path: root/lib/crossvalidation.rb
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2015-10-08 10:32:31 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2015-10-08 10:32:31 +0200
commit6bde559981fa11ffd265af708956f9d4ee6c9a89 (patch)
tree0fdeff56c476bb2eb0e6a2af895a1e9306645904 /lib/crossvalidation.rb
parentc974ddec27b8e505a8dc22a7c99f2e4b8682aa48 (diff)
crossvalidation plots, original classification confidence
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/crossvalidation.rb')
1 files changed, 58 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/lib/crossvalidation.rb b/lib/crossvalidation.rb
index 6dc8d7f..cbffb7c 100644
--- a/lib/crossvalidation.rb
+++ b/lib/crossvalidation.rb
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module OpenTox
nr_instances: nr_instances,
nr_unpredicted: nr_unpredicted,
- predictions: predictions
+ predictions: predictions.sort{|a,b| b[3] <=> a[3]} # sort according to confidence
$logger.debug "Nr unpredicted: #{nr_unpredicted}"
@@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ module OpenTox
field :weighted_accuracy, type: Float
field :true_rate, type: Hash
field :predictivity, type: Hash
+ field :confidence_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
# TODO auc, f-measure (usability??)
def statistics
@@ -126,6 +127,30 @@ module OpenTox
$logger.debug "Accuracy #{accuracy}"
+ def confidence_plot
+ tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.svg"
+ accuracies = []
+ confidences = []
+ correct_predictions = 0
+ incorrect_predictions = 0
+ predictions.each do |p|
+ if p[1] and p[2]
+ p[1] == p [2] ? correct_predictions += 1 : incorrect_predictions += 1
+ accuracies << correct_predictions/(correct_predictions+incorrect_predictions).to_f
+ confidences << p[3]
+ end
+ end
+ R.assign "accuracy", accuracies
+ R.assign "confidence", confidences
+ R.eval "image = qplot(confidence,accuracy)+ylab('accumulated accuracy')+scale_x_reverse()"
+ R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
+ file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.svg")
+ plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
+ update(:confidence_plot_id => plot_id)
+ $gridfs.find_one(_id: confidence_plot_id).data
+ end
#Average area under roc 0.646
#Area under roc 0.646
#F measure carcinogen: 0.769, noncarcinogen: 0.348
@@ -176,16 +201,6 @@ module OpenTox
weighted_mae = weighted_mae/confidence_sum
rmse = Math.sqrt(rmse/predictions.size)
weighted_rmse = Math.sqrt(weighted_rmse/confidence_sum)
- # TODO check!!
- predictions.sort! do |a,b|
- relative_error_a = (a[1]-a[2]).abs/a[1].to_f
- relative_error_a = 1/relative_error_a if relative_error_a < 1
- relative_error_b = (b[1]-b[2]).abs/b[1].to_f
- relative_error_b = 1/relative_error_b if relative_error_b < 1
- [relative_error_b,b[3]] <=> [relative_error_a,a[3]]
- end
mae: mae,
rmse: rmse,
@@ -201,44 +216,46 @@ module OpenTox
def misclassifications n=nil
#n = predictions.size unless n
- n = 20 unless n
+ n ||= 10
model = Model::Lazar.find(self.model_id)
training_dataset = Dataset.find(model.training_dataset_id)
prediction_feature = training_dataset.features.first
- predictions[0..n-1].collect do |p|
- compound = Compound.find(p[0])
- neighbors = compound.neighbors.collect do |n|
- neighbor = Compound.find(n[0])
- values = training_dataset.values(neighbor,prediction_feature)
- { :smiles => neighbor.smiles, :fingerprint => neighbor.fp4.collect{|id| Smarts.find(id).name},:similarity => n[1], :measurements => values}
+ predictions.collect do |p|
+ unless p.include? nil
+ compound = Compound.find(p[0])
+ neighbors = compound.send(model.neighbor_algorithm,model.neighbor_algorithm_parameters)
+ neighbors.collect! do |n|
+ neighbor = Compound.find(n[0])
