path: root/lib/policy.rb
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authorChristoph Helma <>2015-08-10 09:48:57 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2015-08-10 09:48:57 +0200
commit23ecfc6fa5ae4913e5cd17b7d58432d1f88d780c (patch)
tree83d78aed2b9fbaa85400be96acfa5ace56537d1c /lib/policy.rb
parentef76c077fd39d31fc795b842c32575f6afb9fdb2 (diff)
transfer to new git project started
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/policy.rb')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 354 deletions
diff --git a/lib/policy.rb b/lib/policy.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index e5676ba..0000000
--- a/lib/policy.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-module OpenTox
- require "rexml/document"
- #Module for policy-processing
- # @see also for opentox API specs
- # Class Policies corresponds to <policies> container of an xml-policy-file
- class Policies
- #Hash for policy objects see {Policy Policy}
- attr_accessor :policies, :name
- def initialize()
- @policies = {}
- end
- #create new policy instance with name
- # @param [String]name of the policy
- def new_policy(name)
- @policies[name] =
- end
- #drop a specific policy in a policies instance
- # @param [String]name of the policy
- # @return [Boolean]
- def drop_policy(name)
- return true if @policies.delete(name)
- end
- #drop all policies in a policies instance
- def drop_policies
- @policies.each do |name, policy|
- drop_policy(name)
- end
- return true
- end
- # @return [Array] set of arrays affected by policies
- def uris
- @policies.collect{ |k,v| v.uri }.flatten.uniq
- end
- #list all policy names in a policies instance
- # @return [Array]
- def names
- out = []
- @policies.each do |name, policy|
- out << name
- end
- return out
- end
- # Loads a default policy template in a policies instance
- # @param [String]user username in LDAP string of user policy: 'uid=<user>,ou=people,dc=opentox,dc=org'
- # @param [String]uri URI
- # @param [String]group groupname in LDAP string of group policy: 'cn=<group>,ou=groups,dc=opentox,dc=org'
- def load_default_policy(user, uri, group="member")
- template = case user
- when "guest", "anonymous" then "default_guest_policy"
- else "default_policy"
- end
- xml = get_xml_template(template)
- self.load_xml(xml)
- datestring ="%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-x") + rand(1000).to_s
- @policies["policy_user"].name = "policy_user_#{user}_#{datestring}"
- @policies["policy_user"].rule.uri = uri
- @policies["policy_user"] = "rule_user_#{user}_#{datestring}"
- @policies["policy_user"] = "subject_user_#{user}_#{datestring}"
- @policies["policy_user"].subject.value = "uid=#{user},ou=people,dc=opentox,dc=org"
- @policies["policy_user"].subject_group = "subjects_user_#{user}_#{datestring}"
- @policies["policy_group"].name = "policy_group_#{group}_#{datestring}"
- @policies["policy_group"].rule.uri = uri
- @policies["policy_group"] = "rule_group_#{group}_#{datestring}"
- @policies["policy_group"] = "subject_group_#{group}_#{datestring}"
- @policies["policy_group"].subject.value = "cn=#{group},ou=groups,dc=opentox,dc=org"
- @policies["policy_group"].subject_group = "subjects_#{group}_#{datestring}"
- return true
- end
- def get_xml_template(template)
-, "templates/#{template}.xml"))
- end
- #loads a xml template
- def load_xml(xml)
- rexml =
- rexml.elements.each("Policies/Policy") do |pol| #Policies
- policy_name = pol.attributes["name"]
- new_policy(policy_name)
- #@policies[policy_name] =
- rexml.elements.each("Policies/Policy[@name='#{policy_name}']/Rule") do |r| #Rules
- rule_name = r.attributes["name"]
- uri = rexml.elements["Policies/Policy[@name='#{policy_name}']/Rule[@name='#{rule_name}']/ResourceName"].attributes["name"]
- @policies[policy_name] = rule_name
- @policies[policy_name].uri = uri
- rexml.elements.each("Policies/Policy[@name='#{policy_name}']/Rule[@name='#{rule_name}']/AttributeValuePair") do |attribute_pairs|
