path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
13 files changed, 938 insertions, 45 deletions
diff --git a/lib/algorithm.rb b/lib/algorithm.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..113f847
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/algorithm.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+module OpenTox
+ module Algorithm
+ # Generic method to execute algorithms
+ # Algorithms should:
+ # - accept a Compound, an Array of Compounds or a Dataset as first argument
+ # - optional parameters as second argument
+ # - return an object corresponding to the input type as result (eg. Compound -> value, Array of Compounds -> Array of values, Dataset -> Dataset with values
+ # @param [OpenTox::Compound,Array,OpenTox::Dataset] Input object
+ # @param [Hash] Algorithm parameters
+ # @return Algorithm result
+ def algorithm, object, parameters=nil
+ bad_request_error "Cannot run '#{algorithm}' algorithm. Please provide an OpenTox::Algorithm." unless algorithm =~ /^OpenTox::Algorithm/
+ klass,method = algorithm.split('.')
+ parameters.nil? ? Object.const_get(klass).send(method,object) : Object.const_get(klass).send(method,object, parameters)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/bbrc.rb b/lib/bbrc.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6a2eed7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/bbrc.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+module OpenTox
+ module Algorithm
+ class Fminer
+"H", "He", "Li", "Be", "B", "C", "N", "O", "F", "Ne", "Na", "Mg", "Al", "Si", "P", "S", "Cl", "Ar", "K", "Ca", "Sc", "Ti", "V", "Cr", "Mn", "Fe", "Co", "Ni", "Cu", "Zn", "Ga", "Ge", "As", "Se", "Br", "Kr", "Rb", "Sr", "Y", "Zr", "Nb", "Mo", "Tc", "Ru", "Rh", "Pd", "Ag", "Cd", "In", "Sn", "Sb", "Te", "I", "Xe", "Cs", "Ba", "La", "Ce", "Pr", "Nd", "Pm", "Sm", "Eu", "Gd", "Tb", "Dy", "Ho", "Er", "Tm", "Yb", "Lu", "Hf", "Ta", "W", "Re", "Os", "Ir", "Pt", "Au", "Hg", "Tl", "Pb", "Bi", "Po", "At", "Rn", "Fr", "Ra", "Ac", "Th", "Pa", "U", "Np", "Pu", "Am", "Cm", "Bk", "Cf", "Es", "Fm", "Md", "No", "Lr", "Rf", "Db", "Sg", "Bh", "Hs", "Mt", "Ds", "Rg", "Cn", "Uut", "Fl", "Uup", "Lv", "Uus", "Uuo"]
+ #
+ # Run bbrc algorithm on dataset
+ #
+ # @param [OpenTox::Dataset] training dataset
+ # @param [optional] parameters BBRC parameters, accepted parameters are
+ # - min_frequency Minimum frequency (default 5)
+ # - feature_type Feature type, can be 'paths' or 'trees' (default "trees")
+ # - backbone BBRC classes, pass 'false' to switch off mining for BBRC representatives. (default "true")
+ # - min_chisq_significance Significance threshold (between 0 and 1)
+ # - nr_hits Set to "true" to get hit count instead of presence
+ # - get_target Set to "true" to obtain target variable as feature
+ # @return [OpenTox::Dataset] Fminer Dataset
+ def self.bbrc training_dataset, params={}
+ time =
+ bad_request_error "More than one prediction feature found in training_dataset #{}" unless training_dataset.features.size == 1
+ prediction_feature = training_dataset.features.first
+ if params[:min_frequency]
+ minfreq = params[:min_frequency]
+ else
+ per_mil = 5 # value from latest version
+ i = training_dataset.feature_ids.index
+ nr_labeled_cmpds ={|de| !de[i].nil?}.size
+ minfreq = per_mil * nr_labeled_cmpds.to_f / 1000.0 # AM sugg. 8-10 per mil for BBRC, 50 per mil for LAST
+ minfreq = 2 unless minfreq > 2
+ minfreq = minfreq.round
+ end
+ @bbrc ||=
+ @bbrc.Reset
+ if prediction_feature.numeric
+ @bbrc.SetRegression(true) # AM: DO NOT MOVE DOWN! Must happen before the other Set... operations!
