path: root/lib
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2016-05-09 15:51:50 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2016-05-09 15:51:50 +0200
commita18218bd1586edd8097729d242abb8947d6988df (patch)
treee94ac3bffb25751ed7e11a626ddde8b96f1de816 /lib
parente2e7045c3efeb59dd650b78772009281e7fa56a0 (diff)
parent0b416e3b55a9256915a2427afe5bc112bcabc203 (diff)
development branch mergedv0.9.3
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
17 files changed, 762 insertions, 1102 deletions
diff --git a/lib/bbrc.rb b/lib/bbrc.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c83b9b3..0000000
--- a/lib/bbrc.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-module OpenTox
- module Algorithm
- class Fminer
-"H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C", "N", "O", "F", "Ne", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P", "S", "Cl", "Ar", "K", "Ca", "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn", "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr", "Rb", "Sr", "Y", "Zr", "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn", "Sb", "Te", "I", "Xe", "Cs", "Ba", "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd", "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb", "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th", "Pa", "U", "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf", "Es", "Fm", "Md", "No", "Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt", "Ds", "Rg", "Cn", "Uut", "Fl", "Uup", "Lv", "Uus", "Uuo"]
- #
- # Run bbrc algorithm on dataset
- #
- # @param [OpenTox::Dataset] training dataset
- # @param [optional] parameters BBRC parameters, accepted parameters are
- # - min_frequency Minimum frequency (default 5)
- # - feature_type Feature type, can be 'paths' or 'trees' (default "trees")
- # - backbone BBRC classes, pass 'false' to switch off mining for BBRC representatives. (default "true")
- # - min_chisq_significance Significance threshold (between 0 and 1)
- # - nr_hits Set to "true" to get hit count instead of presence
- # - get_target Set to "true" to obtain target variable as feature
- # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Fminer Dataset
- def self.bbrc training_dataset, params={}
- time =
- bad_request_error "More than one prediction feature found in training_dataset #{}" unless training_dataset.features.size == 1
- prediction_feature = training_dataset.features.first
- if params[:min_frequency]
- minfreq = params[:min_frequency]
- else
- per_mil = 5 # value from latest version
- per_mil = 8 # as suggested below
- i = training_dataset.feature_ids.index
- nr_labeled_cmpds ={|de| !de[i].nil?}.size
- minfreq = per_mil * nr_labeled_cmpds.to_f / 1000.0 # AM sugg. 8-10 per mil for BBRC, 50 per mil for LAST
- minfreq = 2 unless minfreq > 2
- minfreq = minfreq.round
- end
- @bbrc ||=
- @bbrc.Reset
- if prediction_feature.numeric
- @bbrc.SetRegression(true) # AM: DO NOT MOVE DOWN! Must happen before the other Set... operations!
- else
- bad_request_error "No accept values for "\
- "dataset '#{}' and "\
- "feature '#{}'" unless prediction_feature.accept_values
- value2act = Hash[[*]]
- end
- @bbrc.SetMinfreq(minfreq)
- @bbrc.SetType(1) if params[:feature_type] == "paths"
- @bbrc.SetBackbone(false) if params[:backbone] == "false"
- @bbrc.SetChisqSig(params[:min_chisq_significance].to_f) if params[:min_chisq_significance]
- @bbrc.SetConsoleOut(false)
- params[:nr_hits] ? nr_hits = params[:nr_hits] : nr_hits = false
- feature_dataset =
- :training_dataset_id =>,
- :training_algorithm => "#{self.to_s}.bbrc",
- :training_feature_id => ,
- :training_parameters => {
- :min_frequency => minfreq,
- :nr_hits => nr_hits,
- :backbone => (params[:backbone] == false ? false : true)
- }
- )
- feature_dataset.compounds = training_dataset.compounds
- # add data
- training_dataset.compounds.each_with_index do |compound,i|
- act = value2act[training_dataset.data_entries[i].first]
- if act # TODO check if this works
- @bbrc.AddCompound(compound.smiles,i+1)
- @bbrc.AddActivity(act,i+1)
- end
- end
- #g_median=@fminer.all_activities.values.to_scale.median
- #task.progress 10
- #step_width = 80 / @bbrc.GetNoRootNodes().to_f
- $logger.debug "BBRC setup: #{}"
- time =
- ftime = 0
- itime = 0
- rtime = 0
- # run @bbrc
- (0 .. @bbrc.GetNoRootNodes()-1).each do |j|
- results = @bbrc.MineRoot(j)
- results.each do |result|
- rt =
- f = YAML.load(result)[0]
- smarts = f.shift
- # convert fminer SMARTS representation into a more human readable format
- smarts.gsub!(%r{\[#(\d+)&(\w)\]}) do
- element = TABLE_OF_ELEMENTS[$1.to_i-1]
- $2 == "a" ? element.downcase : element
- end
- p_value = f.shift
- f.flatten!
- compound_idxs = f.collect{|e| e.first.first-1}
- # majority class
- effect = compound_idxs.collect{|i| training_dataset.data_entries[i].first}.mode
- if (!@bbrc.GetRegression)
- id_arrs = f[2..-1].flatten
- max = OpenTox::Algorithm::Fminer.effect(f[2..-1].reverse, @fminer.db_class_sizes) # f needs reversal for bbrc
- effect = max+1
- else #regression part
- id_arrs = f[2]
- # DV: effect calculation
- f[2].each do |id|
- id=id.keys[0] # extract id from hit count hash
- f_arr.push(@fminer.all_activities[id])
- end
- f_median=f_arr.to_scale.median
- if g_median >= f_median
- effect = 'activating'
- else
- effect = 'deactivating'
- end
- end
- rtime += - rt
- ft =
- feature = OpenTox::FminerSmarts.find_or_create_by({
- "smarts" => smarts,
- "p_value" => p_value.to_f.abs.round(5),
- "effect" => effect,
- "dataset_id" =>
- })
- feature_dataset.feature_ids <<
- ftime += - ft
- it =
- f.each do |id_count_hash|
- id_count_hash.each do |id,count|
- nr_hits ? count = count.to_i : count = 1
- feature_dataset.data_entries[id-1] ||= []
- feature_dataset.data_entries[id-1][feature_dataset.feature_ids.size-1] = count
- end
- end
- itime += - it
- end
- end
- $logger.debug "Fminer: #{} (read: #{rtime}, iterate: #{itime}, find/create Features: #{ftime})"
- time =
- feature_dataset.fill_nil_with 0
- $logger.debug "Prepare save: #{}"
- time =
- feature_dataset.save_all
- $logger.debug "Save: #{}"
- feature_dataset
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/classification.rb b/lib/classification.rb
index b4b2e59..0202940 100644
--- a/lib/classification.rb
+++ b/lib/classification.rb
@@ -5,14 +5,12 @@ module OpenTox
def self.weighted_majority_vote compound, params
neighbors = params[:neighbors]
- return {:value => nil,:confidence => nil,:warning => "Cound not find similar compounds."} if neighbors.empty?
weighted_sum = {}
sim_sum = 0.0
confidence = 0.0
neighbors.each do |row|
- n,sim,acts = row
- #confidence = sim if sim > confidence # distance to nearest neighbor
- acts.each do |act|
+ sim = row["tanimoto"]
+ row["features"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s].each do |act|
weighted_sum[act] ||= 0
weighted_sum[act] += sim
@@ -30,81 +28,7 @@ module OpenTox
bad_request_error "Cannot predict more than 2 classes, multinomial classifications is not yet implemented. Received classes were: '#{weighted.sum.keys}'"
- # Classification with majority vote from neighbors weighted by similarity
- # @param [Hash] params Keys `:activities, :sims, :value_map` are required
- # @return [Numeric] A prediction value.
- def self.fminer_weighted_majority_vote neighbors, training_dataset
- neighbor_contribution = 0.0
- confidence_sum = 0.0
- $logger.debug "Weighted Majority Vote Classification."
- values = neighbors.collect{|n| n[2]}.uniq
- neighbors.each do |neighbor|
- i = training_dataset.compound_ids.index
- neighbor_weight = neighbor[1]
- activity = values.index(neighbor[2]) + 1 # map values to integers > 1
- neighbor_contribution += activity * neighbor_weight
- if values.size == 2 # AM: provide compat to binary classification: 1=>false 2=>true
- case activity
- when 1
- confidence_sum -= neighbor_weight
- when 2
- confidence_sum += neighbor_weight
- end
- else
- confidence_sum += neighbor_weight
- end
- end
- if values.size == 2
- if confidence_sum >= 0.0
- prediction = values[1]
- elsif confidence_sum < 0.0
- prediction = values[0]
- end
- elsif values.size == 1 # all neighbors have the same value
- prediction = values[0]
- else
- prediction = (neighbor_contribution/confidence_sum).round # AM: new multinomial prediction
- end
- confidence = (confidence_sum/neighbors.size).abs
- {:value => prediction, :confidence => confidence.abs}
- end
- # Local support vector regression from neighbors
- # @param [Hash] params Keys `:props, :activities, :sims, :min_train_performance` are required
- # @return [Numeric] A prediction value.
- def self.local_svm_classification(params)
- confidence = 0.0
- prediction = nil
- $logger.debug "Local SVM."
- if params[:activities].size>0
- if params[:props]
- n_prop = params[:props][0].collect.to_a
- q_prop = params[:props][1].collect.to_a
- props = [ n_prop, q_prop ]
- end
- activities = params[:activities].collect.to_a
- activities = activities.collect{|v| "Val" + v.to_s} # Convert to string for R to recognize classification
- prediction = local_svm_prop( props, activities, params[:min_train_performance]) # params[:props].nil? signals non-prop setting
- prediction = prediction.sub(/Val/,"") if prediction # Convert back
- confidence = 0.0 if prediction.nil?
- #$logger.debug "Prediction: '" + prediction.to_s + "' ('#{prediction.class}')."
- confidence = get_confidence({:sims => params[:sims][1], :activities => params[:activities]})
- end
- {:value => prediction, :confidence => confidence}
- end
diff --git a/lib/compound.rb b/lib/compound.rb
index 4d32e24..e002305 100644
--- a/lib/compound.rb
+++ b/lib/compound.rb
@@ -1,12 +1,9 @@
-# TODO: check
-# *** Open Babel Error in ParseFile
-# Could not find contribution data file.
module OpenTox
class Compound
+ require_relative "unique_descriptors.rb"
include OpenTox
@@ -15,34 +12,35 @@ module OpenTox
field :smiles, type: String
field :inchikey, type: String
field :names, type: Array
- field :warning, type: String
field :cid, type: String
field :chemblid, type: String
field :png_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
field :svg_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
field :sdf_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
- field :molecular_weight, type: Float
field :fingerprints, type: Hash, default: {}
field :default_fingerprint_size, type: Integer
+ field :physchem_descriptors, type: Hash, default: {}
+ field :dataset_ids, type: Array, default: []
+ field :features, type: Hash, default: {}
index({smiles: 1}, {unique: true})
# Overwrites standard Mongoid method to create fingerprints before database insertion
def self.find_or_create_by params
compound = self.find_or_initialize_by params
- compound.default_fingerprint_size = compound.fingerprint(DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT)
+ compound.default_fingerprint_size = compound.fingerprint(DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT).size
- def fingerprint type="MP2D"
+ def fingerprint type=DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT
unless fingerprints[type]
return [] unless self.smiles
if type == "MP2D"
fp = obconversion(smiles,"smi","mpd").strip.split("\t")
name = fp.shift # remove Title
- fingerprints[type] = fp
+ fingerprints[type] = fp.uniq # no fingerprint counts
elsif type== "MNA"
level = 2 # TODO: level as parameter, evaluate level 1, see paper
@@ -82,19 +80,60 @@ module OpenTox
+ def physchem descriptors=PhysChem.openbabel_descriptors
+ # TODO: speedup java descriptors
+ calculated_ids = physchem_descriptors.keys
+ # BSON::ObjectId instances are not allowed as keys in a BSON document.
