path: root/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
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authorChristoph Helma <>2015-10-08 10:43:43 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2015-10-08 10:43:43 +0200
commit1a56148aadef031c4f487bc23fda43f4ac5b7369 (patch)
tree3555c5883ed0c292b105c40c185ebba3e5bd4e3e /lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
parent394d564699756288569169ff3e198d6d7702f092 (diff)
parente3217075b602a950a0ee995fcfa731d97b5ba3eb (diff)
new master branch
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb')
1 files changed, 98 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb b/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de1b74f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class RestClientWrapper
+ attr_accessor :request, :response
+ @@subjectid = nil
+ def self.subjectid=(subjectid)
+ @@subjectid = subjectid
+ end
+ def self.subjectid
+ @@subjectid
+ end
+ # REST methods
+ # Raises OpenTox::Error if call fails (rescued in overwrite.rb -> halt 502)
+ # Does not wait for task to finish and returns task uri
+ # @param [String] destination URI
+ # @param [optional,Hash|String] Payload data posted to the service
+ # @param [optional,Hash] Headers with params like :accept, :content_type, :subjectid, :verify_ssl
+ # @return [RestClient::Response] REST call response
+ [:head,:get,:post,:put,:delete].each do |method|
+ define_singleton_method method do |uri,payload={},headers={},waiting_task=nil|
+ # check input
+ bad_request_error "Headers are not a hash: #{headers.inspect}", uri unless headers==nil or headers.is_a?(Hash)
+ headers[:subjectid] ||= @@subjectid
+ bad_request_error "Invalid URI: '#{uri}'", uri unless URI.valid? uri
+ #resource_not_found_error "URI '#{uri}' not found.", uri unless URI.accessible?(uri, @subjectid) unless URI.ssl?(uri)
+ # make sure that no header parameters are set in the payload
+ [:accept,:content_type,:subjectid].each do |header|
+ if defined? $aa || URI(uri).host == URI($aa[:uri]).host
+ else
+ bad_request_error "#{header} should be submitted in the headers", uri if payload and payload.is_a?(Hash) and payload[header]
+ end
+ end
+ # create request
+ args={}
+ args[:method] = method
+ args[:url] = uri
+ args[:verify_ssl] = 0 if headers[:verify_ssl].nil? || headers[:verify_ssl].empty?
+ args[:timeout] = 1800
+ args[:payload] = payload
+ headers.each{ |k,v| headers.delete(k) if v==nil } if headers #remove keys with empty values, as this can cause problems
+ args[:headers] = headers
+ $logger.debug "post to #{uri} with params #{payload.inspect.to_s[0..1000]}" if method.to_s=="post"
+ @request =
+ # ignore error codes from Task services (may return error codes >= 400 according to API, which causes exceptions in RestClient and RDF::Reader)
+ @response = @request.execute do |response, request, result|
+ if [301, 302, 307].include? response.code and request.method == :get
+ response.follow_redirection(request, result)
+ elsif response.code >= 400 and !URI.task?(uri)
+ #TODO add parameters to error-report
+ #parameters = request.args
+ #parameters[:headers][:subjectid] = "REMOVED" if parameters[:headers] and parameters[:headers][:subjectid]
+ #parameters[:url] = parameters[:url].gsub(/(http|https|)\:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-]+\:[a-zA-Z0-9]+\@/, "REMOVED@") if parameters[:url]
+ #message += "\nREST parameters:\n#{parameters.inspect}"
+ error = known_errors.collect{|e| e if e[:code] == response.code}.compact.first
+ begin # errors are returned as error reports in json, try to parse
+ # TODO: may be the reason for failure of task.rb -n test_11_wait_for_error_task
+ content = JSON.parse(response)
+ msg = content["message"].to_s
+ cause = content["errorCause"].to_s
+ raise if msg.size==0 && cause.size==0 # parsing failed
+ rescue # parsing error failed, use complete content as message
+ msg = "Could not parse error response from rest call '#{method}' to '#{uri}':\n#{response}"
+ cause = nil
+ end
+ Object.method(error[:method]).call msg, uri, cause # call error method
+ else
+ response
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ #@return [Array] of hashes with error code, method and class
+ def self.known_errors
+ errors = []
+ RestClient::STATUSES.each do |code,k|
+ if code >= 400
+ method = k.underscore.gsub(/ |'/,'_')
+ method += "_error" unless method.match(/_error$/)
+ klass = method.split("_").collect{|s| s.capitalize}.join("")
+ errors << {:code => code, :method => method.to_sym, :class => klass}
+ end
+ end
+ errors
+ end
+ end