path: root/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'lib')
8 files changed, 687 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/lib/compound.rb b/lib/compound.rb
index 6cc4707..4a8089b 100644
--- a/lib/compound.rb
+++ b/lib/compound.rb
@@ -1,16 +1,20 @@
require 'openbabel'
+require "base64"
module OpenTox
- # Ruby wrapper for OpenTox Compound Webservices (
class Compound
- attr_reader :inchi
- def initialize inchi
- @inchi = inchi
- end
+ field :inchi, type: String
+ attr_readonly :inchi
+ field :smiles, type: String
+ field :inchikey, type: String
+ field :names, type: Array
+ field :cid, type: String
+ field :chemblid, type: String
+ field :image_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :sdf_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
def == compound
self.inchi == compound.inchi
@@ -22,21 +26,23 @@ module OpenTox
# @param [String] smiles Smiles string
# @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
def self.from_smiles smiles
- obconversion(smiles,"smi","inchi")
+ # do not store smiles because it might be noncanonical
+ Compound.find_or_create_by :inchi => obconversion(smiles,"smi","inchi")
# Create a compound from inchi string
# @param inchi [String] smiles InChI string
# @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
def self.from_inchi inchi
- inchi
+ Compound.find_or_create_by :inchi => inchi
# Create a compound from sdf string
# @param sdf [String] smiles SDF string
# @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
def self.from_sdf sdf
- obconversion(sdf,"sdf","inchi")
+ # do not store sdf because it might be 2D
+ Compound.find_or_create_by :inchi => obconversion(sdf,"sdf","inchi")
# Create a compound from name. Relies on an external service for name lookups.
@@ -45,31 +51,32 @@ module OpenTox
# @param name [String] can be also an InChI/InChiKey, CAS number, etc
# @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound
def self.from_name name
- RestClientWrapper.get File.join(CACTUS_URI,URI.escape(name),"stdinchi")
+ Compound.find_or_create_by :inchi => RestClientWrapper.get(File.join(CACTUS_URI,URI.escape(name),"stdinchi"))
# Get InChIKey
# @return [String] InChI string
def inchikey
- obconversion(@inchi,"inchi","inchikey")
+ update(:inchikey => obconversion(inchi,"inchi","inchikey")) unless self["inchikey"]
+ self["inchikey"]
# Get (canonical) smiles
# @return [String] Smiles string
def smiles
- obconversion(@inchi,"inchi","smi") # "can" gives nonn-canonical smiles??
+ update(:smiles => obconversion(inchi,"inchi","smi")) unless self["smiles"] # should give canonical smiles, "can" seems to give incorrect results
+ self["smiles"]
# Get sdf
# @return [String] SDF string
def sdf
- obconversion(@inchi,"inchi","sdf")
- end
- # Get gif image
- # @return [image/gif] Image data
- def gif
- RestClientWrapper.get File.join(CACTUS_URI,inchi,"image")
+ if sdf_id.nil?
+ sdf = obconversion(inchi,"inchi","sdf")
+ file =, :filename => "#{id}.sdf",:content_type => "chemical/x-mdl-sdfile")
+ sdf_id = $gridfs.insert_one file
+ end
+ $gridfs.find_one(_id: sdf_id).data
# Get png image
@@ -77,41 +84,37 @@ module OpenTox
# image = compound.png
# @return [image/png] Image data
def png
- obconversion(@inchi,"inchi","_png2")
- end
+ if image_id.nil?
+ png = obconversion(inchi,"inchi","_png2")
+ file =, :filename => "#{id}.png", :content_type => "image/png")
+ update(:image_id => $gridfs.insert_one(file))
+ end
+ Base64.decode64($gridfs.find_one(_id: image_id).data)
- # Get URI of compound image
- # @return [String] Compound image URI
- def image_uri
- File.join @data["uri"], "image"
