path: root/lib
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2013-03-26 10:56:04 +0100
committerChristoph Helma <>2013-03-26 10:56:04 +0100
commita54db46684680d98311631804eca367cc949a715 (patch)
tree283b8c5f256e8605131cbfeae2217a77d0288ca7 /lib
parent4ba2cc9849473f97baf75195bb36c5057f1c58d4 (diff)
code cleanup and refactoring.
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
21 files changed, 653 insertions, 1025 deletions
diff --git a/lib/4store.rb b/lib/4store.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 338573d..0000000
--- a/lib/4store.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-module OpenTox
- module Backend
- class FourStore
- @@accept_formats = [ "application/rdf+xml", "text/turtle", "text/plain", "text/uri-list", "text/html", 'application/sparql-results+xml' ]
- @@content_type_formats = [ "application/rdf+xml", "text/turtle", "text/plain", "application/x-turtle" ]
- def self.list mime_type
- bad_request_error "'#{mime_type}' is not a supported mime type. Please specify one of #{@@accept_formats.join(", ")} in the Accept Header." unless @@accept_formats.include? mime_type
- if mime_type =~ /(uri-list|html)/
- sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?g WHERE {GRAPH ?g {?s <#{RDF.type}> <#{klass}>; <#{RDF::DC.modified}> ?o.} } ORDER BY ?o"
- else
- sparql = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o.} WHERE {?s <#{RDF.type}> <#{klass}>; ?p ?o. }"
- end
- query sparql, mime_type
- end
- def self.get uri, mime_type
- bad_request_error "'#{mime_type}' is not a supported mime type. Please specify one of #{@@accept_formats.join(", ")} in the Accept Header." unless @@accept_formats.include? mime_type
- sparql = "CONSTRUCT {?s ?p ?o.} FROM <#{uri}> WHERE { ?s ?p ?o. }"
- rdf = query sparql, mime_type
- resource_not_found_error "#{uri} not found." if rdf.empty?
- rdf
- end
- def uri, rdf, mime_type
- bad_request_error "'#{mime_type}' is not a supported content type. Please use one of #{@@content_type_formats.join(", ")}." unless @@content_type_formats.include? mime_type or mime_type == "multipart/form-data"
- bad_request_error "Reqest body empty." unless rdf
- mime_type = "application/x-turtle" if mime_type == "text/plain" # ntriples is turtle in 4store
- begin
- File.join(four_store_uri,"data")+"/", :data => rdf, :graph => uri, "mime-type" => mime_type
- update "INSERT DATA { GRAPH <#{uri}> { <#{uri}> <#{RDF::DC.modified}> \"#{}\" } }"
- rescue
- bad_request_error $!.message, File.join(four_store_uri,"data")+"/"
- end
- end
- def self.put uri, rdf, mime_type
- bad_request_error "'#{mime_type}' is not a supported content type. Please use one of #{@@content_type_formats.join(", ")}." unless @@content_type_formats.include? mime_type
- bad_request_error "Reqest body empty." unless rdf
- mime_type = "application/x-turtle" if mime_type == "text/plain"
- begin
- RestClientWrapper.put File.join(four_store_uri,"data",uri), rdf, :content_type => mime_type
- update "INSERT DATA { GRAPH <#{uri}> { <#{uri}> <#{RDF::DC.modified}> \"#{}\" } }"
- rescue
- bad_request_error $!.message, File.join(four_store_uri,"data",uri)
- end
- end
- def self.delete uri
- RestClientWrapper.delete data_uri(uri)
- end
- def self.update sparql
-, :update => sparql )
- end
- def self.query sparql, mime_type
- if sparql =~ /SELECT/i
- # return list unless mime_type
- case mime_type
- when 'application/sparql-results+xml'
- RestClient.get(sparql_uri, :params => { :query => sparql }, :accept => mime_type).body
- when 'application/json'
- RestClient.get(sparql_uri, :params => { :query => sparql }, :accept => mime_type).body
- when /(uri-list|html)/
- uri_list = RestClient.get(sparql_uri, :params => { :query => sparql }, :accept => "text/plain").body.gsub(/"|<|>/,'').split("\n").drop(1).join("\n")
- uri_list = OpenTox.text_to_html(uri_list) if mime_type=~/html/
- return uri_list
- else
- bad_request_error "#{mime_type} is not a supported mime type for SELECT statements."
- end
- elsif sparql =~ /CONSTRUCT/i
- case mime_type
- when "text/plain", "application/rdf+xml"
- RestClient.get(sparql_uri, :params => { :query => sparql }, :accept => mime_type).body
- when /html|turtle/
- # TODO: fix and improve
- nt = RestClient.get(sparql_uri, :params => { :query => sparql }, :accept => "text/plain").body # 4store returns ntriples for turtle
- rdf =
- RDF::Reader.for(:ntriples).new(nt) do |reader|
- reader.each_statement { |statement| rdf << statement }
- end
- prefixes = {:rdf => ""}
- ['OT', 'DC', 'XSD', 'OLO'].each{|p| prefixes[p.downcase.to_sym] = eval("RDF::#{p}.to_s") }
- # TODO: fails for large datasets?? multi_cell_call
- turtle = RDF::N3::Writer.for(:turtle).buffer(:prefixes => prefixes) do |writer|
- rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement}
- end
- regex = '(https?:\/\/[\S]+)([>"])'
- turtle = "<html><body>" + turtle.gsub( regex, '<a href="\1">\1</a>\2' ).gsub(/\n/,'<br/>') + "</body></html>" if mime_type =~ /html/ and !turtle.empty?
- turtle
- end
- else
- # TODO: check if this prevents SPARQL injections
- bad_request_error "Only SELECT and CONSTRUCT are accepted SPARQL statements."
- end
- rescue
- bad_request_error $!.message, sparql_uri
- end
- def self.klass
- RDF::OT[SERVICE.capitalize]
- end
- def self.four_store_uri
- # credentials are removed from uri in error.rb
- $four_store[:uri].sub(%r{//},"//#{$four_store[:user]}:#{$four_store[:password]}@")
- end
- def self.sparql_uri
- File.join(four_store_uri, "sparql") + '/'
- end
- def self.update_uri
- File.join(four_store_uri, "update") + '/'
- end
- def self.data_uri uri
- File.join(four_store_uri, "data","?graph=#{uri}")
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/algorithm.rb b/lib/algorithm.rb