- action=nil; value=nil;
- attribute_pairs.each_element do |elem|
- action = elem.attributes["name"] if elem.attributes["name"]
- value = elem.text if elem.text
- end
- if action and value
- case action
- when "GET"
- @policies[policy_name].rule.get = value
- when "POST"
- @policies[policy_name] = value
- when "PUT"
- @policies[policy_name].rule.put = value
- when "DELETE"
- @policies[policy_name].rule.delete = value
- end
- end
- end
- end
- rexml.elements.each("Policies/Policy[@name='#{policy_name}']/Subjects") do |subjects| #Subjects
- @policies[policy_name].subject_group = subjects.attributes["name"]
- rexml.elements.each("Policies/Policy[@name='#{policy_name}']/Subjects[@name='#{@policies[policy_name].subject_group}']/Subject") do |s| #Subject
- subject_name = s.attributes["name"]
- subject_type = s.attributes["type"]
- subject_value = rexml.elements["Policies/Policy[@name='#{policy_name}']/Subjects[@name='#{@policies[policy_name].subject_group}']/Subject[@name='#{subject_name}']/AttributeValuePair/Value"].text
- if subject_name and subject_type and subject_value
- @policies[policy_name] = subject_name
- @policies[policy_name].type = subject_type
- @policies[policy_name].value = subject_value
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- #generates xml from policies instance
- def to_xml
- doc =
- doc <<"Policies", "PUBLIC \"-//Sun Java System Access Manager7.1 2006Q3\n Admin CLI DTD//EN\" \"jar://com/sun/identity/policy/policyAdmin.dtd\"")
- doc.add_element("Policies"))
- @policies.each do |name, pol|
- policy ="Policy")
- policy.attributes["name"] =
- policy.attributes["referralPolicy"] = false
- policy.attributes["active"] = true
- rule = @policies[name].rule
- out_rule ="Rule")
- out_rule.attributes["name"] =
- servicename ="ServiceName")
- servicename.attributes["name"]="iPlanetAMWebAgentService"
- out_rule.add_element(servicename)
- rescourcename ="ResourceName")
- rescourcename.attributes["name"] = rule.uri
- out_rule.add_element(rescourcename)
- ["get","post","delete","put"].each do |act|
- if rule.method(act).call
- attribute ="Attribute")
- attribute.attributes["name"] = act.upcase
- attributevaluepair ="AttributeValuePair")
- attributevaluepair.add_element(attribute)
- attributevalue ="Value")
- attributevaluepair.add_element(attributevalue)
- attributevalue.add_text
- out_rule.add_element(attributevaluepair)
- end
- end
- policy.add_element(out_rule)
- subjects ="Subjects")
- subjects.attributes["name"] = pol.subject_group
- subjects.attributes["description"] = ""
- subj = @policies[name]
- subject ="Subject")
- subject.attributes["name"] =
- subject.attributes["type"] = pol.subject.type
- subject.attributes["includeType"] = "inclusive"
- attributevaluepair ="AttributeValuePair")
- attribute ="Attribute")
- attribute.attributes["name"] = "Values"
- attributevaluepair.add_element(attribute)
- attributevalue ="Value")
- attributevalue.add_text
- attributevaluepair.add_element(attributevalue)
- subject.add_element(attributevaluepair)
- subjects.add_element(subject)
- policy.add_element(subjects)
- doc.root.add_element(policy)
- end
- out = ""
- doc.write(out, 2)
- return out
- end
- end
- #single policy in a {Policies Policies} instance
- class Policy
- attr_accessor :name, :rule, :subject_group, :subject, :value, :type, :uri, :group, :user
- def initialize(name)
- @name = name
- @rule ="#{name}_rule", nil)
- @subject_group = "#{name}_subjects"
- @subject ="#{name}_subject", nil, nil)
- end
- # Subject type LDAPUsers or LDAPGroups
- # @return [String]
- def type
- @subject.type
- end
- # Set subject type <LDAPUsers, LDAPGroups>
- # @param type [String] the subjecttype
- def type=(type)
- @subject.type = type
- end
- # returns LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) e.g. uid=username,ou=people,dc=opentox,dc=org or cn=membergroup,ou=groups,dc=opentox,dc=org
- def value
- @subject.value
- end
- # sets LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) for policy e.g.
