ENV["LAZAR_ENV"] = "production" require_relative "#{ENV["HOME"]}/lazar/lib/lazar" unless $LOADED_FEATURES.include?("#{ENV["HOME"]}/lazar/lib/lazar.rb") #require 'lazar' require 'json' include OpenTox models = Model::Validation.all size = models.size puts "#{size} reports to store." # store in users home dir subfolder path = "#{ENV['HOME']}/lazar-validation-reports" FileUtils.mkdir_p path models.each_with_index do |model, idx| @json = {} # define file name type = model.regression? ? "regression" : "classification" date = model.created_at.to_s.split.first dataset_name = model.training_dataset.source.split("/").last name = (model.endpoint + "_" + model.species + "_" + dataset_name).gsub!(/[^0-9A-Za-z.\-]/, '_').gsub!(/\.csv$/,"") branch = model.model.version["branch"].gsub(/\//,"-") commit = model.model.version["commit"] filename = [date,type,branch,commit,name].join("_") # collect object data @json["endpoint"] = model.endpoint @json["species"] = model.species @json["source"] = model.source @json["training_dataset"] = dataset_name @json["training_compounds"] = model.training_dataset.data_entries.size @json["algorithms"] = model.algorithms @json["name"] = model.model.name @json["created_at"] = model.created_at @json["unit"] = model.unit @json["version"] = model.model.version @json["crossvalidations"] = {} model.crossvalidations.each_with_index do |cv,idx| @json["crossvalidations"][idx.to_s] = {"folds": cv.folds, "instances": cv.nr_instances, "unpredicted": cv.nr_unpredicted, "statistics": cv.statistics} end # write report to file File.open("#{path}/#{filename}.json", "w") do |f| f.write(JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(@json.to_json))) end puts "#{size - (idx+1)} left to store." end # store database dump in users home dir subfolder if !CENTRAL_MONGO_IP.blank? #TODO Can not dump because mongo commands missing in linked container ! #`mongodump -h #{CENTRAL_MONGO_IP} -o #{path}/#{Time.now.to_s.split.first}-dump-#{ENV["LAZAR_ENV"]} -d #{ENV["LAZAR_ENV"]}` else puts "Storing database dump." `mongodump -h -o #{path}/#{Time.now.to_s.split.first}-dump-#{ENV["LAZAR_ENV"]} -d #{ENV["LAZAR_ENV"]}` end