path: root/bin/lazar
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2021-03-18 16:48:36 +0100
committerChristoph Helma <>2021-03-18 16:48:36 +0100
commit83591831c6e36c36d87159acba6afdfedab95522 (patch)
treeaeab99f16956468d432b24ecabf447fb06ab8e66 /bin/lazar
parent1dcd741a5bff8dc41abf0840f59031eb557ff230 (diff)
fingerprint predictions addedsingle-input-file
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/lazar')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/lazar b/bin/lazar
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..e603b4c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/lazar
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env ruby
+require 'optparse'
+require_relative '../lib/lazar'
+ARGV << '-h' if ARGV.empty?
+options = {}
+options[:folds] = 10
+options[:thresholds] = [0.5,0.2]
+ do |opts|
+ opts.banner = "Usage: lazar -t TRAIN -x|-p descriptors [options]"
+ opts.on( '-h', '--help', 'Display this screen' ) do
+ puts opts
+ exit
+ end
+ opts.on( '-t TRAIN', '-train TRAIN', "Training data in csv format (required). Type 'lazar -f' for format specifications." ) do |t|
+ options[:train] = t
+ end
+ opts.on( '-p descriptors', '--predict descriptors', "Prediction data in csv format. Type 'lazar -f' for format specifications.") do |p|
+ options[:predict] = p
+ end
+ opts.on( '-x', '--crossvalidation', "Run crossvalidation." ) do |c|
+ options[:cv] = true
+ end
+ opts.on( '-f folds', '--folds folds', Integer, "Change crossvalidation folds (default: #{options[:folds]})." ) do |f|
+ options[:folds] = f
+ end
+ opts.on( '-f', '--formats', "Describe input and output formats" ) do |f|
+ raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "Format description not yet implemented."
+ end
+# opts.on( '-d', '--daemon', "Run as daemon in background" ) do |f|
+# raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "Daemon mode not yet implemented"
+# end
+raise OptionParser::MissingArgument, "Training data is required. Type 'lazar -h' for help." if options[:train].nil?
+raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "Training data file #{options[:train]} does not exist. Type 'lazar -h' for help." unless File.exists? options[:train]
+raise OptionParser::InvalidOption, "Choose either --predict or --crossvalidation. Type 'lazar -h' for help." if options[:predict] and options[:cv]
+raise OptionParser::InvalidOption, "One of the --predict or --crossvalidation options is required. Type 'lazar -h' for help." unless options[:predict] or options[:cv]
+raise OptionParser::InvalidArgument, "Prediction descriptor file #{options[:predict]} does not exist. Type 'lazar -h' for help." if options[:predict] and !File.exists? options[:predict]
+model = options[:train]
+if options[:predict] # batch predictions
+ model.predict options[:predict]
+elsif options[:cv] # crossvalidation
+ # create folds
+ cv_dir = File.join(File.dirname(options[:train]),"crossvalidation")
+ folds = (0..options[:folds]-1).collect{|i| File.join(cv_dir,i.to_s)}
+ nr_instances = model.train.size
+ indices = (0..nr_instances-1).to_a.shuffle
+ mid = (nr_instances/options[:folds])
+ start = 0
+ 0.upto(options[:folds]-1) do |i|
+ # split train data
+ puts "Creating fold #{i}"
+ last = start+mid
+ last = last-1 unless nr_instances%options[:folds] > i
+ test_idxs = indices[start..last] || []
+ idxs = {
+ :train => indices-test_idxs,
+ :test => test_idxs
+ }
+ start = last+1
+ # write training/test data
+ idxs.each do |t,idx|
+ file = File.join(cv_dir,i.to_s,t.to_s+".csv")
+ `mkdir -p #{File.dirname file}`
+ case t
+ when :train
+,"w+") do |f|
+ f.puts (["Canonical SMILES",model.dependent_variable_name] + model.independent_variable_names).join(",")
+ idx.collect{|i| model.train[i]}.each do |t|
+ f.puts t.join(",")
+ end
+ end
+ when :test
+,"w+") do |f|
+ f.puts (["Canonical SMILES"] + model.independent_variable_names).join(",")
+ idx.collect{|i| model.train[i]}.each do |t|
+ o = t.clone # keep model.train intact
+ o.delete_at(1)
+ f.puts o.join(",")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # crossvalidation predictions
+ t =
+ folds.each do |fold|
+ fork do
+ puts "Crossvalidation #{fold} started"
+ m = File.join(fold,"train.csv")
+ m.predict File.join(fold,"test.csv")
+ end
+ end
+ Process.waitall
+ puts "Crossvalidation: #{(} min"
+ # crossvalidation summaries
+ predictions = []
+ tp=0
+ tn=0
+ fp=0
+ fn=0
+ hc_tp=0
+ hc_tn=0
+ hc_fp=0
+ hc_fn=0
+,"predictions.csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ folds.each do |fold|
+ pred = File.readlines(File.join(fold,"test-prediction.csv")).collect{|row| row.chomp.split(",")}
+ pred.shift
+ pred.each do |prediction|
+ smi = prediction[0]
+ exp ={|t| t[0] == smi}.collect{|t| t[1].to_i}
+ maxsim = prediction[5].to_f
+ v = "NA"
+ unless exp.nil? or prediction[2].empty? or exp.empty?
+ p = prediction[2].to_i
+ exp.each do |e|
+ if p and e
+ if p == 1 and e == 1
+ v = "TP"
+ tp+=1
+ hc_tp+=1 if maxsim > model.minsim.max
+ elsif p == 0 and e == 0
+ v = "TN"
+ tn+=1
+ hc_tn+=1 if maxsim > model.minsim.max
+ elsif p == 1 and e == 0
+ v = "FP"
+ fp+=1
+ hc_fp+=1 if maxsim > model.minsim.max
+ elsif p == 0 and e == 1
+ v = "FN"
+ fn+=1
+ hc_fn+=1 if maxsim > model.minsim.max
+ end
+ end
+ predictions << v
+ end
+ end
+ f.puts([smi,v,maxsim].join(","))
+ end
+ end
+ end
+,"confusion-matrix-all.csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ f.puts "#{tp},#{fp}\n#{fn},#{tn}"
+ end
+,"confusion-matrix-high-confidence.csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ f.puts "#{hc_tp},#{hc_fp}\n#{hc_fn},#{hc_tn}"
+ end
+,"summary-all.csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ f.puts "accuracy,#{(tp+tn)/(tp+fp+tn+fn).to_f}"
+ f.puts "true_positive_rate,#{tp/(tp+fn).to_f}"
+ f.puts "true_negative_rate,#{tn/(tn+fp).to_f}"
+ f.puts "positive_predictive_value,#{tp/(tp+fp).to_f}"
+ f.puts "negative_predictive_value,#{tn/(tn+fn).to_f}"
+ end
+,"summary-high-confidence.csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ f.puts "accuracy,#{(hc_tp+hc_tn)/(hc_tp+hc_fp+hc_tn+hc_fn).to_f}"
+ f.puts "true_positive_rate,#{hc_tp/(hc_tp+hc_fn).to_f}"
+ f.puts "true_negative_rate,#{hc_tn/(hc_tn+hc_fp).to_f}"
+ f.puts "positive_predictive_value,#{hc_tp/(hc_tp+hc_fp).to_f}"
+ f.puts "negative_predictive_value,#{hc_tn/(hc_tn+hc_fn).to_f}"
+ end