path: root/lib
diff options
authorChristoph Helma <>2016-11-10 15:27:26 +0100
committerChristoph Helma <>2016-11-10 15:27:26 +0100
commit9a06f2ff5ae6bdbe7dc90555599e186f1585e0d2 (patch)
treec9cbb63f398c2937f3cba78a9976c7356a3f79a4 /lib
parent85ef2c4982f72c811d5e9fa4ce22e238c512fe6e (diff)
Model::NanoPrediction parameters
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
4 files changed, 30 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/lib/caret.rb b/lib/caret.rb
index 18bfc41..7e4f771 100644
--- a/lib/caret.rb
+++ b/lib/caret.rb
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ module OpenTox
independent_variables.delete_at i
query_variables.delete_at i
- if independent_variables.flatten.uniq == ["NA"]
+ if independent_variables.flatten.uniq == ["NA"] or independent_variables.flatten.uniq == []
prediction = Algorithm::Regression::weighted_average dependent_variables:dependent_variables, weights:weights
prediction[:warning] = "No variables for regression model. Using weighted average of similar substances."
diff --git a/lib/import.rb b/lib/import.rb
index 541c9b5..8f640b1 100644
--- a/lib/import.rb
+++ b/lib/import.rb
@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@ module OpenTox
class Enanomapper
include OpenTox
- def self.mirror dir="."
+ def self.mirror dir=nil
+ # clean download dir
+ dir ||= File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","data","enm")
+ FileUtils.rm_rf dir
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p dir
#get list of bundle URIs
bundles = JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(''))["dataset"],"bundles.json"),"w+"){|f| f.puts JSON.pretty_generate(bundles)}
diff --git a/lib/model.rb b/lib/model.rb
index 549cbd2..809dc48 100644
--- a/lib/model.rb
+++ b/lib/model.rb
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ module OpenTox
model.algorithms[type] = parameters
- end
+ end if algorithms
# parse dependent_variables from training dataset
training_dataset.substances.each do |substance|
@@ -249,6 +249,7 @@ module OpenTox
elsif neighbor_similarities.size == 1
prediction.merge!({:value => dependent_variables.first, :probabilities => nil, :warning => "Only one similar compound in the training set. Predicting its experimental value.", :neighbors => [{:id => neighbor_ids.first, :similarity => neighbor_similarities.first}]})
+ query_descriptors.collect!{|d| d ? 1 : 0} if independent_variables[0][0].numeric?
# call prediction algorithm
result = algorithms[:prediction][:method], dependent_variables:neighbor_dependent_variables,independent_variables:neighbor_independent_variables ,weights:neighbor_similarities, query_variables:query_descriptors
prediction.merge! result
@@ -343,7 +344,7 @@ module OpenTox
field :unit, type: String
field :model_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
field :repeated_crossvalidation_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
- field :leave_one_out_validation_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ #field :leave_one_out_validation_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
def predict object
model.predict object
@@ -398,42 +399,28 @@ module OpenTox
class NanoPrediction < Prediction
- def self.from_json_dump dir, category
- Import::Enanomapper.import dir
- training_dataset = Dataset.where(:name => "Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles").first
- unless training_dataset
- Import::Enanomapper.import File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"data","enm")
+ def self.create training_dataset: nil, prediction_feature:nil, algorithms: nil
+ # find/import training_dataset
+ training_dataset ||= Dataset.where(:name => "Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles").first
+ unless training_dataset # try to import from json dump
+ Import::Enanomapper.import
training_dataset = Dataset.where(name: "Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles").first
+ unless training_dataset
+ Import::Enanomapper.mirror
+ Import::Enanomapper.import
+ training_dataset = Dataset.where(name: "Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles").first
+ bad_request_error "Cannot import 'Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles' dataset" unless training_dataset
+ end
- prediction_model =
- :endpoint => "log2(Net cell association)",
- :source => "",
- :species => "A549 human lung epithelial carcinoma cells",
- :unit => "log2(ug/Mg)"
- )
- prediction_feature = Feature.where(name: "log2(Net cell association)", category: "TOX").first
- model = Model::LazarRegression.create(prediction_feature: prediction_feature, training_dataset: training_dataset)
- prediction_model[:model_id] =
- repeated_cv = Validation::RepeatedCrossValidation.create model
- prediction_model[:repeated_crossvalidation_id] = Validation::RepeatedCrossValidation.create(model).id
- #prediction_model[:leave_one_out_validation_id] = Validation::LeaveOneOut.create(model).id
- prediction_model
- end
+ prediction_feature ||= Feature.where(name: "log2(Net cell association)", category: "TOX").first
- def self.create dir: dir, algorithms: algorithms
- training_dataset = Dataset.where(:name => "Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles").first
- unless training_dataset
- Import::Enanomapper.import dir
- training_dataset = Dataset.where(name: "Protein Corona Fingerprinting Predicts the Cellular Interaction of Gold and Silver Nanoparticles").first
- end
prediction_model =
- :endpoint => "log2(Net cell association)",
- :source => "",
+ :endpoint =>,
+ :source => prediction_feature.source,
:species => "A549 human lung epithelial carcinoma cells",
- :unit => "log2(ug/Mg)"
+ :unit => prediction_feature.unit
- prediction_feature = Feature.where(name: "log2(Net cell association)", category: "TOX").first
model = Model::LazarRegression.create(prediction_feature: prediction_feature, training_dataset: training_dataset, algorithms: algorithms)
prediction_model[:model_id] =
repeated_cv = Validation::RepeatedCrossValidation.create model
diff --git a/lib/similarity.rb b/lib/similarity.rb
index 772e812..0901936 100644
--- a/lib/similarity.rb
+++ b/lib/similarity.rb
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ module OpenTox
( fingerprints[0] & fingerprints[1]).size/(fingerprints[0]|fingerprints[1]).size.to_f
+ #def self.weighted_tanimoto fingerprints
+ #( fingerprints[0] & fingerprints[1]).size/(fingerprints[0]|fingerprints[1]).size.to_f
+ #end
def self.euclid scaled_properties
sq = scaled_properties[0].zip(scaled_properties[1]).map{|a,b| (a - b) ** 2}
Math.sqrt(sq.inject(0) {|s,c| s + c})