path: root/lib/download.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib/download.rb')
1 files changed, 358 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/download.rb b/lib/download.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2546dc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/download.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,358 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class Download
+ DATA = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","data")
+ # Download classification dataset from PubChem into the data folder
+ # @param [Integer] aid PubChem Assay ID
+ # @param [String] active Name for the "Active" class
+ # @param [String] inactive Name for the "Inactive" class
+ # @param [String] species Species name
+ # @param [String] endpoint Endpoint name
+ # @param [Hash] qmrf Name and group for QMRF reports (optional)
+ def self.pubchem_classification aid: , active: , inactive: , species: , endpoint:, qmrf: nil
+ aid_url = File.join PUBCHEM_URI, "assay/aid/#{aid}"
+ # Get assay data in chunks
+ # Assay record retrieval is limited to 10000 SIDs
+ #$_Toc458584435
+ list = JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(File.join aid_url, "sids/JSON?list_return=listkey").to_s)["IdentifierList"]
+ listkey = list["ListKey"]
+ size = list["Size"]
+ start = 0
+ csv = []
+ while start < size
+ url = File.join aid_url, "CSV?sid=listkey&listkey=#{listkey}&listkey_start=#{start}&listkey_count=10000"
+ csv += CSV.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(url).to_s).select{|r| r[0].match /^\d/} # discard header rows
+ start += 10000
+ end
+ warnings = []
+ name = endpoint.gsub(" ","_")+"-"+species.gsub(" ","_")
+ $logger.debug name
+ table = [["SID","SMILES",name]]
+ csv.each_slice(100) do |slice| # get SMILES in chunks, size limit is 100
+ cids = slice.collect{|s| s[2]}
+ pubchem_cids = []
+ JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(File.join(PUBCHEM_URI,"compound/cid/#{cids.join(",")}/property/CanonicalSMILES/JSON")).to_s)["PropertyTable"]["Properties"].each do |prop|
+ i = cids.index(prop["CID"].to_s)
+ value = slice[i][3]
+ if value == "Active"
+ table << [slice[i][1].to_s,prop["CanonicalSMILES"],active]
+ pubchem_cids << prop["CID"].to_s
+ elsif value == "Inactive"
+ table << [slice[i][1].to_s,prop["CanonicalSMILES"],inactive]
+ pubchem_cids << prop["CID"].to_s
+ else
+ warnings << "Ignoring CID #{prop["CID"]}/ SMILES #{prop["CanonicalSMILES"]}, because PubChem activity is '#{value}'."
+ end
+ end
+ (cids-pubchem_cids).each { |cid| warnings << "Could not retrieve SMILES for CID '#{cid}', all entries are ignored." }
+ end
+,name+".csv"),"w+"){|f| f.puts table.collect{|row| row.join(",")}.join("\n")}
+ meta = {
+ :species => species,
+ :endpoint => endpoint,
+ :source => "{aid}",
+ :qmrf => qmrf,
+ :warnings => warnings
+ }
+,name+".json"),"w+"){|f| f.puts meta.to_json}
+ File.join(DATA,name+".csv")
+ end
+ # Download regression dataset from PubChem into the data folder
+ # Uses -log10 transformed experimental data in mmol units
+ # @param [String] aid PubChem Assay ID
