path: root/lib
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2010-09-13 17:09:37 +0200
committerChristoph Helma <>2010-09-13 17:09:37 +0200
commita05eefb79f82b79d609448e44d0ab533d2593a0f (patch)
tree693c0708d59134778a11f80e46fb424e0da2c1e5 /lib
parent0e69de27fca7c1a13e3f38dd52d625e6b6e31758 (diff)
intermediary commit for new owl serializer
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
3 files changed, 320 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/lib/opentox-ruby-api-wrapper.rb b/lib/opentox-ruby-api-wrapper.rb
index bae1155..d9db4ac 100644
--- a/lib/opentox-ruby-api-wrapper.rb
+++ b/lib/opentox-ruby-api-wrapper.rb
@@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ rescue LoadError
puts "Please install Openbabel with 'rake openbabel:install' in the compound component"
-['owl', 'compound','dataset','algorithm','model','task','validation','utils','features', 'ot-logger', 'overwrite', 'rest_client_wrapper'].each do |lib|
+['owl-serializer', 'compound','dataset','algorithm','model','task','validation','utils','features', 'ot-logger', 'overwrite', 'rest_client_wrapper'].each do |lib|
require lib
diff --git a/lib/owl-serializer.rb b/lib/owl-serializer.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8257b78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/owl-serializer.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+require 'rdf'
+require 'rdf/raptor'
+require 'rdf/ntriples'
+# RDF namespaces
+include RDF
+OT = ''
+module OpenTox
+ class OwlSerializer
+ # to get correct owl-dl, properties and objects have to be typed
+ # i.e. the following triple is insufficient:
+ # ModelXY,ot:algorithm,AlgorithmXY
+ # further needed:
+ # ot:algorithm,rdf:type,owl:ObjectProperty
+ # AlgorithmXY,rdf:type,ot:Algorithm
+ # ot:Algorithm,rdf:type,owl:Class DONE
+ attr_accessor :model
+ def initialize(klass,uri)
+ @model =
+ @model << [, RDF.type, OT[klass] ]
+ @model << [ OT[klass], RDF.type, OWL.Class ]
+ # add class statements from OT
+'', :format => :rdfxml).each_statement do |statement|
+ @model << statement if statement.predicate == RDF.type #and statement.object == OWL.class
+ end
+ end
+ # build new owl object
+ # klass is the class of this object, should be a string like "Model", "Task", ...
+ # uri is name and identifier of this object
+ def self.create( klass, uri )
+ end
+ def rdf
+ RDF::Writer.for(:rdfxml).buffer do |writer|
+ writer << @model
+ #@model.each do |statement|
+ #writer << statement
+ #end
+ end
+ end
+ # sets values of current_node (by default root_node)
+ #
+ # note: this does not delete existing triples
+ # * there can be several triples for the same subject and predicate
+ # ( e.g. after set("description","bla1") and set("description","bla2")
+ # both descriptions are in the model,
+ # but the get("description") will give you only one object (by chance)
+ # * this does not matter in pratice (only dataset uses this -> load_dataset-methods)
+ # * identical values appear only once in rdf
+ def annotate(predicate, object)
+ @model << [ @model.to_uri, DC[predicate],, :datatype => XSD.String) ]
+ @model << [ DC[predicate], RDF.type, OWL.AnnotationProperty ]
+ end
+ def set(predicate, object, current_node=@root_node )
+ pred = predicate.to_s
+ raise "uri is no prop, cannot set uri" if pred=="uri"
+ raise "dc[identifier] deprecated, use owl.uri" if pred=="identifier"
+ if (object.is_a?(Redland::Node) and object.blank?) or nil==object or object.to_s.size==0
+ # set only not-nil values
+ LOGGER.warn "skipping (not setting) empty value in rdf for property: '"+pred+"'"
+ return
+ end
+ if pred=="type"
+ # predicate is type, set class of current node
+ set_type(object, current_node)
+ elsif LITERAL_TYPES.has_key?(pred)
+ # predicate is literal
+ set_literal(pred,object,LITERAL_TYPES[pred],current_node)
+ elsif OBJECT_PROPERTY_CLASS.has_key?(pred)
+ # predicte is objectProperty, object is another resource
+ set_object_property(pred,object,OBJECT_PROPERTY_CLASS[pred],current_node)
+ else
+ raise "unkonwn rdf-property, please add: '"+pred+"' to OpenTox::OWL.OBJECT_PROPERTY_CLASS or OpenTox::OWL.LITERAL_TYPES"
+ end
+ end
+ # example-triples for setting rdf-type to model:
+ # model_xy,rdf:type,ot:Model
+ # ot:Model,rdf:type,owl:Class
+ def set_type(ot_class, current_node=@root_node)
+ add current_node, RDF.type, node(ot_class)