index 0c633f2..455e9ad 100644
--- a/lib/algorithm.rb
+++ b/lib/algorithm.rb
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ module OpenTox
# @param [optional,Hash] params Algorithm parameters
# @param [optional,OpenTox::Task] waiting_task (can be a OpenTox::Subtask as well), progress is updated accordingly
# @return [String] URI of new resource (dataset, model, ...)
- def run params=nil
- post params
+ def run params=nil, wait=true
+ uri = @uri, params, { :content_type => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => @subjectid}
+ wait_for_task uri if wait
diff --git a/lib/compound.rb b/lib/compound.rb
index a0d6ec7..5d77dec 100644
--- a/lib/compound.rb
+++ b/lib/compound.rb
@@ -10,23 +10,21 @@ module OpenTox
# compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles("c1ccccc1")
# @param [String] smiles Smiles string
# @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
- def self.from_smiles service_uri, smiles, subjectid=nil
- #@smiles = smiles
+ def self.from_smiles smiles, subjectid=nil, smiles, {:content_type => 'chemical/x-daylight-smiles', :subjectid => subjectid})
# Create a compound from inchi string
# @param [String] smiles InChI string
# @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
- def self.from_inchi service_uri, inchi, subjectid=nil
- #@inchi = inchi
+ def self.from_inchi inchi, subjectid=nil, inchi, {:content_type => 'chemical/x-inchi', :subjectid => subjectid})
# Create a compound from sdf string
# @param [String] smiles SDF string
# @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
- def self.from_sdf service_uri, sdf, subjectid=nil
+ def self.from_sdf sdf, subjectid=nil, sdf, {:content_type => 'chemical/x-mdl-sdfile', :subjectid => subjectid})
@@ -36,7 +34,7 @@ module OpenTox
# @param [String] name name can be also an InChI/InChiKey, CAS number, etc
# @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
- def self.from_name service_uri, name, subjectid=nil
+ def self.from_name name, subjectid=nil
@inchi = RestClientWrapper.get File.join(CACTUS_URI,URI.escape(name),"stdinchi"), @inchi, {:content_type => 'chemical/x-inchi', :subjectid => subjectid})
@@ -216,7 +214,7 @@ module OpenTox
- return smarts_hits
+ smarts_hits
# Provided for backward compatibility
diff --git a/lib/dataset.rb b/lib/dataset.rb
index 55d5fa8..8d1aed0 100644
--- a/lib/dataset.rb
+++ b/lib/dataset.rb
@@ -5,160 +5,344 @@ module OpenTox
# Ruby wrapper for OpenTox Dataset Webservices (
class Dataset
- attr_accessor :features, :compounds, :data_entries
+ attr_writer :features, :compounds, :data_entries
def initialize uri=nil, subjectid=nil
super uri, subjectid
@features = []
@compounds = []
@data_entries = []
- append RDF.type, RDF::OT.OrderedDataset
- def upload filename, wait=true
- uri = RestClientWrapper.put(@uri, {:file =>}, {:subjectid => @subjectid})
- if URI.task?(uri) and wait
- end
+ # Get data (lazy loading from dataset service)
- def to_csv
- CSV.generate do |csv|
- csv << ["SMILES"] + @features.collect{|f| f.title}
- @compounds.each_with_index do |c,i|
- csv << [c.smiles] + @data_entries[i]
+ def metadata force_update=false
+ if @metadata.empty? or force_update
+ uri = File.join(@uri,"metadata")
+ begin
+ parse_ntriples RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "text/plain", :subjectid => @subjectid})
+ rescue # fall back to rdfxml
+ parse_rdfxml RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => @subjectid})
+ @metadata = @rdf.to_hash[].inject({}) { |h, (predicate, values)| h[predicate] = values.collect{|v| v.to_s}; h }
+ @metadata
- def get(force_no_backend_query=false)
- have_rdf = (force_no_backend_query and @rdf.size>0)
- ordered = (have_rdf or OpenTox::Dataset.ordered?(@uri))
- super() if (!have_rdf and !ordered)
- @features = []
- @compounds = []
- @data_entries = []
- # AM: read ordered dataset from RDF
- if ordered
+ def features force_update=false
+ if @features.empty? or force_update
+ uri = File.join(@uri,"features")
+ uris = RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => @subjectid}).split("\n") # ordered datasets return ordered features
+ @features = uris.collect{|uri|,@subjectid)}
+ end
+ @features
+ end
- # Read only some data as rdf
- unless have_rdf
- self.parse_rdfxml( RestClient.get([@uri,"allnde"].join("/"),{:accept => "application/rdf+xml"}), true )
+ def compounds force_update=false
+ if @compounds.empty? or force_update
+ uri = File.join(@uri,"compounds")
+ uris = RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => @subjectid}).split("\n") # ordered datasets return ordered compounds
+ @compounds = uris.collect{|uri|,@subjectid)}
+ end
+ @compounds
+ end
+ def data_entries force_update=false
+ if @data_entries.empty? or force_update
+ sparql = "SELECT ?cidx ?fidx ?value FROM <#{uri}> WHERE {
+ ?data_entry <#{RDF::OLO.index}> ?cidx ;
+ <#{RDF::OT.values}> ?v .
+ ?v <#{RDF::OT.feature}> ?f;
+ <#{RDF::OT.value}> ?value .
+ ?f <#{RDF::OLO.index}> ?fidx.
+ } ORDER BY ?fidx ?cidx"
+ RestClientWrapper.get(service_uri,{:query => sparql},{:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => @subjectid}).split("\n").each do |row|
+ r,c,v = row.split("\t")
+ @data_entries[r.to_i] ||= []
+ @data_entries[r.to_i][c.to_i] = v
+ end
+ # TODO: fallbacks for external and unordered datasets
+ features.each_with_index do |feature,i|
+ if feature[RDF.type].include? RDF::OT.NumericFeature
+ @data_entries.each { |row| row[i] = row[i].to_f if row[i] }
+ end
+ end
+ @data_entries
+ end
- # Features
- @features = self.find_features_rdf
- numeric_features = @features.collect{|f|
- f.get
- f[RDF.type].include?(RDF::OT.NumericFeature) or f[RDF.type].include?(RDF::OT.Substructure)
- }
- # Compounds
- if have_rdf
- @compounds = self.find_compounds_rdf
- else
- @compounds = RestClient.get([@uri,"compounds"].join("/"),{:accept => "text/uri-list"}).split("\n").collect { |cmpd| cmpd }
- end
+ # Find data entry values for a given compound and feature
+ # @param [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
+ # @param [OpenTox::Feature] Feature
+ # @return [Array] Data entry values
+ def values(compound, feature)
+ #puts compounds.inspect
+ #puts "=="
+ #puts compound.inspect
+ rows = (0 ... compounds.length).select { |r| compounds[r].uri == compound.uri }
+ #puts rows.inspect
+ col = features.collect{|f| f.uri}.index feature.uri
+ #puts col
+ #puts data_entries(true).inspect
+ rows.collect{|row| data_entries[row][col]}
+ end
- # Data Entries
- if have_rdf
- table = self.find_data_entries_rdf
- else
- values = OpenTox::Dataset.find_data_entries_sparql(@uri)
- table = values +*@features.size-values.size, "")
- end
- clim=(@compounds.size-1)
- cidx = fidx = 0
- num=numeric_features[fidx]
- @data_entries = (*@features.size)).each_slice(@features.size).to_a # init to nil
- table.each { |val|
- unless val.blank?
- @data_entries[cidx][fidx] = (num ? val.to_f : val)
- end
- if (cidx < clim)
- cidx+=1
- else
- cidx=0
- fidx+=1
- num=numeric_features[fidx]
- end
- }
+ # Convenience methods to search by compound/feature URIs
- # AM: read unordered dataset from RDF
- else
- query = do
- pattern [:uri, RDF.type, RDF::OT.Feature]
- end
- @features = query.execute(@rdf).collect{|s|}
- query = do
- pattern [:data_entry, RDF::OT.compound, :compound]
+ # Search a dataset for a feature given its URI
+ # @param [String] Feature URI
+ # @return [OpenTox::Feature] Feature object, or nil if not present
+ def find_feature_uri(uri)
+{|f| f.uri == uri}.first
+ end
+ # Search a dataset for a compound given its URI
+ # @param [String] Compound URI
+ # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound object, or nil if not present
+ def find_compound_uri(uri)
+{|f| f.uri == uri}.first
+ end
+ def predictions
+ predictions = []
+ prediction_feature = nil
+ confidence_feature = nil
+ metadata[RDF::OT.predictedVariables].each do |uri|
+ feature = uri, @subjectid
+ case feature.title
+ when /prediction$/
+ prediction_feature = feature
+ when /confidence$/
+ confidence_feature = feature
- @compounds = query.execute(@rdf).sort_by{|s| s.data_entry}.collect{|s| s.compound.to_s}
- numeric_features = @features.collect{|f| f.get; f[RDF.type].include? RDF::OT.NumericFeature}
- @compounds.each do |compound|
- values = []
- @features.each_with_index do |feature,i|
- query = do
- pattern [:data_entry, RDF::OT.compound,]
- pattern [:data_entry, RDF::OT.values, :values]
- pattern [:values, RDF::OT.feature,]
- pattern [:values, RDF::OT.value, :value]
- end
- value = query.execute(@rdf).first.value.to_s
- value = value.to_f if numeric_features[i] and !value.nil?