+ # @param [String] species Species name
+ # @param [String] endpoint Endpoint name
+ # @param [Hash] qmrf Name and group for QMRF reports (optional)
+ def self.pubchem_regression aid: , species: , endpoint:, qmrf: nil
+ aid_url = File.join PUBCHEM_URI, "assay/aid/#{aid}"
+ # Get assay data in chunks
+ # Assay record retrieval is limited to 10000 SIDs
+ #$_Toc458584435
+ list = JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(File.join aid_url, "sids/JSON?list_return=listkey").to_s)["IdentifierList"]
+ listkey = list["ListKey"]
+ size = list["Size"]
+ start = 0
+ csv = []
+ unit = nil
+ while start < size
+ url = File.join aid_url, "CSV?sid=listkey&listkey=#{listkey}&listkey_start=#{start}&listkey_count=10000"
+ # get unit
+ unit ||= CSV.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(url).to_s).select{|r| r[0] == "RESULT_UNIT"}[0][8]
+ csv += CSV.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(url).to_s).select{|r| r[0].match /^\d/} # discard header rows
+ start += 10000
+ end
+ warnings = []
+ name = endpoint.gsub(" ","_")+"-"+species.gsub(" ","_")
+ $logger.debug name
+ table = [["SID","SMILES","-log10(#{name} [#{unit}])"]]
+ csv.each_slice(100) do |slice| # get SMILES in chunks, size limit is 100
+ cids = slice.collect{|s| s[2]}
+ pubchem_cids = []
+ JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(File.join(PUBCHEM_URI,"compound/cid/#{cids.join(",")}/property/CanonicalSMILES/JSON")).to_s)["PropertyTable"]["Properties"].each do |prop|
+ i = cids.index(prop["CID"].to_s)
+ value = slice[i][8]
+ if value
+ value = -Math.log10(value.to_f)
+ table << [slice[i][1].to_s,prop["CanonicalSMILES"],value]
+ pubchem_cids << prop["CID"].to_s
+ else
+ warnings << "Ignoring CID #{prop["CID"]}/ SMILES #{prop["CanonicalSMILES"]}, because PubChem activity is '#{value}'."
+ end
+ end
+ (cids-pubchem_cids).each { |cid| warnings << "Could not retrieve SMILES for CID '#{cid}', all entries are ignored." }
+ end
+,name+".csv"),"w+"){|f| f.puts table.collect{|row| row.join(",")}.join("\n")}
+ meta = {
+ :species => species,
+ :endpoint => endpoint,
+ :source => "{aid}",
+ :unit => unit,
+ :qmrf => qmrf,
+ :warnings => warnings
+ }
+,name+".json"),"w+"){|f| f.puts meta.to_json}
+ File.join(DATA,name+".csv")
+ end
+ # Combine mutagenicity data from Kazius, Hansen and EFSA and download into the data folder
+ def self.mutagenicity
+ $logger.debug "Mutagenicity"
+ hansen_url = ""
+ kazius_url = ""
+ efsa_url = " data and dictionary.xls"
+ parts = File.join(DATA, "parts")
+ FileUtils.mkdir_p parts
+ Dir[File.join(parts,"hansen.*")].each{|f| FileUtils.rm f }
+ Dir[File.join(parts,"cas_4337.*")].each{|f| FileUtils.rm f }
+ Dir[File.join(parts,"efsa.*")].each{|f| FileUtils.rm f }
+,"hansen-original.csv"),"w+"){|f| f.puts RestClientWrapper.get(hansen_url).to_s }
+ # convert hansen
+ hansen = File.join(parts,"hansen-original.csv")
+ hansen.shift
+ map = {"0" => "non-mutagenic","1" => "mutagenic"}
+,"hansen.csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ f.puts "ID,SMILES,Mutagenicity"
+ hansen.each do |row|
+ f.puts [row[0],row[5],map[row[2]]].join ","
+ end
+ end