# Get all known compound names. Relies on an external service for name lookups.
# @example
# names = compound.names
# @return [String] Compound names
def names
- RestClientWrapper.get("#{CACTUS_URI}#{inchi}/names").split("\n")
+ update(:names => RestClientWrapper.get("#{CACTUS_URI}#{inchi}/names").split("\n")) unless self["names"]
+ self["names"]
# @return [String] PubChem Compound Identifier (CID), derieved via restcall to pubchem
def cid
pug_uri = ""
- @cid ||=, "compound", "inchi", "cids", "TXT"),{:inchi => inchi}).strip
- end
- # @todo
- def chebi
- internal_server_error "not yet implemented"
+ update(:cid =>, "compound", "inchi", "cids", "TXT"),{:inchi => inchi}).strip) unless self["cid"]
+ self["cid"]
# @return [String] ChEMBL database compound id, derieved via restcall to chembl
def chemblid
uri = "{smiles}.json"
- @chemblid = JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(uri))["compounds"].first["chemblId"]
+ update(:chemblid => JSON.parse(RestClientWrapper.get(uri))["compounds"].first["chemblId"]) unless self["chemblid"]
+ self["chemblid"]
@@ -125,6 +128,19 @@ module OpenTox
case output_format
when /smi|can|inchi/
+ when /sdf/
+ OpenBabel::OBOp.find_type("Gen3D").do(obmol)
+ sdf = obconversion.write_string(obmol)
+ if sdf.match(/.nan/)
+ $logger.warn "3D generation failed for compound #{compound.inchi}, trying to calculate 2D structure"
+ OpenBabel::OBOp.find_type("Gen2D").do(obmol)
+ sdf = obconversion.write_string(obmol)
+ if sdf.match(/.nan/)
+ $logger.warn "2D generation failed for compound #{compound.inchi}"
+ sdf = nil
+ end
+ end
+ sdf
diff --git a/lib/data_entry.rb b/lib/data_entry.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9f6e786
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/data_entry.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+module OpenTox
+ class DataEntry
+ #field :feature_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ #field :compound_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ # Kludge because csv import removes type information
+ field :feature_id, type: String
+ field :compound_id, type: String
+ field :value
+ field :warnings, type: String
+ field :unit, type: String
+ store_in collection: "data_entries"
+ # preferred method for the insertion of data entries
+ # @example DataEntry.find_or_create compound,feature,value
+ # @param compound [OpenTox::Compound]
+ # @param feature [OpenTox::Feature]
+ # @param value
+ def self.find_or_create compound, feature, value
+ self.find_or_create_by(
+ :compound_id =>,
+ :feature_id =>,
+ :value => value
+ )
+ end
+ # preferred method for accessing values
+ # @example DataEntry[compound,feature]
+ # @param compound [OpenTox::Compound]
+ # @param feature [OpenTox::Feature]
+ # @return value
+ def self.[](compound,feature)
+ self.where(:compound_id =>, :feature_id =>
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/lib/dataset.rb b/lib/dataset.rb
index 5e9da44..503e409 100644
--- a/lib/dataset.rb
+++ b/lib/dataset.rb
@@ -1,34 +1,20 @@
require 'csv'
+require 'tempfile'
module OpenTox
- class MeasuredDataset < Dataset
- end
- class CalculatedDataset < Dataset
- field :creator, type: String
- end
- class LazarPredictionDataset < CalculatedDataset
- field :dependent_variables, type: BSON::ObjectId
- field :predicted_variables, type: Array
- end
- # provides a basic datastructure similar to R dataframes
- # descriptor/feature c
class Dataset
include Mongoid::Document
field :feature_ids, type: Array, default: []
- field :inchis, type: Array, default: []
- field :data_entries, type: Array, default: []
+ field :compound_ids, type: Array, default: []
field :source, type: String
field :warnings, type: Array, default: []
# Readers
def compounds
- inchis.collect{|i| i}
+ self.compound_ids.collect{|id| OpenTox::Compound.find id}
def features
@@ -38,132 +24,34 @@ module OpenTox
# Writers
def compounds=(compounds)
- self.inchis = compounds.collect{|c| c.inchi}
+ self.compound_ids = compounds.collect{|c|}
- def add_compound(compound)
- self.inchis << compound.inchi
+ def add_compound compound
+ self.compound_ids <<
def features=(features)
self.feature_ids = features.collect{|f|}
- def add_feature(feature)
+ def add_feature feature
self.feature_ids <<
- # Find data entry values for a given compound and feature
- # @param compound [OpenTox::Compound] OpenTox Compound object
- # @param feature [OpenTox::Feature] OpenTox Feature object
- # @return [Array] Data entry values
- def values(compound, feature)
- rows = (0 ... inchis.length).select { |r| inchis[r] == compound.inchi }
- col = feature_ids.index
- rows.collect{|row| data_entries[row][col]}
- end
- # Convenience methods to search by compound/feature URIs
- # Search a dataset for a feature given its URI
- # @param uri [String] Feature URI
- # @return [OpenTox::Feature] Feature object, or nil if not present
- #def find_feature_uri(uri)
-{|f| f.uri == uri}.first
- #end
- # Search a dataset for a compound given its URI
- # @param uri [String] Compound URI
- # @return [OpenTox::Compound] Compound object, or nil if not present
- def find_compound_uri(uri)
-{|f| f.uri == uri}.first
+ def self.create compounds, features, warnings=[], source=nil
+ dataset = => warnings)
+ dataset.compounds = compounds
+ dataset.features = features
+ dataset
# for prediction result datasets
# assumes that there are feature_ids with title prediction and confidence
# @return [Array] of Hashes with keys { :compound, :value ,:confidence } (compound value is object not uri)
- def predictions
- predictions = []
- prediction_feature = nil
- confidence_feature = nil
- metadata[RDF::OT.predictedVariables].each do |uri|
- feature = uri
- case feature.title
- when /prediction$/
- prediction_feature = feature
- when /confidence$/
- confidence_feature = feature
- end
- end
- if prediction_feature and confidence_feature
- compounds.each do |compound|
- value = values(compound,prediction_feature).first
- value = value.to_f if prediction_feature[RDF.type].include? RDF::OT.NumericFeature and ! prediction_feature[RDF.type].include? RDF::OT.StringFeature
- confidence = values(compound,confidence_feature).first.to_f
- predictions << {:compound => compound, :value => value, :confidence => confidence} if value and confidence
- end
- end
- predictions
- end
- # Adding data methods
- # (Alternatively, you can directly change @data["feature_ids"] and @data["compounds"])
- # Create a dataset from file (csv,sdf,...)