+ new_ids = descriptors.collect{|d|} - calculated_ids
+ descs = {}
+ algos = {}
+ new_ids.each do |id|
+ descriptor = PhysChem.find id
+ descs[[descriptor.library, descriptor.descriptor]] = descriptor
+ algos[] = descriptor
+ end
+ # avoid recalculating Cdk features with multiple values
+ descs.keys.uniq.each do |k|
+ descs[k].send(k[0].downcase,k[1],self).each do |n,v|
+ physchem_descriptors[algos[n].id.to_s] = v # BSON::ObjectId instances are not allowed as keys in a BSON document.
+ end
+ end
+ save
+{|id,v| descriptors.collect{|d|}.include? id}
+ end
+ def smarts_match smarts, count=false
+ obconversion =
+ obmol =
+ obconversion.set_in_format('smi')
+ obconversion.read_string(obmol,self.smiles)
+ smarts_pattern =
+ smarts.collect do |sma|
+ smarts_pattern.init(sma.smarts)
+ if smarts_pattern.match(obmol)
+ count ? value = smarts_pattern.get_map_list.to_a.size : value = 1
+ else
+ value = 0
+ end
+ value
+ end
+ end
# Create a compound from smiles string
# @example
# compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles("c1ccccc1")
# @param [String] smiles Smiles string
# @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
def self.from_smiles smiles
- return nil if smiles.match(/\s/) # spaces seem to confuse obconversion and may lead to invalid smiles
+ if smiles.match(/\s/) # spaces seem to confuse obconversion and may lead to invalid smiles
+ $logger.warn "SMILES parsing failed for '#{smiles}'', SMILES string contains whitespaces."
+ return nil
+ end
smiles = obconversion(smiles,"smi","can") # test if SMILES is correct and return canonical smiles (for compound comparisons)
if smiles.empty?
+ $logger.warn "SMILES parsing failed for '#{smiles}'', this may be caused by an incorrect SMILES string."
return nil
- #Compound.find_or_create_by(:warning => "SMILES parsing failed for '#{smiles}', this may be caused by an incorrect SMILES string.")
- #Compound.find_or_create_by :smiles => obconversion(smiles,"smi","can") # test if SMILES is correct and return canonical smiles (for compound comparisons)
Compound.find_or_create_by :smiles => smiles
@@ -109,7 +148,7 @@ module OpenTox
#smiles = `echo "#{inchi}" | "#{File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","openbabel","bin","babel")}" -iinchi - -ocan`.chomp.strip
smiles = obconversion(inchi,"inchi","can")
if smiles.empty?
- Compound.find_or_create_by(:warning => "InChi parsing failed for #{inchi}, this may be caused by an incorrect InChi string or a bug in OpenBabel libraries.")
+ Compound.find_or_create_by(:warnings => ["InChi parsing failed for #{inchi}, this may be caused by an incorrect InChi string or a bug in OpenBabel libraries."])
Compound.find_or_create_by(:smiles => smiles, :inchi => inchi)
@@ -245,34 +284,19 @@ module OpenTox
def fingerprint_neighbors params
bad_request_error "Incorrect parameters '#{params}' for Compound#fingerprint_neighbors. Please provide :type, :training_dataset_id, :min_sim." unless params[:type] and params[:training_dataset_id] and params[:min_sim]
neighbors = []
- #if params[:type] == DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT
- #neighbors = db_neighbors params
- #p neighbors
- #else
+ if params[:type] == DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT
+ neighbors = db_neighbors params
+ else
query_fingerprint = self.fingerprint params[:type]
- training_dataset = Dataset.find(params[:training_dataset_id]).compounds.each do |compound|
- unless self == compound
- candidate_fingerprint = compound.fingerprint params[:type]
- sim = (query_fingerprint & candidate_fingerprint).size/(query_fingerprint | candidate_fingerprint).size.to_f
- neighbors << [, sim] if sim >= params[:min_sim]
- end
- end
- #end
- neighbors.sort{|a,b| b.last <=> a.last}
- end
- def fminer_neighbors params
- bad_request_error "Incorrect parameters for Compound#fminer_neighbors. Please provide :feature_dataset_id, :min_sim." unless params[:feature_dataset_id] and params[:min_sim]
- feature_dataset = Dataset.find params[:feature_dataset_id]
- query_fingerprint = Algorithm::Descriptor.smarts_match(self, feature_dataset.features)
- neighbors = []
- # find neighbors
- feature_dataset.data_entries.each_with_index do |candidate_fingerprint, i|
- sim = Algorithm::Similarity.tanimoto candidate_fingerprint, query_fingerprint
- if sim >= params[:min_sim]
- neighbors << [feature_dataset.compound_ids[i],sim] # use compound_ids, instantiation of Compounds is too time consuming
+ training_dataset = Dataset.find(params[:training_dataset_id])
+ prediction_feature = training_dataset.features.first
+ training_dataset.compounds.each do |compound|
+ candidate_fingerprint = compound.fingerprint params[:type]
+ sim = (query_fingerprint & candidate_fingerprint).size/(query_fingerprint | candidate_fingerprint).size.to_f
+ feature_values = training_dataset.values(compound,prediction_feature)
+ neighbors << {"_id" =>, "features" => { => feature_values}, "tanimoto" => sim} if sim >= params[:min_sim]
+ neighbors.sort!{|a,b| b["tanimoto"] <=> a["tanimoto"]}
@@ -285,13 +309,7 @@ module OpenTox
# TODO implement pearson and cosine similarity separatly
R.assign "x", query_fingerprint
R.assign "y", candidate_fingerprint
- # pearson r
- #sim = R.eval("cor(x,y,use='complete.obs',method='pearson')").to_ruby
- #p "pearson"
- #p sim
- #p "cosine"
sim = R.eval("x %*% y / sqrt(x%*%x * y%*%y)").to_ruby.first
- #p sim
if sim >= params[:min_sim]
neighbors << [feature_dataset.compound_ids[i],sim] # use compound_ids, instantiation of Compounds is too time consuming
@@ -300,53 +318,53 @@ module OpenTox
def db_neighbors params
- p params
- # TODO restrict to dataset
# from
- qn = fingerprint(params[:type]).size
+ #qn = default_fingerprint_size
#qmin = qn * threshold
#qmax = qn / threshold
#not sure if it is worth the effort of keeping feature counts up to date (compound deletions, additions, ...)
#reqbits = [count['_id'] for count in db.mfp_counts.find({'_id': {'$in': qfp}}).sort('count', 1).limit(qn - qmin + 1)]
aggregate = [
#{'$match': {'mfp.count': {'$gte': qmin, '$lte': qmax}, 'mfp.bits': {'$in': reqbits}}},
- {'$match' => {'_id' => {'$ne' =>}}}, # remove self
+ #{'$match' => {'_id' => {'$ne' =>}}}, # remove self
{'$project' => {
'tanimoto' => {'$let' => {
- 'vars' => {'common' => {'$size' => {'$setIntersection' => ["'$#{DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT}'", DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT]}}},
- 'in' => {'$divide' => ['$$common', {'$subtract' => [{'$add' => [qn, '$default_fingerprint_size']}, '$$common']}]}
+ 'vars' => {'common' => {'$size' => {'$setIntersection' => ["$fingerprints.#{DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT}", fingerprints[DEFAULT_FINGERPRINT]]}}},
+ #'vars' => {'common' => {'$size' => {'$setIntersection' => ["$default_fingerprint", default_fingerprint]}}},
+ 'in' => {'$divide' => ['$$common', {'$subtract' => [{'$add' => [default_fingerprint_size, '$default_fingerprint_size']}, '$$common']}]}
- '_id' => 1
+ '_id' => 1,
+ 'features' => 1,
+ 'dataset_ids' => 1
{'$match' => {'tanimoto' => {'$gte' => params[:min_sim]}}},
{'$sort' => {'tanimoto' => -1}}
- $mongo["compounds"].aggregate(aggregate).collect{ |r| [r["_id"], r["tanimoto"]] }
+ $mongo["compounds"].aggregate(aggregate).select{|r| r["dataset_ids"].include? params[:training_dataset_id]}
- # Get mg from mmol
- # @return [Float] value in mg
- def mmol_to_mg mmol
- mmol.to_f*molecular_weight
+ # Convert mmol to mg
+ # @return [Float] value in mg
+ def mmol_to_mg mmol
+ mmol.to_f*molecular_weight
- def mg_to_mmol mg
- mg.to_f/molecular_weight
+ # Convert mg to mmol
+ # @return [Float] value in mg
+ def mg_to_mmol mg
+ mg.to_f/molecular_weight
# Calculate molecular weight of Compound with OB and store it in object
# @return [Float] molecular weight
def molecular_weight
- if self["molecular_weight"]==0.0 || self["molecular_weight"].nil?
- update(:molecular_weight => OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor.physchem(self, ["Openbabel.MW"]).first)
- end
- self["molecular_weight"]
+ mw_feature = PhysChem.find_or_create_by(:name => "Openbabel.MW")
+ physchem([mw_feature])[]
def self.obconversion(identifier,input_format,output_format,option=nil)
diff --git a/lib/crossvalidation.rb b/lib/crossvalidation.rb
index 2e6dabb..15dfb21 100644
--- a/lib/crossvalidation.rb
+++ b/lib/crossvalidation.rb
@@ -35,14 +35,14 @@ module OpenTox
predictions = []
training_dataset = Dataset.find model.training_dataset_id
training_dataset.folds(n).each_with_index do |fold,fold_nr|
- fork do # parallel execution of validations
+ #fork do # parallel execution of validations
$logger.debug "Dataset #{}: Fold #{fold_nr} started"
t =
validation = Validation.create(model, fold[0], fold[1],cv)
$logger.debug "Dataset #{}, Fold #{fold_nr}: #{} seconds"
- end
+ #end
- Process.waitall
+ #Process.waitall
cv.validation_ids = Validation.where(:crossvalidation_id =>
cv.validations.each do |validation|
nr_instances += validation.nr_instances
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ module OpenTox
nr_instances: nr_instances,
nr_unpredicted: nr_unpredicted,
- predictions: predictions.sort{|a,b| b[3] <=> a[3]} # sort according to confidence
+ predictions: predictions#.sort{|a,b| b[3] <=> a[3]} # sort according to confidence
$logger.debug "Nr unpredicted: #{nr_unpredicted}"
@@ -79,23 +79,26 @@ module OpenTox
true_rate = {}
predictivity = {}
predictions.each do |pred|
- compound_id,activity,prediction,confidence = pred
- if activity and prediction and confidence.numeric?
- if prediction == activity
- if prediction == accept_values[0]
- confusion_matrix[0][0] += 1
- weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0] += confidence
- elsif prediction == accept_values[1]
- confusion_matrix[1][1] += 1
- weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1] += confidence
- end
- elsif prediction != activity
- if prediction == accept_values[0]
- confusion_matrix[0][1] += 1
- weighted_confusion_matrix[0][1] += confidence
- elsif prediction == accept_values[1]
- confusion_matrix[1][0] += 1
- weighted_confusion_matrix[1][0] += confidence
+ compound_id,activities,prediction,confidence = pred
+ if activities and prediction #and confidence.numeric?