+,""),"w+"){|f| f.puts RestClientWrapper.get(kazius_url).to_s }
+ `cd #{parts} && unzip`
+ `cd #{parts} && wget #{URI.escape efsa_url} -O efsa.xls`
+ `cd #{parts} && xls2csv -s cp1252 -d utf-8 -x -c " " efsa.xls > efsa.tsv`
+ # convert EFSA data to mutagenicity classifications
+ i = 0
+ db = {}
+ CSV.foreach(File.join(parts,"efsa.tsv"), :encoding => "UTF-8", :col_sep => "\t", :liberal_parsing => true) do |row|
+ if i > 0 and row[11] and !row[11].empty? and row[24].match(/Salmonella/i) and ( row[25].match("TA 98") or row[25].match("TA 100") ) and row[33]
+ begin
+ c = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles(row[11].gsub('"','')).smiles
+ rescue
+ c = OpenTox::Compound.from_inchi(row[12]).smiles # some smiles (row[11]) contain non-parseable characters
+ end
+ db[c] ||= {}
+ db[c][:id] ||= row[2]
+ if row[33].match(/Positiv/i)
+ db[c][:value] = "mutagenic" # at least one positive result in TA 98 or TA 100
+ elsif row[33].match(/Negativ/i)
+ db[c][:value] ||= "non-mutagenic"
+ end
+ end
+ i += 1
+ end
+,"efsa.csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ f.puts "ID,SMILES,Mutagenicity"
+ db.each do |s,v|
+ f.puts [v[:id],s,v[:value]].join ","
+ end
+ end
+ # merge datasets
+ hansen = Dataset.from_csv_file File.join(parts,"hansen.csv")
+ efsa = Dataset.from_csv_file File.join(parts,"efsa.csv")
+ kazius = Dataset.from_sdf_file File.join(parts,"cas_4337.sdf")
+ datasets = [hansen,efsa,kazius]
+ map = {"mutagen" => "mutagenic", "nonmutagen" => "non-mutagenic"}
+ dataset = Dataset.merge datasets: datasets, features: datasets.collect{|d| d.bioactivity_features.first}, value_maps: [nil,nil,map], keep_original_features: false, remove_duplicates: true
+ = "Mutagenicity"
+,"Mutagenicity-Salmonella_typhimurium.csv"),"w+"){|f| f.puts dataset.to_training_csv}
+ meta = {
+ :species => "Salmonella typhimurium",
+ :endpoint => "Mutagenicity",
+ :source => [kazius_url,hansen_url,efsa_url].join(", "),
+ :qmrf => { "group": "QMRF 4.10. Mutagenicity", "name": "OECD 471 Bacterial Reverse Mutation Test"},
+ }
+,"Mutagenicity-Salmonella_typhimurium.json"),"w+"){|f| f.puts meta.to_json}
+ # cleanup
+ datasets << dataset
+ datasets.each{|d| d.delete }
+ File.join(DATA,"Mutagenicity-Salmonella_typhimurium.csv")
+ end
+ # Download Blood Brain Barrier Penetration dataset into the data folder
+ def self.blood_brain_barrier
+ url = ""
+ name = "Blood_Brain_Barrier_Penetration-Human"
+ $logger.debug name
+ map = {"n" => "non-penetrating", "p" => "penetrating"}
+ table = CSV.parse RestClientWrapper.get(url).to_s, :col_sep => "\t"
+,name+".csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ f.puts "ID,SMILES,#{name}"
+ table.each do |row|
+ f.puts [row[1],row[0],map[row[3]]].join(",")
+ end
+ end
+ meta = {
+ :species => "Human",
+ :endpoint => "Blood Brain Barrier Penetration",
+ :source => url,
+ :qmrf => {"name": "QMRF 5.4. Toxicokinetics.Blood-brain barrier penetration", "group": "QMRF 5. Toxicokinetics"},
+ }
+,name+".json"),"w+"){|f| f.puts meta.to_json}
+ end
+ # Download the combined LOAEL dataset from Helma et al 2018 into the data folder
+ def self.loael
+ # TODO: fix url??
