diff options
5 files changed, 214 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/lib/error.rb b/lib/error.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b92f2a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/error.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# adding additional fields to Exception class to format errors according to OT-API
+class Exception
+ attr_accessor :errorCause
+ def http_code; 500; end
+module OpenTox
+ class BadRequestError < RuntimeError
+ def http_code; 400; end
+ end
+ class NotAuthorizedError < RuntimeError
+ def http_code; 401; end
+ end
+ class NotFoundError < RuntimeError
+ def http_code; 404; end
+ end
+ class ServiceUnavailableError < RuntimeError
+ def http_code; 503; end
+ end
+ class RestCallError < RuntimeError
+ attr_accessor :rest_params
+ def http_code; 502; end
+ end
+ class ErrorReport
+ # TODO replace params with URIs (errorCause -> OT.errorCause)
+ attr_reader :message, :actor, :errorCause, :http_code, :errorDetails, :errorType
+ private
+ def initialize( http_code, erroType, message, actor, errorCause, rest_params=nil, backtrace=nil )
+ @http_code = http_code
+ @errorType = erroType
+ @message = message
+ @actor = actor
+ @errorCause = errorCause
+ @rest_params = rest_params
+ @backtrace = backtrace
+ end
+ public
+ # creates a error report object, from an ruby-exception object
+ # @param [Exception] error
+ # @param [String] actor, URI of the call that cause the error
+ def self.create( error, actor )
+ rest_params = error.rest_params if error.is_a?(OpenTox::RestCallError) and error.rest_params
+ backtrace = error.backtrace.short_backtrace if CONFIG[:backtrace]
+ error.http_code, error.class.to_s, error.message, actor, error.errorCause, rest_params, backtrace )
+ end
+ def self.from_rdf(rdf)
+ metadata = OpenTox::Parser::Owl.from_rdf( rdf, OT.ErrorReport ).metadata
+[OT.statusCode], metadata[OT.errorCode], metadata[OT.message], metadata[], metadata[OT.errorCause])
+ end
+ # overwrite sorting to make easier readable
+ def to_yaml_properties
+ p = super
+ p = ( p - ["@backtrace"]) + ["@backtrace"] if @backtrace
+ p = ( p - ["@errorCause"]) + ["@errorCause"] if @errorCause
+ p
+ end
+ def rdf_content()
+ c = {
+ RDF.type => [OT.ErrorReport],
+ OT.statusCode => @http_code,
+ OT.message => @message,
+ => @actor,
+ OT.errorCode => @errorType,
+ }
+ c[OT.errorCause] = @errorCause.rdf_content if @errorCause
+ c
+ end
+ def to_rdfxml
+ s =
+ s.add_resource(CONFIG[:services]["opentox-task"]+"/tmpId/ErrorReport/tmpId", OT.errorReport, rdf_content)
+ s.to_rdfxml
+ end
+ end
+class Array
+ def short_backtrace
+ short = []
+ each do |c|
+ break if c =~ /sinatra\/base/
+ short << c
+ end
+ short.join("\n")
+ end
diff --git a/lib/spork.rb b/lib/spork.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c77b5b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/spork.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+# A way to cleanly handle process forking in Sinatra when using Passenger, aka "sporking some code".
+# This will allow you to properly execute some code asynchronously, which otherwise does not work correctly.
+# Written by Ron Evans
+# More info at
+# Mostly lifted from the Spawn plugin for Rails (
+# but with all of the Rails stuff removed.... cause you are using Sinatra. If you are using Rails, Spawn is
+# what you need. If you are using something else besides Sinatra that is Rack-based under Passenger, and you are having trouble with
+# asynch processing, let me know if spork helped you.
+module Spork
+ # things to close in child process
+ @@resources = []
+ def self.resources
+ @@resources
+ end
+ # set the resource to disconnect from in the child process (when forking)
+ def self.resource_to_close(resource)
+ @@resources << resource
+ end
+ # close all the resources added by calls to resource_to_close
+ def self.close_resources
+ @@resources.each do |resource|
+ resource.close if resource && resource.respond_to?(:close) && !resource.closed?