- # @param filename [String]
- # @return [String] dataset uri
- def upload filename, wait=true
- self.title = File.basename(filename)
- self.source = filename
- table = filename, :skip_blanks => true
- from_table table
- save
- end
- def self.from_csv_file file
- dataset =
- dataset.upload file
- dataset
- end
- # @param compound [OpenTox::Compound]
- # @param feature [OpenTox::Feature]
- # @param value [Object] (will be converted to String)
- # @return [Array] data_entries
- def add_data_entry compound, feature, value
- # TODO: optimize
- add_compound compound unless self.compounds.include?(compound)
- row = self.compounds.index(compound)
- add_feature feature unless self.features.include?(feature)
- col = self.features.index(feature)
- if self.data_entries[row] and self.data_entries[row][col] # duplicated values
- add_compound compound
- row = self.compounds.rindex(compound)
- end
- if value
- self.data_entries[row] ||= []
- self.data_entries[row][col] = value
- end
- end
- # TODO: remove? might be dangerous if feature ordering is incorrect
- # MG: I would not remove this because add_data_entry is very slow (4 times searching in arrays)
- # CH: do you have measurements? compound and feature arrays are not that big, I suspect that feature search/creation is the time critical step
- # @param row [Array]
- # @example
- # d =
- # d.features <<
- # d.features <<
- # d << ["c1ccccc1"), feature-value-a, feature-value-b ]
- def << row
- compound = row.shift # removes the compound from the array
- bad_request_error "Dataset features are empty." unless feature_ids
- bad_request_error "Row size '#{row.size}' does not match features size '#{feature_ids.size}'." unless row.size == feature_ids.size
- bad_request_error "First column is not a OpenTox::Compound" unless compound.class == OpenTox::Compound
- self.inchis << compound.inchi
- self.data_entries << row
- end
+ # TODO
+ #def predictions
+ #end
# Serialisation
@@ -185,6 +73,7 @@ module OpenTox
# @param feats [Array] features objects
# @param metadata [Hash]
# @return [OpenTox::Dataset]
+ # TODO
def split( compound_indices, feats, metadata)
bad_request_error "Dataset.split : Please give compounds as indices" if compound_indices.size==0 or !compound_indices[0].is_a?(Fixnum)
@@ -213,6 +102,7 @@ module OpenTox
# ** number of occurences is not equal in both datasets? cannot map, raise error
# @param dataset [OpenTox::Dataset] dataset that should be mapped to this dataset (fully loaded)
# @param compound_index [Fixnum], corresponding to dataset
+ # TODO
def compound_index( dataset, compound_index )
compound_inchi = dataset.compounds[compound_index].inchi
self_indices = compound_indices(compound_inchi)
@@ -235,6 +125,7 @@ module OpenTox
# returns the inidices of the compound in the dataset
# @param compound_inchi [String]
# @return [Array] compound index (position) of the compound in the dataset, array-size is 1 unless multiple occurences
+ # TODO
def compound_indices( compound_inchi )
unless defined?(@cmp_indices) and @cmp_indices.has_key?(compound_inchi)
@cmp_indices = {}
@@ -250,90 +141,142 @@ module OpenTox
- # returns compound feature value using the compound-index and the feature_uri
- def data_entry_value(compound_index, feature_uri)
- data_entries(true) if @data["data_entries"].empty?
- col = @data["features"].collect{|f| f.uri}.index feature_uri
- @data["data_entries"][compound_index] ? @data["data_entries"][compound_index][col] : nil
+ # Adding data methods
+ # (Alternatively, you can directly change @data["feature_ids"] and @data["compounds"])
+ # Create a dataset from file (csv,sdf,...)
+ # @param filename [String]
+ # @return [String] dataset uri
+ # TODO
+ #def self.from_sdf_file
+ #end
+ def self.from_csv_file file, source=nil, bioassay=true
+ source ||= file
+ table = file, :skip_blanks => true
+ from_table table, source, bioassay
- def from_table table
+ # parse data in tabular format (e.g. from csv)
+ # does a lot of guesswork in order to determine feature types
+ def self.from_table table, source, bioassay=true
+ time =
# features
feature_names = table.shift.collect{|f| f.strip}
- self.warnings << "Duplicate features in table header." unless feature_names.size == feature_names.uniq.size
+ dataset = => source)
+ dataset.warnings << "Duplicate features in table header." unless feature_names.size == feature_names.uniq.size
compound_format = feature_names.shift.strip
bad_request_error "#{compound_format} is not a supported compound format. Accepted formats: SMILES, InChI." unless compound_format =~ /SMILES|InChI/i
- ignored_feature_indices = []
numeric = []
+ # guess feature types
feature_names.each_with_index do |f,i|
values = table.collect{|row| val=row[i+1].to_s.strip; val.blank? ? nil : val }.uniq.compact
types = values.collect{|v| v.numeric? ? true : false}.uniq
- metadata = {"title" => f}
+ metadata = {"name" => f, "source" => source}
if values.size == 0 # empty feature
elsif values.size > 5 and types.size == 1 and types.first == true # 5 max classes
metadata["numeric"] = true
numeric[i] = true
metadata["nominal"] = true
- metadata["string"] = true
metadata["accept_values"] = values
numeric[i] = false
- feature = OpenTox::Feature.find_or_create_by metadata
- self.feature_ids << unless feature.nil?