- values << value
- end
- @data_entries << values
+ end
+ if prediction_feature and confidence_feature
+ compounds.each do |compound|
+ value = values(compound,prediction_feature).first
+ confidence = values(compound,confidence_feature).first
+ predictions << {:compound => compound, :value => value, :confidence => confidence} if value and confidence
+ predictions
+ end
+ # Adding data (@features and @compounds are also writable)
+ def upload filename, wait=true
+ uri = RestClientWrapper.put(@uri, {:file =>}, {:subjectid => @subjectid})
+ wait_for_task uri if URI.task?(uri) and wait
+ metadata true
+ @uri
- def get_metadata
- uri = File.join(@uri,"metadata")
- begin
- parse_ntriples RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "text/plain", :subjectid => @subjectid})
- rescue # fall back to rdfxml
- parse_rdfxml RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => "application/rdf+xml", :subjectid => @subjectid})
+ def add_data_entry compound, feature, value
+ @compounds << compound unless @compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}.include?(compound.uri)
+ row = @compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}.index(compound.uri)
+ @features << feature unless @features.collect{|f| f.uri}.include?(feature.uri)
+ col = @features.collect{|f| f.uri}.index(feature.uri)
+ @data_entries[row] ||= []
+ if @data_entries[row][col] # duplicated values
+ #row = @compounds.size
+ @compounds << compound
+ row = @compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}.rindex(compound.uri)
- metadata
+ @data_entries[row][col] = value
- def << data_entry
- compound = data_entry.shift
- bad_request_error "Dataset features are empty." unless features
- bad_request_error "data_entry size '#{data_entry.size}' does not match features size '#{features.size}'." unless data_entry.size == features.size
- bad_request_error "First data_entry is not a OpenTox::Compound" unless compound.class == OpenTox::Compound
+ # TODO: remove? might be dangerous if feature ordering is incorrect
+ def << row
+ compound = row.shift
+ bad_request_error "Dataset features are empty." unless @features
+ bad_request_error "Row size '#{row.size}' does not match features size '#{@features.size}'." unless row.size == @features.size
+ bad_request_error "First column is not a OpenTox::Compound" unless compound.class == OpenTox::Compound
@compounds << compound
- @data_entries << data_entry
+ @data_entries << row
+ end
+ # Serialisation
+ def to_csv
+ CSV.generate do |csv|
+ csv << ["SMILES"] + features.collect{|f| f.title}
+ compounds.each_with_index do |c,i|
+ csv << [c.smiles] + data_entries[i]
+ end
+ end
RDF_FORMATS.each do |format|
+ # redefine rdf parse methods for all formats e.g. parse_rdfxml
+ send :define_method, "parse_#{format}".to_sym do |rdf|
+ # TODO: parse ordered dataset
+ # TODO: parse data entries
+ # TODO: parse metadata
+ @rdf =
+ RDF::Reader.for(format).new(rdf) do |reader|
+ reader.each_statement{ |statement| @rdf << statement }
+ end
+ query ={ :uri => { RDF.type => RDF::OT.Compound } })
+ @compounds = query.execute(@rdf).collect { |solution| solution.uri }
+ query ={ :uri => { RDF.type => RDF::OT.Feature } })
+ @features = query.execute(@rdf).collect { |solution| solution.uri }
+ @compounds.each_with_index do |c,i|
+ @features.each_with_index do |f,j|
+ end
+ end
+ end
# redefine rdf serialization methods
send :define_method, "to_#{format}".to_sym do
- # TODO: check, might affect appending to unordered datasets
- features.each_with_index do |feature,i|
+ @metadata[RDF.type] = RDF::OT.OrderedDataset
+ create_rdf
+ @features.each_with_index do |feature,i|
@rdf << [,,]
@rdf << [,,]
- compounds.each_with_index do |compound,i|
+ @compounds.each_with_index do |compound,i|
@rdf << [,,]
+ if defined? @neighbors and neighbors.include? compound
+ @rdf << [,,]
+ end
@rdf << [,,]
data_entry_node =
@rdf << [,, data_entry_node]
@rdf << [data_entry_node,,]
@rdf << [data_entry_node,,]
@rdf << [data_entry_node,,]
- data_entries[i].each_with_index do |value,j|
+ @data_entries[i].each_with_index do |value,j|
value_node =
@rdf << [data_entry_node,, value_node]
@rdf << [value_node,,[j].uri)]
@rdf << [value_node,,]
- super()
+ RDF::Writer.for(format).buffer do |writer|
+ @rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement}
+ end
+ end
+ end
+# TODO: fix bug that affects data_entry positions
+ def to_ntriples # redefined string version for better performance
+ ntriples = ""
+ @metadata[RDF.type] = [ RDF::OT.Dataset, RDF::OT.OrderedDataset ]
+ @metadata[RDF.type] ||= eval("RDF::OT."+self.class.to_s.split('::').last)
+ @metadata[] ||=
+ @metadata.each do |predicate,values|
+ [values].flatten.each { |value| ntriples << "<#{@uri}> <#{predicate}> '#{value}' .\n" }
+ end
+ @parameters.each do |parameter|
+ p_node =
+ ntriples << "<#{@uri}> <#{RDF::OT.parameters}> #{p_node} .\n"
+ ntriples << "#{p_node} <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Parameter}> .\n"
+ parameter.each { |k,v| ntriples << "#{p_node} <#{k}> '#{v}' .\n" }
+ end
+ @features.each_with_index do |feature,i|
+ ntriples << "<#{feature.uri}> <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Feature}> .\n"
+ ntriples << "<#{feature.uri}> <#{RDF::OLO.index}> '#{i}' .\n"
+ end
+ @compounds.each_with_index do |compound,i|
+ ntriples << "<#{compound.uri}> <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Compound}> .\n"
+ if defined? @neighbors and neighbors.include? compound
+ ntriples << "<#{compound.uri}> <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Neighbor}> .\n"
+ end
+ ntriples << "<#{compound.uri}> <#{RDF::OLO.index}> '#{i}' .\n"
+ data_entry_node =
+ ntriples << "<#{@uri}> <#{RDF::OT.dataEntry}> #{data_entry_node} .\n"
+ ntriples << "#{data_entry_node} <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.DataEntry}> .\n"
+ ntriples << "#{data_entry_node} <#{RDF::OLO.index}> '#{i}' .\n"
+ ntriples << "#{data_entry_node} <#{RDF::OT.compound}> <#{compound.uri}> .\n"
+ @data_entries[i].each_with_index do |value,j|
+ value_node =
+ ntriples << "#{data_entry_node} <#{RDF::OT.values}> #{value_node} .\n"
+ ntriples << "#{value_node} <#{RDF::OT.feature}> <#{@features[j].uri}> .\n"
+ ntriples << "#{value_node} <#{RDF::OT.value}> '#{value}' .\n"
+ end
+ ntriples
+ end
+ # Methods for for validation service
+ def split( compound_indices, feats, metadata, subjectid=nil)
+ bad_request_error "Dataset.split : Please give compounds as indices" if compound_indices.size==0 or !compound_indices[0].is_a?(Fixnum)
+ bad_request_error "Dataset.split : Please give features as feature objects (given: #{feats})" if feats!=nil and feats.size>0 and !feats[0].is_a?(OpenTox::Feature)
+ dataset =, subjectid)
+ dataset.metadata = metadata
+ dataset.features = (feats ? feats : self.features)
+ compound_indices.each do |c_idx|
+ dataset << [ self.compounds[c_idx] ] + dataset.features.each_with_index.collect{|f,f_idx| self.data_entries[c_idx][f_idx]}
+ end
+ dataset.put
+ dataset
+ end
+ # maps a compound-index from another dataset to a compound-index from this dataset
+ # mapping works as follows:
+ # (compound c is the compound identified by the compound-index of the other dataset)
+ # * c occurs only once in this dataset? map compound-index of other dataset to index in this dataset
+ # * c occurs >1 in this dataset?
+ # ** number of occurences is equal in both datasets? assume order is preserved(!) and map accordingly
+ # ** number of occurences is not equal in both datasets? cannot map, raise error
+ # @param [OpenTox::Dataset] dataset that should be mapped to this dataset (fully loaded)
+ # @param [Fixnum] compound_index, corresponding to dataset
+ def compound_index( dataset, compound_index )
+ unless defined?(@index_map) and @index_map[dataset.uri]
+ map = {}
+ dataset.compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}.uniq.each do |compound|
+ self_indices = compound_indices(compound)
+ next unless self_indices
+ dataset_indices = dataset.compound_indices(compound)
+ if self_indices.size==1
+ dataset_indices.size.times do |i|
+ map[dataset_indices[i]] = self_indices[0]
+ end
+ elsif self_indices.size==dataset_indices.size
+ # we do assume that the order is preseverd!