+ if activities.uniq.size == 1
+ activity = activities.uniq.first
+ if prediction == activity
+ if prediction == accept_values[0]
+ confusion_matrix[0][0] += 1
+ #weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0] += confidence
+ elsif prediction == accept_values[1]
+ confusion_matrix[1][1] += 1
+ #weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1] += confidence
+ end
+ elsif prediction != activity
+ if prediction == accept_values[0]
+ confusion_matrix[0][1] += 1
+ #weighted_confusion_matrix[0][1] += confidence
+ elsif prediction == accept_values[1]
+ confusion_matrix[1][0] += 1
+ #weighted_confusion_matrix[1][0] += confidence
+ end
@@ -109,17 +112,17 @@ module OpenTox
predictivity[v] = confusion_matrix[i][i]/confusion_matrix.collect{|n| n[i]}.reduce(:+).to_f
confidence_sum = 0
- weighted_confusion_matrix.each do |r|
- r.each do |c|
- confidence_sum += c
- end
- end
+ #weighted_confusion_matrix.each do |r|
+ #r.each do |c|
+ #confidence_sum += c
+ #end
+ #end
accept_values: accept_values,
confusion_matrix: confusion_matrix,
- weighted_confusion_matrix: weighted_confusion_matrix,
+ #weighted_confusion_matrix: weighted_confusion_matrix,
accuracy: (confusion_matrix[0][0]+confusion_matrix[1][1])/(nr_instances-nr_unpredicted).to_f,
- weighted_accuracy: (weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0]+weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1])/confidence_sum.to_f,
+ #weighted_accuracy: (weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0]+weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1])/confidence_sum.to_f,
true_rate: true_rate,
predictivity: predictivity,
@@ -129,14 +132,14 @@ module OpenTox
def confidence_plot
unless confidence_plot_id
- tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.svg"
+ tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.png"
accuracies = []
confidences = []
correct_predictions = 0
incorrect_predictions = 0
predictions.each do |p|
if p[1] and p[2]
- p[1] == p [2] ? correct_predictions += 1 : incorrect_predictions += 1
+ p[1] == p[2] ? correct_predictions += 1 : incorrect_predictions += 1
accuracies << correct_predictions/(correct_predictions+incorrect_predictions).to_f
confidences << p[3]
@@ -146,7 +149,7 @@ module OpenTox
R.assign "confidence", confidences
R.eval "image = qplot(confidence,accuracy)+ylab('accumulated accuracy')+scale_x_reverse()"
R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
- file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.svg")
+ file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.png")
plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
update(:confidence_plot_id => plot_id)
@@ -162,52 +165,46 @@ module OpenTox
field :rmse, type: Float
field :mae, type: Float
- field :weighted_rmse, type: Float
- field :weighted_mae, type: Float
field :r_squared, type: Float
field :correlation_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
- field :confidence_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
def statistics
rmse = 0
- weighted_rmse = 0
- rse = 0
- weighted_rse = 0
mae = 0
- weighted_mae = 0
- rae = 0
- weighted_rae = 0
- confidence_sum = 0
+ x = []
+ y = []
predictions.each do |pred|
compound_id,activity,prediction,confidence = pred
- if activity and prediction
- error = Math.log10(prediction)-Math.log10(activity)
- rmse += error**2
- weighted_rmse += confidence*error**2
- mae += error.abs
- weighted_mae += confidence*error.abs
- confidence_sum += confidence
+ if activity and prediction
+ unless activity == [nil]
+ x << -Math.log10(activity.median)
+ y << -Math.log10(prediction)
+ error = Math.log10(prediction)-Math.log10(activity.median)
+ rmse += error**2
+ #weighted_rmse += confidence*error**2
+ mae += error.abs
+ #weighted_mae += confidence*error.abs
+ #confidence_sum += confidence
+ end
warnings << "No training activities for #{Compound.find(compound_id).smiles} in training dataset #{model.training_dataset_id}."
$logger.debug "No training activities for #{Compound.find(compound_id).smiles} in training dataset #{model.training_dataset_id}."
- x = predictions.collect{|p| p[1]}
- y = predictions.collect{|p| p[2]}
R.assign "measurement", x
R.assign "prediction", y
- R.eval "r <- cor(-log(measurement),-log(prediction),use='complete')"
+ R.eval "r <- cor(measurement,prediction,use='complete')"
r = R.eval("r").to_ruby
mae = mae/predictions.size
- weighted_mae = weighted_mae/confidence_sum
+ #weighted_mae = weighted_mae/confidence_sum
rmse = Math.sqrt(rmse/predictions.size)
- weighted_rmse = Math.sqrt(weighted_rmse/confidence_sum)
+ #weighted_rmse = Math.sqrt(weighted_rmse/confidence_sum)
mae: mae,
rmse: rmse,
- weighted_mae: weighted_mae,
- weighted_rmse: weighted_rmse,
+ #weighted_mae: weighted_mae,
+ #weighted_rmse: weighted_rmse,
r_squared: r**2,
@@ -243,11 +240,11 @@ module OpenTox
:neighbors => neighbors
- end.compact.sort{|a,b| p a; b[:relative_error] <=> a[:relative_error]}[0..n-1]
+ end.compact.sort{|a,b| b[:relative_error] <=> a[:relative_error]}[0..n-1]
def confidence_plot
- tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.svg"
+ tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.png"
sorted_predictions = predictions.collect{|p| [(Math.log10(p[1])-Math.log10(p[2])).abs,p[3]] if p[1] and p[2]}.compact
R.assign "error", sorted_predictions.collect{|p| p[0]}
R.assign "confidence", sorted_predictions.collect{|p| p[1]}
@@ -255,7 +252,7 @@ module OpenTox
R.eval "image = qplot(confidence,error)"
R.eval "image = image + stat_smooth(method='lm', se=FALSE)"
R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
- file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.svg")
+ file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.png")
plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
update(:confidence_plot_id => plot_id)
$gridfs.find_one(_id: confidence_plot_id).data
@@ -263,7 +260,7 @@ module OpenTox
def correlation_plot
unless correlation_plot_id
- tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_correlation.svg"
+ tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_correlation.png"
x = predictions.collect{|p| p[1]}
y = predictions.collect{|p| p[2]}
attributes = Model::Lazar.find(self.model_id).attributes
@@ -276,7 +273,7 @@ module OpenTox
R.eval "image = qplot(-log(prediction),-log(measurement),main='#{}',asp=1,xlim=range, ylim=range)"
R.eval "image = image + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1)"
R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
- file =, :filename => "#{}_correlation_plot.svg")
+ file =, :filename => "#{}_correlation_plot.png")
plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
update(:correlation_plot_id => plot_id)
diff --git a/lib/dataset.rb b/lib/dataset.rb
index 4da8fd6..5d8aeaf 100644
--- a/lib/dataset.rb
+++ b/lib/dataset.rb
@@ -5,25 +5,12 @@ module OpenTox
class Dataset
- #attr_writer :data_entries
# associations like has_many, belongs_to deteriorate performance
field :feature_ids, type: Array, default: []
field :compound_ids, type: Array, default: []
- #field :data_entries_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
field :data_entries, type: Array, default: []
field :source, type: String
- # Save all data including data_entries
- # Should be used instead of save
- def save_all
- save
- #dump = Marshal.dump(@data_entries)
- #file =, :filename => "#{}.data_entries")
- #entries_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
- #update(:data_entries_id => entries_id)
- end
# Readers
# Get all compounds
@@ -38,33 +25,6 @@ module OpenTox
- # Get all data_entries
- def data_entries
- unless @data_entries
- t =
- data_entry_file = $gridfs.find_one(_id: data_entries_id)
- if data_entry_file.nil?
- @data_entries = []
- else
- @data_entries = Marshal.load(
- bad_request_error "Data entries (#{data_entries_id}) are not a 2D-Array" unless @data_entries.is_a? Array and @data_entries.first.is_a? Array
- unless @data_entries.first.size == feature_ids.size
- # TODO: fix (unknown) source of empty data_entries
- sleep 1
- data_entry_file = $gridfs.find_one(_id: data_entries_id)
- @data_entries = Marshal.load(
- end
- bad_request_error "Data entries (#{data_entries_id}) have #{@data_entries.size} rows, but dataset (#{id}) has #{compound_ids.size} compounds" unless @data_entries.size == compound_ids.size
- # TODO: data_entries can be empty, poorly reproducible, mongo problem?
- bad_request_error "Data entries (#{data_entries_id}) have #{@data_entries.first.size} columns, but dataset (#{id}) has #{feature_ids.size} features" unless @data_entries.first.size == feature_ids.size
- #$logger.debug "Retrieving data: #{}"
- end
- end
- @data_entries
- end
# Find data entry values for a given compound and feature
# @param compound [OpenTox::Compound] OpenTox Compound object
# @param feature [OpenTox::Feature] OpenTox Feature object
@@ -93,7 +53,13 @@ module OpenTox
# @param [Integer] number of folds
# @return [Array] Array with folds [training_dataset,test_dataset]
def folds n
- len = self.compound_ids.size
+ unique_compound_data = {}
+ compound_ids.each_with_index do |cid,i|
+ unique_compound_data[cid] ||= []
+ unique_compound_data[cid] << data_entries[i]
+ end
+ unique_compound_ids = unique_compound_data.keys
+ len = unique_compound_ids.size
indices = (0..len-1).to_a.shuffle
mid = (len/n)
chunks = []
@@ -102,22 +68,44 @@ module OpenTox
last = start+mid
last = last-1 unless len%n >= i
test_idxs = indices[start..last] || []
- test_cids = test_idxs.collect{|i| self.compound_ids[i]}
- test_data_entries = test_idxs.collect{|i| self.data_entries[i]}
- test_dataset = => test_cids, :feature_ids => self.feature_ids, :data_entries => test_data_entries)
+ test_cids = test_idxs.collect{|i| unique_compound_ids[i]}
training_idxs = indices-test_idxs
- training_cids = training_idxs.collect{|i| self.compound_ids[i]}
- training_data_entries = training_idxs.collect{|i| self.data_entries[i]}
- training_dataset = => training_cids, :feature_ids => self.feature_ids, :data_entries => training_data_entries)
- test_dataset.save_all
- training_dataset.save_all
- chunks << [training_dataset,test_dataset]
+ training_cids = training_idxs.collect{|i| unique_compound_ids[i]}
+ chunk = [training_cids,test_cids].collect do |unique_cids|
+ cids = []
+ data_entries = []
+ unique_cids.each do |cid|
+ unique_compound_data[cid].each do |de|
+ cids << cid
+ data_entries << de
+ end
+ end
+ dataset = => cids, :feature_ids => self.feature_ids, :data_entries => data_entries, :source => )
+ dataset.compounds.each do |compound|
+ compound.dataset_ids <<
+ end
+ dataset
+ end
start = last+1
+ chunks << chunk
# Diagnostics
+ def duplicates feature=self.features.first
+ col = feature_ids.index
+ dups = {}
+ compound_ids.each_with_index do |cid,i|
+ rows ={|r| compound_ids[r] == cid }
+ values = rows.collect{|row| data_entries[row][col]}
+ dups[cid] = values if values.size > 1
+ end
+ dups
+ end
def correlation_plot training_dataset
# TODO: create/store svg
@@ -145,7 +133,6 @@ module OpenTox
# Parsers
# Create a dataset from file (csv,sdf,...)
@@ -154,10 +141,10 @@ module OpenTox
#def self.from_sdf_file
# Create a dataset from CSV file
# TODO: document structure
- def self.from_csv_file file, source=nil, bioassay=true
+ def self.from_csv_file file, source=nil, bioassay=true#, layout={}
source ||= file
name = File.basename(file,".*")
dataset = self.find_by(:source => source, :name => name)
@@ -167,7 +154,7 @@ module OpenTox
$logger.debug "Parsing #{file}."
table = file, :skip_blanks => true, :encoding => 'windows-1251:utf-8'
dataset = => source, :name => name)
- dataset.parse_table table, bioassay
+ dataset.parse_table table, bioassay#, layout
@@ -224,12 +211,11 @@ module OpenTox
value_time = 0
# compounds and values
- #@data_entries = []{}
self.data_entries = []
table.each_with_index do |vals,i|
ct =
- identifier = vals.shift
+ identifier = vals.shift.strip
warnings << "No feature values for compound at position #{i+2}." if vals.compact.empty?
case compound_format
@@ -246,7 +232,7 @@ module OpenTox
warnings << "Cannot parse #{compound_format} compound '#{identifier}' at position #{i+2}, all entries are ignored."