+ if bioassay
+ if metadata["numeric"]
+ feature = NumericBioAssay.find_or_create_by(metadata)
+ elsif metadata["nominal"]
+ feature = NominalBioAssay.find_or_create_by(metadata)
+ end
+ else
+ metadata.merge({:measured => false, :calculated => true})
+ if metadata["numeric"]
+ feature = NumericFeature.find_or_create_by(metadata)
+ elsif metadata["nominal"]
+ feature = NominalFeature.find_or_create_by(metadata)
+ end
+ end
+ dataset.feature_ids << OpenTox::Feature.find_or_create_by(metadata).id
+ feature_ids = dataset.features.collect{|f|}
+ $logger.debug "Feature values: #{}"
+ time =
# compounds and values
r = -1
- table.each_with_index do |values,j|
- compound = values.shift
+ csv = ["compound_id,feature_id,value"]
+ compound_time = 0
+ value_time = 0
+ table.each_with_index do |vals,j|
+ ct =
+ identifier = vals.shift
case compound_format
when /SMILES/i
- c = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles(compound)
- if c.inchi.empty?
- self.warnings << "Cannot parse #{compound_format} compound '#{compound.strip}' at position #{j+2}, all entries are ignored."
+ compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_smiles(identifier)
+ if compound.inchi.empty?
+ dataset.warnings << "Cannot parse #{compound_format} compound '#{compound.strip}' at position #{j+2}, all entries are ignored."
- else
- inchi = c.inchi
when /InChI/i
- # TODO validate inchi
- inchi = compound
- else
- raise "wrong compound format" #should be checked above
+ compound = OpenTox::Compound.from_inchi(identifier)
- self.warnings << "Cannot parse #{compound_format} compound '#{compound}' at position #{j+2}, all entries are ignored."
+ dataset.warnings << "Cannot parse #{compound_format} compound '#{compound}' at position #{j+2}, all entries are ignored."
+ compound_time +=
+ dataset.compound_ids <<
r += 1
- self.inchis << inchi
- unless values.size == self.feature_ids.size
- self.warnings << "Number of values at position #{j+2} (#{values.size}) is different than header size (#{self.feature_ids.size}), all entries are ignored."
+ unless vals.size == feature_ids.size # way cheaper than accessing dataset.features
+ dataset.warnings << "Number of values at position #{j+2} is different than header size (#{vals.size} vs. #{features.size}), all entries are ignored."
- self.data_entries << []
- values.each_with_index do |v,i|
+ cid =
+ vals.each_with_index do |v,i|
if v.blank?
- self.data_entries.last << nil
- self.warnings << "Empty value for compound '#{compound}' (row #{r+2}) and feature '#{feature_names[i]}' (column #{i+2})."
+ dataset.warnings << "Empty value for compound '#{identifier}' (row #{r+2}) and feature '#{feature_names[i]}' (column #{i+2})."
elsif numeric[i]
- self.data_entries.last << v.to_f
+ csv << "#{cid},#{feature_ids[i]},#{v.to_f}" # retrieving ids from dataset.{compounds|features} kills performance
- self.data_entries.last << v.strip
+ csv << "#{cid},#{feature_ids[i]},#{v.strip}" # retrieving ids from dataset.{compounds|features} kills performance
- self.inchis.duplicates.each do |inchi|
+ dataset.compounds.duplicates.each do |duplicates|
+ # TODO fix and check
positions = []
- self.inchis.each_with_index{|c,i| positions << i+1 if !c.blank? and c == inchi}
- self.warnings << "Duplicate compound #{inchi} at rows #{positions.join(', ')}. Entries are accepted, assuming that measurements come from independent experiments."
+ compounds.each_with_index{|c,i| positions << i+1 if !c.blank? and c == compound}
+ dataset.warnings << "Duplicate compound #{compound.inchi} at rows #{positions.join(', ')}. Entries are accepted, assuming that measurements come from independent experiments."