+ values = training_dataset.values(neighbor,prediction_feature)
+ { :smiles => neighbor.smiles, :similarity => n[1], :measurements => values}
+ end
+ {
+ :smiles => compound.smiles,
+ #:fingerprint => compound.fp4.collect{|id| Smarts.find(id).name},
+ :measured => p[1],
+ :predicted => p[2],
+ #:relative_error => (Math.log10(p[1])-Math.log10(p[2])).abs/Math.log10(p[1]).to_f.abs,
+ :log_error => (Math.log10(p[1])-Math.log10(p[2])).abs,
+ :relative_error => (p[1]-p[2]).abs/p[1],
+ :confidence => p[3],
+ :neighbors => neighbors
+ }
- {
- :smiles => compound.smiles,
- :fingerprint => compound.fp4.collect{|id| Smarts.find(id).name},
- :measured => p[1],
- :predicted => p[2],
- :relative_error => (p[1]-p[2]).abs/p[1].to_f,
- :confidence => p[3],
- :neighbors => neighbors
- }
- end
+ end.compact.sort{|a,b| p a; b[:relative_error] <=> a[:relative_error]}[0..n-1]
def confidence_plot
tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.svg"
- sorted_predictions = predictions.sort{|a,b| b[3]<=>a[3]}.collect{|p| [(Math.log10(p[1])-Math.log10(p[2]))**2,p[3]]}
+ sorted_predictions = predictions.collect{|p| [(Math.log10(p[1])-Math.log10(p[2])).abs,p[3]] if p[1] and p[2]}.compact
R.assign "error", sorted_predictions.collect{|p| p[0]}
- #R.assign "p", predictions.collect{|p| p[2]}
- R.assign "confidence", predictions.collect{|p| p[2]}
- #R.eval "diff = log(m)-log(p)"
- R.eval "library(ggplot2)"
- R.eval "svg(filename='#{tmpfile}')"
- R.eval "image = qplot(confidence,error)"#,main='#{}',asp=1,xlim=range, ylim=range)"
+ R.assign "confidence", sorted_predictions.collect{|p| p[1]}
+ # TODO fix axis names
+ R.eval "image = qplot(confidence,error)"
+ R.eval "image = image + stat_smooth(method='lm', se=FALSE)"
R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
- R.eval ""
- file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.svg")
- plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
- update(:confidence_plot_id => plot_id)
+ file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.svg")
+ plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
+ update(:confidence_plot_id => plot_id)
$gridfs.find_one(_id: confidence_plot_id).data
@@ -250,29 +267,17 @@ module OpenTox
attributes = Model::Lazar.find(self.model_id).attributes
attributes.delete_if{|key,_| key.match(/_id|_at/) or ["_id","creator","name"].include? key}
attributes = attributes.values.collect{|v| v.is_a?(String) ? v.sub(/OpenTox::/,'') : v}.join("\n")
- p "'"+attributes
- R.eval "library(ggplot2)"
- R.eval "library(grid)"
- R.eval "library(gridExtra)"
R.assign "measurement", x
R.assign "prediction", y
- #R.eval "error <- log(Measurement)-log(Prediction)"
- #R.eval "rmse <- sqrt(mean(error^2, na.rm=T))"
- #R.eval "mae <- mean(abs(error), na.rm=T)"
- #R.eval "r <- cor(-log(prediction),-log(measurement))"
- R.eval "svg(filename='#{tmpfile}')"
R.eval "all = c(-log(measurement),-log(prediction))"
R.eval "range = c(min(all), max(all))"
R.eval "image = qplot(-log(prediction),-log(measurement),main='#{}',asp=1,xlim=range, ylim=range)"
- R.eval "image = image + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1) + stat_smooth(method='lm', se=FALSE)"
- R.eval "text = textGrob(paste('RMSE: ', '#{rmse.round(2)},','MAE:','#{mae.round(2)},','r^2: ','#{r_squared.round(2)}','\n\n','#{attributes}'),just=c('left','top'),check.overlap = T)"
- R.eval "grid.arrange(image, text, ncol=2)"
- R.eval ""
+ R.eval "image = image + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1)"
+ R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
file =, :filename => "#{}_correlation_plot.svg")
plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
update(:correlation_plot_id => plot_id)
- p correlation_plot_id
$gridfs.find_one(_id: correlation_plot_id).data