+ else
+ bad_request_error "No accept values for "\
+ "dataset '#{}' and "\
+ "feature '#{}'" unless prediction_feature.accept_values
+ value2act = Hash[[*]]
+ end
+ @bbrc.SetMinfreq(minfreq)
+ @bbrc.SetType(1) if params[:feature_type] == "paths"
+ @bbrc.SetBackbone(false) if params[:backbone] == "false"
+ @bbrc.SetChisqSig(params[:min_chisq_significance].to_f) if params[:min_chisq_significance]
+ @bbrc.SetConsoleOut(false)
+ params[:nr_hits] ? nr_hits = params[:nr_hits] : nr_hits = false
+ feature_dataset =
+ :training_dataset_id =>,
+ :training_algorithm => "#{self.to_s}.bbrc",
+ :training_feature_id => ,
+ :training_parameters => {
+ :min_frequency => minfreq,
+ :nr_hits => nr_hits,
+ :backbone => (params[:backbone] == false ? false : true)
+ }
+ )
+ feature_dataset.compounds = training_dataset.compounds
+ # add data
+ training_dataset.compounds.each_with_index do |compound,i|
+ @bbrc.AddCompound(compound.smiles,i+1)
+ act = value2act[training_dataset.data_entries[i].first]
+ @bbrc.AddActivity(act,i+1)
+ end
+ #g_median=@fminer.all_activities.values.to_scale.median
+ #task.progress 10
+ #step_width = 80 / @bbrc.GetNoRootNodes().to_f
+ $logger.debug "BBRC setup: #{}"
+ time =
+ ftime = 0
+ itime = 0
+ rtime = 0
+ # run @bbrc
+ (0 .. @bbrc.GetNoRootNodes()-1).each do |j|
+ results = @bbrc.MineRoot(j)
+ results.each do |result|
+ rt =
+ f = YAML.load(result)[0]
+ smarts = f.shift
+ # convert fminer SMARTS representation into a more human readable format
+ smarts.gsub!(%r{\[#(\d+)&(\w)\]}) do
+ element = TABLE_OF_ELEMENTS[$1.to_i-1]
+ $2 == "a" ? element.downcase : element
+ end
+ p_value = f.shift
+ f.flatten!
+ if (!@bbrc.GetRegression)
+ id_arrs = f[2..-1].flatten
+ max = OpenTox::Algorithm::Fminer.effect(f[2..-1].reverse, @fminer.db_class_sizes) # f needs reversal for bbrc
+ effect = max+1
+ else #regression part
+ id_arrs = f[2]
+ # DV: effect calculation
+ f[2].each do |id|
+ id=id.keys[0] # extract id from hit count hash
+ f_arr.push(@fminer.all_activities[id])
+ end
+ f_median=f_arr.to_scale.median
+ if g_median >= f_median
+ effect = 'activating'
+ else
+ effect = 'deactivating'
+ end
+ end
+ rtime += - rt
+ ft =
+ feature = OpenTox::FminerSmarts.find_or_create_by({
+ "smarts" => smarts,
+ "p_value" => p_value.to_f.abs.round(5),
+ #"effect" => effect,
+ "dataset_id" =>
+ })
+ feature_dataset.feature_ids <<
+ ftime += - ft
+ it =
+ f.each do |id_count_hash|
+ id_count_hash.each do |id,count|
+ nr_hits ? count = count.to_i : count = 1
+ feature_dataset.data_entries[id-1] ||= []
+ feature_dataset.data_entries[id-1][feature_dataset.feature_ids.size-1] = count
+ end
+ end
+ itime += - it
+ end
+ end
+ $logger.debug "Fminer: #{} (read: #{rtime}, iterate: #{itime}, find/create Features: #{ftime})"
+ time =
+ feature_dataset.fill_nil_with 0
+ $logger.debug "Prepare save: #{}"
+ time =
+ feature_dataset.save_all
+ $logger.debug "Save: #{}"
+ feature_dataset
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/classification.rb b/lib/classification.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fc6fa77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/classification.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+module OpenTox
+ module Algorithm
+ class Classification
+ def self.weighted_majority_vote neighbors
+ return [nil,nil] if neighbors.empty?
+ weighted_sum = {}
+ sim_sum = 0.0
+ neighbors.each do |row|
+ n,sim,acts = row
+ acts.each do |act|
+ weighted_sum[act] ||= 0
+ weighted_sum[act] += sim
+ end
+ end
+ case weighted_sum.size
+ when 1
+ return [weighted_sum.keys.first, 1.0]
+ when 2
+ sim_sum = weighted_sum[weighted_sum.keys[0]]
+ sim_sum -= weighted_sum[weighted_sum.keys[1]]
+ sim_sum > 0 ? prediction = weighted_sum.keys[0] : prediction = weighted_sum.keys[1]
+ confidence = (sim_sum/neighbors.size).abs
+ return [prediction,confidence]
+ else
+ bad_request_error "Cannot predict more than 2 classes, multinomial classifications is not yet implemented. Received classes were: '#{weighted.sum.keys}'"
+ end
+ end
+ # Classification with majority vote from neighbors weighted by similarity
+ # @param [Hash] params Keys `:activities, :sims, :value_map` are required
+ # @return [Numeric] A prediction value.
+ def self.fminer_weighted_majority_vote neighbors, training_dataset
+ neighbor_contribution = 0.0
+ confidence_sum = 0.0
+ $logger.debug "Weighted Majority Vote Classification."