+ $logger.debug "Value parsing: #{} (Compound creation: #{compound_time})"
+ time =
+ # Workaround for mongo bulk insertions (insertion of single data_entries is far too slow)
+ # Skip ruby JSON serialisation:
+ # - to_json is too slow to write to file
+ # - json (or bson) serialisation is probably causing very long parse times of Mongo::BulkWrite, or any other ruby insert operation
+ f ="#{}.csv","/tmp")
+ f.puts csv.join("\n")
+ f.close
+ $logger.debug "Write file: #{}"
+ time =
+ # TODO DB name from config
+ `mongoimport --db opentox --collection data_entries --type csv --headerline --file #{f.path}`
+ $logger.debug "Bulk insert: #{}"
+ time =
+ dataset
diff --git a/lib/feature.rb b/lib/feature.rb
index b2ddce4..b2f9a93 100644
--- a/lib/feature.rb
+++ b/lib/feature.rb
@@ -1,48 +1,62 @@
module OpenTox
- # TODO subclass features
class Feature
+ field :name, as: :title, type: String
+ field :nominal, type: Boolean
+ field :numeric, type: Boolean
+ field :measured, type: Boolean
+ field :calculated, type: Boolean
+ field :supervised, type: Boolean
+ field :source, as: :title, type: String
+ end
- field :string, type: Boolean, default: false
- field :nominal, type: Boolean, default: false
- field :numeric, type: Boolean, default: false
- field :substructure, type: Boolean, default: false
- field :prediction, type: Boolean
- field :smarts, type: String
- field :pValue, type: Float
- field :effect, type: String
+ class NominalFeature < Feature
field :accept_values, type: Array
- # Find out feature type
- # Classification takes precedence
- # @return [String] Feature type
- def feature_type
- if nominal
- "classification"
- elsif numeric
- "regression"
- else
- "unknown"
- end
+ def initialize params
+ super params
+ nominal = true
+ end
- # Get accept values
- #
- # @return[Array] Accept values
- #def accept_values
- #self[RDF::OT.acceptValue] ? self[RDF::OT.acceptValue].sort : nil
- #end
- # Create value map
- # @param [OpenTox::Feature] Feature
- # @return [Hash] A hash with keys 1...feature.training_classes.size and values training classes
- def value_map
- unless defined? @value_map
- accept_values ? @value_map = accept_values.each_index.inject({}) { |h,idx| h[idx+1]=accept_values[idx]; h } : @value_map = nil
- end
- @value_map
+ class NumericFeature < Feature
+ def initialize params
+ super params
+ numeric = true
+ end
+ class Smarts < NominalFeature
+ field :name, as: :smarts, type: String # causes warnings
+ field :algorithm, type: String, default: "OpenTox::Algorithm::Descriptors.smarts_match"
+ field :parameters, type: Hash, default: {:count => false}
+ def initialize params
+ super params
+ nominal = true
+ end
+ end
+ class FminerSmarts < Smarts
+ field :training_algorithm, type: String
+ field :training_compound_ids, type: Array
+ field :training_feature_id, type: BSON::ObjectId
+ field :training_parameters, type: Hash
+ def initialize params
+ super params
+ supervised = true
+ end
+ end
+ class NominalBioAssay < NominalFeature
+ field :description, type: String
+ end
+ class NumericBioAssay < NumericFeature
+ field :description, type: String
+ end
+ class PhysChemDescriptor < NumericFeature
+ field :algorithm, type: String
+ field :parameters, type: Hash
diff --git a/lib/format-conversion.rb b/lib/format-conversion.rb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7563b94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/format-conversion.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+# defaults to stderr, may be changed to file output (e.g in opentox-service)
+$logger =
+$logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
+module OpenTox
+ # Ruby interface
+ attr_accessor :data
+ # Create a new OpenTox object
+ # @param uri [optional,String] URI
+ # @return [OpenTox] OpenTox object
+ def initialize uri=nil
+ @data = {}
+ if uri
+ @data[:uri] = uri.to_s.chomp
+ get
+ else
+ @data[:uuid] = SecureRandom.uuid
+ @data[:uri] = File.join(service_uri, @data[:uuid])
+ end
+ end
+ # Object metadata (lazy loading)
+ # @return [Hash] Object metadata
+ def metadata force_update=false
+ get #if (@metadata.nil? or @metadata.empty? or force_update) and URI.accessible? @uri
+ @data
+ end
+ # Metadata values
+ # @param predicate [String] Predicate URI
+ # @return [Array, String] Predicate value(s)
+ def [](predicate)
+ predicate = predicate.to_s
+ return nil if metadata[predicate].nil?
