:dir]) puts "Usage: compare_validation_reports.rb -h" exit end if options[:dir] if options[:verbose] if !options[:classification] && !options[:regression] json = Dir[options[:dir]+'*.json'].map { |f| JSON.parse File.read(f) }.flatten puts JSON.pretty_generate json end if options[:classification] json = Dir[options[:dir]+'*_classification_*.json'].map { |f| JSON.parse File.read(f) }.flatten puts JSON.pretty_generate json end if options[:regression] json = Dir[options[:dir]+'*_regression_*.json'].map { |f| JSON.parse File.read(f) }.flatten puts JSON.pretty_generate json end else main = {} if !options[:classification] && !options[:regression] && !options[:verbose] json = Dir[options[:dir]+'*.json'].map { |f| JSON.parse File.read(f) }.flatten puts JSON.pretty_generate json end if options[:classification] json = Dir[options[:dir]+'*_classification_*.json'].map { |f| JSON.parse File.read(f) }.flatten json.each do |report| main[report["endpoint"]] ||= [] main[report["endpoint"]] << [report["species"], report["created_at"], report["crossvalidations"].map{|cv| {"accuracy": cv[1]["statistics"]["accuracy"], "weighted_accuracy": cv[1]["statistics"]["weighted_accuracy"], "true_rate": cv[1]["statistics"]["true_rate"], "predictivity": cv[1]["statistics"]["predictivity"]}}.flatten] end puts JSON.pretty_generate main end if options[:regression] json = Dir[options[:dir]+'*_regression_*.json'].map { |f| JSON.parse File.read(f) }.flatten json.each do |report| main[report["endpoint"]] ||= [] main[report["endpoint"]] << [report["species"], report["created_at"], report["crossvalidations"].map{|cv| {"rmse": cv[1]["statistics"]["rmse"], "r_squared": cv[1]["statistics"]["r_squared"]}}.flatten] end puts JSON.pretty_generate main end end end if options[:files] json = [] options[:files].each do |file| json << JSON.parse(File.read(file)) end puts JSON.pretty_generate json.flatten end