- # TODO insert empty compounds to keep positions?
+ compound.dataset_ids << unless compound.dataset_ids.include?
compound_time +=
r += 1
@@ -263,10 +249,15 @@ module OpenTox
warnings << "Empty value for compound '#{identifier}' (row #{r+2}) and feature '#{feature_names[j]}' (column #{j+2})."
elsif numeric[j]
- self.data_entries.last[j] = v.to_f
+ v = v.to_f
- self.data_entries.last[j] = v.strip
+ v = v.strip
+ self.data_entries.last[j] = v
+ #i = compound.feature_ids.index feature_ids[j]
+ compound.features[feature_ids[j].to_s] ||= []
+ compound.features[feature_ids[j].to_s] << v
compounds.duplicates.each do |compound|
@@ -293,28 +284,6 @@ module OpenTox
- def scale
- scaled_data_entries ={}
- centers = []
- scales = []
- feature_ids.each_with_index do |feature_id,col|
- R.assign "x", data_entries.collect{|de| de[col]}
- R.eval "scaled = scale(x,center=T,scale=T)"
- centers[col] = R.eval("attr(scaled, 'scaled:center')").to_ruby
- scales[col] = R.eval("attr(scaled, 'scaled:scale')").to_ruby
- R.eval("scaled").to_ruby.each_with_index do |value,row|
- scaled_data_entries[row][col] = value
- end
- end
- scaled_dataset =
- scaled_dataset["_id"] =
- scaled_dataset["_type"] = "OpenTox::ScaledDataset"
- scaled_dataset.centers = centers
- scaled_dataset.scales = scales
- scaled_dataset.data_entries = scaled_data_entries
- scaled_dataset.save_all
- scaled_dataset
- end
# Dataset for lazar predictions
diff --git a/lib/descriptor.rb b/lib/descriptor.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9733bde..0000000
--- a/lib/descriptor.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
-require 'digest/md5'
-ENV["JAVA_HOME"] ||= "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk"
-# TODO store descriptors in mongodb
-module OpenTox
- module Algorithm
- # Class for descriptor calculations
- class Descriptor
- include OpenTox
- JAVA_DIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","java")
- CDK_JAR = Dir[File.join(JAVA_DIR,"cdk-*jar")].last
- JOELIB_JAR = File.join(JAVA_DIR,"joelib2.jar")
- LOG4J_JAR = File.join(JAVA_DIR,"log4j.jar")
- JMOL_JAR = File.join(JAVA_DIR,"Jmol.jar")
- obexclude = ["cansmi","cansmiNS","formula","InChI","InChIKey","s","smarts","title","L5"]
- OBDESCRIPTORS = Hash[OpenBabel::OBDescriptor.list_as_string("descriptors").split("\n").collect do |d|
- name,description = d.split(/\s+/,2)
- ["Openbabel."+name,description] unless obexclude.include? name
- end.compact.sort{|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]}]
- cdk_desc = YAML.load(`java -classpath #{CDK_JAR}:#{JAVA_DIR} CdkDescriptorInfo`)
- CDKDESCRIPTORS = Hash[cdk_desc.collect { |d| ["Cdk."+d[:java_class].split('.').last.sub(/Descriptor/,''), d[:description]] }.sort{|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]}]
- CDKDESCRIPTOR_VALUES = cdk_desc.collect { |d| prefix="Cdk."+d[:java_class].split('.').last.sub(/Descriptor/,''); d[:names].collect{ |name| prefix+"."+name } }.flatten
- # exclude Hashcode (not a physchem property) and GlobalTopologicalChargeIndex (Joelib bug)
- joelibexclude = ["MoleculeHashcode","GlobalTopologicalChargeIndex"]
- # strip Joelib messages from stdout
- JOELIBDESCRIPTORS = Hash[YAML.load(`java -classpath #{JOELIB_JAR}:#{LOG4J_JAR}:#{JAVA_DIR} JoelibDescriptorInfo | sed '0,/---/d'`).collect do |d|
- name = d[:java_class].sub(/^joelib2.feature.types./,'')
- # impossible to obtain meaningful descriptions from JOELIb, see java/
- ["Joelib."+name, "no description available"] unless joelibexclude.include? name
- end.compact.sort{|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]}]
- require_relative "unique_descriptors.rb"
- # Description of available descriptors
- def self.description descriptor
- lib = descriptor.split('.').first
- case lib
- when "Openbabel"
- OBDESCRIPTORS[descriptor]
- when "Cdk"
- name = descriptor.split('.')[0..-2].join('.')
- when "Joelib"
- when "lookup"
- "Read feature values from a dataset"
- end
- end
- # Match an array of smarts features
- def self.smarts_match compounds, smarts_features, count=false
- bad_request_error "Compounds for smarts_match are empty" unless compounds
- bad_request_error "Smarts features for smarts_match are empty" unless smarts_features
- parse compounds
- @count = count
- obconversion =
- obmol =
- obconversion.set_in_format('smi')
- smarts_pattern =
- smarts_features = [smarts_features] if smarts_features.is_a?(Feature)
- @smarts = smarts_features.collect{|f| f.smarts}
- @physchem_descriptors = nil
- @data_entries ={,false)}
- @compounds.each_with_index do |compound,c|
- obconversion.read_string(obmol,compound.smiles)
- @smarts.each_with_index do |smart,s|
- smarts_pattern.init(smart)
- if smarts_pattern.match(obmol)
- count ? value = smarts_pattern.get_map_list.to_a.size : value = 1
- else
- value = 0
- end
- @data_entries[c][s] = value
- end
- end
- serialize
- end
- # Count matches of an array with smarts features
- def self.smarts_count compounds, smarts
- # TODO: non-overlapping matches?
- smarts_match compounds,smarts,true
- end
- # Calculate physchem descriptors
- # @param [OpenTox::Compound,Array,OpenTox::Dataset] input object, either a compound, an array of compounds or a dataset
- def self.physchem compounds, descriptors=UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS
- parse compounds
- @data_entries ={[]}
- @descriptors = descriptors
- @smarts = nil
- @physchem_descriptors = [] # CDK may return more than one result per descriptor, they are stored as separate features
- des = {}
- @descriptors.each do |d|
- lib, descriptor = d.split(".",2)
- lib = lib.downcase.to_sym
- des[lib] ||= []
- des[lib] << descriptor
- end
- des.each do |lib,descriptors|
- p lib, descriptors
- send(lib, descriptors)
- end
- serialize
- end
- def self.openbabel descriptors
- $logger.debug "compute #{descriptors.size} openbabel descriptors for #{@compounds.size} compounds"
- obdescriptors = descriptors.collect{|d| OpenBabel::OBDescriptor.find_type d}
- obmol =
- obconversion =
- obconversion.set_in_format 'smi'
- last_feature_idx = @physchem_descriptors.size
- @compounds.each_with_index do |compound,c|
- obconversion.read_string obmol, compound.smiles
- obdescriptors.each_with_index do |descriptor,d|
- @data_entries[c][d+last_feature_idx] = fix_value(descriptor.predict(obmol))
- end
- end
- @physchem_descriptors += descriptors.collect{|d| "Openbabel.#{d}"}
- end
- def self.java_descriptors descriptors, lib
- $logger.debug "compute #{descriptors.size} cdk descriptors for #{@compounds.size} compounds"
- sdf = sdf_3d
- # use java system call (rjb blocks within tasks)
- # use Tempfiles to avoid "Argument list too long" error
- case lib
- when "cdk"
- run_cmd "java -classpath #{CDK_JAR}:#{JAVA_DIR} CdkDescriptors #{sdf} #{descriptors.join(" ")}"
- when "joelib"
- run_cmd "java -classpath #{JOELIB_JAR}:#{JMOL_JAR}:#{LOG4J_JAR}:#{JAVA_DIR} JoelibDescriptors #{sdf} #{descriptors.join(' ')}"
- end
- last_feature_idx = @physchem_descriptors.size
- YAML.load_file("#{sdf}#{lib}.yaml").each_with_index do |calculation,i|
- # TODO create warnings
- #$logger.error "Descriptor calculation failed for compound #{@compounds[i].inchi}." if calculation.empty?
- # CDK Descriptors may calculate multiple values, they are stored in separate features
- @physchem_descriptors += calculation.keys if i == 0
- calculation.keys.each_with_index do |name,j|
- @data_entries[i][j+last_feature_idx] = fix_value(calculation[name])
- end
- end
- FileUtils.rm "#{sdf}#{lib}.yaml"
- end
- def self.cdk descriptors
- java_descriptors descriptors, "cdk"
- end
- def self.joelib descriptors
- java_descriptors descriptors, "joelib"
- end
- def self.lookup compounds, features, dataset
- parse compounds
- fingerprint = []
- compounds.each do |compound|
- fingerprint << []
- features.each do |feature|
- end
- end
- end
- def self.run_cmd cmd
- cmd = "#{cmd} 2>&1"
- $logger.debug "running external cmd: '#{cmd}'"
- p = IO.popen(cmd) do |io|
- while line = io.gets
- $logger.debug "> #{line.chomp}"
- end
- io.close
- raise "external cmd failed '#{cmd}' (see log file for error msg)" unless $?.to_i == 0
- end
- end
- def self.sdf_3d
- # TODO check if 3d sdfs are stored in GridFS
- sdf = ""
- @compounds.each do |compound|
- sdf << compound.sdf
- end
- sdf_file = "/tmp/#{SecureRandom.uuid}.sdf"
-,"w+"){|f| f.print sdf}
- sdf_file
- end
- def self.parse compounds
- @input_class = compounds.class.to_s
- case @input_class
- when "OpenTox::Compound"
- @compounds = [compounds]
- when "Array"
- @compounds = compounds
- when "OpenTox::Dataset"
- @compounds = compounds.compounds
- else
- bad_request_error "Cannot calculate descriptors for #{compounds.class} objects."
- end
- end
- def self.serialize
- @data_entries.collect!{|de| de.collect{|v| v.round(5) unless v.nil?}}
- case @input_class
- when "OpenTox::Compound"
- @data_entries.first
- when "Array"
- @data_entries
- when "OpenTox::Dataset"
- dataset = => @compounds.collect{|c|})
- if @smarts
- dataset.feature_ids = @smarts.collect{|smart| Smarts.find_or_create_by(:smarts => smart).id}
- @count ? algo = "count" : algo = "match"
- dataset.feature_calculation_algorithm = "#{self}.smarts_#{algo}"
- elsif @physchem_descriptors
- dataset.feature_ids = @physchem_descriptors.collect{|d| PhysChemDescriptor.find_or_create_by(:name => d, :creator => __FILE__).id}
- dataset.data_entries = @data_entries
- dataset.feature_calculation_algorithm = "#{self}.physchem"
- #TODO params?
- end
- dataset.save_all
- dataset
- end
- end
- def self.fix_value val
- val = val.first if val.is_a? Array and val.size == 1
- val = nil if val == "NaN"
- if val.numeric?
- val = Float(val)
- val = nil if val.nan? or val.infinite?