+ metadata[predicate].size == 1 ? metadata[predicate].first : metadata[predicate]
+ end
+ # Set a metadata entry
+ # @param predicate [String] Predicate URI
+ # @param values [Array, String] Predicate value(s)
+ def []=(predicate,values)
+ predicate = predicate.to_s
+ @data[predicate] = [values].flatten
+ end
+ # Object parameters (lazy loading)
+ # { OpenTox API}
+ # @return [Hash] Object parameters
+ def parameters force_update=false
+ if (@parameters.empty? or force_update) and URI.accessible? @uri
+ get #if @rdf.empty? or force_update
+ params = {}
+ query ={
+ :parameter => {
+ RDF.type => RDF::OT.Parameter,
+ :property => :value,
+ }
+ })
+ query.execute(@rdf).each do |solution|
+ params[solution.parameter] = {} unless params[solution.parameter]
+ params[solution.parameter][] = solution.value
+ end
+ @parameters = params.values
+ end
+ @parameters
+ end
+ # Parameter value
+ # @param [String] title
+ # @return [String] value
+ def parameter_value title
+ @parameters.collect{|p| p[RDF::OT.paramValue] if p[RDF::DC.title] == title}.compact.first
+ end
+ # Get object from webservice
+ # @param [String,optional] mime_type
+ def get mime_type="application/json"
+ bad_request_error "Mime type #{mime_type} is not supported. Please use 'application/json' (default), 'text/plain' (ntriples) or mime_type == 'application/rdf+xml'." unless mime_type == "application/json" or mime_type == "text/plain" or mime_type == "application/rdf+xml"
+ p @data[:uri]
+ response = RestClientWrapper.get(@data[:uri],{},{:accept => mime_type})
+ if URI.task?(response)
+ uri = wait_for_task response
+ response = RestClientWrapper.get(uri,{},{:accept => mime_type})
+ p uri
+ end
+ case mime_type
+ when 'application/json'
+ p response
+ @data = JSON.parse(response) if response
+ when "text/plain"
+ parse_ntriples response
+ when "application/rdf+xml"
+ parse_rdfxml response
+ end
+ end
+ # Post object to webservice (append to object), rarely useful and deprecated
+ # @deprecated
+ def post wait=true, mime_type="text/plain"
+ bad_request_error "Mime type #{mime_type} is not supported. Please use 'text/plain' (default) or 'application/rdf+xml'." unless mime_type == "text/plain" or mime_type == "application/rdf+xml"
+ case mime_type
+ when 'text/plain'
+ body = self.to_ntriples
+ when 'application/rdf+xml'
+ body = self.to_rdfxml
+ end
+ #Authorization.check_policy(@uri) if $aa[:uri]
+ uri = @uri.to_s, body, { :content_type => mime_type}
+ wait ? wait_for_task(uri) : uri
+ end
+ # Save object at webservice (replace or create object)
+ def put wait=true, mime_type="application/json"
+ bad_request_error "Mime type #{mime_type} is not supported. Please use 'application/json' (default)." unless mime_type == "application/json" or mime_type == "text/plain" or mime_type == "application/rdf+xml"
+ @data[:created_at] = unless URI.accessible? @data[:uri]
+ #@metadata[RDF::DC.modified] =
+ @data[:uri] ? @data[:uri] = uri.to_s.chomp : @data[:uri] = File.join(service_uri, SecureRandom.uuid)
+ case mime_type
+ when 'text/plain'
+ body = self.to_ntriples
+ when 'application/rdf+xml'
+ body = self.to_rdfxml
+ when 'application/json'
+ body = self.to_json
+ end
+ uri = RestClientWrapper.put @data[:uri], body, { :content_type => mime_type}
+ wait ? wait_for_task(uri) : uri
+ end
+ # Delete object at webservice
+ def delete
+ RestClientWrapper.delete(@data[:uri])
+ #Authorization.delete_policies_from_uri(@data[:uri]) if $aa[:uri]
+ end
+ def service_uri
+ self.class.service_uri
+ end
+ def create_rdf
+ #$logger.debug "#{eval("RDF::OT."+self.class.to_s.split('::').last)}\n"
+ @rdf =
+ # DG: since model is no self.class anymore
+ @metadata[RDF.type] ||= (eval("RDF::OT."+self.class.to_s.split('::').last) =~ /Lazar|Generic/) ? :"RDF::OT."+self.class.to_s.split('::').last))
+ #@metadata[RDF.type] ||="RDF::OT."+self.class.to_s.split('::').last))
+ @metadata[] ||=
+ # DG: uri in object should be in brackets, otherwise query for uri-list ignores the object.
+ # see:
+ @metadata.each do |predicate,values|
+ [values].flatten.each{ |value| @rdf << [[:uri]), predicate, (URI.valid?(value) ? : value)] unless value.nil? }
+ end
+ @parameters.each do |parameter|
+ p_node =
+ @rdf << [[:uri]), RDF::OT.parameters, p_node]
+ @rdf << [p_node, RDF.type, RDF::OT.Parameter]
+ parameter.each { |k,v| @rdf << [p_node, k, v] unless v.nil?}
+ end
+ end
+ # as defined in opentox-client.rb
+ RDF_FORMATS.each do |format|
+ # rdf parse methods for all formats e.g. parse_rdfxml
+ send :define_method, "parse_#{format}".to_sym do |rdf|
+ @rdf =
+ RDF::Reader.for(format).new(rdf) do |reader|
+ reader.each_statement{ |statement| @rdf << statement }
+ end
+ # return values as plain strings instead of RDF objects