+ dataset_indices.size.times do |i|
+ map[dataset_indices[i]] = self_indices[i]
+ end
+ else
+ raise "cannot map compound #{compound} from dataset #{dataset.uri} to dataset #{uri}, "+
+ "compound occurs #{dataset_indices.size} times and #{self_indices.size} times"
+ end
+ end
+ @index_map = {} unless defined?(@index_map)
+ @index_map[dataset.uri] = map
+ end
+ @index_map[dataset.uri][compound_index]
+ end
+ def compound_indices( compound )
+ unless defined?(@cmp_indices) and @cmp_indices.has_key?(compound)
+ @cmp_indices = {}
+ @compounds.size.times do |i|
+ c = @compounds[i].uri
+ if @cmp_indices[c]==nil
+ @cmp_indices[c] = [i]
+ else
+ @cmp_indices[c] = @cmp_indices[c]+[i]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ @cmp_indices[compound]
+ end
+ def data_entry_value(compound_index, feature_uri)
+ col = @features.collect{|f| f.uri}.index feature_uri
+ @data_entries[compound_index][col]
diff --git a/lib/error.rb b/lib/error.rb
index 4fed343..eb72144 100644
--- a/lib/error.rb
+++ b/lib/error.rb
@@ -5,17 +5,19 @@ module OpenToxError
attr_accessor :http_code, :uri
def initialize message, uri=nil
super message
- @uri = uri.to_s.sub(%r{//.*:.*@},'//') # remove credentials from uri
- @http_code ||= 500
- @rdf =
- subject =
- @rdf << [subject, RDF.type, RDF::OT.ErrorReport]
- @rdf << [subject,, @uri]
- @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.message, message.to_s]
- @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.statusCode, @http_code]
- @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.errorCode, self.class.to_s]
- @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.errorCause, short_backtrace]
- $logger.error("\n"+self.to_turtle)
+ #unless self.is_a? Errno::EAGAIN # avoid "Resource temporarily unavailable" errors
+ @uri = uri.to_s.sub(%r{//.*:.*@},'//') # remove credentials from uri
+ @http_code ||= 500
+ @rdf =
+ subject =
+ @rdf << [subject, RDF.type, RDF::OT.ErrorReport]
+ @rdf << [subject,, @uri]
+ @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.message, message.sub(/^"/,'').sub(/"$/,'')]
+ @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.statusCode, @http_code]
+ @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.errorCode, self.class.to_s]
+ @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.errorCause, short_backtrace]
+ $logger.error("\n"+self.to_turtle)
+ #end
def short_backtrace
@@ -40,13 +42,14 @@ module OpenToxError
prefixes = {:rdf => ""}
['OT', 'DC', 'XSD', 'OLO'].each{|p| prefixes[p.downcase.to_sym] = eval("RDF::#{p}.to_s") }
RDF::N3::Writer.for(:turtle).buffer(:prefixes => prefixes) do |writer|
- @rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement}
+ @rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement} if @rdf
class RuntimeError
+#class StandardError
include OpenToxError
@@ -58,6 +61,7 @@ end
module OpenTox
class Error < RuntimeError
+ include OpenToxError
def initialize code, message, uri=nil
@http_code = code
@@ -77,7 +81,7 @@ module OpenTox
# define global methods for raising errors, eg. bad_request_error
Object.send(:define_method, error[:method]) do |message,uri=nil|
- raise, uri)
+ raise, uri)
diff --git a/lib/feature.rb b/lib/feature.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5d3d962
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/feature.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class Feature
+ # Find out feature type
+ # Classification takes precedence
+ # @return [String] Feature type
+ def feature_type
+ if self[RDF.type].include?(RDF::OT.NominalFeature)
+ "classification"
+ elsif self[RDF.type].include?(RDF::OT.NumericFeature)
+ "regression"
+ else
+ "unknown"
+ end
+ end
+ # Get accept values
+ #
+ # @return[Array] Accept values
+ def accept_values
+ self[RDF::OT.acceptValue] ? self[RDF::OT.acceptValue].sort : nil
+ end
+ # Create value map
+ # @param [OpenTox::Feature] Feature
+ # @return [Hash] A hash with keys 1...feature.training_classes.size and values training classes
+ def value_map
+ unless defined? @value_map
+ accept_values ? @value_map = accept_values.each_index.inject({}) { |h,idx| h[idx+1]=accept_values[idx]; h } : @value_map = nil
+ end
+ @value_map
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/model.rb b/lib/model.rb
index c104e64..144c8c3 100644
--- a/lib/model.rb
+++ b/lib/model.rb
@@ -11,5 +11,36 @@ module OpenTox
wait_for_task uri if wait
+ def feature_type # CH: subjectid is a object variable, no need to pass it as a parameter
+ unless @feature_type
+ get unless metadata[OT.dependentVariables.to_s]
+ bad_request_error "Cannot determine feature type, dependent variable missing in model #{@uri}" unless metadata[OT.dependentVariables.to_s]
+ @feature_type = metadata[OT.dependentVariables.to_s][0], @subjectid ).feature_type
+ end
+ @feature_type
+ end
+ def predicted_variable
+ load_predicted_variables unless defined? @predicted_variable
+ @predicted_variable
+ end
+ def predicted_confidence
+ load_predicted_variables unless defined? @predicted_confidence
+ @predicted_confidence
+ end
+ private
+ def load_predicted_variables
+ metadata[OT.predictedVariables.to_s].each do |f|
+ feat = OpenTox::Feature.find( f, @subjectid )
+ if feat.title =~ /confidence/
+ @predicted_confidence = f
+ else
+ @predicted_variable = f unless @predicted_variable
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/opentox-client.rb b/lib/opentox-client.rb
index 65a9177..1fe084b 100644
--- a/lib/opentox-client.rb
+++ b/lib/opentox-client.rb
@@ -34,15 +34,10 @@ FALSE_REGEXP = /^(false|inactive|0|0.0|low tox|deactivating|non-carcinogen|non-m
+ "feature.rb",
- "4store.rb",
-].each{ |f| require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),f) }
-Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/utils/shims/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } # Shims for legacy code
-Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/utils/sparql/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } # SPARQL code
-Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/utils/rdf/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } # RDF code
-Dir["#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/utils/*.rb"].each { |f| require f } # Utils for Libs
+].each{ |f| require_relative f }
diff --git a/lib/opentox.rb b/lib/opentox.rb
index 221a8dd..1251f33 100644
--- a/lib/opentox.rb
+++ b/lib/opentox.rb
@@ -3,109 +3,110 @@ $logger =
$logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
module OpenTox
+ #include RDF CH: leads to namespace clashes with URI class
- attr_accessor :uri, :subjectid, :rdf
+ attr_reader :uri, :subjectid
+ attr_writer :metadata, :parameters
# Ruby interface
- # Create a new OpenTox object (does not load data from service)
+ # Create a new OpenTox object
# @param [optional,String] URI
# @param [optional,String] subjectid
# @return [OpenTox] OpenTox object
def initialize uri=nil, subjectid=nil
@rdf =
- if uri
- @uri = uri.to_s.chomp
- else
- service = self.class.to_s.split('::').last.downcase
- service_uri = eval("$#{service}[:uri]")
- bad_request_error "$#{service}[:uri] variable not set. Please set $#{service}[:uri] or use an explicit uri as first constructor argument " unless service_uri
- @uri = File.join service_uri, SecureRandom.uuid
- end
- append RDF.type, eval("RDF::OT."+self.class.to_s.split('::').last)
- append,
@subjectid = subjectid
+ @metadata = {}
+ @parameters = []
+ uri ? @uri = uri.to_s.chomp : @uri = File.join(service_uri, SecureRandom.uuid)
- # Object metadata
+ # Object metadata (lazy loading)
# @return [Hash] Object metadata
- def metadata
- # return plain strings instead of RDF objects
- @rdf.to_hash[].inject({}) { |h, (predicate, values)| h[predicate.to_s] = values.collect{|v| v.to_s}; h }
+ def metadata force_update=false
+ if (@metadata.empty? or force_update) and URI.accessible? @uri
+ get if @rdf.empty? or force_update
+ # return values as plain strings instead of RDF objects
+ @metadata = @rdf.to_hash[].inject({}) { |h, (predicate, values)| h[predicate] = values.collect{|v| v.to_s}; h }
+ end
+ @metadata
# Metadata values
# @param [String] Predicate URI
# @return [Array, String] Predicate value(s)
def [](predicate)
- return nil if metadata[predicate.to_s].nil?
- metadata[predicate.to_s].size == 1 ? metadata[predicate.to_s].first : metadata[predicate.to_s]
+ return nil if metadata[predicate].nil?
+ metadata[predicate].size == 1 ? metadata[predicate].first : metadata[predicate]
- # Set object metadata
+ # Set a metadata entry
# @param [String] Predicate URI
# @param [Array, String] Predicate value(s)
def []=(predicate,values)
- @rdf.delete [,,nil]
- append predicate.to_s, values
- end
- def parameters
- params = {}
- query ={
- :parameter => {
- RDF.type => RDF::OT.Parameter,
- :property => :value,
- }
- })
- query.execute(@rdf).each do |solution|
- params[solution.parameter] = {} unless params[solution.parameter]
- params[solution.parameter][] = solution.value.to_s
- end
- params.values
- end
- def parameters=(parameters)
- parameters.each do |param|
- p_node =
- @rdf << [, RDF::OT.parameters, p_node]
- @rdf << [p_node, RDF.type, RDF::OT.Parameter]
- param.each{ |p,o| @rdf << [p_node, p, o] }
+ @metadata[predicate] = [values].flatten
+ end
+ def parameters force_update=false
+ if (@parameters.empty? or force_update) and URI.accessible? @uri
+ get if @rdf.empty? or force_update
+ params = {}
+ query ={
+ :parameter => {
+ RDF.type => RDF::OT.Parameter,
+ :property => :value,
+ }
+ })
+ query.execute(@rdf).each do |solution|
+ params[solution.parameter] = {} unless params[solution.parameter]
+ params[solution.parameter][] = solution.value
+ end
+ @parameters = params.values
+ @parameters
- # Append object metadata
- # @param [String] Predicate URI
- # @param [Array, String] Predicate value(s)
- def append(predicate,values)
- uri = @uri
- predicate = predicate
- [values].flatten.each { |value| @rdf << [uri, predicate, value] }
+ def parameter_value title
+ @parameters.collect{|p| p[RDF::OT.paramValue] if p[RDF::DC.title] == title}.compact.first
# Get object from webservice
def get mime_type="text/plain"
+ bad_request_error "Mime type #{mime_type} is not supported. Please use 'text/plain' (default) or 'application/rdf+xml'." unless mime_type == "text/plain" or mime_type == "application/rdf+xml"
response = RestClientWrapper.get(@uri,{},{:accept => mime_type, :subjectid => @subjectid})
if URI.task?(response)
- wait_for_task response
- response = RestClientWrapper.get(t.resultURI,{},{:accept => mime_type, :subjectid => @subjectid})
+ uri = wait_for_task response
+ response = RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => mime_type, :subjectid => @subjectid})
parse_ntriples response if mime_type == "text/plain"
parse_rdfxml response if mime_type == "application/rdf+xml"
- # Post object to webservice
- def post params=nil, wait=true
- uri = @uri.to_s, params, { :content_type => "text/plain", :subjectid => @subjectid}
- wait_for_task uri if wait
- end
- # Save object at webservice
- def put wait=true
- uri = RestClientWrapper.put @uri.to_s, self.to_ntriples, { :content_type => "text/plain", :subjectid => @subjectid}
- wait_for_task uri if wait
+ # Post object to webservice (append to object), rarely useful and deprecated
+ def post wait=true, mime_type="text/plain"
+ bad_request_error "Mime type #{mime_type} is not supported. Please use 'text/plain' (default) or 'application/rdf+xml'." unless mime_type == "text/plain" or mime_type == "application/rdf+xml"
+ case mime_type
+ when 'text/plain'
+ body = self.to_ntriples
+ when 'application/rdf+xml'
+ body = self.to_rdfxml
+ end
+ uri = @uri.to_s, body, { :content_type => mime_type, :subjectid => @subjectid}
+ wait ? wait_for_task(uri) : uri
+ end
+ # Save object at webservice (replace or create object)
+ def put wait=true, mime_type="text/plain"
+ bad_request_error "Mime type #{mime_type} is not supported. Please use 'text/plain' (default) or 'application/rdf+xml'." unless mime_type == "text/plain" or mime_type == "application/rdf+xml"
+ case mime_type
+ when 'text/plain'
+ body = self.to_ntriples
+ when 'application/rdf+xml'
+ body = self.to_rdfxml
+ end
+ uri = RestClientWrapper.put @uri.to_s, body, { :content_type => mime_type, :subjectid => @subjectid}
+ wait ? wait_for_task(uri) : uri
# Delete object at webservice
@@ -113,29 +114,30 @@ module OpenTox
RestClientWrapper.delete(@uri.to_s,nil,{:subjectid => @subjectid})
- def wait_for_task uri
- OpenTox.wait_for_task uri
+ def service_uri
+ self.class.service_uri
- def self.wait_for_task uri
- if URI.task?(uri)
- t = uri
- t.wait
- unless t.completed?
