ENV["LAZAR_ENV"] = "production" require_relative '../lazar/lib/lazar' #require 'lazar' include OpenTox $mongo.database.drop $gridfs = $mongo.database.fs # recreate GridFS indexes PhysChem.descriptors # ensure descriptors are loaded @models = Model::Validation.all def delete_models type case type when "classification" models = @models.delete_if{|m| !m.classification?} when "regression" models = @models.delete_if{|m| !m.regression?} else puts "Unknown model type #{type}" exit end models.each do |m| m.training_dataset.delete m.crossvalidations.each{|cv| cv.delete} m.model.delete m.delete end unless models.empty? end puts CENTRAL_MONGO_IP.blank? ? "Use local mongodb on port:" : "Use central mongodb on port: #{CENTRAL_MONGO_IP}" #=begin # classification models #delete_models "classification" Dir["classification/*csv"].each do |file| if file.match(/hamster/i) puts "### #{file} ###\n" Model::Validation.from_csv_file file end puts "### done: #{file} ###\n" end #=end =begin # regression models #delete_models "regression" Dir["regression/*log10.csv"].each do |file| unless file.match(/fathead/)#until dublicates not cleared puts "### #{file} ###\n" Model::Validation.from_csv_file file end puts "### done: #{file} ###\n" end =end ## nano-lazar =begin # creates 3 models: one with physchem, one with proteomics, one with fingerprints feature_categories = ["fingerprint", "P-CHEM", "Proteomics"] feature_categories.each do |category| if category == "fingerprint" algorithms = { :descriptors => { :method => "fingerprint", :type => "MP2D", }, :feature_selection => nil, :similarity => { :method => "Algorithm::Similarity.tanimoto", :min => 0.1 } } OpenTox::Model::Validation.from_enanomapper algorithms: algorithms else algorithms = { :descriptors => { :method => "properties", :categories => (category.is_a?(Array) ? [category].flatten : [category]), }, :similarity => { :method => "Algorithm::Similarity.weighted_cosine", :min => 0.5 }, :prediction => { :method => "Algorithm::Caret.rf", }, :feature_selection => { :method => "Algorithm::FeatureSelection.correlation_filter", }, } OpenTox::Model::Validation.from_enanomapper algorithms: algorithms end end =end # remove existing local dump `if [ -d dump/#{ENV["LAZAR_ENV"]} ]; then rm -Rf dump/#{ENV["LAZAR_ENV"]}; fi` # store local dump but git ignored `mongodump -h #{CENTRAL_MONGO_IP.blank? ? "" : CENTRAL_MONGO_IP} -d #{ENV["LAZAR_ENV"]}` # build reports and users dump eval File.read('./lazar_validation_reports.rb') # restore #`mongorestore --host #{(CENTRAL_MONGO_IP.blank? ? "" : CENTRAL_MONGO_IP)}`