+ @metadata = @rdf.to_hash[[:uri])].inject({}) { |h, (predicate, values)| h[predicate] = values.collect{|v| v.to_s}; h }
+ end
+ # rdf serialization methods for all formats e.g. to_rdfxml
+ send :define_method, "to_#{format}".to_sym do
+ create_rdf
+ # if encoding is used iteration is necessary
+ # see:
+ RDF::Writer.for(format).buffer(:encoding => Encoding::ASCII) do |writer|
+ @rdf.each_statement do |statement|
+ writer << statement
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ # @return [String] converts object to turtle-string
+ def to_turtle # redefined to use prefixes (not supported by RDF::Writer)
+ prefixes = {:rdf => ""}
+ ['OT', 'DC', 'XSD', 'OLO'].each{|p| prefixes[p.downcase.to_sym] = eval("RDF::#{p}.to_s") }
+ create_rdf
+ RDF::Turtle::Writer.for(:turtle).buffer(:prefixes => prefixes) do |writer|
+ writer << @rdf
+ end
+ end
+ def to_json
+ @data.to_json
+ end
+ # @return [String] converts OpenTox object into html document (by first converting it to a string)
+ def to_html
+ to_turtle.to_html
+ end
+ # short access for metadata keys title, description and type
+ [ :title , :description , :type , :uri, :uuid ].each do |method|
+ send :define_method, method do
+ end
+ send :define_method, "#{method}=" do |value|
+[method] = value
+ end
+ end
+ # define class methods within module
+ def self.included(base)
+ base.extend(ClassMethods)
+ end
+ module ClassMethods
+ def service_uri
+ service = self.to_s.split('::')[1].downcase
+ eval("$#{service}[:uri]")
+ rescue
+ bad_request_error "$#{service}[:uri] variable not set. Please set $#{service}[:uri] or use an explicit uri as first constructor argument "
+ end
+ def subjectid
+ RestClientWrapper.subjectid
+ end
+ def subjectid=(subjectid)
+ RestClientWrapper.subjectid = subjectid
+ end
+ end
+ # create default OpenTox classes with class methods
+ # (defined in opentox-client.rb)
+ CLASSES.each do |klass|
+ c = do
+ include OpenTox
+ def self.all
+ uris = RestClientWrapper.get(service_uri, {},{:accept => 'text/uri-list'}).split("\n").compact
+ uris.collect{|uri|}
+ end
+ #@example fetching a model
+ # OpenTox::Model.find(<model-uri>) -> model-object
+ def self.find uri
+ URI.accessible?(uri) ? : nil
+ end
+ def self.create metadata
+ object =
+ = metadata
+ object.put
+ object
+ end
+ def self.find_or_create metadata
+ uris = RestClientWrapper.get(service_uri,{:query => @data},{:accept => "text/uri-list"}).split("\n")
+ uris.empty? ? self.create(@data) :
+ end
+ end
+ OpenTox.const_set klass,c
+ end
+# from overwrite.rb
+class String
+ # encloses URI in text with with link tag
+ # @return [String] new text with marked links
+ def link_urls
+ self.gsub(/(?i)http(s?):\/\/[^\r\n\s']*/, '<a href="\0">\0</a>')
+ end
+ # produces a html page for making web services browser friendly
+ # format of text (=string params) is preserved (e.g. line breaks)
+ # urls are marked as links
+ #
+ # @param related_links [optional,String] uri on related resources
+ # @param description [optional,String] general info
+ # @param png_image [optional,String] imagename
+ # @return [String] html page
+ def to_html(related_links=nil, description=nil, png_image=nil )
+ # TODO add title as parameter
+ title = nil #$$sinatra.request.env['PATH_INFO'], :full) if $sinatra
+ html = "<html><body>"
+ html << "<title>"+title+"</title>" if title
+ #html += "<img src=\""+OT_LOGO+"\"><\/img><body>"
+ html << "<h3>Description</h3><pre><p>"+description.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if description
+ html << "<h3>Related links</h3><pre><p>"+related_links.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if related_links
+ html << "<h3>Content</h3>" if description || related_links
+ html << "<pre><p style=\"padding:15px; border:10px solid \#C5C1E4\">"
+ html << "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,#{Base64.encode64(png_image)}\">\n" if png_image
+ html << self.link_urls
+ html << "</p></pre></body></html>"
+ html
+ end
+ def uri?
+ URI.valid?(self)
+ end
+module Kernel
+ # overwrite backtick operator to catch system errors
+ # Override raises an error if _cmd_ returns a non-zero exit status. CH: I do not understand this comment
+ # Returns stdout if _cmd_ succeeds. Note that these are simply concatenated; STDERR is not inline. CH: I do not understand this comment
+ def ` cmd
+ stdout, stderr = ''
+ status = Open4::popen4(cmd) do |pid, stdin_stream, stdout_stream, stderr_stream|
+ stdout =
+ stderr =
+ end
+ internal_server_error "`" + cmd + "` failed.\n" + stdout + stderr unless status.success?
+ return stdout
+ rescue
+ internal_server_error $!.message
+ end
+ # @return [String] uri of task result, if task fails, an error according to task is raised
+ def wait_for_task uri
+ if URI.task?(uri)
+ t = uri
+ t.wait
+ unless t.completed?