- method ={|error| error[:code] == t.code}.first[:method]
- t.get
- Object.send(method,t.error_report[RDF::OT.message],t.uri)
- end
- uri = t.resultURI
+ def create_rdf
+ @rdf =
+ @metadata[RDF.type] ||= eval("RDF::OT."+self.class.to_s.split('::').last)
+ @metadata[] ||=
+ @metadata.each do |predicate,values|
+ [values].flatten.each { |value| @rdf << [, predicate, value] }
+ end
+ @parameters.each do |parameter|
+ p_node =
+ @rdf << [, RDF::OT.parameters, p_node]
+ @rdf << [p_node, RDF.type, RDF::OT.Parameter]
+ parameter.each { |k,v| @rdf << [p_node, k, v] }
- uri
RDF_FORMATS.each do |format|
# rdf parse methods for all formats e.g. parse_rdfxml
- send :define_method, "parse_#{format}".to_sym do |rdf,init=true|
- @rdf = if init
+ send :define_method, "parse_#{format}".to_sym do |rdf|
+ @rdf =
RDF::Reader.for(format).new(rdf) do |reader|
reader.each_statement{ |statement| @rdf << statement }
@@ -143,25 +145,27 @@ module OpenTox
# rdf serialization methods for all formats e.g. to_rdfxml
send :define_method, "to_#{format}".to_sym do
- RDF::Writer.for(format).buffer do |writer|
+ create_rdf
+ RDF::Writer.for(format).buffer(:encoding => Encoding::ASCII) do |writer|
@rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement}
- def to_turtle # redefine to use prefixes (not supported by RDF::Writer)
+ def to_turtle # redefined to use prefixes (not supported by RDF::Writer)
prefixes = {:rdf => ""}
['OT', 'DC', 'XSD', 'OLO'].each{|p| prefixes[p.downcase.to_sym] = eval("RDF::#{p}.to_s") }
+ create_rdf
RDF::N3::Writer.for(:turtle).buffer(:prefixes => prefixes) do |writer|
@rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement}
- {
- :title => RDF::DC.title,
- :dexcription => RDF::DC.description,
- :type => RDF.type
- }.each do |method,predicate|
+ def to_html
+ to_turtle.to_html
+ end
+ { :title => RDF::DC.title, :dexcription => RDF::DC.description, :type => RDF.type }.each do |method,predicate|
send :define_method, method do
@@ -170,15 +174,58 @@ module OpenTox
- # create default OpenTox classes
+ # create default OpenTox classes with class methods
CLASSES.each do |klass|
c = do
include OpenTox
- def self.all service_uri, subjectid=nil
+ def self.all subjectid=nil
uris = RestClientWrapper.get(service_uri, {}, :accept => 'text/uri-list').split("\n").compact
uris.collect{|uri|, subjectid)}
+ def self.find uri, subjectid=nil
+ URI.accessible?(uri) ?, subjectid) : nil
+ end
+ def self.create metadata, subjectid=nil
+ object = nil, subjectid
+ object.metadata = metadata
+ object.put
+ object
+ end
+ def self.find_or_create metadata, subjectid=nil
+ sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?s WHERE { "
+ metadata.each do |predicate,objects|
+ unless [,RDF::DC.modified,RDF::DC.description].include? predicate # remove dates and description (strange characters in description may lead to SPARQL errors)
+ if objects.is_a? String
+ URI.valid?(objects) ? o = "<#{objects}>" : o = "'''#{objects}'''"
+ sparql << "?s <#{predicate}> #{o}. "
+ elsif objects.is_a? Array
+ objects.each do |object|
+ URI.valid?(object) ? o = "<#{object}>" : o = "'#{object}'"
+ sparql << "?s <#{predicate}> #{o}. "
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ sparql << "}"
+ uris = RestClientWrapper.get(service_uri,{:query => sparql},{:accept => "text/uri-list", :subjectid => @subjectid}).split("\n")
+ if uris.empty?
+ self.create metadata, subjectid
+ else
+ uris.first
+ end
+ end
+ def self.service_uri
+ service = self.to_s.split('::').last.downcase
+ eval("$#{service}[:uri]")
+ rescue
+ bad_request_error "$#{service}[:uri] variable not set. Please set $#{service}[:uri] or use an explicit uri as first constructor argument "
+ end
OpenTox.const_set klass,c
diff --git a/lib/overwrite.rb b/lib/overwrite.rb
index c7bb312..d27434b 100644
--- a/lib/overwrite.rb
+++ b/lib/overwrite.rb
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+require "base64"
class Object
# An object is blank if it's false, empty, or a whitespace string.
# For example, "", " ", +nil+, [], and {} are all blank.
@@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ module Enumerable
class String
def underscore
self.gsub(/::/, '/').
@@ -24,6 +26,44 @@ class String
tr("-", "_").
+ # encloses URI in text with with link tag
+ # @return [String] new text with marked links
+ def link_urls
+ self.gsub(/(?i)http(s?):\/\/[^\r\n\s']*/, '<a href="\0">\0</a>')
+ end
+ # produces a html page for making web services browser friendly
+ # format of text (=string params) is preserved (e.g. line breaks)
+ # urls are marked as links
+ #
+ # @param [String] text this is the actual content,
+ # @param [optional,String] related_links info on related resources
+ # @param [optional,String] description general info
+ # @param [optional,Array] post_command, infos for the post operation, object defined below
+ # @return [String] html page
+ def to_html(related_links=nil, description=nil, png_image=nil )
+ # TODO add title as parameter
+ title = nil #$$sinatra.request.env['PATH_INFO'], :full) if $sinatra
+ html = "<html>"
+ html << "<title>"+title+"</title>" if title
+ #html += "<img src=\""+OT_LOGO+"\"><\/img><body>"
+ html << "<h3>Description</h3><pre><p>"+description.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if description
+ html << "<h3>Related links</h3><pre><p>"+related_links.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if related_links
+ html << "<h3>Content</h3>" if description || related_links
+ html << "<pre><p style=\"padding:15px; border:10px solid \#B9DCFF\">"
+ html << "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,#{Base64.encode64(png_image)}\">\n" if png_image
+ html << self.link_urls
+ html << "</p></pre></body></html>"
+ html
+ end
+ def uri?
+ URI.valid?(self)
+ end
module URI
@@ -84,11 +124,11 @@ class File
-# overwrite backtick operator to catch system errors
module Kernel
- # Override raises an error if _cmd_ returns a non-zero exit status.
- # Returns stdout if _cmd_ succeeds. Note that these are simply concatenated; STDERR is not inline.
+ # overwrite backtick operator to catch system errors
+ # Override raises an error if _cmd_ returns a non-zero exit status. CH: I do not understand this comment
+ # Returns stdout if _cmd_ succeeds. Note that these are simply concatenated; STDERR is not inline. CH: I do not understand this comment
def ` cmd
stdout, stderr = ''
status = Open4::popen4(cmd) do |pid, stdin_stream, stdout_stream, stderr_stream|
@@ -101,6 +141,27 @@ module Kernel
internal_server_error $!.message
+ def wait_for_task uri
+ if URI.task?(uri)
+ t = uri
+ t.wait
+ unless t.completed?