+ values = neighbors.collect{|n| n[2]}.uniq
+ neighbors.each do |neighbor|
+ i = training_dataset.compound_ids.index
+ neighbor_weight = neighbor[1]
+ activity = values.index(neighbor[2]) + 1 # map values to integers > 1
+ neighbor_contribution += activity * neighbor_weight
+ if values.size == 2 # AM: provide compat to binary classification: 1=>false 2=>true
+ case activity
+ when 1
+ confidence_sum -= neighbor_weight
+ when 2
+ confidence_sum += neighbor_weight
+ end
+ else
+ confidence_sum += neighbor_weight
+ end
+ end
+ if values.size == 2
+ if confidence_sum >= 0.0
+ prediction = values[1]
+ elsif confidence_sum < 0.0
+ prediction = values[0]
+ end
+ elsif values.size == 1 # all neighbors have the same value
+ prediction = values[0]
+ else
+ prediction = (neighbor_contribution/confidence_sum).round # AM: new multinomial prediction
+ end
+ confidence = (confidence_sum/neighbors.size).abs
+ {:value => prediction, :confidence => confidence.abs}
+ end
+ # Local support vector regression from neighbors
+ # @param [Hash] params Keys `:props, :activities, :sims, :min_train_performance` are required
+ # @return [Numeric] A prediction value.
+ def self.local_svm_classification(params)
+ confidence = 0.0
+ prediction = nil
+ $logger.debug "Local SVM."
+ if params[:activities].size>0
+ if params[:props]
+ n_prop = params[:props][0].collect.to_a
+ q_prop = params[:props][1].collect.to_a
+ props = [ n_prop, q_prop ]
+ end
+ activities = params[:activities].collect.to_a
+ activities = activities.collect{|v| "Val" + v.to_s} # Convert to string for R to recognize classification
+ prediction = local_svm_prop( props, activities, params[:min_train_performance]) # params[:props].nil? signals non-prop setting
+ prediction = prediction.sub(/Val/,"") if prediction # Convert back
+ confidence = 0.0 if prediction.nil?
+ #$logger.debug "Prediction: '" + prediction.to_s + "' ('#{prediction.class}')."
+ confidence = get_confidence({:sims => params[:sims][1], :activities => params[:activities]})
+ end
+ {:prediction => prediction, :confidence => confidence}
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/compound.rb b/lib/compound.rb
index 3ba1670..3418fcc 100644
--- a/lib/compound.rb
+++ b/lib/compound.rb
@@ -3,8 +3,6 @@
# Could not find contribution data file.
-require 'openbabel'
-require "base64"
module OpenTox
diff --git a/lib/crossvalidation.rb b/lib/crossvalidation.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d926cc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/crossvalidation.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class CrossValidation
+ field :validation_ids, type: Array, default: []
+ field :folds, type: Integer
+ field :nr_instances, type: Integer
+ field :nr_unpredicted, type: Integer
+ field :predictions, type: Array
+ field :finished_at, type: Time
+ end
+ class ClassificationCrossValidation < CrossValidation
+ field :accept_values, type: Array
+ field :confusion_matrix, type: Array
+ field :weighted_confusion_matrix, type: Array
+ field :accuracy, type: Float
+ field :weighted_accuracy, type: Float
+ field :true_rate, type: Hash
+ field :predictivity, type: Hash
+ # TODO auc, f-measure (usability??)
+ def self.create model, n=10
+ cv =
+ validation_ids = []
+ nr_instances = 0
+ nr_unpredicted = 0
+ predictions = []
+ validation_class = Object.const_get(self.to_s.sub(/Cross/,''))
+ accept_values = Feature.find(model.prediction_feature_id).accept_values
+ confusion_matrix =,0){,0)}
+ weighted_confusion_matrix =,0){,0)}
+ true_rate = {}
+ predictivity = {}
+ fold_nr = 1
+ training_dataset = Dataset.find model.training_dataset_id
+ training_dataset.folds(n).each do |fold|
+ t =
+ $logger.debug "Fold #{fold_nr}"
+ validation = validation_class.create(model, fold[0], fold[1])
+ validation_ids <<
+ nr_instances += validation.nr_instances
+ nr_unpredicted += validation.nr_unpredicted
+ predictions += validation.predictions
+ validation.confusion_matrix.each_with_index do |r,i|
+ r.each_with_index do |c,j|
+ confusion_matrix[i][j] += c
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[i][j] += validation.weighted_confusion_matrix[i][j]
+ end
+ end
+ $logger.debug "Fold #{fold_nr}: #{} seconds"
+ fold_nr +=1
+ end
+ true_rate = {}
+ predictivity = {}
+ accept_values.each_with_index do |v,i|
+ true_rate[v] = confusion_matrix[i][i]/confusion_matrix[i].reduce(:+).to_f
+ predictivity[v] = confusion_matrix[i][i]/confusion_matrix.collect{|n| n[i]}.reduce(:+).to_f
+ end
+ confidence_sum = 0
+ weighted_confusion_matrix.each do |r|
+ r.each do |c|
+ confidence_sum += c
+ end
+ end
+ cv.update_attributes(
+ nr_instances: nr_instances,
+ nr_unpredicted: nr_unpredicted,
+ accept_values: accept_values,
+ confusion_matrix: confusion_matrix,
+ weighted_confusion_matrix: weighted_confusion_matrix,
+ accuracy: (confusion_matrix[0][0]+confusion_matrix[1][1])/(nr_instances-nr_unpredicted).to_f,