- end
- val
- end
- private_class_method :sdf_3d, :fix_value, :parse, :run_cmd, :serialize
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/feature.rb b/lib/feature.rb
index a308a55..b58946b 100644
--- a/lib/feature.rb
+++ b/lib/feature.rb
@@ -5,11 +5,11 @@ module OpenTox
field :nominal, type: Boolean
field :numeric, type: Boolean
field :measured, type: Boolean
+ field :calculated, type: Boolean
# Feature for categorical variables
class NominalFeature < Feature
- # TODO check if accept_values are still needed
field :accept_values, type: Array
def initialize params
super params
@@ -34,21 +34,6 @@ module OpenTox
- # Feature for supervised fragments from Fminer algorithm
- class FminerSmarts < Smarts
- field :p_value, type: Float
- # TODO check if effect is used
- field :effect, type: String
- field :dataset_id
- end
- # Feature for physico-chemical descriptors
- class PhysChemDescriptor < NumericFeature
- field :algorithm, type: String, default: "OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor.physchem"
- field :parameters, type: Hash
- field :creator, type: String
- end
# Feature for categorical bioassay results
class NominalBioAssay < NominalFeature
diff --git a/lib/lazar.rb b/lib/lazar.rb
index cc66841..a28ba3a 100644
--- a/lib/lazar.rb
+++ b/lib/lazar.rb
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ require 'mongoid'
require 'rserve'
require "nokogiri"
require "base64"
+require 'openbabel'
# Environment setup
ENV["LAZAR_ENV"] ||= "production"
@@ -24,7 +25,6 @@ Mongoid.load_configuration({
Mongoid.raise_not_found_error = false # return nil if no document is found
-#$mongo = Mongoid.default_client
$mongo ="mongodb://{ENV['LAZAR_ENV']}")
$gridfs = $mongo.database.fs
@@ -41,26 +41,27 @@ when "development"
# R setup
+rlib = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","R"))
+# should work on POSIX including os x
+NR_CORES = `getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`.to_i
R =
-R.eval "library(ggplot2)"
-R.eval "library(grid)"
-R.eval "library(gridExtra)"
-# Require sub-Repositories
-require_relative '../libfminer/libbbrc/bbrc' # include before openbabel
-require_relative '../libfminer/liblast/last' #
-require_relative '../last-utils/lu.rb'
-require_relative '../openbabel/lib/openbabel'
-# Fminer environment variables
-ENV['FMINER_SMARTS'] = 'true'
-ENV['FMINER_SILENT'] = 'true'
-ENV['FMINER_NR_HITS'] = 'true'
+R.eval "
+ library(iterators,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(foreach,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(ggplot2,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(grid,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(gridExtra,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(pls,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(caret,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(doMC,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ registerDoMC(#{NR_CORES})
# OpenTox classes and includes
-CLASSES = ["Feature","Compound","Dataset","Validation","CrossValidation","RepeatedCrossValidation","Experiment"]# Algorithm and Models are modules
+CLASSES = ["Feature","Compound","Dataset","Validation","CrossValidation","LeaveOneOutValidation","RepeatedCrossValidation","Experiment"]# Algorithm and Models are modules
[ # be aware of the require sequence as it affects class/method overwrites
@@ -68,18 +69,16 @@ CLASSES = ["Feature","Compound","Dataset","Validation","CrossValidation","Repeat
+ "physchem.rb",
- "descriptor.rb",
- "descriptor.rb",
- "bbrc.rb",
- "similarity.rb",
+ "leave-one-out-validation.rb",
].each{ |f| require_relative f }
+OpenTox::PhysChem.descriptors # load descriptor features
diff --git a/lib/leave-one-out-validation.rb b/lib/leave-one-out-validation.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2cd13db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/leave-one-out-validation.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class LeaveOneOutValidation
+ field :model_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :dataset_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :nr_instances, type: Integer
+ field :nr_unpredicted, type: Integer
+ field :predictions, type: Array
+ field :finished_at, type: Time
+ def self.create model
+ model.training_dataset.features.first.nominal? ? klass = ClassificationLeaveOneOutValidation : klass = RegressionLeaveOneOutValidation
+ loo = :model_id =>, :dataset_id => model.training_dataset_id
+ compound_ids = model.training_dataset.compound_ids
+ predictions = model.predict model.training_dataset.compounds
+ predictions = predictions.each_with_index {|p,i| p[:compound_id] = compound_ids[i]}
+!{|p| p[:database_activities] and !p[:database_activities].empty?}
+ loo.nr_instances = predictions.size
+!{|p| p[:value]} # remove unpredicted
+ loo.predictions = predictions#.sort{|a,b| b[:confidence] <=> a[:confidence]}
+ loo.nr_unpredicted = loo.nr_instances - loo.predictions.size
+ loo.statistics
+ loo
+ end
+ def model
+ Model::Lazar.find model_id
+ end
+ end
+ class ClassificationLeaveOneOutValidation < LeaveOneOutValidation
+ field :accept_values, type: Array
+ field :confusion_matrix, type: Array, default: []
+ field :weighted_confusion_matrix, type: Array, default: []
+ field :accuracy, type: Float
+ field :weighted_accuracy, type: Float
+ field :true_rate, type: Hash, default: {}
+ field :predictivity, type: Hash, default: {}
+ field :confidence_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ def statistics
+ accept_values = Feature.find(model.prediction_feature_id).accept_values
+ confusion_matrix =,0){,0)}
+ weighted_confusion_matrix =,0){,0)}
+ predictions.each do |pred|
+ pred[:database_activities].each do |db_act|
+ if pred[:value]
+ if pred[:value] == db_act
+ if pred[:value] == accept_values[0]
+ confusion_matrix[0][0] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0] += pred[:confidence]
+ elsif pred[:value] == accept_values[1]
+ confusion_matrix[1][1] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1] += pred[:confidence]
+ end
+ else
+ if pred[:value] == accept_values[0]
+ confusion_matrix[0][1] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[0][1] += pred[:confidence]
+ elsif pred[:value] == accept_values[1]
+ confusion_matrix[1][0] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[1][0] += pred[:confidence]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ accept_values.each_with_index do |v,i|
+ true_rate[v] = confusion_matrix[i][i]/confusion_matrix[i].reduce(:+).to_f
+ predictivity[v] = confusion_matrix[i][i]/confusion_matrix.collect{|n| n[i]}.reduce(:+).to_f
+ end
+ confidence_sum = 0
+ weighted_confusion_matrix.each do |r|
+ r.each do |c|
+ confidence_sum += c
+ end
+ end
+ update_attributes(
+ accept_values: accept_values,
+ confusion_matrix: confusion_matrix,
+ weighted_confusion_matrix: weighted_confusion_matrix,
+ accuracy: (confusion_matrix[0][0]+confusion_matrix[1][1])/(nr_instances-nr_unpredicted).to_f,
+ weighted_accuracy: (weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0]+weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1])/confidence_sum.to_f,
+ true_rate: true_rate,
+ predictivity: predictivity,
+ finished_at:
+ )
+ $logger.debug "Accuracy #{accuracy}"
+ end
+ def confidence_plot
+ unless confidence_plot_id
+ tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_confidence.svg"
+ accuracies = []
+ confidences = []
+ correct_predictions = 0
+ incorrect_predictions = 0
+ predictions.each do |p|
+ p[:database_activities].each do |db_act|
+ if p[:value]
+ p[:value] == db_act ? correct_predictions += 1 : incorrect_predictions += 1
+ accuracies << correct_predictions/(correct_predictions+incorrect_predictions).to_f
+ confidences << p[:confidence]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ R.assign "accuracy", accuracies
+ R.assign "confidence", confidences
+ R.eval "image = qplot(confidence,accuracy)+ylab('accumulated accuracy')+scale_x_reverse()"
+ R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
+ file =, :filename => "#{}_confidence_plot.svg")
+ plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
+ update(:confidence_plot_id => plot_id)
+ end
+ $gridfs.find_one(_id: confidence_plot_id).data
+ end
+ end
+ class RegressionLeaveOneOutValidation < LeaveOneOutValidation
+ field :rmse, type: Float, default: 0.0
+ field :mae, type: Float, default: 0
+ #field :weighted_rmse, type: Float, default: 0
+ #field :weighted_mae, type: Float, default: 0
+ field :r_squared, type: Float
+ field :correlation_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :confidence_plot_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ def statistics
+ confidence_sum = 0
+ predicted_values = []
+ measured_values = []
+ predictions.each do |pred|
+ pred[:database_activities].each do |activity|
+ if pred[:value]
+ predicted_values << pred[:value]
+ measured_values << activity
+ error = Math.log10(pred[:value])-Math.log10(activity)
+ self.rmse += error**2
+ #self.weighted_rmse += pred[:confidence]*error**2
+ self.mae += error.abs
+ #self.weighted_mae += pred[:confidence]*error.abs
+ #confidence_sum += pred[:confidence]
+ end
+ end
+ if pred[:database_activities].empty?
+ warnings << "No training activities for #{Compound.find(compound_id).smiles} in training dataset #{model.training_dataset_id}."
+ $logger.debug "No training activities for #{Compound.find(compound_id).smiles} in training dataset #{model.training_dataset_id}."
+ end
+ end
+ R.assign "measurement", measured_values
+ R.assign "prediction", predicted_values
+ R.eval "r <- cor(-log(measurement),-log(prediction),use='complete')"
+ r = R.eval("r").to_ruby
+ self.mae = self.mae/predictions.size
+ #self.weighted_mae = self.weighted_mae/confidence_sum
+ self.rmse = Math.sqrt(self.rmse/predictions.size)
+ #self.weighted_rmse = Math.sqrt(self.weighted_rmse/confidence_sum)
+ self.r_squared = r**2
+ self.finished_at =
+ save
+ $logger.debug "R^2 #{r**2}"
+ $logger.debug "RMSE #{rmse}"
+ $logger.debug "MAE #{mae}"
+ end
+ def correlation_plot
+ unless correlation_plot_id
+ tmpfile = "/tmp/#{id.to_s}_correlation.svg"
+ predicted_values = []
+ measured_values = []
+ predictions.each do |pred|
+ pred[:database_activities].each do |activity|
+ if pred[:value]
+ predicted_values << pred[:value]
+ measured_values << activity
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ attributes = Model::Lazar.find(self.model_id).attributes
+ attributes.delete_if{|key,_| key.match(/_id|_at/) or ["_id","creator","name"].include? key}
+ attributes = attributes.values.collect{|v| v.is_a?(String) ? v.sub(/OpenTox::/,'') : v}.join("\n")
+ R.assign "measurement", measured_values
+ R.assign "prediction", predicted_values
+ R.eval "all = c(-log(measurement),-log(prediction))"
+ R.eval "range = c(min(all), max(all))"
+ R.eval "image = qplot(-log(prediction),-log(measurement),main='#{}',asp=1,xlim=range, ylim=range)"
+ R.eval "image = image + geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1)"
+ R.eval "ggsave(file='#{tmpfile}', plot=image)"
+ file =, :filename => "#{}_correlation_plot.svg")
+ plot_id = $gridfs.insert_one(file)
+ update(:correlation_plot_id => plot_id)
+ end
+ $gridfs.find_one(_id: correlation_plot_id).data
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/model.rb b/lib/model.rb
index 227d4d3..8e657b8 100644
--- a/lib/model.rb
+++ b/lib/model.rb
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ module OpenTox
def initialize training_dataset, params={}
super params
- bad_request_error "More than one prediction feature found in training_dataset #{}" unless training_dataset.features.size == 1
# TODO document convention
prediction_feature = training_dataset.features.first
@@ -48,13 +47,34 @@ module OpenTox
- def predict object, use_database_values=true
+ def predict_compound compound
+ prediction_feature = Feature.find prediction_feature_id
+ neighbors = compound.send(neighbor_algorithm, neighbor_algorithm_parameters)
+ # remove neighbors without prediction_feature
+ # check for database activities (neighbors may include query compound)
+ database_activities = nil
+ prediction = {}
+ if neighbors.collect{|n| n["_id"]}.include?