+ begin # handle known (i.e. OpenTox) errors
+ error ={|error| error[:code] == t.code}.first
+ error ? error_method = error[:method] : error_method = :internal_server_error
+ report = t.error_report
+ report ? error_message = report[RDF::OT.message] : error_message = $!.message
+ Object.send(error_method,error_message,t.uri)
+ rescue
+ internal_server_error "#{$!.message}\n#{$!.backtrace}", t.uri
+ end
+ end
+ uri = t.resultURI
+ end
+ uri
+ end
@@ -126,6 +187,5 @@ class Array
return self.uniq.size == 1
diff --git a/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb b/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
index f3c56c8..38219c1 100644
--- a/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
+++ b/lib/rest-client-wrapper.rb
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ module OpenTox
headers.each{ |k,v| headers.delete(k) if v==nil } if headers #remove keys with empty values, as this can cause problems
args[:headers] = headers
- $logger.debug "POST #{uri} #{payload.inspect}" if method.to_s=="post" && payload.is_a?(Hash)
@request =
# ignore error codes from Task services (may return error codes >= 400 according to API, which causes exceptions in RestClient and RDF::Reader)
@response = @request.execute do |response, request, result|
diff --git a/lib/task.rb b/lib/task.rb
index 82e1665..07c0b05 100644
--- a/lib/task.rb
+++ b/lib/task.rb
@@ -6,33 +6,55 @@ module OpenTox
attr_accessor :pid, :observer_pid
- def self.create service_uri, subjectid=nil, params={}
+ def metadata
+ super true # always update metadata
+ end
+ def, creator=nil, subjectid=nil)
- uri = File.join(service_uri,SecureRandom.uuid)
- task = uri, subjectid
+ task = nil, subjectid
task[RDF::OT.created_at] =
task[RDF::OT.hasStatus] = "Running"
- params.each { |k,v| task[k] = v }
- task.put false
+ task[RDF::DC.description] = description.to_s
+ task[RDF::DC.creator] = creator.to_s
+ task.put
pid = fork do
- result_uri = yield
- task.completed result_uri
+ task.completed yield
+ #result_uri = yield
+ #task.completed result_uri
- unless $!.is_a?(RuntimeError) # PENDING: only runtime Errors are logged when raised
- cut_index = $!.backtrace.find_index{|line| line.match /gems\/sinatra/}
- cut_index = -1 unless cut_index
+ #unless $!.is_a?(RuntimeError) # PENDING: only runtime Errors are logged when raised
msg = "\nTask ERROR\n"+
- "task description: #{params[RDF::DC.description]}\n"+
+ "task description: #{task[RDF::DC.description]}\n"+
"task uri: #{$!.class.to_s}\n"+
"error msg: #{$!.message}\n"+
"error backtrace:\n#{$!.backtrace[0..cut_index].join("\n")}\n"
$logger.error msg
- end
+ #end
if $!.respond_to? :to_ntriples
+ puts $!.to_turtle
RestClientWrapper.put(File.join(task.uri,'Error'),:errorReport => $!.to_ntriples,:content_type => 'text/plain')
- RestClientWrapper.put(File.join(task.uri,'Error'))
+ cut_index = $!.backtrace.find_index{|line| line.match /gems\/sinatra/}
+ cut_index = -1 unless cut_index
+ @rdf =
+ subject =
+ @rdf << [subject, RDF.type, RDF::OT.ErrorReport]
+ @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.message, $!.message]
+ @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.errorCode, $!.class.to_s]
+ @rdf << [subject, RDF::OT.errorCause, $!.backtrace[0..cut_index].join("\n")]
+ prefixes = {:rdf => "", :ot => RDF::OT.to_s}
+ turtle = RDF::N3::Writer.for(:turtle).buffer(:prefixes => prefixes) do |writer|
+ @rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement}
+ end
+ $logger.error turtle
+ nt = RDF::Writer.for(:ntriples).buffer do |writer|
+ @rdf.each{|statement| writer << statement}
+ end
+ RestClientWrapper.put(File.join(task.uri,'Error'),:errorReport => nt,:content_type => 'text/plain')
@@ -73,23 +95,21 @@ module OpenTox
self.[]=(RDF::OT.hasStatus, "Cancelled")
- put false
+ put
def completed(uri)
self.[]=(RDF::OT.resultURI, uri)
self.[]=(RDF::OT.hasStatus, "Completed")
- put false
+ put
# waits for a task, unless time exceeds or state is no longer running
- # @param [optional,Numeric] dur seconds pausing before checking again for completion
- # TODO: add waiting task
def wait
start_time =
due_to_time = start_time + DEFAULT_TASK_MAX_DURATION
- dur = 0.3
+ dur = 0.2
while running?
sleep dur
dur = [[( - start_time)/20.0,0.3].max,300.0].min
@@ -122,14 +142,20 @@ module OpenTox
[:hasStatus, :resultURI, :created_at, :finished_at].each do |method|
define_method method do
- get
response = self.[](RDF::OT[method])
response = self.[](RDF::OT1[method]) unless response # API 1.1 compatibility
+ # Check status of a task
+ # @return [String] Status
+ def status
+ self[RDF::OT.hasStatus]
+ end
def error_report
+ get
report = {}
query ={
:report => {
@@ -144,5 +170,31 @@ module OpenTox
#TODO: subtasks (only for progress)
+ class SubTask
+ def initialize(task, min, max)
+ #TODO add subtask code
+ end
+ def self.create(task, min, max)
+ if task
+, min, max)
+ else
+ nil
+ end
+ end
+ def waiting_for(task_uri)
+ #TODO add subtask code
+ end
+ def progress(pct)
+ #TODO add subtask code
+ end
+ def running?()
+ #TODO add subtask code
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/utils/diag.rb b/lib/utils/diag.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index fd37945..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/diag.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-* Name: diag.rb
-* Description: Diagnostic tools
-* Author: Andreas Maunz <>
-* Date: 10/2012
-# Print a diagnostic message
-def uri_list
- puts "My load path is:\n#{$LOAD_PATH.join("\n")} \nI have loaded #{$LOADED_FEATURES.size} objects.\n\n"
diff --git a/lib/utils/html.rb b/lib/utils/html.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a4c9e1..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/html.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-#OT_LOGO = File.join(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-validation"],"resources/ot-logo.png")
-* Name: html.rb
-* Description: Tools to provide html output
-* Author: Andreas Maunz <>
-* Date: 10/2012
-require "base64"
-# AM: needed since this gem has a nested directory structure
-class String
- # encloses URI in text with with link tag
- # @return [String] new text with marked links
- def link_urls
- self.gsub(/(?i)http(s?):\/\/[^\r\n\s']*/, '<a href="\0">\0</a>')
- end
-module OpenTox
- # produces a html page for making web services browser friendly
- # format of text (=string params) is preserved (e.g. line breaks)
- # urls are marked as links
- #
- # @param [String] text this is the actual content,
- # @param [optional,String] related_links info on related resources
- # @param [optional,String] description general info
- # @param [optional,Array] post_command, infos for the post operation, object defined below
- # @return [String] html page
- def self.text_to_html( text, subjectid=nil, related_links=nil, description=nil, post_command=nil, png_image=nil )
- # TODO add title as parameter
- title = nil #$$sinatra.request.env['PATH_INFO'], :full) if $sinatra
- html = "<html>"
- html += "<title>"+title+"</title>" if title
- #html += "<img src=\""+OT_LOGO+"\"><\/img><body>"
- html += "<h3>Description</h3><pre><p>"+description.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if description
- html += "<h3>Related links</h3><pre><p>"+related_links.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if related_links
- html += "<h3>Content</h3>" if description || related_links
- html += "<pre><p style=\"padding:15px; border:10px solid \#B9DCFF\">"
- html += "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,#{Base64.encode64(png_image)}\">\n" if png_image
- html += text.link_urls
- html += "</p></pre></body></html>"
- html
- end
diff --git a/lib/utils/rdf/dataset.rb b/lib/utils/rdf/dataset.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 2cb32a9..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/rdf/dataset.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-* Name: dataset.rb
-* Description: Dataset RDF tools
-* Author: Andreas Maunz <>
-* Date: 10/2012
-module OpenTox
- class Dataset
- # Load features via RDF (slow)
- # @param [String] uri Dataset URI
- # @return [Array] features Features in order
- def find_features_rdf
- query = do
- pattern [:uri, RDF.type, RDF::OT.Feature]
- pattern [:uri, RDF::OLO.index, :idx]
- end
- query.execute(@rdf).sort_by{|s| s.idx}.collect{|s|}
- end
- # Load compounds via RDF (slow)
- # @param [String] uri Dataset URI
- # @return [Array] compounds Compounds in order
- def find_compounds_rdf
- query = do
- pattern [:uri, RDF.type, RDF::OT.Compound]
- pattern [:uri, RDF::OLO.index, :idx]
- end