+ weighted_accuracy: (weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0]+weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1])/confidence_sum.to_f,
+ true_rate: true_rate,
+ predictivity: predictivity,
+ predictions: predictions.sort{|a,b| b[3] <=> a[3]}, # sort according to confidence
+ finished_at:
+ )
+ cv
+ end
+ #Average area under roc 0.646
+ #Area under roc 0.646
+ #F measure carcinogen: 0.769, noncarcinogen: 0.348
+ end
+ class RegressionCrossValidation < Validation
+ field :validation_ids, type: Array, default: []
+ field :folds, type: Integer
+ field :rmse, type: Float
+ field :mae, type: Float
+ field :weighted_rmse, type: Float
+ field :weighted_mae, type: Float
+ def self.create model, n=10
+ cv =
+ validation_ids = []
+ nr_instances = 0
+ nr_unpredicted = 0
+ predictions = []
+ validation_class = Object.const_get(self.to_s.sub(/Cross/,''))
+ fold_nr = 1
+ training_dataset = Dataset.find model.training_dataset_id
+ training_dataset.folds(n).each do |fold|
+ t =
+ $logger.debug "Predicting fold #{fold_nr}"
+ validation = validation_class.create(model, fold[0], fold[1])
+ validation_ids <<
+ nr_instances += validation.nr_instances
+ nr_unpredicted += validation.nr_unpredicted
+ predictions += validation.predictions
+ $logger.debug "Fold #{fold_nr}: #{} seconds"
+ fold_nr +=1
+ end
+ rmse = 0
+ weighted_rmse = 0
+ rse = 0
+ weighted_rse = 0
+ mae = 0
+ weighted_mae = 0
+ rae = 0
+ weighted_rae = 0
+ n = 0
+ confidence_sum = 0
+ predictions.each do |pred|
+ compound_id,activity,prediction,confidence = pred
+ if activity and prediction
+ error = prediction-activity
+ rmse += error**2
+ weighted_rmse += confidence*error**2
+ mae += error.abs
+ weighted_mae += confidence*error.abs
+ n += 1
+ confidence_sum += confidence
+ else
+ # TODO: create warnings
+ p pred
+ end
+ end
+ mae = mae/n
+ weighted_mae = weighted_mae/confidence_sum
+ rmse = Math.sqrt(rmse/n)
+ weighted_rmse = Math.sqrt(weighted_rmse/confidence_sum)
+ cv.update_attributes(
+ folds: n,
+ validation_ids: validation_ids,
+ nr_instances: nr_instances,
+ nr_unpredicted: nr_unpredicted,
+ predictions: predictions.sort{|a,b| b[3] <=> a[3]},
+ mae: mae,
+ rmse: rmse,
+ weighted_mae: weighted_mae,
+ weighted_rmse: weighted_rmse
+ )
+ cv
+ end
+ def plot
+ # RMSE
+ x = predictions.collect{|p| p[1]}
+ y = predictions.collect{|p| p[2]}
+ R.assign "Measurement", x
+ R.assign "Prediction", y
+ R.eval "par(pty='s')" # sets the plot type to be square
+ #R.eval "fitline <- lm(log(Prediction) ~ log(Measurement))"
+ #R.eval "error <- log(Measurement)-log(Prediction)"
+ R.eval "error <- Measurement-Prediction"
+ R.eval "rmse <- sqrt(mean(error^2,na.rm=T))"
+ R.eval "mae <- mean( abs(error), na.rm = TRUE)"
+ R.eval "r <- cor(log(Prediction),log(Measurement))"
+ R.eval "svg(filename='/tmp/#{id.to_s}.svg')"
+ R.eval "plot(log(Prediction),log(Measurement),main='#{}', sub=paste('RMSE: ',rmse, 'MAE :',mae, 'r^2: ',r^2),asp=1)"
+ #R.eval "plot(log(Prediction),log(Measurement),main='#{}', sub=paste('RMSE: ',rmse, 'MAE :',mae, 'r^2: '),asp=1)"
+ #R.eval "plot(log(Prediction),log(Measurement),main='#{}', ,asp=1)"
+ R.eval "abline(0,1,col='blue')"
+ #R.eval "abline(fitline,col='red')"
+ R.eval ""
+ "/tmp/#{id.to_s}.svg"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/dataset.rb b/lib/dataset.rb
index 0237adf..4f6f0b5 100644
--- a/lib/dataset.rb
+++ b/lib/dataset.rb
@@ -294,8 +294,8 @@ module OpenTox
- private
+ # Fill unset data entries
+ # @param any value
def fill_nil_with n
(0 .. compound_ids.size-1).each do |i|
@data_entries[i] ||= []
diff --git a/lib/descriptor.rb b/lib/descriptor.rb
index 68bc7a2..335f3dc 100644
--- a/lib/descriptor.rb
+++ b/lib/descriptor.rb
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
require 'digest/md5'
ENV["JAVA_HOME"] ||= "/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk"
-BABEL_3D_CACHE_DIR = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__),"..",'/babel_3d_cache')
# TODO store descriptors in mongodb
module OpenTox
module Algorithm
+ # Class for descriptor calculations
class Descriptor
include OpenTox
@@ -39,6 +40,7 @@ module OpenTox
require_relative "unique_descriptors.rb"
+ # Description of available descriptors
def self.description descriptor
lib = descriptor.split('.').first
case lib
@@ -54,6 +56,7 @@ module OpenTox
+ # Match an array of smarts features
def self.smarts_match compounds, smarts_features, count=false
bad_request_error "Compounds for smarts_match are empty" unless compounds
bad_request_error "Smarts features for smarts_match are empty" unless smarts_features
@@ -73,7 +76,7 @@ module OpenTox
# eg. at line 249 of rat_feature_dataset
# which worked with opentox-client
# (but no smarts_match)
- p "'#{compound.inchi}'"
+ #p "'#{compound.inchi}'"
@smarts.each_with_index do |smart,s|
@@ -88,49 +91,20 @@ module OpenTox
+ # Count matches of an array with smarts features
def self.smarts_count compounds, smarts
+ # TODO: non-overlapping matches?