+ add node(ot_class), RDF_TYPE, OWL_TYPE_CLASS
+ end
+ # example-triples for setting description of a model:
+ # model_xy,ot:description,bla..bla^^xml:string
+ # ot:description,rdf:type,owl:Literal
+ def set_literal(literal_name, literal_value, literal_datatype, current_node=@root_node)
+ add current_node, node(literal_name), literal_value# TODO add literal_datatype
+ add node(literal_name), RDF_TYPE, OWL_TYPE_LITERAL
+ end
+ # example-triples for setting algorithm property of a model:
+ # model_xy,ot:algorithm,algorihtm_xy
+ # ot:algorithm,rdf:type,owl:ObjectProperty
+ # algorihtm_xy,rdf:type,ot:Algorithm
+ # ot:Algorithm,rdf:type,owl:Class
+ def set_object_property(property, object, object_class, current_node=@root_node)
+ object_node =
+ add current_node, node(property), object_node
+ add node(property), RDF_TYPE, OWL_TYPE_OBJECT_PROPERTY
+ add object_node, RDF_TYPE, node(object_class)
+ add node(object_class), RDF_TYPE, OWL_TYPE_CLASS
+ end
+ def add(s,p,o)
+ @triples << "#{s} #{p} #{o}.\n".gsub(/\[/,'<').gsub(/\]/,'>')
+ end
+ # this is (a recursiv method) to set nested-data via hashes (not only simple properties)
+ # example (for a dataset)
+ # { :description => "bla",
+ # :dataEntry => { :compound => "compound_uri",
+ # :values => [ { :class => "FeatureValue"
+ # :feature => "feat1",
+ # :value => 42 },
+ # { :class => "FeatureValue"
+ # :feature => "feat2",
+ # :value => 123 } ] } }
+ def set_data(hash, current_node=@root_node)
+ hash.each do |k,v|
+ if v.is_a?(Hash)
+ # value is again a hash
+ prop = k.to_s
+ # :class is a special key to specify the class value, if not defined in OBJECT_PROPERTY_CLASS
+ object_class = v.has_key?(:class) ? v.delete(:class) : OBJECT_PROPERTY_CLASS[prop]
+ raise "hash key must be a object-property, please add '"+prop.to_s+
+ "' to OpenTox::OWL.OBJECT_PROPERTY_CLASS or specify :class value" unless object_class
+ # the new node is a class node, to specify the uri of the resource use key :uri
+ if v[:uri]
+ # identifier is either a specified uri
+ class_node =
+ else
+ # or a new uri, make up internal uri with increment
+ class_node = new_class_node(object_class,current_node)
+ end
+ set_object_property(prop,class_node,object_class,current_node)
+ # recursivly call set_data method with new node
+ set_data(v,class_node)
+ elsif v.is_a?(Array)
+ # value is an array, each array element is added with current key as predicate
+ v.each do |value|
+ set_data( { k => value }, current_node )
+ end
+ else
+ # neither hash nor array, call simple set-method
+ set( k, v, current_node )
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # create a new (internal class) node with unique, uri-like name
+ def new_class_node(name, current_node=@root_node)
+ # to avoid anonymous nodes, make up uris for sub-objects
+ # use counter to make sure each uri is unique
+ # for example we will get ../confusion_matrix_cell/1, ../confusion_matrix_cell/2, ...
+ count = 1
+ while (true)
+ res = File.join(current_node.uri.to_s,name.to_s,count.to_s) )
+ match = false
+ @model.find(nil, nil, res) do |s,p,o|
+ match = true
+ break
+ end
+ if match
+ count += 1
+ else
+ break
+ end
+ end
+ return res
+ end
+ # for "backwards-compatiblity"
+ # better use directly:
+ # set_data( { "parameters" => [ { "title" => <t>, "paramScope" => <s>, "paramValue" => <v> } ] )
+ def parameters=(params)
+ converted_params = []
+ params.each do |name, settings|
+ converted_params << { :title => name, :paramScope => settings[:scope], :paramValue => settings[:value] }
+ end
+ set_data( :parameters => converted_params )
+ end
+ # PENDING move to dataset.rb
+ # this is for dataset.to_owl
+ # adds feautre value for a single compound
+ def add_data_entries(compound_uri,features)
+ data_entry = { :compound => compound_uri }
+ if features
+ feature_values = []
+ features.each do |f|
+ f.each do |feature_uri,value|
+ if value.is_a?(Hash)
+ complex_values = []
+ value.each do |uri,v|
+ complex_values << { :feature => uri, :value => v }
+ end
+ feature_values << { :class => "Tuple", :feature => feature_uri, :complexValue => complex_values }
+ else
+ feature_values << { :class => "FeatureValue", :feature => feature_uri, :value => value }
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ data_entry[:values] = feature_values
+ end