+ database_activities ={|n| n["_id"] ==}.first["features"][].uniq
+ prediction[:database_activities] = database_activities
+ prediction[:warning] = "#{database_activities.size} compounds have been removed from neighbors, because they have the same structure as the query compound."
+ neighbors.delete_if{|n| n["_id"] ==}
+ end
+ neighbors.delete_if{|n| n['features'].empty? or n['features'][] == [nil] }
+ if neighbors.empty?
+ prediction.merge!({:value => nil,:confidence => nil,:warning => "Could not find similar compounds with experimental data in the training dataset.",:neighbors => []})
+ else
+ prediction.merge!(, compound, {:neighbors => neighbors,:training_dataset_id=> training_dataset_id,:prediction_feature_id =>}))
+ prediction[:neighbors] = neighbors
+ prediction[:neighbors] ||= []
+ end
+ prediction
+ end
- t =
- at =
+ def predict object
training_dataset = Dataset.find training_dataset_id
- prediction_feature = Feature.find prediction_feature_id
# parse data
compounds = []
@@ -71,63 +91,33 @@ module OpenTox
# make predictions
predictions = []
- neighbors = []
- compounds.each_with_index do |compound,c|
- t =
- neighbors = compound.send(neighbor_algorithm, neighbor_algorithm_parameters)
- # add activities
- # TODO: improve efficiency, takes 3 times longer than previous version
- neighbors.collect! do |n|
- rows ={|i| training_dataset.compound_ids[i] == n.first}
- acts = rows.collect{|row| training_dataset.data_entries[row][0]}.compact
- acts.empty? ? nil : n << acts
- end
- neighbors.compact! # remove neighbors without training activities
- database_activities = training_dataset.values(compound,prediction_feature)
- if use_database_values and database_activities and !database_activities.empty?
- database_activities = database_activities.first if database_activities.size == 1
- predictions << {:compound => compound, :value => database_activities, :confidence => "measured", :warning => "Compound #{compound.smiles} occurs in training dataset with activity '#{database_activities}'."}
- next
- end
- predictions <<, compound, {:neighbors => neighbors,:training_dataset_size => training_dataset.data_entries.size})
-# TODO scaled dataset for physchem
- p neighbor_algorithm_parameters
- p (neighbor_algorithm_parameters["feature_dataset_id"])
- d = Dataset.find(neighbor_algorithm_parameters["feature_dataset_id"])
- p d
- p d.class
- if neighbor_algorithm_parameters["feature_dataset_id"] and Dataset.find(neighbor_algorithm_parameters["feature_dataset_id"]).kind_of? ScaledDataset
- p "SCALED"
- end
- end
+ predictions = compounds.collect{|c| predict_compound c}
# serialize result
case object.class.to_s
when "OpenTox::Compound"
prediction = predictions.first
- prediction[:neighbors] = neighbors.sort{|a,b| b[1] <=> a[1]} # sort according to similarity
+ prediction[:neighbors].sort!{|a,b| b[1] <=> a[1]} # sort according to similarity
return prediction
when "Array"
return predictions
when "OpenTox::Dataset"
# prepare prediction dataset
+ measurement_feature = Feature.find prediction_feature_id
+ prediction_feature = OpenTox::NumericFeature.find_or_create_by( "name" => + " (Prediction)" )
prediction_dataset =
:name => "Lazar prediction for #{}",
:creator => __FILE__,
:prediction_feature_id =>
- confidence_feature = OpenTox::NumericFeature.find_or_create_by( "name" => "Prediction confidence" )
- # TODO move into warnings field
+ confidence_feature = OpenTox::NumericFeature.find_or_create_by( "name" => "Model RMSE" )
warning_feature = OpenTox::NominalFeature.find_or_create_by("name" => "Warnings")
- prediction_dataset.features = [ prediction_feature, confidence_feature, warning_feature ]
+ prediction_dataset.features = [ prediction_feature, confidence_feature, measurement_feature, warning_feature ]
prediction_dataset.compounds = compounds
- prediction_dataset.data_entries = predictions.collect{|p| [p[:value], p[:confidence], p[:warning]]}
- prediction_dataset.save_all
+ prediction_dataset.data_entries = predictions.collect{|p| [p[:value], p[:rmse] , p[:dataset_activities].to_s, p[:warning]]}
return prediction_dataset
@@ -164,15 +154,12 @@ module OpenTox
def self.create training_dataset, params={}
model = training_dataset, params
model.neighbor_algorithm ||= "fingerprint_neighbors"
- model.prediction_algorithm ||= "OpenTox::Algorithm::Regression.weighted_average"
+ model.prediction_algorithm ||= "OpenTox::Algorithm::Regression.local_fingerprint_regression"
model.neighbor_algorithm_parameters ||= {}
:type => "MP2D",
:training_dataset_id =>,
:min_sim => 0.1
- #:type => "FP4",
- #:training_dataset_id =>,
- #:min_sim => 0.7
}.each do |key,value|
model.neighbor_algorithm_parameters[key] ||= value
@@ -181,31 +168,11 @@ module OpenTox
- class LazarFminerClassification < LazarClassification
- field :feature_calculation_parameters, type: Hash
- def self.create training_dataset, fminer_params={}
- model = super(training_dataset)
- model.update "_type" => self.to_s # adjust class
- model = self.find # adjust class
- model.neighbor_algorithm = "fminer_neighbors"
- model.neighbor_algorithm_parameters = {
- :feature_calculation_algorithm => "OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptor.smarts_match",
- :feature_dataset_id => Algorithm::Fminer.bbrc(training_dataset,fminer_params).id,
- :min_sim => 0.3
- }
- model.feature_calculation_parameters = fminer_params
- model
- end
- end
class Prediction
include OpenTox
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
- # TODO cv -> repeated cv
# TODO field Validations
field :endpoint, type: String
field :species, type: String
@@ -249,7 +216,6 @@ module OpenTox
training_dataset = Dataset.from_csv_file file
model = nil
if training_dataset.features.first.nominal?
- #model = LazarFminerClassification.create training_dataset
model = LazarClassification.create training_dataset
elsif training_dataset.features.first.numeric?
model = LazarRegression.create training_dataset
diff --git a/lib/overwrite.rb b/lib/overwrite.rb
index c92ad2b..cef5758 100644
--- a/lib/overwrite.rb
+++ b/lib/overwrite.rb
@@ -22,6 +22,14 @@ class Numeric
+class Float
+ # round to n significant digits
+ #
+ def signif(n)
+ Float("%.#{n}g" % self)
+ end
module Enumerable
# @return [Array] only the duplicates of an enumerable
def duplicates
diff --git a/lib/physchem.rb b/lib/physchem.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f7b880f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/physchem.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+module OpenTox
+ # Feature for physico-chemical descriptors
+ class PhysChem < NumericFeature
+ field :library, type: String
+ field :descriptor, type: String
+ field :description, type: String
+ JAVA_DIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","java")
+ CDK_JAR = Dir[File.join(JAVA_DIR,"cdk-*jar")].last
+ JOELIB_JAR = File.join(JAVA_DIR,"joelib2.jar")
+ LOG4J_JAR = File.join(JAVA_DIR,"log4j.jar")
+ JMOL_JAR = File.join(JAVA_DIR,"Jmol.jar")
+ obexclude = ["cansmi","cansmiNS","formula","InChI","InChIKey","s","smarts","title","L5"]
+ OBDESCRIPTORS = Hash[OpenBabel::OBDescriptor.list_as_string("descriptors").split("\n").collect do |d|
+ name,description = d.split(/\s+/,2)
+ ["Openbabel."+name,description] unless obexclude.include? name
+ end.compact.sort{|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]}]
+ cdkdescriptors = {}
+ CDK_DESCRIPTIONS = YAML.load(`java -classpath #{CDK_JAR}:#{JAVA_DIR} CdkDescriptorInfo`)
+ CDK_DESCRIPTIONS.each do |d|
+ prefix="Cdk."+d[:java_class].split('.').last.sub(/Descriptor/,'')
+ d[:names].each { |name| cdkdescriptors[prefix+"."+name] = d[:description] }
+ end
+ CDKDESCRIPTORS = cdkdescriptors
+ # exclude Hashcode (not a physchem property) and GlobalTopologicalChargeIndex (Joelib bug)
+ joelibexclude = ["MoleculeHashcode","GlobalTopologicalChargeIndex"]
+ # strip Joelib messages from stdout
+ JOELIBDESCRIPTORS = Hash[YAML.load(`java -classpath #{JOELIB_JAR}:#{LOG4J_JAR}:#{JAVA_DIR} JoelibDescriptorInfo | sed '0,/---/d'`).collect do |d|
+ name = d[:java_class].sub(/^joelib2.feature.types./,'')
+ ["Joelib."+name, "JOELIb does not provide meaningful descriptions, see java/ for details."] unless joelibexclude.include? name
+ end.compact.sort{|a,b| a[0] <=> b[0]}]
+ require_relative "unique_descriptors.rb"
+ def self.descriptors desc=DESCRIPTORS
+ desc.collect do |name,description|
+ lib,desc = name.split('.',2)
+ self.find_or_create_by(:name => name, :library => lib, :descriptor => desc, :description => description, :measured => false, :calculated => true, :numeric => true, :nominal => false)
+ end
+ end
+ def self.unique_descriptors
+ udesc = []
+ UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS.each do |name|
+ lib,desc = name.split('.',2)
+ if lib == "Cdk"
+{|d| desc == d[:java_class].split('.').last.sub('Descriptor','') }.first[:names].each do |n|
+ dname = "#{name}.#{n}"
+ description = DESCRIPTORS[dname]
+ udesc << self.find_or_create_by(:name => dname, :library => lib, :descriptor => desc, :description => description, :measured => false, :calculated => true, :numeric => true, :nominal => false)
+ end
+ else
+ description = DESCRIPTORS[name]
+ udesc << self.find_or_create_by(:name => name, :library => lib, :descriptor => desc, :description => description, :measured => false, :calculated => true, :numeric => true, :nominal => false)
+ end
+ end
+ udesc
+ end
+ def self.openbabel_descriptors
+ descriptors OBDESCRIPTORS
+ end
+ def self.cdk_descriptors
+ descriptors CDKDESCRIPTORS
+ end
+ def self.joelib_descriptors
+ end
+ def calculate compound
+ result = send library.downcase,descriptor,compound
+ result[]
+ end
+ def openbabel descriptor, compound
+ obdescriptor = OpenBabel::OBDescriptor.find_type descriptor
+ obmol =
+ obconversion =
+ obconversion.set_in_format 'smi'
+ obconversion.read_string obmol, compound.smiles
+ {"#{library.capitalize}.#{descriptor}" => fix_value(obdescriptor.predict(obmol))}
+ end
+ def cdk descriptor, compound
+ java_descriptor "cdk", descriptor, compound
+ end
+ def joelib descriptor, compound
+ java_descriptor "joelib", descriptor, compound
+ end
+ private
+ def java_descriptor lib, descriptor, compound
+ sdf_3d = "/tmp/#{SecureRandom.uuid}.sdf"
+,"w+"){|f| f.print compound.sdf}
+ # use java system call (rjb blocks within tasks)
+ # use Tempfiles to avoid "Argument list too long" error
+ case lib
+ when "cdk"
+ `java -classpath #{CDK_JAR}:#{JAVA_DIR} CdkDescriptors #{sdf_3d} #{descriptor}`
+ when "joelib"
+ `java -classpath #{JOELIB_JAR}:#{JMOL_JAR}:#{LOG4J_JAR}:#{JAVA_DIR} JoelibDescriptors #{sdf_3d} #{descriptor}`
+ end
+ result = YAML.load_file("#{sdf_3d}#{lib}.yaml").first
+ result.keys.each{|k| result[k] = result.delete(k)}
+ result
+ end
+ def fix_value val
+ val = val.first if val.is_a? Array and val.size == 1
+ val = nil if val == "NaN"
+ if val.numeric?