smarts_match compounds,smarts,true
- def self.serialize
- case @input_class
- when "OpenTox::Compound"
- if @with_names and @physchem_descriptors
- [@physchem_descriptors,@data_entries.first]
- else
- @data_entries.first
- end
- when "Array"
- if @with_names and @physchem_descriptors
- [@physchem_descriptors,@data_entries.first]
- else
- @data_entries
- end
- when "OpenTox::Dataset"
- dataset = => @compounds.collect{|c|})
- if @smarts
- dataset.feature_ids = @smarts.collect{|smart| Smarts.find_or_create_by(:smarts => smart).id}
- @count ? algo = "count" : algo = "match"
- dataset.feature_calculation_algorithm = "#{self}.smarts_#{algo}"
- elsif @physchem_descriptors
- dataset.feature_ids = @physchem_descriptors.collect{|d| PhysChemDescriptor.find_or_create_by(:name => d, :creator => __FILE__).id}
- dataset.data_entries = @data_entries
- dataset.feature_calculation_algorithm = "#{self}.physchem"
- #TODO params?
- end
- dataset.save_all
- dataset
- end
- end
- def self.physchem compounds, descriptors=UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS, with_names=false
+ # Calculate physchem descriptors
+ # @param [OpenTox::Compound,Array,OpenTox::Dataset] input object, either a compound, an array of compounds or a dataset
+ def self.physchem compounds, descriptors=UNIQUEDESCRIPTORS
parse compounds
@data_entries ={[]}
@descriptors = descriptors
@smarts = nil
@physchem_descriptors = [] # CDK may return more than one result per descriptor, they are stored as separate features
- @with_names = with_names
des = {}
@descriptors.each do |d|
lib, descriptor = d.split(".",2)
@@ -173,7 +147,8 @@ module OpenTox
last_feature_idx = @physchem_descriptors.size
YAML.load_file("#{sdf}#{lib}.yaml").each_with_index do |calculation,i|
- $logger.error "Descriptor calculation failed for compound #{compounds[i].inchi}." if calculation.empty?
+ # TODO create warnings
+ #$logger.error "Descriptor calculation failed for compound #{@compounds[i].inchi}." if calculation.empty?
# CDK Descriptors may calculate multiple values, they are stored in separate features
@physchem_descriptors += calculation.keys if i == 0
calculation.keys.each_with_index do |name,j|
@@ -238,6 +213,30 @@ module OpenTox
+ def self.serialize
+ case @input_class
+ when "OpenTox::Compound"
+ @data_entries.first
+ when "Array"
+ @data_entries
+ when "OpenTox::Dataset"
+ dataset = => @compounds.collect{|c|})
+ if @smarts
+ dataset.feature_ids = @smarts.collect{|smart| Smarts.find_or_create_by(:smarts => smart).id}
+ @count ? algo = "count" : algo = "match"
+ dataset.feature_calculation_algorithm = "#{self}.smarts_#{algo}"
+ elsif @physchem_descriptors
+ dataset.feature_ids = @physchem_descriptors.collect{|d| PhysChemDescriptor.find_or_create_by(:name => d, :creator => __FILE__).id}
+ dataset.data_entries = @data_entries
+ dataset.feature_calculation_algorithm = "#{self}.physchem"
+ #TODO params?