- query.execute(@rdf).sort_by{|s| s.idx}.collect{|s|}
- end
- # Load data entries via RDF (slow)
- # @param [String] uri Dataset uri
- # @return [Array] entries Data entries, ordered primarily over cols and secondarily over rows
- def find_data_entries_rdf
- query = do
- pattern [:data_entry, RDF::OLO.index, :cidx] # compound index: now a free variable
- pattern [:data_entry, RDF::OT.values, :vals]
- pattern [:vals, RDF::OT.feature, :f]
- pattern [:f, RDF::OLO.index, :fidx]
- pattern [:vals, RDF::OT.value, :val]
- end
- query.execute(@rdf).order_by(:fidx, :cidx).collect { |s| s.val.to_s }
- end
- # Query a dataset URI for ordered status
- # by loading its metadata (OpenTox compliant)
- # @param [String] uri Dataset uri
- # @return [TrueClass, FalseClass] status Whether the dataset is ordered
- def self.ordered?(uri)
- ds = # dummy
- ds.parse_rdfxml(RestClient.get([uri,"metadata"].join("/"),{:accept => "application/rdf+xml"}))
- query = do
- pattern [:dataset, RDF.type, RDF::OT.OrderedDataset]
- end
- query.execute(ds.rdf).size>0
- end
- # Load dataset URI from given RDF (slow)
- # @param [String] rdf RDF
- # @return [String] uri URI
- def self.uri_from_rdf(rdf)
- ds = # dummy
- ds.parse_rdfxml(rdf)
- query = do
- pattern [:dataset, RDF.type, RDF::OT.Dataset]
- end
- query.execute(ds.rdf).collect { |s| s.dataset.to_s }[0]
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/utils/shims/dataset.rb b/lib/utils/shims/dataset.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index f72ff1b..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/shims/dataset.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +0,0 @@
-* Name: dataset.rb
-* Description: Dataset shims
-* Author: Andreas Maunz <>
-* Date: 10/2012
-module OpenTox
- # Shims for the Dataset Class
- class Dataset
- attr_accessor :feature_positions, :compound_positions
- # Load a dataset from URI
- # @param [String] Dataset URI
- # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Dataset object
- def self.find(uri, subjectid=nil)
- return nil unless uri
- ds = uri, subjectid
- ds.get
- ds
- end
- def self.exist?(uri, subjectid=nil)
- ds = uri, subjectid
- begin
- ds.get_metadata
- true
- rescue
- false
- end
- end
- def split( compound_indices, feats, metadata, subjectid=nil)
- raise "Dataset.split : pls give compounds as indices" if compound_indices.size==0 or !compound_indices[0].is_a?(Fixnum)
- raise "Dataset.split : pls give features as feature objects (given: #{feats})" if feats!=nil and feats.size>0 and !feats[0].is_a?(OpenTox::Feature)
- $logger.debug "split dataset using "+compound_indices.size.to_s+"/"+@compounds.size.to_s+" compounds"
- dataset =, subjectid)
- dataset.metadata = metadata
- dataset.features = (feats ? feats : self.features)
- compound_indices.each do |c_idx|
- dataset << [ self.compounds[c_idx] ] + dataset.features.each_with_index.collect{|f,f_idx| self.data_entries[c_idx][f_idx]}
- end
- #compound_indices.each do |c_idx|
- # c = @compounds[c_idx]
- # dataset.add_compound(c)
- # if @data_entries[c]
- # features.each do |f|
- # if @data_entries[c][f]
- # dataset.add_data_entry c,f,@data_entries[c][f][entry_index(c_idx)]
- # else
- # dataset.add_data_entry c,f,nil
- # end
- # end
- # end
- # end
- dataset.put subjectid
- dataset
- end
- # maps a compound-index from another dataset to a compound-index from this dataset
- # mapping works as follows:
- # (compound c is the compound identified by the compound-index of the other dataset)
- # * c occurs only once in this dataset? map compound-index of other dataset to index in this dataset
- # * c occurs >1 in this dataset?
- # ** number of occurences is equal in both datasets? assume order is preserved(!) and map accordingly
- # ** number of occurences is not equal in both datasets? cannot map, raise error
- # @param [OpenTox::Dataset] dataset that should be mapped to this dataset (fully loaded)
- # @param [Fixnum] compound_index, corresponding to dataset
- def compound_index( dataset, compound_index )
- unless defined?(@index_map) and @index_map[dataset.uri]
- map = {}
- dataset.compounds.collect{|c| c.uri}.uniq.each do |compound|
- self_indices = compound_indices(compound)
- next unless self_indices
- dataset_indices = dataset.compound_indices(compound)
- if self_indices.size==1
- dataset_indices.size.times do |i|
- map[dataset_indices[i]] = self_indices[0]
- end
- elsif self_indices.size==dataset_indices.size
- # we do assume that the order is preseverd!
- dataset_indices.size.times do |i|
- map[dataset_indices[i]] = self_indices[i]
- end
- else
- raise "cannot map compound #{compound} from dataset #{dataset.uri} to dataset #{uri}, "+
- "compound occurs #{dataset_indices.size} times and #{self_indices.size} times"
- end
- end
- @index_map = {} unless defined?(@index_map)
- @index_map[dataset.uri] = map
- end
- @index_map[dataset.uri][compound_index]
- end
- def compound_indices( compound )
- unless defined?(@cmp_indices) and @cmp_indices.has_key?(compound)
- @cmp_indices = {}
- @compounds.size.times do |i|
- c = @compounds[i].uri
- if @cmp_indices[c]==nil
- @cmp_indices[c] = [i]
- else
- @cmp_indices[c] = @cmp_indices[c]+[i]
- end
- end
- end
- @cmp_indices[compound]
- end
- def data_entry_value(compound_index, feature_uri)
- build_feature_positions unless @feature_positions
- @data_entries[compound_index][@feature_positions[feature_uri]]
- end
- ### Index Structures
- # Create value map
- # @param [OpenTox::Feature] A feature
- # @return [Hash] A hash with keys 1...feature.training_classes.size and values training classes
- def value_map(feature)
- training_classes = feature.accept_values
- raise "no accept values for feature #{feature.uri} in dataset #{uri}" unless training_classes
- training_classes.each_index.inject({}) { |h,idx| h[idx+1]=training_classes[idx]; h }
- end
- # Create feature positions map
- # @return [Hash] A hash with keys feature uris and values feature positions
- def build_feature_positions
- unless @feature_positions
- @feature_positions = @features.each_index.inject({}) { |h,idx|
- internal_server_error "Duplicate Feature '#{@features[idx].uri}' in dataset '#{@uri}'" if h[@features[idx].uri]
- h[@features[idx].uri] = idx
- h
- }
- end
- end
- # Create compounds positions map
- # @return [Hash] A hash with keys compound uris and values compound position arrays
- def build_compound_positions
- unless @compound_positions
- @compound_positions = @compounds.each_index.inject({}) { |h,idx|
- h[inchi] = [] unless h[inchi]
- h[inchi] << idx if inchi =~ /InChI/
- h
- }
- end
- end
- ### Associative Search Operations
- # Search a dataset for a feature given its URI
- # @param [String] Feature URI
- # @return [OpenTox::Feature] Feature object, or nil if not present
- def find_feature(uri)
- build_feature_positions
- res = @features[@feature_positions[uri]] if @feature_positions[uri]
- res
- end
- # Search a dataset for a compound given its URI
- # @param [String] Compound URI
- # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Array of compound objects, or nil if not present
- def find_compound(uri)
- build_compound_positions
- inchi =
- res = @compounds[@compound_positions[inchi]] if inchi =~ /InChI/ and @compound_positions[inchi]
- res
- end
- # Search a dataset for a data entry given compound URI and feature URI
- # @param [String] Compound URI
- # @param [String] Feature URI
- # @return [Object] Data entry, or nil if not present
- def find_data_entry(compound_uri, feature_uri)
- build_compound_positions
- build_feature_positions
- inchi =
- if @compound_positions[inchi] && @feature_positions[feature_uri]
- res = []
- @compound_positions[inchi].each { |idx|
- res << data_entries[idx][@feature_positions[feature_uri]]
- }
- end
- res
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/utils/shims/feature.rb b/lib/utils/shims/feature.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 9afa5c2..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/shims/feature.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
-* Name: feature.rb
-* Description: Feature shims
-* Author: Andreas Maunz <>
-* Date: 10/2012
-module OpenTox
- # Shims for the feature class
- class Feature
- # Load a feature from URI
- # @param [String] Feature URI
- # @return [OpenTox::Feature] Feature object with the full data
- def self.find(uri, subjectid=nil)
- return nil unless uri
- f = uri, subjectid
- f.get
- f
- end
- # Load or create a feature given its title and metadata
- # Create it if: a) not present, or b) present, but differs in metadata
- # Newly created features are stored at the backend