+ val = Float(val)
+ val = nil if val.nan? or val.infinite?
+ end
+ val
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/regression.rb b/lib/regression.rb
index 868c25f..5021fb3 100644
--- a/lib/regression.rb
+++ b/lib/regression.rb
@@ -1,262 +1,151 @@
-# TODO install R packages kernlab, caret, doMC, class, e1071
- # log transform activities (create new dataset)
- # scale, normalize features, might not be necessary
- #
- #
- # zero-order correlation and the semi-partial correlation
- # seems to be necessary for svm
- #
- #
- # use lasso or elastic net??
- # select relevant features
- # remove features with a single value
- # remove correlated features
- # remove features not correlated with endpoint
module OpenTox
module Algorithm
class Regression
- def self.weighted_average compound, params
+ def self.local_weighted_average compound, params
weighted_sum = 0.0
sim_sum = 0.0
- confidence = 0.0
neighbors = params[:neighbors]
- activities = []
neighbors.each do |row|
- n,sim,acts = row
- confidence = sim if sim > confidence # distance to nearest neighbor
- # TODO add LOO errors
- acts.each do |act|
- weighted_sum += sim*Math.log10(act)
- activities << act
- sim_sum += sim
+ sim = row["tanimoto"]
+ if row["features"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s]
+ row["features"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s].each do |act|
+ weighted_sum += sim*Math.log10(act)
+ sim_sum += sim
+ end
- #R.assign "activities", activities
- #R.eval "cv = cv(activities)"
- #confidence /= activities.standard_deviation#/activities.mean
- #confidence = sim_sum*neighbors.size.to_f/params[:training_dataset_size]
- #confidence = sim_sum/neighbors.size.to_f
- #confidence = neighbors.size.to_f
- confidence = 0 if confidence.nan?
sim_sum == 0 ? prediction = nil : prediction = 10**(weighted_sum/sim_sum)
- {:value => prediction,:confidence => confidence}
+ {:value => prediction}
- def self.local_linear_regression compound, neighbors
- p neighbors.size
- return nil unless neighbors.size > 0
- features = neighbors.collect{|n| Compound.find(n.first).fp4}.flatten.uniq
- p features
- training_data ={,0)}
- neighbors.each_with_index do |n,i|
- #p n.first
- neighbor = Compound.find n.first
- features.each_with_index do |f,j|
- training_data[i][j] = 1 if neighbor.fp4.include? f
+ # TODO explicit neighbors, also for physchem
+ def self.local_fingerprint_regression compound, params, method='pls'#, method_params="sigma=0.05"
+ neighbors = params[:neighbors]
+ return {:value => nil, :confidence => nil, :warning => "No similar compounds in the training data"} unless neighbors.size > 0
+ activities = []
+ fingerprints = {}
+ weights = []
+ fingerprint_ids = neighbors.collect{|row| Compound.find(row["_id"]).fingerprint}.flatten.uniq.sort
+ neighbors.each_with_index do |row,i|
+ neighbor = Compound.find row["_id"]
+ fingerprint = neighbor.fingerprint
+ if row["features"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s]
+ row["features"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s].each do |act|
+ activities << Math.log10(act)
+ weights << row["tanimoto"]
+ fingerprint_ids.each_with_index do |id,j|
+ fingerprints[id] ||= []
+ fingerprints[id] << fingerprint.include?(id)
+ end
+ end
- p training_data
- R.assign "activities", neighbors.collect{|n| n[2].median}
- R.assign "features", training_data
- R.eval "model <- lm(activities ~ features)"
- R.eval "summary <- summary(model)"
- p R.summary
- compound_features = features.collect{|f| compound.fp4.include? f ? 1 : 0}
- R.assign "compound_features", compound_features
- R.eval "prediction <- predict(model,compound_features)"
- p R.prediction
- end
- def self.weighted_average_with_relevant_fingerprints neighbors
- weighted_sum = 0.0
- sim_sum = 0.0
- fingerprint_features = []
- neighbors.each do |row|
- n,sim,acts = row
- neighbor = Compound.find n
- fingerprint_features += neighbor.fp4
- end
- fingerprint_features.uniq!
- p fingerprint_features
- p n
- acts.each do |act|
- weighted_sum += sim*Math.log10(act)
- sim_sum += sim
+ variables = []
+ data_frame = [activities]
+ fingerprints.each do |k,v|
+ unless v.uniq.size == 1
+ data_frame << v.collect{|m| m ? "T" : "F"}
+ variables << k
- confidence = sim_sum/neighbors.size.to_f
- sim_sum == 0 ? prediction = nil : prediction = 10**(weighted_sum/sim_sum)
- {:value => prediction,:confidence => confidence}
- end
- # Local support vector regression from neighbors
- # @param [Hash] params Keys `:props, :activities, :sims, :min_train_performance` are required
- # @return [Numeric] A prediction value.
- def self.local_svm_regression neighbors, params={:min_train_performance => 0.1}
- confidence = 0.0
- prediction = nil
+ if variables.empty?
+ result = local_weighted_average(compound, params)
+ result[:warning] = "No variables for regression model. Using weighted average of similar compounds."
+ return result
- $logger.debug "Local SVM."
- props = neighbors.collect{|row| row[3] }
- neighbors.shift
- activities = neighbors.collect{|n| n[2]}
- prediction = self.local_svm_prop( props, activities, params[:min_train_performance]) # params[:props].nil? signals non-prop setting
- prediction = nil if (!prediction.nil? && prediction.infinite?)
- $logger.debug "Prediction: '#{prediction}' ('#{prediction.class}')."
- if prediction
- confidence = get_confidence({:sims => neighbors.collect{|n| n[1]}, :activities => activities})
- confidence = nil if prediction.nil?
+ compound_features = variables.collect{|f| compound.fingerprint.include?(f) ? "T" : "F"}
+ prediction = r_model_prediction method, data_frame, variables, weights, compound_features
+ if prediction.nil? or prediction[:value].nil?
+ prediction = local_weighted_average(compound, params)
+ prediction[:warning] = "Could not create local PLS model. Using weighted average of similar compounds."
+ return prediction
+ else
+ prediction[:prediction_interval] = [10**(prediction[:value]-1.96*prediction[:rmse]), 10**(prediction[:value]+1.96*prediction[:rmse])]
+ prediction[:value] = 10**prediction[:value]
+ prediction[:rmse] = 10**prediction[:rmse]
+ prediction
+ end
- [prediction, confidence]
+ def self.local_physchem_regression compound, params, method="plsr"#, method_params="ncomp = 4"
- # Local support vector prediction from neighbors.
- # Uses propositionalized setting.
- # Not to be called directly (use local_svm_regression or local_svm_classification).
- # @param [Array] props, propositionalization of neighbors and query structure e.g. [ Array_for_q, two-nested-Arrays_for_n ]
- # @param [Array] activities, activities for neighbors.
- # @param [Float] min_train_performance, parameter to control censoring
- # @return [Numeric] A prediction value.
- def self.local_svm_prop(props, activities, min_train_performance)
- $logger.debug "Local SVM (Propositionalization / Kernlab Kernel)."
- n_prop = props[1..-1] # is a matrix, i.e. two nested Arrays.
- q_prop = props[0] # is an Array.
+ neighbors = params[:neighbors]
+ return {:value => nil, :confidence => nil, :warning => "No similar compounds in the training data"} unless neighbors.size > 0
+ return {:value => neighbors.first["features"][params[:prediction_feature_id]], :confidence => nil, :warning => "Only one similar compound in the training set"} unless neighbors.size > 1
- prediction = nil
- if activities.uniq.size == 1
- prediction = activities[0]
- else
- t =
- #$logger.debug gram_matrix.to_yaml
- #@r =,false) # global R instance leads to Socket errors after a large number of requests
- @r =,false) # global R instance leads to Socket errors after a large number of requests
- rs = []
- ["caret", "doMC", "class"].each do |lib|
- #raise "failed to load R-package #{lib}" unless @r.void_eval "suppressPackageStartupMessages(library('#{lib}'))"
- rs << "suppressPackageStartupMessages(library('#{lib}'))"
+ activities = []
+ weights = []
+ physchem = {}
+ neighbors.each_with_index do |row,i|
+ neighbor = Compound.find row["_id"]
+ if row["features"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s]
+ row["features"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s].each do |act|
+ activities << Math.log10(act)
+ weights << row["tanimoto"] # TODO cosine ?
+ neighbor.physchem.each do |pid,v| # insert physchem only if there is an activity
+ physchem[pid] ||= []
+ physchem[pid] << v
+ end
+ end
- #@r.eval "registerDoMC()" # switch on parallel processing
- rs << "registerDoMC()" # switch on parallel processing
- #@r.eval "set.seed(1)"
- rs << "set.seed(1)"
- $logger.debug "Loading R packages: #{}"
- t =
- p n_prop
- begin
- # set data
- rs << "n_prop <- c(#{n_prop.flatten.join(',')})"
- rs << "n_prop <- c(#{n_prop.flatten.join(',')})"
- rs << "n_prop_x_size <- c(#{n_prop.size})"
- rs << "n_prop_y_size <- c(#{n_prop[0].size})"
- rs << "y <- c(#{activities.join(',')})"
- rs << "q_prop <- c(#{q_prop.join(',')})"
- rs << "y = matrix(y)"
- rs << "prop_matrix = matrix(n_prop, n_prop_x_size, n_prop_y_size, byrow=T)"
- rs << "q_prop = matrix(q_prop, 1, n_prop_y_size, byrow=T)"
- $logger.debug "Setting R data: #{}"
- t =
- # prepare data
- rs << "
- weights=NULL
- if (!(class(y) == 'numeric')) {
- y = factor(y)
- weights=unlist(as.list(prop.table(table(y))))
- weights=(weights-1)^2
- }
- "
- rs << "
- rem = nearZeroVar(prop_matrix)
- if (length(rem) > 0) {
- prop_matrix = prop_matrix[,-rem,drop=F]
- q_prop = q_prop[,-rem,drop=F]
- }
- rem = findCorrelation(cor(prop_matrix))
- if (length(rem) > 0) {
- prop_matrix = prop_matrix[,-rem,drop=F]
- q_prop = q_prop[,-rem,drop=F]
- }
- "
+ end
- #p @r.eval("y").to_ruby
- #p "weights"
- #p @r.eval("weights").to_ruby
- $logger.debug "Preparing R data: #{}"
- t =
- # model + support vectors
- #train_success = @r.eval <<-EOR
- rs << '
- model = train(prop_matrix,y,
- method="svmRadial",
- preProcess=c("center", "scale"),
- class.weights=weights,
- trControl=trainControl(method="LGOCV",number=10),
- tuneLength=8
- )
- perf = ifelse ( class(y)!="numeric", max(model$results$Accuracy), model$results[which.min(model$results$RMSE),]$Rsquared )
- '
-"/tmp/r.r","w+"){|f| f.puts rs.join("\n")}
- p rs.join("\n")
- p `Rscript /tmp/r.r`
- @r.void_eval <<-EOR
- model = train(prop_matrix,y,
- method="svmRadial",
- #preProcess=c("center", "scale"),
- #class.weights=weights,
- #trControl=trainControl(method="LGOCV",number=10),
- #tuneLength=8
- )
- perf = ifelse ( class(y)!='numeric', max(model$results$Accuracy), model$results[which.min(model$results$RMSE),]$Rsquared )
+ # remove properties with a single value
+ physchem.each do |pid,v|
+ physchem.delete(pid) if v.uniq.size <= 1
+ end
- $logger.debug "Creating R SVM model: #{}"
- t =
- if train_success
- # prediction
- @r.eval "predict(model,q_prop); p = predict(model,q_prop)" # kernlab bug: predict twice
- #@r.eval "p = predict(model,q_prop)" # kernlab bug: predict twice
- @r.eval "if (class(y)!='numeric') p = as.character(p)"
- prediction = @r.p
+ if physchem.empty?
