path: root/lib/overwrite.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/overwrite.rb')
1 files changed, 24 insertions, 118 deletions
diff --git a/lib/overwrite.rb b/lib/overwrite.rb
index 4dafe8d..2eb0b39 100644
--- a/lib/overwrite.rb
+++ b/lib/overwrite.rb
@@ -36,61 +36,40 @@ class String
bad_request_error "invalid value for Boolean: \"#{self}\""
- # encloses URI in text with with link tag
- # @return [String] new text with marked links
- def link_urls
- self.gsub(/(?i)http(s?):\/\/[^\r\n\s']*/, '<a href="\0">\0</a>')
- end
- # produces a html page for making web services browser friendly
- # format of text (=string params) is preserved (e.g. line breaks)
- # urls are marked as links
- #
- # @param related_links [optional,String] uri on related resources
- # @param description [optional,String] general info
- # @param png_image [optional,String] imagename
- # @return [String] html page
- def to_html(related_links=nil, description=nil, png_image=nil )
- # TODO add title as parameter
- title = nil #$$sinatra.request.env['PATH_INFO'], :full) if $sinatra
- html = "<html><body>"
- html << "<title>"+title+"</title>" if title
- #html += "<img src=\""+OT_LOGO+"\"><\/img><body>"
- html << "<h3>Description</h3><pre><p>"+description.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if description
- html << "<h3>Related links</h3><pre><p>"+related_links.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if related_links
- html << "<h3>Content</h3>" if description || related_links
- html << "<pre><p style=\"padding:15px; border:10px solid \#C5C1E4\">"
- html << "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,#{Base64.encode64(png_image)}\">\n" if png_image
- html << self.link_urls
- html << "</p></pre></body></html>"
- html
- end
- def uri?
- URI.valid?(self)
+class File
+ # @return [String] mime_type including charset using linux cmd command
+ def mime_type
+ `file -ib '#{self.path}'`.chomp
-module URI
+class Array
- def self.compound? uri
- uri =~ /compound/ and URI.valid? uri
+ # Sum up the size of single arrays in an array of arrays
+ # @param [Array] Array of arrays
+ # @return [Integer] Sum of size of array elements
+ def sum_size
+ self.inject(0) { |s,a|
+ if a.respond_to?('size')
+ s+=a.size
+ else
+ internal_server_error "No size available: #{a.inspect}"
+ end
+ }
- def self.task? uri
- uri =~ /task/ and URI.valid? uri
+ # For symbolic features
+ # @param [Array] Array to test.
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether the array has just one unique value.
+ def zero_variance?
+ return self.uniq.size == 1
- def self.dataset? uri
- uri =~ /dataset/ and URI.accessible? uri
- end
- def self.model? uri
- uri =~ /model/ and URI.accessible? uri
- end
+module URI
def self.ssl? uri
URI.parse(uri).instance_of? URI::HTTPS
@@ -124,76 +103,3 @@ module URI
-class File
- # @return [String] mime_type including charset using linux cmd command
- def mime_type
- `file -ib '#{self.path}'`.chomp
- end
-module Kernel
- # overwrite backtick operator to catch system errors
- # Override raises an error if _cmd_ returns a non-zero exit status. CH: I do not understand this comment
- # Returns stdout if _cmd_ succeeds. Note that these are simply concatenated; STDERR is not inline. CH: I do not understand this comment
- def ` cmd
- stdout, stderr = ''
- status = Open4::popen4(cmd) do |pid, stdin_stream, stdout_stream, stderr_stream|
- stdout =
- stderr =
- end
- internal_server_error "`" + cmd + "` failed.\n" + stdout + stderr unless status.success?
- return stdout
- rescue
- internal_server_error $!.message
- end
- # @return [String] uri of task result, if task fails, an error according to task is raised
- def wait_for_task uri
- if URI.task?(uri)
- t = uri
- t.wait
- unless t.completed?
- error ={|error| error[:code] == t.code}.first
- error_method = error ? error[:method] : :internal_server_error
- report = t.error_report
- error_message = report ? report[:message] : $!.message
- error_cause = report ? report[:errorCause] : nil
- Object.send(error_method,error_message,t.uri,error_cause)
- end
- uri = t.resultURI
- end
- uri
- end
-class Array
- # Sum up the size of single arrays in an array of arrays
- # @param [Array] Array of arrays
- # @return [Integer] Sum of size of array elements
- def sum_size
- self.inject(0) { |s,a|
- if a.respond_to?('size')
- s+=a.size
- else
- internal_server_error "No size available: #{a.inspect}"
- end
- }
- end
- # For symbolic features
- # @param [Array] Array to test.
- # @return [Boolean] Whether the array has just one unique value.
- def zero_variance?
- return self.uniq.size == 1
- end