- # @param[String] title Feature title
- # @param[Hash] metadata Feature metadata
- # @return [OpenTox::Feature] Feature object with the full data, or nil
- def self.find_by_title(title, metadata)
- metadata[RDF.type] = [] unless metadata[RDF.type]
- metadata[RDF.type] << RDF::OT.Feature unless metadata[RDF.type].include?(RDF::OT.Feature)
- metadata[RDF::DC.title] = title unless (metadata[RDF::DC.title])
- feature = feature_new =$feature[:uri], SecureRandom.uuid), @subjectid)
- feature_new.metadata = metadata
- sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?feature WHERE { ?feature <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT['feature'.capitalize]}>. ?feature <#{RDF::DC.title}> '#{title.to_s}' }"
- feature_uris = OpenTox::Backend::FourStore.query(sparql,"text/uri-list").split("\n")
- features_equal = false # relevant also when no features found
- feature_uris.each_with_index { |feature_uri,idx|
- feature_existing = OpenTox::Feature.find(feature_uri, @subjectid)
- if (feature_new.metadata.size+1 == feature_existing.metadata.size) # +1 due to title
- features_equal = metadata.keys.collect { |predicate|
- unless ( predicate == RDF::DC.title )
- if feature_new[predicate].class == feature_existing[predicate].class
- case feature_new[predicate].class.to_s
- when "Array" then (feature_new[predicate].sort == feature_existing[predicate].sort)
- else (feature_new[predicate] == feature_existing[predicate])
- end
- end
- else
- true
- end
- }.uniq == [true]
- end
- (feature=feature_existing and break) if features_equal
- }
- unless features_equal
- feature_new.put
- end
- feature
- end
- # Find out feature type
- # Classification takes precedence
- # @return [String] Feature type
- def feature_type
- bad_request_error "rdf type of feature '#{@uri}' not set" unless self[RDF.type]
- if self[RDF.type].include?(OT.NominalFeature)
- "classification"
- elsif self[RDF.type].include?(OT.NumericFeature)
- "regression"
- else
- "unknown"
- end
- end
- # Get accept values
- # @param[String] Feature URI
- # @return[Array] Accept values
- def accept_values
- accept_values = self[OT.acceptValue]
- accept_values.sort if accept_values
- accept_values
- end
- end
diff --git a/lib/utils/shims/model.rb b/lib/utils/shims/model.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 26a82c4..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/shims/model.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-module OpenTox
- # Shims for the Task class
- class Model
- def feature_type(subjectid=nil)
- unless @feature_type
- get unless metadata[OT.dependentVariables.to_s]
- raise "cannot determine feature type, dependent variable missing" unless metadata[OT.dependentVariables.to_s]
- @feature_type = OpenTox::Feature.find( metadata[OT.dependentVariables.to_s][0], subjectid ).feature_type
- end
- @feature_type
- end
- def predicted_variable(subjectid=nil)
- load_predicted_variables(subjectid) unless defined? @predicted_var
- @predicted_var
- end
- def predicted_confidence(subjectid=nil)
- load_predicted_variables(subjectid) unless defined? @predicted_conf
- @predicted_conf
- end
- private
- def load_predicted_variables(subjectid=nil)
- metadata[OT.predictedVariables.to_s].each do |f|
- feat = OpenTox::Feature.find( f, subjectid )
- if feat.title =~ /confidence/
- @predicted_conf = f
- else
- @predicted_var = f unless @predicted_var
- end
- end
- end
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/utils/shims/opentox.rb b/lib/utils/shims/opentox.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index c10d535..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/shims/opentox.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-* Name: opentox.rb
-* Description: Architecture shims
-* Author: Andreas Maunz <>
-* Date: 10/2012
-# This avoids having to prefix everything with "RDF::" (e.g. "RDF::DC").
-# So that we can use our old code mostly as is.
-include RDF
-module OpenTox
- # Help function to provide the metadata= functionality.
- # Downward compatible to opentox-ruby.
- # @param [Hash] Key-Value pairs with the metadata
- # @return self
- def metadata=(hsh)
- hsh.each {|k,v|
- self[k]=v
- }
- end
- ### Index Structures
- # Create parameter positions map
- # @return [Hash] A hash with keys parameter names and values parameter positions
- def build_parameter_positions
- unless @parameter_positions
- @parameters = parameters
- @parameter_positions = @parameters.each_index.inject({}) { |h,idx|
- h[@parameters[idx][DC.title.to_s]] = idx
- h
- }
- end
- end
- ### Associative Search Operations
- # Search a model for a given parameter
- # @param[String] The parameter title
- # @return[Object] The parameter value
- def find_parameter_value(title)
- build_parameter_positions
- res = @parameters[@parameter_positions[title]][OT.paramValue.to_s] if @parameter_positions[title]
- res
- end
diff --git a/lib/utils/shims/task.rb b/lib/utils/shims/task.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ac8a7d..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/shims/task.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-* Name: task.rb
-* Description: Task shims
-* Author: Andreas Maunz <>
-* Date: 10/2012
-module OpenTox
- # Shims for the Task class
- class Task
- def, creator, subjectid=nil)
- create($task[:uri],subjectid,{ RDF::DC.description => description, RDF::DC.creator => creator},&
- end
- # Check status of a task
- # @return [String] Status
- def status
- self[RDF::OT.hasStatus]
- end
- def code
- RestClientWrapper.head(@uri).code
- end
- end
-module OpenTox
- class SubTask
- def initialize(task, min, max)
- #TODO add subtask code
- end
- def self.create(task, min, max)
- if task
-, min, max)
- else
- nil
- end
- end
- def waiting_for(task_uri)
- #TODO add subtask code
- end
- def progress(pct)
- #TODO add subtask code
- end
- def running?()
- #TODO add subtask code
- end
- end
-end \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/lib/utils/sparql/dataset.rb b/lib/utils/sparql/dataset.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index ecf55b6..0000000
--- a/lib/utils/sparql/dataset.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-* Name: dataset.rb
-* Description: Dataset SPARQL tools
-* Author: Andreas Maunz <>
-* Date: 10/2012
-module OpenTox
- class Dataset
- # Load features via SPARQL (fast)
- # @param [String] uri Dataset URI
- # @return [Array] features OpenTox::Features in order
- def self.find_features_sparql(uri)
- sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?s FROM <#{uri}> WHERE {
- ?s <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Feature}> ;
- <#{RDF::OLO.index}> ?fidx
- } ORDER BY ?fidx"
- OpenTox::Backend::FourStore.query(sparql, "text/uri-list").split("\n").collect { |uri| uri.strip }
- end
- # Load properties via SPARQL (fast)
- # @param [Array] uris URIs (assumed ordered)
- # @param [Hash] properties Properties (keys: user-defined identifier, values: rdf identifier as strings)
- # @return [Array] types Properties in order of URIs
- def self.find_props_sparql(uris, props)
- selects = props.keys
- conditions = selects.collect{ |k|
- "<#{props[k]}> ?#{k.to_s}"
- }
- h={}
- uris.each{ |uri|
- sparql = "SELECT ?id #{selects.collect{|k| "?#{k.to_s}"}.join(" ")} FROM <#{uri}> WHERE { ?id #{conditions.join(";")} }"
- res = OpenTox::Backend::FourStore.query(sparql, "text/uri-list")
- res.split("\n").inject(h){ |h,row|
- values = row.split("\t")
- id=values.shift
- h[id] = {}
- values.each_with_index { |val,idx|
- h[id][selects[idx]] = [] unless h[id][selects[idx]]
- h[id][selects[idx]] << val.to_s
- }
- h
- }
- }
- h
- end
- # Load compounds via SPARQL (fast)
- # @param [String] uri Dataset URI
- # @return [Array] compounds Compounds in order
- def self.find_compounds_sparql(uri)
- sparql = "SELECT DISTINCT ?compound FROM <#{uri}> WHERE {
- ?compound <#{RDF.type}> <#{RDF::OT.Compound}> ;
- <#{RDF::OLO.index}> ?cidx;
- } ORDER BY ?cidx"
- OpenTox::Backend::FourStore.query(sparql, "text/uri-list").split("\n").collect { |uri| uri.strip }
- end
- # Load data entries via SPARQL (fast)
- # @param [String] uri Dataset uri
- # @return [Array] entries Data entries, ordered primarily over cols and secondarily over rows
- def self.find_data_entries_sparql(uri)
- sparql = "SELECT ?value FROM <#{uri}> WHERE {
- ?data_entry <#{RDF::OLO.index}> ?cidx ;
- <#{RDF::OT.values}> ?v .
- ?v <#{RDF::OT.feature}> ?f;
- <#{RDF::OT.value}> ?value .
- ?f <#{RDF::OLO.index}> ?fidx.
- } ORDER BY ?fidx ?cidx"
- OpenTox::Backend::FourStore.query(sparql,"text/uri-list").split("\n").collect { |val| val.strip }
- end
- end