- # @param value [String] LDAPString
- def value=(value)
- @subject.value = value
- end
- # uri affected by policy
- # @return [String] uri affected by policy
- def uri
- @rule.uri
- end
- # sets uri affected by policy
- # @param uri [String] set URI
- def uri=(uri)
- @rule.uri = uri
- end
- # Get the groupname from within the LDAP Distinguished Name (DN)
- def group
- return false if !value && type != "LDAPGroups"
- value.split(",").each{|part| return part.gsub("cn=","") if part.match("cn=")}
- end
- # Get the username from within the LDAP Distinguished Name (DN)
- def user
- return false if !value && type != "LDAPUsers"
- value.split(",").each{|part| return part.gsub("uid=","") if part.match("uid=")}
- end
- # helper method sets value and type to opentox LDAP Distinguished Name (DN) of a user
- # @param username [String] set a username into LDAP DN
- def set_ot_user(username)
- self.value = "uid=#{username},ou=people,dc=opentox,dc=org"
- self.type = "LDAPUsers"
- true
- end
- # @param groupname [String] Username set a groupname into LDAP DN
- def set_ot_group(groupname)
- self.value = "cn=#{groupname},ou=groups,dc=opentox,dc=org"
- self.type = "LDAPGroups"
- true
- end
- # policyrule
- # sets the permission for REST actions (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) of a specific URI to allow/deny/nil
- class Rule
- attr_accessor :name, :uri, :get, :post, :put, :delete, :read, :readwrite
- def initialize(name, uri)
- @name = name
- @uri = uri
- end
- #Set Rule attribute for request-method GET
- # @param value [String] (allow,deny,nil)
- def get=(value)
- @get = check_value(value, @get)
- end
- #Set Rule attribute for request-method POST
- # @param [String]value (allow,deny,nil)
- def post=(value)
- @post = check_value(value, @post)
- end
- #Set Rule attribute for request-method DELETE
- # @param [String]value (allow,deny,nil)
- def delete=(value)
- @delete = check_value(value, @delete)
- end
- #Set Rule attribute for request-method PUT
- # @param [String]value (allow,deny,nil)
- def put=(value)
- @put = check_value(value, @put)
- end
- # read getter method
- def read
- return true if @get == "allow" && (@put == "deny" || !@put) && (@post == "deny" || !@post)
- end
- # readwrite getter method
- def readwrite
- return true if @get == "allow" && @put == "allow" && @post == "allow"
- end
- # Set(true case) or remove read(GET=allow) permissions.
- # @param [Boolean]value (true,false)
- def read=(value)
- if value
- @get = "allow"; @put = nil; @post = nil
- else
- @get = nil; @put = nil; @post = nil
- end
- end
- # Set(true case) or remove readwrite(GET=allow,POST=allow,PUT=allow) permissions.
- # @param [Boolean]value (true,false)
- def readwrite=(value)
- if value
- @get = "allow"; @put = "allow"; @post = "allow"
- else
- @get = nil; @put = nil; @post = nil
- end
- end
- private
- #checks if value is allow, deny or nil. returns old value if not valid.
- def check_value(new_value, old_value)
- return (new_value=="allow" || new_value=="deny" || new_value==nil) ? new_value : old_value
- end
- end
- # Subject of a policy
- # name(subjectname), type('LDAPUsers' or 'LDAPGroups'), value(LDAP DN e.G.:'uid=guest,ou=people,dc=opentox,dc=org')
- class Subject
- attr_accessor :name, :type, :value
- def initialize(name, type, value)
- @name = name
- @type = type
- @value = value
- end
- end
- end