path: root/lib/regression.rb
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Diffstat (limited to 'lib/regression.rb')
1 files changed, 69 insertions, 30 deletions
diff --git a/lib/regression.rb b/lib/regression.rb
index cb17f25..5610a77 100644
--- a/lib/regression.rb
+++ b/lib/regression.rb
@@ -75,46 +75,62 @@ module OpenTox
- def self.local_physchem_regression compound, params, method="plsr"#, method_params="ncomp = 4"
+ def self.local_physchem_regression compound, params, method="pls"#, method_params="ncomp = 4"
+ neighbors = params[:neighbors].select{|n| n["toxicities"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s]} # use only neighbors with measured activities
- neighbors = params[:neighbors]
return {:value => nil, :confidence => nil, :warning => "No similar compounds in the training data"} unless neighbors.size > 0
return {:value => neighbors.first["toxicities"][params[:prediction_feature_id]], :confidence => nil, :warning => "Only one similar compound in the training set"} unless neighbors.size > 1
activities = []
weights = []
- physchem = {}
+ pc_ids = neighbors.collect{|n| n.physchem_descriptors.keys}.flatten.uniq
+ data_frame = []
+ data_frame[0] = []
neighbors.each_with_index do |n,i|
- if n["toxicities"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s]
- n["toxicities"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s].each do |act|
- # TODO fix!!!!
- activities << -Math.log10(act)
- #if act.numeric?
- #activities << act
- n["tanimoto"] ? weights << n["tanimoto"] : weights << 1.0 # TODO cosine ?
- neighbor = Substance.find(n["_id"])
- neighbor.physchem_descriptors.each do |pid,v| # insert physchem only if there is an activity
- physchem[pid] ||= []
- physchem[pid] += v
- end
+ neighbor = Substance.find(n["_id"])
+ n["toxicities"][params[:prediction_feature_id].to_s].each do |act|
+ data_frame[0][i] = act
+ n["tanimoto"] ? weights << n["tanimoto"] : weights << 1.0 # TODO cosine ?
+ neighbor.physchem_descriptors.each do |pid,values|
+ values.uniq!
+ warn "More than one value for #{Feature.find(pid).name}: #{values.join(', ')}" unless values.size == 1
+ j = pc_ids.index(pid)+1
+ data_frame[j] ||= []
+ data_frame[j][i] = values.for_R
+ (0..pc_ids.size+1).each do |j| # for R: fill empty values with NA
+ data_frame[j] ||= []
+ data_frame[j][i] ||= "NA"
+ end
- # remove properties with a single value
- physchem.each do |pid,v|
- physchem.delete(pid) if v.uniq.size <= 1
+ remove_idx = []
+ data_frame.each_with_index do |r,i|
+ remove_idx << i if r.uniq.size == 1 # remove properties with a single value
+ end
+ remove_idx.reverse.each do |i|
+ data_frame.delete_at i
+ pc_ids.delete_at i
- if physchem.empty?
+ if pc_ids.empty?
result = local_weighted_average(compound, params)
result[:warning] = "No variables for regression model. Using weighted average of similar compounds."
return result
- data_frame = [activities] + physchem.keys.collect { |pid| physchem[pid].collect{|v| "\"#{v.sub('[','').sub(']','')}\"" if v.is_a? String }}
- prediction = r_model_prediction method, data_frame, physchem.keys, weights, physchem.keys.collect{|pid| compound.physchem_descriptors[pid]}
+ query_descriptors = pc_ids.collect{|i| compound.physchem_descriptors[i].for_R}
+ remove_idx = []
+ query_descriptors.each_with_index do |v,i|
+ remove_idx << i if v == "NA"
+ end
+ remove_idx.reverse.each do |i|
+ data_frame.delete_at i
+ pc_ids.delete_at i
+ query_descriptors.delete_at i
+ end
+ prediction = r_model_prediction method, data_frame, pc_ids.collect{|i| "\"#{i}\""}, weights, query_descriptors
if prediction.nil?
prediction = local_weighted_average(compound, params)
prediction[:warning] = "Could not create local PLS model. Using weighted average of similar compounds."
@@ -130,16 +146,39 @@ module OpenTox
def self.r_model_prediction method, training_data, training_features, training_weights, query_feature_values
R.assign "weights", training_weights
r_data_frame = "data.frame(#{training_data.collect{|r| "c(#{r.join(',')})"}.join(', ')})"
- #p r_data_frame
-"tmp.R","w+"){|f| f.puts "data <- #{r_data_frame}\n"}
+rlib = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..","R"))
+ f.puts "suppressPackageStartupMessages({
+ library(iterators,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(foreach,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(ggplot2,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(grid,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(gridExtra,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(pls,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(caret,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ library(doMC,lib=\"#{rlib}\")
+ registerDoMC(#{NR_CORES})
+ f.puts "data <- #{r_data_frame}\n"
+ f.puts "weights <- c(#{training_weights.join(', ')})"
+ f.puts "features <- c(#{training_features.join(', ')})"
+ f.puts "names(data) <- append(c('activities'),features)" #
+ f.puts "model <- train(activities ~ ., data = data, method = '#{method}')"
+ f.puts "fingerprint <- data.frame(rbind(c(#{query_feature_values.join ','})))"
+ f.puts "names(fingerprint) <- features"
+ f.puts "prediction <- predict(model,fingerprint)"
+ }
R.eval "data <- #{r_data_frame}"
R.assign "features", training_features
R.eval "names(data) <- append(c('activities'),features)" #
- begin
- R.eval "model <- train(activities ~ ., data = data, method = '#{method}')"
- rescue
- return nil
- end
+ #begin
+ R.eval "model <- train(activities ~ ., data = data, method = '#{method}', na.action = na.pass)"
+ #rescue
+ #return nil
+ #end
+ p query_feature_values
R.eval "fingerprint <- data.frame(rbind(c(#{query_feature_values.join ','})))"
R.eval "names(fingerprint) <- features"
R.eval "prediction <- predict(model,fingerprint)"