+ end
+ @@resources = []
+ end
+ # actually perform the fork... er, spork
+ # valid options are:
+ # :priority => to set the process priority of the child
+ # :logger => a logger object to use from the child
+ # :no_detach => true if you want to keep the child process under the parent control. usually you do NOT want this
+ def self.spork(options={})
+ logger = options[:logger]
+ logger.debug "spork> parent PID = #{}" if logger
+ child = fork do
+ begin
+ start =
+ logger.debug "spork> child PID = #{}" if logger
+ # set the nice priority if needed
+ Process.setpriority(Process::PRIO_PROCESS, 0, options[:priority]) if options[:priority]
+ # disconnect from the rack
+ Spork.close_resources
+ # run the block of code that takes so long
+ yield
+ rescue => ex
+ #raise ex
+ logger.error "spork> Exception in child[#{}] - #{ex.class}: #{ex.message}" if logger
+ ensure
+ "spork> child[#{}] took #{ - start} sec" if logger
+ # this form of exit doesn't call at_exit handlers
+ exit!(0)
+ end
+ end
+ # detach from child process (parent may still wait for detached process if they wish)
+ Process.detach(child) unless options[:no_detach]
+ return child
+ end
+# Patch to work with passenger
+if defined? Passenger::Rack::RequestHandler
+ class Passenger::Rack::RequestHandler
+ alias_method :orig_process_request, :process_request
+ def process_request(env, input, output)
+ Spork.resource_to_close(input)
+ Spork.resource_to_close(output)
+ orig_process_request(env, input, output)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/task.rb b/lib/task.rb
index 0adb7a0..aee6c62 100644
--- a/lib/task.rb
+++ b/lib/task.rb
@@ -1,62 +1,31 @@
+require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),'spork')
module OpenTox
# Class for handling asynchronous tasks
class Task
- def self.create service_uri
- #eval("#{self}.new(\"#{uri}\", #{subjectid})")
- end
- def http_code
- get(@uri).code
- end
- def status
- metadata[RDF::OT.hasStatus].to_s
- end
- def result_uri
- metadata[RDF::OT.resultURI]
+ def self.create service_uri, params={}
+ task =,params).chomp
+ pid = Spork.spork { yield }
+ = pid
+ task
def description
- def errorReport
- metadata[RDF::OT.errorReport]
- end
def cancel
- RestClient.put(File.join(@uri,'Cancelled'),{:cannot_be => "empty"})
+ RestClient.put(File.join(@uri,'Cancelled'),{})
def completed(uri)
RestClient.put(File.join(@uri,'Completed'),{:resultURI => uri})
- def error(error_report)
- raise "no error report" unless error_report.is_a?(OpenTox::ErrorReport)
- RestClient.put(File.join(@uri,'Error'),{:errorReport => error_report.to_yaml})
- end
- def pid=(pid)
- RestClient.put(File.join(@uri,'pid'), {:pid => pid})
- end
- def running?
- metadata[RDF::OT.hasStatus] == 'Running'
- end
- def completed?
- metadata[RDF::OT.hasStatus] == 'Completed'
- end
- def error?
- metadata[RDF::OT.hasStatus] == 'Error'
+ def error(error)
+ RestClient.put(File.join(@uri,'Error'),{:errorReport =>})
# waits for a task, unless time exceeds or state is no longer running
@@ -69,4 +38,23 @@ module OpenTox
+ def method_missing(method,*args)
+ method = method.to_s
+ begin
+ case method
+ when /=/
+ res = RestClient.put(File.join(@uri,method.sub(/=/,'')),{})
+ super unless res.code == 200
+ when /\?/
+ return metadata[RDF::OT.hasStatus] == method.sub(/\?/,'').capitalize
+ else
+ return metadata[RDF::OT[method]].to_s
+ end
+ rescue
+ super
+ end
+ end
+ #TODO: subtasks
diff --git a/test/rest.rb b/test/rest.rb
index bb91b68..52ca55d 100644
--- a/test/rest.rb
+++ b/test/rest.rb
@@ -6,9 +6,7 @@ class RestTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_post_get_delete
uri = ""
- dataset_service = uri
- assert_match /#{uri}/, dataset_service.get
- dataset =
+ dataset = OpenTox::Dataset.create uri
assert_match /#{uri}/, dataset.uri.to_s
metadata = dataset.metadata
assert_equal RDF::OT.Dataset, metadata[RDF.type]
diff --git a/test/task.rb b/test/task.rb
index 1f0c9c2..5828223 100644
--- a/test/task.rb
+++ b/test/task.rb
@@ -15,10 +15,10 @@ class TaskTest < Test::Unit::TestCase
def test_create_and_complete
task = OpenTox::Task.create TASK_SERVICE_URI
- assert_equal "Running", task.status
+ assert_equal "Running", task.hasStatus
task.completed ""
- assert_equal "Completed", task.status
- assert_equal "", task.result_uri
+ assert_equal "Completed", task.hasStatus
+ assert_equal "", task.resultURI