+ url = ""
+ name = "Lowest_observed_adverse_effect_level-Rats"
+ $logger.debug name
+,name+".csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ CSV.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(url).to_s) do |row|
+ f.puts [row[0],row[1]].join ","
+ end
+ end
+ meta = {
+ :species => "Rat",
+ :endpoint => "Lowest observed adverse effect level",
+ :source => url,
+ :unit => "mmol/kg_bw/day",
+ :qmrf => {
+ "name": "QMRF 4.14. Repeated dose toxicity",
+ "group": "QMRF 4.Human Health Effects"
+ }
+ }
+,name+".json"),"w+"){|f| f.puts meta.to_json}
+ end
+ # Download Daphnia dataset from into the public folder
+ # The original file requires an email request, this is a temporary workaround
+ def self.daphnia
+ #url = ""
+ src = File.join(DATA,"parts","toxicity_data.xlsx")
+ name = "Acute_toxicity-Daphnia_magna"
+ $logger.debug name
+,name+".csv"),"w+") do |f|
+ i = 0
+ CSV.parse(`xlsx2csv #{src}`) do |row|
+ i == 0 ? v = "-log[LC50_mmol/L]" : v = -Math.log10(10**-row[3].to_f*1000)
+ f.puts [row[0],row[1],v].join(",")
+ i += 1
+ end
+ end
+ meta = { "species": "Daphnia magna",
+ "endpoint": "Acute toxicity",
+ "source": "",
+ "unit": "mmol/L",
+ "qmrf": {
+ "group": "QMRF 3.1. Short-term toxicity to Daphnia (immobilisation)",
+ "name": "EC C. 2. Daphnia sp Acute Immobilisation Test"
+ }
+ }
+,name+".json"),"w+"){|f| f.puts meta.to_json}
+ end
+ # Download all public lazar datasets into the data folder
+ def self.public_data
+ # Classification
+ [
+ {
+ :aid => 1205,
+ :species => "Rodents",
+ :endpoint => "Carcinogenicity",
+ :qmrf => {:group => "QMRF 4.12. Carcinogenicity", :name => "OECD 451 Carcinogenicity Studies"}
+ },{
+ :aid => 1208,
+ :species => "Rat",
+ :endpoint => "Carcinogenicity",
+ :qmrf => {:group => "QMRF 4.12. Carcinogenicity", :name => "OECD 451 Carcinogenicity Studies"}
+ },{
+ :aid => 1199,
+ :species => "Mouse",
+ :endpoint => "Carcinogenicity",
+ :qmrf => {:group => "QMRF 4.12. Carcinogenicity", :name => "OECD 451 Carcinogenicity Studies"}
+ }
+ ].each do |assay|
+ Download.pubchem_classification aid: assay[:aid], species: assay[:species], endpoint: assay[:endpoint], active: "carcinogenic", inactive: "non-carcinogenic", qmrf: assay[:qmrf]
+ end
+ Download.mutagenicity
+ Download.blood_brain_barrier
+ # Regression
+ [
+ {
+ :aid => 1195,
+ :species => "Human",
+ :endpoint => "Maximum Recommended Daily Dose",
+ :qmrf => {
+ "group": "QMRF 4.14. Repeated dose toxicity",
+ "name": "OECD 452 Chronic Toxicity Studies"
+ },
+ },{
+ :aid => 1208,
+ :species => "Rat (TD50)",
+ :endpoint => "Carcinogenicity",
+ :qmrf => {
+ :group => "QMRF 4.12. Carcinogenicity",
+ :name => "OECD 451 Carcinogenicity Studies"
+ }
+ },{
+ :aid => 1199,
+ :species => "Mouse (TD50)",
+ :endpoint => "Carcinogenicity",
+ :qmrf => {
+ :group => "QMRF 4.12. Carcinogenicity",
+ :name => "OECD 451 Carcinogenicity Studies"
+ }
+ },{
+ :aid => 1188,
+ :species => "Fathead minnow",
+ :endpoint => "Acute toxicity",
+ :qmrf => {
+ "group": "QMRF 3.3. Acute toxicity to fish (lethality)",
+ "name": "EC C. 1. Acute Toxicity for Fish"
+ }
+ }
+ ].each do |assay|
+ Download.pubchem_regression aid: assay[:aid], species: assay[:species], endpoint: assay[:endpoint], qmrf: assay[:qmrf]
+ end
+ Download.loael
+ Download.daphnia
+ # 1204 estrogen receptor
+ # 1259408, # GENE-TOX
+ # 1159563 HepG2 cytotoxicity assay
+ # 588209 hepatotoxicity
+ # 1259333 cytotoxicity
+ # 1159569 HepG2 cytotoxicity counterscreen Measured in Cell-Based System Using Plate Reader - 2153-03_Inhibitor_Dose_DryPowder_Activity
+ # 2122 HTS Counterscreen for Detection of Compound Cytotoxicity in MIN6 Cells
+ # 116724 Acute toxicity determined after intravenal administration in mice
+ # 1148549 Toxicity in po dosed mouse assessed as mortality after 7 days
+ end
+ end