path: root/lib/serializer.rb
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2010-10-22 17:45:19 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2010-10-22 17:45:19 +0200
commitd6811507c1c1339cc4fe7cdb429b9b34b97dc422 (patch)
tree9cf87802db0b03e078077a52ecedd0994bbbd0e4 /lib/serializer.rb
parent3dd19c461d0b205ff504a85785f0c6e55114cd4e (diff)
new API with support for external services (initial version)
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/serializer.rb')
1 files changed, 297 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/serializer.rb b/lib/serializer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3def252
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/serializer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+require 'spreadsheet'
+require 'yajl'
+module OpenTox
+ module Serializer
+ # modelled according to to
+ class Owl
+ attr_accessor :object
+ def initialize
+ @object = {
+ # this should come from opntox.owl
+ OT.Compound => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.Feature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.NominalFeature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.NumericFeature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.StringFeature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.Dataset => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.DataEntry => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.FeatureValue => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.Algorithm => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.Parameter => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } ,
+ OT.compound => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } ,
+ OT.feature => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } ,
+ OT.dataEntry => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } ,
+ OT.acceptValue => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } ,
+ OT.values => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } ,
+ #XSD.anyUri => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } ,
+ OT.algorithm => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } ,
+ OT.parameters => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.ObjectProperty }] } ,
+ DC.title => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } ,
+ DC.identifier => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } ,
+ DC.contributor => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } ,
+ DC.creator => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } ,
+ OT.isA => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.AnnotationProperty }] } ,
+ OT.hasSource => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.DatatypeProperty }] } ,
+ OT.value => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.DatatypeProperty }] } ,
+ OT.paramScope => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.DatatypeProperty }] } ,
+ OT.paramValue => { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL.DatatypeProperty }] } ,
+ #Untyped Individual: http://localhost/algorithm
+ }
+ @data_entries = {}
+ @values_id = 0
+ @parameter_id = 0
+ @classes =
+ @object_properties =
+ @annotation_properties =
+ @datatype_properties =
+ @objects =
+ end
+ def add_compound(uri)
+ #@classes << OT.Compound unless @classes.include? OT.Compound
+ @object[uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Compound }] }
+ end
+ def add_feature(uri,metadata)
+ #@classes << OT.Feature unless @classes.include? OT.Feature
+ #@classes << OT.NominalFeature unless @classes.include? OT.NominalFeature
+ #@classes << OT.NumericFeature unless @classes.include? OT.NumericFeature
+ #@classes << OT.StringFeature unless @classes.include? OT.StringFeature
+ @object[uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Feature }] }
+ add_metadata uri, metadata
+ end
+ def add_dataset(dataset)
+ @dataset = dataset.uri
+ @object[dataset.uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Dataset }] }
+ add_metadata dataset.uri, dataset.metadata
+ dataset.compounds.each { |compound| add_compound compound }
+ dataset.features.each { |feature,metadata| add_feature feature,metadata }
+ dataset.data_entries.each do |compound,entry|
+ entry.each do |feature,values|
+ values.each { |value| add_data_entry compound,feature,value }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ def add_algorithm(uri,metadata,parameters)
+ @object[uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Algorithm }] }
+ add_metadata uri, metadata
+ add_parameters uri, parameters
+ #metadata.each { |u,v| @object[uri][u] = [{"type" => type(v), "value" => v }] }
+ end
+ def add_model(uri,metadata)
+ end
+ def add_metadata(uri,metadata)
+ #@object[uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT[type] }] }
+ metadata.each do |u,v|
+ @object[uri][u] = [{"type" => type(v), "value" => v }]
+ end
+ end
+ def add_parameters(uri,parameters)
+ #@object[uri] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT[type] }] }
+ @object[uri][OT.parameters] = [] unless @object[uri][OT.parameters]
+ parameters.each do |p|
+ parameter = "_:parameter#{@parameter_id}"
+ @parameter_id += 1
+ @object[uri][OT.parameters] << {"type" => "bnode", "value" => parameter}
+ @object[parameter] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.Parameter }] }
+ add_metadata parameter, p
+ end
+ end
+ def add_data_entry(compound,feature,value)
+ add_compound(compound) unless @object[compound]
+ add_feature(feature,{}) unless @object[feature]
+ unless data_entry = @data_entries[compound]
+ data_entry = "_:dataentry#{@data_entries.size}"
+ @data_entries[compound] = data_entry
+ @object[@dataset][OT.dataEntry] = [] unless @object[@dataset][OT.dataEntry]
+ @object[@dataset][OT.dataEntry] << {"type" => "bnode", "value" => data_entry}
+ @object[data_entry] = {
+ RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.DataEntry }],
+ OT.compound => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => compound }],
+ OT.values => [],
+ }
+ end
+ values = "_:values#{@values_id}"
+ @values_id += 1
+ @object[data_entry][OT.values] << {"type" => "bnode", "value" => values}
+ case type(value)
+ when "uri"
+ v = [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => value}]
+ when "literal"
+ v = [{ "type" => "literal", "value" => value, "datatype" => datatype(value) }]
+ else
+ raise "Illegal type #{type(value)} for #{value}."