+ result = local_weighted_average(compound, params)
+ result[:warning] = "No variables for regression model. Using weighted average of similar compounds."
+ return result
- # censoring
- prediction = nil if ( @r.perf.nan? || @r.perf < min_train_performance.to_f )
- prediction = nil if prediction =~ /NA/
- $logger.debug "Performance: '#{sprintf("%.2f", @r.perf)}'"
- else
- $logger.debug "Model creation failed."
- prediction = nil
- end
- $logger.debug "R Prediction: #{}"
- rescue Exception => e
- $logger.debug "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
- $logger.debug "Backtrace:\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}"
- ensure
- #puts @r.inspect
- #TODO: broken pipe
- #@r.quit # free R
+ else
+ data_frame = [activities] + physchem.keys.collect { |pid| physchem[pid] }
+ prediction = r_model_prediction method, data_frame, physchem.keys, weights, physchem.keys.collect{|pid| compound.physchem[pid]}
+ if prediction.nil?
+ prediction = local_weighted_average(compound, params)
+ prediction[:warning] = "Could not create local PLS model. Using weighted average of similar compounds."
+ return prediction
+ else
+ prediction[:value] = 10**prediction[:value]
+ prediction
- prediction
- end
+ def self.r_model_prediction method, training_data, training_features, training_weights, query_feature_values
+ R.assign "weights", training_weights
+ r_data_frame = "data.frame(#{training_data.collect{|r| "c(#{r.join(',')})"}.join(', ')})"
+ R.eval "data <- #{r_data_frame}"
+ R.assign "features", training_features
+ R.eval "names(data) <- append(c('activities'),features)" #
+ begin
+ R.eval "model <- train(activities ~ ., data = data, method = '#{method}')"
+ rescue
+ return nil
+ end
+ R.eval "fingerprint <- data.frame(rbind(c(#{query_feature_values.join ','})))"
+ R.eval "names(fingerprint) <- features"
+ R.eval "prediction <- predict(model,fingerprint)"
+ {
+ :value => R.eval("prediction").to_f,
+ :rmse => R.eval("getTrainPerf(model)$TrainRMSE").to_f,
+ :r_squared => R.eval("getTrainPerf(model)$TrainRsquared").to_f,
+ }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb b/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
index de1b74f..9321a75 100644
--- a/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
+++ b/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
@@ -26,15 +26,14 @@ module OpenTox
define_singleton_method method do |uri,payload={},headers={},waiting_task=nil|
# check input
- bad_request_error "Headers are not a hash: #{headers.inspect}", uri unless headers==nil or headers.is_a?(Hash)
+ bad_request_error "Headers are not a hash: #{headers.inspect} for #{uri}." unless headers==nil or headers.is_a?(Hash)
headers[:subjectid] ||= @@subjectid
- bad_request_error "Invalid URI: '#{uri}'", uri unless URI.valid? uri
- #resource_not_found_error "URI '#{uri}' not found.", uri unless URI.accessible?(uri, @subjectid) unless URI.ssl?(uri)
+ bad_request_error "Invalid URI: '#{uri}'" unless URI.valid? uri
# make sure that no header parameters are set in the payload
[:accept,:content_type,:subjectid].each do |header|
if defined? $aa || URI(uri).host == URI($aa[:uri]).host
- bad_request_error "#{header} should be submitted in the headers", uri if payload and payload.is_a?(Hash) and payload[header]
+ bad_request_error "#{header} should be submitted in the headers of URI: #{uri}" if payload and payload.is_a?(Hash) and payload[header]
@@ -72,7 +71,7 @@ module OpenTox
msg = "Could not parse error response from rest call '#{method}' to '#{uri}':\n#{response}"
cause = nil
- Object.method(error[:method]).call msg, uri, cause # call error method
+ Object.method(error[:method]).call "#{msg}, #{uri}, #{cause}" # call error method
diff --git a/lib/similarity.rb b/lib/similarity.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 91e18db..0000000
--- a/lib/similarity.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-* Name: similarity.rb
-* Description: Similarity algorithms
-* Author: Andreas Maunz <
-* Date: 10/2012
-module OpenTox
- module Algorithm
- class Similarity
- #TODO weighted tanimoto
- # Tanimoto similarity
- # @param [Array] a fingerprints of first compound
- # @param [Array] b fingerprints of second compound
- # @return [Float] Tanimoto similarity
- def self.tanimoto(a,b)
- bad_request_error "fingerprints #{a} and #{b} don't have equal size" unless a.size == b.size
- #common = 0.0
- #a.each_with_index do |n,i|
- #common += 1 if n == b[i]
- #end
- #common/a.size
- # TODO check if calculation speed can be improved
- common_p_sum = 0.0
- all_p_sum = 0.0
- (0...a.size).each { |idx|
- common_p_sum += [ a[idx], b[idx] ].min
- all_p_sum += [ a[idx], b[idx] ].max
- }
- common_p_sum/all_p_sum
- end
- # Cosine similarity
- # @param [Array] a fingerprints of first compound
- # @param [Array] b fingerprints of second compound
- # @return [Float] Cosine similarity, the cosine of angle enclosed between vectors a and b
- def self.cosine(a, b)
- val = 0.0
- if a.size>0 and b.size>0
- if a.size>12 && b.size>12
- a = a[0..11]
- b = b[0..11]
- end
- a_vec = a.to_gv
- b_vec = b.to_gv
- val = / (a_vec.norm * b_vec.norm)
- end
- val
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/unique_descriptors.rb b/lib/unique_descriptors.rb
index cf9cbf3..8341a67 100644
--- a/lib/unique_descriptors.rb
+++ b/lib/unique_descriptors.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS = [
"Openbabel.HBA1", #Number of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors 1 (JoelLib)
"Openbabel.HBA2", #Number of Hydrogen Bond Acceptors 2 (JoelLib)
"Openbabel.HBD", #Number of Hydrogen Bond Donors (JoelLib)
- #"Openbabel.L5", #Lipinski Rule of Five# TODO Openbabel.L5 returns nil, investigate!!!
+ #"Openbabe..L5", #Lipinski Rule of Five# TODO Openbabel.L5 returns nil, investigate!!!
"Openbabel.logP", #octanol/water partition coefficient
"Openbabel.MP", #Melting point
"Openbabel.MR", #molar refractivity
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS = [
"Cdk.ALOGP", #Calculates atom additive logP and molar refractivity values as described by Ghose and Crippen and
"Cdk.APol", #Descriptor that calculates the sum of the atomic polarizabilities (including implicit hydrogens).
"Cdk.AcidicGroupCount", #Returns the number of acidic groups.
- "Cdk.AminoAcidCount", #Returns the number of amino acids found in the system
+ #"Cdk.AminoAcidCount", #Returns the number of amino acids found in the system
#"Cdk.AromaticAtomsCount", #Descriptor based on the number of aromatic atoms of a molecule.
#"Cdk.AromaticBondsCount", #Descriptor based on the number of aromatic bonds of a molecule.
#"Cdk.AtomCount", #Descriptor based on the number of atoms of a certain element type.
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS = [
"Joelib.count.NumberOfP", #no description available
"Joelib.count.NumberOfO", #no description available
"Joelib.count.NumberOfN", #no description available
- #"Joelib.count.AromaticBonds", #no description available
+ #"Joeli#.count.AromaticBonds", #no description available
"Joelib.count.NumberOfI", #no description available
"Joelib.count.NumberOfF", #no description available
"Joelib.count.NumberOfC", #no description available
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS = [
"Joelib.GeometricalShapeCoefficient", #no description available
#"Joelib.MolecularWeight", #no description available
"Joelib.FractionRotatableBonds", #no description available
- #"Joelib.count.HBD2", #no description available
+ #"Joeli..count.HBD2", #no description available
#"Joelib.count.HBD1", #no description available
"Joelib.LogP", #no description available
"Joelib.GraphShapeCoefficient", #no description available
@@ -116,5 +116,4 @@ UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS = [
"Joelib.count.SOGroups", #no description available
"Joelib.TopologicalDiameter", #no description available
"Joelib.count.NumberOfHal", #no description available
diff --git a/lib/validation.rb b/lib/validation.rb
index c52ffc0..b72d273 100644
--- a/lib/validation.rb
+++ b/lib/validation.rb
@@ -29,17 +29,21 @@ module OpenTox
atts[:training_dataset_id] =
validation_model = model.class.create training_set, atts
- test_set_without_activities = => test_set.compound_ids) # just to be sure that activities cannot be used
+ cids = test_set.compound_ids
+ test_set_without_activities = => cids.uniq) # remove duplicates and make sure that activities cannot be used
prediction_dataset = validation_model.predict test_set_without_activities
predictions = []
nr_unpredicted = 0
activities = test_set.data_entries.collect{|de| de.first}
prediction_dataset.data_entries.each_with_index do |de,i|
- if de[0] and de[1] and de[1].numeric?
- activity = activities[i]
+ if de[0] #and de[1]
+ cid = prediction_dataset.compound_ids[i]
+ rows ={|r| cids[r] == cid }
+ activities = rows.collect{|r| test_set.data_entries[r][0]}
prediction = de.first
confidence = de[1]
- predictions << [prediction_dataset.compound_ids[i], activity, prediction, de[1]]
+ predictions << [prediction_dataset.compound_ids[i], activities, prediction, de[1]]
nr_unpredicted += 1
@@ -63,6 +67,42 @@ module OpenTox
class RegressionValidation < Validation
+ def statistics
+ rmse = 0
+ weighted_rmse = 0
+ rse = 0
+ weighted_rse = 0
+ mae = 0
+ weighted_mae = 0
+ confidence_sum = 0
+ predictions.each do |pred|
+ compound_id,activity,prediction,confidence = pred
+ if activity and prediction
+ error = Math.log10(prediction)-Math.log10(activity.median)
+ rmse += error**2
+ weighted_rmse += confidence*error**2
+ mae += error.abs
+ weighted_mae += confidence*error.abs
+ confidence_sum += confidence
+ else
+ warnings << "No training activities for #{Compound.find(compound_id).smiles} in training dataset #{model.training_dataset_id}."
+ $logger.debug "No training activities for #{Compound.find(compound_id).smiles} in training dataset #{model.training_dataset_id}."
+ end
+ end
+ x = predictions.collect{|p| p[1].median}
+ y = predictions.collect{|p| p[2]}
+ R.assign "measurement", x
+ R.assign "prediction", y
+ R.eval "r <- cor(-log(measurement),-log(prediction),use='complete')"
+ r = R.eval("r").to_ruby
+ mae = mae/predictions.size
+ weighted_mae = weighted_mae/confidence_sum
+ rmse = Math.sqrt(rmse/predictions.size)
+ weighted_rmse = Math.sqrt(weighted_rmse/confidence_sum)
+ { "R^2" => r**2, "RMSE" => rmse, "MAE" => mae }
+ end