+ end
+ dataset.save_all
+ dataset
+ end
+ end
def self.fix_value val
val = val.first if val.is_a? Array and val.size == 1
val = nil if val == "NaN"
diff --git a/lib/feature.rb b/lib/feature.rb
index 9deb199..b2bc1f5 100644
--- a/lib/feature.rb
+++ b/lib/feature.rb
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ module OpenTox
# Feature for SMARTS fragments
class Smarts < NominalFeature
field :smarts, type: String
+ def self.from_smarts smarts
+ self.find_or_create_by :smarts => smarts
+ end
# Feature for supervised fragments from Fminer algorithm
diff --git a/lib/lazar.rb b/lib/lazar.rb
index 8831ba2..2e7e7c2 100644
--- a/lib/lazar.rb
+++ b/lib/lazar.rb
@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ require 'json'
require 'logger'
require 'mongoid'
require 'rserve'
+require "nokogiri"
+require "base64"
# Mongo setup
# TODO retrieve correct environment from Rack/Sinatra
@@ -27,8 +30,21 @@ Mongo::Logger.logger = $logger
Mongo::Logger.level = Logger::WARN
#Mongoid.logger = $logger
+# Require sub-Repositories
+require_relative '../libfminer/libbbrc/bbrc' # include before openbabel
+require_relative '../libfminer/liblast/last' #
+require_relative '../last-utils/lu.rb'
+require 'openbabel'
+# Fminer environment variables
+ENV['FMINER_SMARTS'] = 'true'
+ENV['FMINER_SILENT'] = 'true'
+ENV['FMINER_NR_HITS'] = 'true'
# OpenTox classes and includes
-CLASSES = ["Feature","Compound", "Dataset", "Validation", "CrossValidation"]# Algorithm and Models are modules
+CLASSES = ["Feature","Compound","Dataset","Validation","CrossValidation"]# Algorithm and Models are modules
[ # be aware of the require sequence as it affects class/method overwrites
@@ -39,8 +55,15 @@ CLASSES = ["Feature","Compound", "Dataset", "Validation", "CrossValidation"]# A
- #"algorithm.rb",
- #"model.rb",
- #"validation.rb"
+ "algorithm.rb",
+ "descriptor.rb",
+ "bbrc.rb",
+ "lazar.rb",
+ "similarity.rb",
+ "neighbor.rb",
+ "classification.rb",
+ "regression.rb",
+ "validation.rb",
+ "crossvalidation.rb",
].each{ |f| require_relative f }
diff --git a/lib/neighbor.rb b/lib/neighbor.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a2c28d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/neighbor.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+module OpenTox
+ module Algorithm
+ class Neighbor
+ def self.fingerprint_similarity compound, params={}
+ compound.neighbors params[:min_sim]
+ end
+ def self.fminer_similarity compound, params
+ feature_dataset = Dataset.find params[:feature_dataset_id]
+ query_fingerprint = Algorithm::Descriptor.smarts_match(compound, feature_dataset.features.collect{|f| f.smarts} )
+ neighbors = []
+ # find neighbors
+ feature_dataset.data_entries.each_with_index do |fingerprint, i|
+ sim = Algorithm::Similarity.tanimoto fingerprint, query_fingerprint
+ if sim > params[:min_sim]
+ neighbors << [feature_dataset.compound_ids[i],sim] # use compound_ids, instantiation of Compounds is too time consuming
+ end
+ end
+ neighbors
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/regression.rb b/lib/regression.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..891d7f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/regression.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
+# TODO install R packages kernlab, caret, doMC, class, e1071
+ # log transform activities (create new dataset)
+ # scale, normalize features, might not be necessary
+ #
+ #
+ # zero-order correlation and the semi-partial correlation
+ # seems to be necessary for svm
+ #
+ #
+ # use lasso or elastic net??
+ # select relevant features
+ # remove features with a single value
+ # remove correlated features
+ # remove features not correlated with endpoint
+module OpenTox
+ module Algorithm
+ class Regression
+ def self.weighted_average neighbors
+ weighted_sum = 0.0
+ sim_sum = 0.0
+ neighbors.each do |row|
+ n,sim,acts = row
+ acts.each do |act|
+ weighted_sum += sim*Math.log10(act)
+ sim_sum += sim
+ end
+ end
+ confidence = sim_sum/neighbors.size.to_f
+ sim_sum == 0 ? prediction = nil : prediction = 10**(weighted_sum/sim_sum)
+ [prediction,confidence]
+ end
+ # Local support vector regression from neighbors
+ # @param [Hash] params Keys `:props, :activities, :sims, :min_train_performance` are required
+ # @return [Numeric] A prediction value.
+ def self.local_svm_regression neighbors, params={:min_train_performance => 0.1}
+ confidence = 0.0
+ prediction = nil
+ $logger.debug "Local SVM."
+ props = neighbors.collect{|row| row[3] }
+ neighbors.shift
+ activities = neighbors.collect{|n| n[2]}
+ prediction = self.local_svm_prop( props, activities, params[:min_train_performance]) # params[:props].nil? signals non-prop setting
+ prediction = nil if (!prediction.nil? && prediction.infinite?)
+ $logger.debug "Prediction: '#{prediction}' ('#{prediction.class}')."
+ if prediction
+ confidence = get_confidence({:sims => neighbors.collect{|n| n[1]}, :activities => activities})
+ else
+ confidence = nil if prediction.nil?
+ end
+ [prediction, confidence]
+ end
+ # Local support vector prediction from neighbors.
+ # Uses propositionalized setting.
+ # Not to be called directly (use local_svm_regression or local_svm_classification).
+ # @param [Array] props, propositionalization of neighbors and query structure e.g. [ Array_for_q, two-nested-Arrays_for_n ]
+ # @param [Array] activities, activities for neighbors.
+ # @param [Float] min_train_performance, parameter to control censoring
+ # @return [Numeric] A prediction value.
+ def self.local_svm_prop(props, activities, min_train_performance)
+ $logger.debug "Local SVM (Propositionalization / Kernlab Kernel)."
+ n_prop = props[1..-1] # is a matrix, i.e. two nested Arrays.
+ q_prop = props[0] # is an Array.
