path: root/lib
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2009-10-06 10:26:01 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2009-10-06 10:26:01 +0200
commit352124655e3a5abd1bea607179f520ed2e2db772 (patch)
treec5f943da16932fb908558df2fea16b6d91489073 /lib
parentabd0e1ae7b933cbd1c1907dd9e7f1ce1782cf743 (diff)
Version bump to 0.0.0
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
2 files changed, 180 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/task.rb b/lib/task.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..74c3fb8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/task.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class Task < OpenTox
+ #private :new
+ def initialize(uri)
+ super(uri)
+ end
+ def self.create(params)
+ uri = @@config[:services]["opentox-task"], :resource_uri => params[:resource_uri]
+ uri
+ end
+ def self.find(params)
+ end
+ def self.base_uri
+ @@config[:services]["opentox-task"]
+ end
+ def start
+ RestClient.put @uri, :status => 'started'
+ end
+ def stop
+ RestClient.put @uri, :status => 'stopped'
+ end
+ def completed
+ RestClient.put @uri, :status => 'completed'
+ end
+ def status
+ RestClient.get File.join(@uri, 'status')
+ end
+ def completed?
+ self.status == 'completed'
+ end
+ def resource
+ RestClient.get @uri
+ end
+ def wait_for_completion
+ until self.completed?
+ sleep 1
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/tasks/redis.rb b/lib/tasks/redis.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ed317d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/tasks/redis.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+# Inspired by rabbitmq.rake the Redbox project at
+require 'fileutils'
+require 'open-uri'
+class RedisRunner
+ def self.redisdir
+ "/tmp/redis/"
+ end
+ def self.redisconfdir
+ '/etc/redis.conf'
+ end
+ def self.dtach_socket
+ '/tmp/redis.dtach'
+ end
+ # Just check for existance of dtach socket
+ def self.running?
+ File.exists? dtach_socket
+ end
+ def self.start
+ puts 'Detach with Ctrl+\ Re-attach with rake redis:attach'
+ sleep 3
+ exec "dtach -A #{dtach_socket} redis-server #{redisconfdir}"
+ end
+ def self.attach
+ exec "dtach -a #{dtach_socket}"
+ end
+ def self.stop
+ sh 'echo "SHUTDOWN" | nc localhost 6379'
+ end
+namespace :redis do
+ desc 'About redis'
+ task :about do
+ puts "\nSee for information about redis.\n\n"
+ end
+ desc 'Start redis'
+ task :start do
+ RedisRunner.start
+ end
+ desc 'Stop redis'
+ task :stop do
+ RedisRunner.stop
+ end
+ desc 'Restart redis'
+ task :restart do
+ RedisRunner.stop
+ RedisRunner.start
+ end
+ desc 'Attach to redis dtach socket'
+ task :attach do
+ RedisRunner.attach
+ end
+ desc 'Install the lastest verison of Redis from Github (requires git, duh)'
+ task :install => [:about, :download, :make] do
+ %w(redis-benchmark redis-cli redis-server).each do |bin|
+ sh "sudo cp /tmp/redis/#{bin} /usr/bin/"
+ end
+ puts "Installed redis-benchmark, redis-cli and redis-server to /usr/bin/"
+ unless File.exists?('/etc/redis.conf')
+ sh 'sudo cp /tmp/redis/redis.conf /etc/'
+ puts "Installed redis.conf to /etc/ \n You should look at this file!"
+ end
+ end
+ task :make do
+ sh "cd #{RedisRunner.redisdir} && make clean"
+ sh "cd #{RedisRunner.redisdir} && make"
+ end
+ desc "Download package"
+ task :download do
+ sh 'rm -rf /tmp/redis/' if File.exists?("#{RedisRunner.redisdir}/.svn")
+ sh 'git clone git:// /tmp/redis' unless File.exists?(RedisRunner.redisdir)
+ sh "cd #{RedisRunner.redisdir} && git pull" if File.exists?("#{RedisRunner.redisdir}/.git")
+ end
+namespace :dtach do
+ desc 'About dtach'
+ task :about do
+ puts "\nSee for information about dtach.\n\n"
+ end
+ desc 'Install dtach 0.8 from source'
+ task :install => [:about] do
+ Dir.chdir('/tmp/')
+ unless File.exists?('/tmp/dtach-0.8.tar.gz')
+ require 'net/http'
+ url = ''
+ open('/tmp/dtach-0.8.tar.gz', 'wb') do |file| file.write(open(url).read) end
+ end
+ unless'/tmp/dtach-0.8')
+ system('tar xzf dtach-0.8.tar.gz')
+ end
+ Dir.chdir('/tmp/dtach-0.8/')
+ sh 'cd /tmp/dtach-0.8/ && ./configure && make'
+ sh 'sudo cp /tmp/dtach-0.8/dtach /usr/bin/'
+ puts 'Dtach successfully installed to /usr/bin.'
+ end