+ end
+ @object[values] = {
+ RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OT.FeatureValue }],
+ OT.feature => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => feature }],
+ OT.value => v
+ }
+ @object[feature][RDF["type"]] << { "type" => "uri", "value" => featuretype(value) }
+ end
+ # Serializers
+ def ntriples
+ #rdf_types
+ @triples =
+ @object.each do |s,entry|
+ s = url(s) if type(s) == "uri"
+ entry.each do |p,objects|
+ p = url(p)
+ objects.each do |o|
+ case o["type"]
+ when "uri"
+ o = url(o["value"])
+ when "literal"
+ o = literal(o["value"],datatype(o["value"]))
+ when "bnode"
+ o = o["value"]
+ end
+ @triples << [s,p,o]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @triples.sort.collect{ |s| s.join(' ').concat(" .") }.join("\n")+"\n"
+ end
+ def rdfxml
+"owl-serializer"){|f| f.write(ntriples); @path = f.path}
+ `rapper -i ntriples -o rdfxml #{@path}`
+ end
+ def json
+ #rdf_types
+ Yajl::Encoder.encode(@object)
+ end
+ # Helpers for type detection
+ private
+ def datatype(value)
+ if value.is_a? TrueClass or value.is_a? FalseClass
+ XSD.boolean
+ elsif value.is_a? Float
+ XSD.float
+ else
+ XSD.string
+ end
+ end
+ def featuretype(value)
+ if value.is_a? TrueClass or value.is_a? FalseClass
+ datatype = OT.NominalFeature
+ elsif value.is_a? Float
+ datatype = OT.NumericFeature
+ else
+ datatype = OT.StringFeature
+ end
+ end
+ def type(value)
+ begin
+ uri = URI.parse(value)
+ if uri.class == URI::HTTP or uri.class == URI::HTTPS
+ "uri"
+ elsif value.match(/^_/)
+ "bnode"
+ else
+ "literal"
+ end
+ rescue
+ "literal"
+ end
+ end
+ def literal(value,type)
+ # concat and << are faster string concatination operators than +
+ '"'.concat(value.to_s).concat('"^^<').concat(type).concat('>')
+ end
+ def url(uri)
+ # concat and << are faster string concatination operators than +
+ '<'.concat(uri).concat('>')
+ end
+ def rdf_types
+ @classes.each { |c| @object[c] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['Class'] }] } }
+ @object_properties.each { |p| @object[p] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['ObjectProperty'] }] } }
+ @annotation_properties.each { |a| @object[a] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['AnnotationProperty'] }] } }
+ @datatype_properties.each { |d| @object[d] = { RDF["type"] => [{ "type" => "uri", "value" => OWL['DatatypeProperty'] }] } }
+ end
+ end
+ class Spreadsheets # to avoid nameclash with Spreadsheet gem
+ def initialize(dataset)
+ @rows = []
+ @rows << ["SMILES"]
+ features = dataset.features.keys
+ @rows.first << features
+ @rows.first.flatten!
+ dataset.data_entries.each do |compound,entries|
+ smiles =
+ row =
+ row[0] = smiles
+ entries.each do |feature, values|
+ i = features.index(feature)+1
+ values.each do |value|
+ row[i] = value #TODO overwrites duplicated values
+ end
+ end
+ @rows << row
+ end
+ end
+ def csv
+ @rows.collect{|r| r.join(", ")}.join("\n")
+ end
+ def excel
+ Spreadsheet.client_encoding = 'UTF-8'
+ book =
+ sheet = book.create_worksheet(:name => '')
+ sheet.column(0).width = 100
+ i = 0
+ @rows.each do |row|
+ row.each do |c|
+ sheet.row(i).push c
+ end
+ i+=1
+ end
+ book
+ end
+ end
+ end