+ prediction = nil
+ if activities.uniq.size == 1
+ prediction = activities[0]
+ else
+ t =
+ #$logger.debug gram_matrix.to_yaml
+ #@r =,false) # global R instance leads to Socket errors after a large number of requests
+ @r =,false) # global R instance leads to Socket errors after a large number of requests
+ rs = []
+ ["caret", "doMC", "class"].each do |lib|
+ #raise "failed to load R-package #{lib}" unless @r.void_eval "suppressPackageStartupMessages(library('#{lib}'))"
+ rs << "suppressPackageStartupMessages(library('#{lib}'))"
+ end
+ #@r.eval "registerDoMC()" # switch on parallel processing
+ rs << "registerDoMC()" # switch on parallel processing
+ #@r.eval "set.seed(1)"
+ rs << "set.seed(1)"
+ $logger.debug "Loading R packages: #{}"
+ t =
+ p n_prop
+ begin
+ # set data
+ rs << "n_prop <- c(#{n_prop.flatten.join(',')})"
+ rs << "n_prop <- c(#{n_prop.flatten.join(',')})"
+ rs << "n_prop_x_size <- c(#{n_prop.size})"
+ rs << "n_prop_y_size <- c(#{n_prop[0].size})"
+ rs << "y <- c(#{activities.join(',')})"
+ rs << "q_prop <- c(#{q_prop.join(',')})"
+ rs << "y = matrix(y)"
+ rs << "prop_matrix = matrix(n_prop, n_prop_x_size, n_prop_y_size, byrow=T)"
+ rs << "q_prop = matrix(q_prop, 1, n_prop_y_size, byrow=T)"
+ $logger.debug "Setting R data: #{}"
+ t =
+ # prepare data
+ rs << "
+ weights=NULL
+ if (!(class(y) == 'numeric')) {
+ y = factor(y)
+ weights=unlist(as.list(prop.table(table(y))))
+ weights=(weights-1)^2
+ }
+ "
+ rs << "
+ rem = nearZeroVar(prop_matrix)
+ if (length(rem) > 0) {
+ prop_matrix = prop_matrix[,-rem,drop=F]
+ q_prop = q_prop[,-rem,drop=F]
+ }
+ rem = findCorrelation(cor(prop_matrix))
+ if (length(rem) > 0) {
+ prop_matrix = prop_matrix[,-rem,drop=F]
+ q_prop = q_prop[,-rem,drop=F]
+ }
+ "
+ #p @r.eval("y").to_ruby
+ #p "weights"
+ #p @r.eval("weights").to_ruby
+ $logger.debug "Preparing R data: #{}"
+ t =
+ # model + support vectors
+ #train_success = @r.eval <<-EOR
+ rs << '
+ model = train(prop_matrix,y,
+ method="svmRadial",
+ preProcess=c("center", "scale"),
+ class.weights=weights,
+ trControl=trainControl(method="LGOCV",number=10),
+ tuneLength=8
+ )
+ perf = ifelse ( class(y)!="numeric", max(model$results$Accuracy), model$results[which.min(model$results$RMSE),]$Rsquared )
+ '
+"/tmp/r.r","w+"){|f| f.puts rs.join("\n")}
+ p rs.join("\n")
+ p `Rscript /tmp/r.r`
+ @r.void_eval <<-EOR
+ model = train(prop_matrix,y,
+ method="svmRadial",
+ #preProcess=c("center", "scale"),
+ #class.weights=weights,
+ #trControl=trainControl(method="LGOCV",number=10),
+ #tuneLength=8
+ )
+ perf = ifelse ( class(y)!='numeric', max(model$results$Accuracy), model$results[which.min(model$results$RMSE),]$Rsquared )
+ $logger.debug "Creating R SVM model: #{}"
+ t =
+ if train_success
+ # prediction
+ @r.eval "predict(model,q_prop); p = predict(model,q_prop)" # kernlab bug: predict twice
+ #@r.eval "p = predict(model,q_prop)" # kernlab bug: predict twice
+ @r.eval "if (class(y)!='numeric') p = as.character(p)"
+ prediction = @r.p
+ # censoring
+ prediction = nil if ( @r.perf.nan? || @r.perf < min_train_performance.to_f )
+ prediction = nil if prediction =~ /NA/
+ $logger.debug "Performance: '#{sprintf("%.2f", @r.perf)}'"
+ else
+ $logger.debug "Model creation failed."