+ set_data( :dataEntry => data_entry )
+ end
+ # PENDING move to dataset.rb
+ # feature values are not loaded for performance reasons
+ # loading compounds and features into arrays that are given as params
+ def load_dataset( compounds, features )
+ @model.subjects(RDF_TYPE, node('Compound')).each do |compound|
+ compounds << get_value(compound)
+ end
+ @model.subjects(RDF_TYPE, node('Feature')).each do |feature|
+ feature_value_found=false
+ @model.find(nil, node("feature"), feature) do |potential_feature_value,p,o|
+ @model.find(nil, node("values"), potential_feature_value) do |s,p,o|
+ feature_value_found=true
+ break
+ end
+ break if feature_value_found
+ end
+ features << get_value(feature) if feature_value_found
+ end
+ LOGGER.debug "loaded "+compounds.size.to_s+" compounds and "+features.size.to_s+" features from dataset "+uri.to_s
+ end
+ # PENDING move to dataset.rb
+ # loading feature values for the specified feature
+ # if feature is nil, all feature values are loaded
+ #
+ # general remark on the rdf loading (found out with some testing):
+ # the search methods (subjects/find) are fast, the time consuming parts is creating resources,
+ # which cannot be avoided in general
+ def load_dataset_feature_values( compounds, data, feature_uris )
+ raise "no feature-uri array" unless feature_uris.is_a?(Array)
+ # values are stored in the data-hash, hash has a key for each compound
+ compounds.each{|c| data[c] = [] unless data[c]}
+ count = 0
+ feature_uris.each do |feature_uri|
+ LOGGER.debug("load feature values for feature: "+feature_uri )
+ feature_node =
+ # search for all feature_value_node with property 'ot_feature' and the feature we are looking for
+ @model.find(nil, node('feature'), feature_node) do |feature_value_node,p,o|
+ # get compound_uri by "backtracking" to values node (property is 'values'), then get compound_node via 'compound'
+ value_nodes = @model.subjects(node('values'),feature_value_node)
+ if value_nodes.size>0
+ raise "more than one value node "+value_nodes.size.to_s if value_nodes.size>1
+ value_node = value_nodes[0]
+ compound_uri = get_value( @model.object(value_node, node('compound')) )
+ unless compound_uri
+ LOGGER.warn "'compound' missing for data-entry of feature "+feature_uri.to_s+
+ ", value: "+@model.object(feature_value_node,node("value")).to_s
+ next
+ end
+ value_node_type = @model.object(feature_value_node, RDF_TYPE)
+ if (value_node_type == node('FeatureValue'))
+ value_literal = @model.object( feature_value_node, node('value'))
+ raise "plain feature value no literal: "+value_literal.to_s unless value_literal.is_a?(Redland::Literal)
+ data[compound_uri] << {feature_uri => value_literal.get_value }
+ elsif (value_node_type == node('Tuple'))
+ complex_values = {}
+ @model.find(feature_value_node,node('complexValue'),nil) do |p,s,complex_value|
+ complex_value_type = @model.object(complex_value, RDF_TYPE)
+ raise "complex feature value no feature value: "+complex_value.to_s unless complex_value_type==node('FeatureValue')
+ complex_feature_uri = get_value(@model.object( complex_value, node('feature')))
+ complex_value = @model.object( complex_value, node('value'))
+ raise "complex value no literal: "+complex_value.to_s unless complex_value.is_a?(Redland::Literal)
+ complex_values[ complex_feature_uri ] = complex_value.get_value
+ end
+ data[compound_uri] << { feature_uri => complex_values } if complex_values.size>0
+ end
+ count += 1
+ LOGGER.debug "loading feature values ("+count.to_s+")" if (count%1000 == 0)
+ end
+ end
+ LOGGER.debug "loaded "+count.to_s+" feature values for feature "+feature_node.to_s
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/owl.rb b/lib/owl.rb
index 08041b6..f4128ee 100644
--- a/lib/owl.rb
+++ b/lib/owl.rb
@@ -271,7 +271,12 @@ module OpenTox
#output = RDF::Writer.for(:rdfxml).buffer do |writer|
RDF::Writer.for(:rdfxml).buffer do |writer|
@triples.each do |statement|
+ begin
writer << statement
+ rescue => e
+ LOGGER.error e
+ statement.inspect
+ end
@@ -392,7 +397,7 @@ module OpenTox
def add(s,p,o)
#@triples << "#{s} #{p} #{o}.\n".gsub(/\[/,'<').gsub(/\]/,'>')
- @triples << [s.to_s.sub(/\[/,'').sub(/\]/,''),p.to_s.sub(/\[/,'').sub(/\]/,''),o.to_s.sub(/\[/,'').sub(/\]/,'')]
+ @triples << [\[/,'').sub(/\]/,'')),\[/,'').sub(/\]/,'')),o.to_s.sub(/\[/,'').sub(/\]/,'')]
#@model.add s,p,o