+ prediction = nil
+ end
+ $logger.debug "R Prediction: #{}"
+ rescue Exception => e
+ $logger.debug "#{e.class}: #{e.message}"
+ $logger.debug "Backtrace:\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}"
+ ensure
+ #puts @r.inspect
+ #TODO: broken pipe
+ #@r.quit # free R
+ end
+ end
+ prediction
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/similarity.rb b/lib/similarity.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..91e18db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/similarity.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+* Name: similarity.rb
+* Description: Similarity algorithms
+* Author: Andreas Maunz <
+* Date: 10/2012
+module OpenTox
+ module Algorithm
+ class Similarity
+ #TODO weighted tanimoto
+ # Tanimoto similarity
+ # @param [Array] a fingerprints of first compound
+ # @param [Array] b fingerprints of second compound
+ # @return [Float] Tanimoto similarity
+ def self.tanimoto(a,b)
+ bad_request_error "fingerprints #{a} and #{b} don't have equal size" unless a.size == b.size
+ #common = 0.0
+ #a.each_with_index do |n,i|
+ #common += 1 if n == b[i]
+ #end
+ #common/a.size
+ # TODO check if calculation speed can be improved
+ common_p_sum = 0.0
+ all_p_sum = 0.0
+ (0...a.size).each { |idx|
+ common_p_sum += [ a[idx], b[idx] ].min
+ all_p_sum += [ a[idx], b[idx] ].max
+ }
+ common_p_sum/all_p_sum
+ end
+ # Cosine similarity
+ # @param [Array] a fingerprints of first compound
+ # @param [Array] b fingerprints of second compound
+ # @return [Float] Cosine similarity, the cosine of angle enclosed between vectors a and b
+ def self.cosine(a, b)
+ val = 0.0
+ if a.size>0 and b.size>0
+ if a.size>12 && b.size>12
+ a = a[0..11]
+ b = b[0..11]
+ end
+ a_vec = a.to_gv
+ b_vec = b.to_gv
+ val = / (a_vec.norm * b_vec.norm)
+ end
+ val
+ end
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/validation.rb b/lib/validation.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bcbe49a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/validation.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class Validation
+ field :prediction_dataset_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :test_dataset_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :nr_instances, type: Integer
+ field :nr_unpredicted, type: Integer
+ field :predictions, type: Array
+ def prediction_dataset
+ Dataset.find prediction_dataset_id
+ end
+ def test_dataset
+ Dataset.find test_dataset_id
+ end
+ end
+ class ClassificationValidation < Validation
+ field :accept_values, type: String
+ field :confusion_matrix, type: Array
+ field :weighted_confusion_matrix, type: Array
+ def self.create model, training_set, test_set
+ validation =
+ #feature_dataset = Dataset.find model.feature_dataset_id
+ # TODO check and delegate to Algorithm
+ #features = feature_dataset.training_algorithm, training_set, feature_dataset.training_parameters
+ validation_model = model.class.create training_set#, features
+ test_set_without_activities = => test_set.compound_ids) # just to be sure that activities cannot be used
+ prediction_dataset = validation_model.predict test_set_without_activities
+ accept_values = prediction_dataset.prediction_feature.accept_values
+ confusion_matrix =,0){,0)}
+ weighted_confusion_matrix =,0){,0)}
+ predictions = []
+ nr_unpredicted = 0
+ prediction_dataset.data_entries.each_with_index do |pe,i|
+ if pe[0] and pe[1] and pe[1].numeric?
+ prediction = pe[0]
+ # TODO prediction_feature, convention??
+ # TODO generalize for multiple classes
+ activity = test_set.data_entries[i].first
+ confidence = prediction_dataset.data_entries[i][1]
+ predictions << [prediction_dataset.compound_ids[i], activity, prediction, confidence]
+ if prediction == activity
+ if prediction == accept_values[0]
+ confusion_matrix[0][0] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[0][0] += confidence
+ elsif prediction == accept_values[1]
+ confusion_matrix[1][1] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[1][1] += confidence
+ end
+ elsif prediction != activity
+ if prediction == accept_values[0]
+ confusion_matrix[0][1] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[0][1] += confidence
+ elsif prediction == accept_values[1]
+ confusion_matrix[1][0] += 1
+ weighted_confusion_matrix[1][0] += confidence
+ end
+ end
+ else
+ nr_unpredicted += 1 if pe[0].nil?
+ end
+ end
+ validation =
+ :prediction_dataset_id =>,
+ :test_dataset_id =>,
+ :nr_instances => test_set.compound_ids.size,
+ :nr_unpredicted => nr_unpredicted,
+ :accept_values => accept_values,
+ :confusion_matrix => confusion_matrix,
+ :weighted_confusion_matrix => weighted_confusion_matrix,
+ :predictions => predictions.sort{|a,b| b[3] <=> a[3]} # sort according to confidence
+ )
+ validation
+ end
+ end
+ class RegressionValidation < Validation
+ def self.create model, training_set, test_set
+ validation_model = Model::LazarRegression.create training_set
+ test_set_without_activities = => test_set.compound_ids) # just to be sure that activities cannot be used
+ prediction_dataset = validation_model.predict test_set_without_activities
+ predictions = []
+ nr_unpredicted = 0
+ activities = test_set.data_entries.collect{|de| de.first}
+ prediction_dataset.data_entries.each_with_index do |de,i|
+ if de[0] and de[1] and de[1].numeric?
+ activity = activities[i]
+ prediction = de.first
+ confidence = de[1]
+ predictions << [prediction_dataset.compound_ids[i], activity, prediction,confidence]
+ else
+ nr_unpredicted += 1
+ end
+ end
+ validation =
+ :prediction_dataset_id =>,
+ :test_dataset_id =>,
+ :nr_instances => test_set.compound_ids.size,
+ :nr_unpredicted => nr_unpredicted,
+ :predictions => predictions.sort{|a,b| b[3] <=> a[3]} # sort according to confidence
+ )
+ validation
+ end
+ end