+ error ={|error| error[:code] == t.code}.first
+ error_method = error ? error[:method] : :internal_server_error
+ report = t.error_report
+ error_message = report ? report[:message] : $!.message
+ error_cause = report ? report[:errorCause] : nil
+ Object.send(error_method,error_message,t.uri,error_cause)
+ end
+ uri = t.resultURI
+ end
+ uri
+ end
+module URI
+ def self.compound? uri
+ uri =~ /compound/ and URI.valid? uri
+ end
+ def self.task? uri
+ uri =~ /task/ and URI.valid? uri
+ end
+ def self.dataset? uri
+ uri =~ /dataset/ and URI.accessible? uri
+ end
+ def self.model? uri
+ uri =~ /model/ and URI.accessible? uri
+ end
+ def self.ssl? uri
+ URI.parse(uri).instance_of? URI::HTTPS
+ end
+ # @return [Boolean] checks if resource exists by making a HEAD-request
+ def self.accessible?(uri)
+ parsed_uri = URI.parse(uri + (OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.subjectid ? "?subjectid=#{CGI.escape OpenTox::RestClientWrapper.subjectid}" : ""))
+ http_code = URI.task?(uri) ? 600 : 400
+ http =, parsed_uri.port)
+ unless (URI.ssl? uri) == true
+ http =, parsed_uri.port)
+ request =
+ http.request(request).code.to_i < http_code
+ else
+ http =, parsed_uri.port)
+ http.use_ssl = true
+ http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE
+ request =
+ http.request(request).code.to_i < http_code
+ end
+ rescue
+ false
+ end
+ def self.valid? uri
+ u = URI.parse(uri)
+ u.scheme!=nil and!=nil
+ rescue URI::InvalidURIError
+ false
+ end
diff --git a/lib/opentox-client.rb b/lib/opentox-client.rb
index 40f87cf..6bffc39 100644
--- a/lib/opentox-client.rb
+++ b/lib/opentox-client.rb
@@ -1,38 +1,17 @@
require 'rubygems'
require "bundler/setup"
-#require 'rdf'
-#require 'rdf/raptor'
-#require 'rdf/turtle'
require "rest-client"
-#require 'uri'
require 'yaml'
require 'json'
require 'logger'
-#require "securerandom"
require 'mongoid'
-default_config = File.join(ENV["HOME"],".opentox","config","default.rb")
-client_config = File.join(ENV["HOME"],".opentox","config","opentox-client.rb")
-puts "Could not find configuration files #{default_config} or #{client_config}" unless File.exist? default_config or File.exist? client_config
-require default_config if File.exist? default_config
-require client_config if File.exist? client_config
-# TODO switch to production
+# TODO store development/test, validation, production in separate databases
ENV["MONGOID_ENV"] = "development"
-# define constants and global variables
-#RDF::OT = ''
-#RDF::OT1 = ''
-#RDF::OTA = ''
-#RDF::OLO = ''
-#RDF::TB = ""
-#RDF::ISA = ""
-#RDF::OWL = ""
-#CLASSES = ["Compound", "Feature", "Dataset", "Validation", "Task", "Investigation"]
-CLASSES = ["Feature", "Dataset", "Validation", "Task", "Investigation"]
-#RDF_FORMATS = [:rdfxml,:ntriples,:turtle]
+CLASSES = ["Compound", "Feature", "DataEntry","Dataset"]#, "Validation", "Task", "Investigation"]
+#CLASSES = ["Feature", "Dataset", "Validation", "Task", "Investigation"]
# Regular expressions for parsing classification data
TRUE_REGEXP = /^(true|active|1|1.0|tox|activating|carcinogen|mutagenic)$/i
@@ -41,14 +20,15 @@ FALSE_REGEXP = /^(false|inactive|0|0.0|low tox|deactivating|non-carcinogen|non-m
- "error.rb",
- "authorization.rb",
- "policy.rb",
- "otlogger.rb",
+ #"error.rb",
+ #"authorization.rb",
+ #"policy.rb",
+ #"otlogger.rb",
- "task.rb",
+ #"task.rb",
+ "data_entry.rb",
@@ -61,11 +41,11 @@ FALSE_REGEXP = /^(false|inactive|0|0.0|low tox|deactivating|non-carcinogen|non-m
# defaults to stderr, may be changed to file output (e.g in opentox-service)
-$logger = # STDERR did not work on my development machine (CH)
+$logger = STDOUT # STDERR did not work on my development machine (CH)
$logger.level = Logger::DEBUG
#Mongo::Logger.logger = $logger
Mongo::Logger.level = Logger::WARN
-#$mongo =$mongodb[:uri])
+$mongo ='mongodb://')
+$gridfs = $mongo.database.fs
Mongoid.logger.level = Logger::WARN
Mongoid.logger = $logger
-#Moped.logger = $logger
diff --git a/lib/opentox.rb b/lib/opentox.rb
index 554e686..33293ac 100644
--- a/lib/opentox.rb
+++ b/lib/opentox.rb
@@ -12,33 +12,11 @@ module OpenTox
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
store_in collection: klass.downcase.pluralize
+ field :title, as: :name, type: String
- field :title, type: String
- field :description, type: String
- field :parameters, type: Array, default: []
- field :creator, type: String
- # TODO check if needed
- def self.subjectid
- RestClientWrapper.subjectid
- end
- def self.subjectid=(subjectid)
- RestClientWrapper.subjectid = subjectid
- end
OpenTox.const_set klass,c
- def type
- self.class.to_s.split('::').last
- end
- # Serialisation
- # @return [String] converts OpenTox object into html document (by first converting it to a string)
- def to_html
- self.to_json.to_html
- end
diff --git a/lib/overwrite.rb b/lib/overwrite.rb
index 4dafe8d..2eb0b39 100644
--- a/lib/overwrite.rb
+++ b/lib/overwrite.rb
@@ -36,61 +36,40 @@ class String
bad_request_error "invalid value for Boolean: \"#{self}\""
- # encloses URI in text with with link tag
- # @return [String] new text with marked links
- def link_urls
- self.gsub(/(?i)http(s?):\/\/[^\r\n\s']*/, '<a href="\0">\0</a>')
- end
- # produces a html page for making web services browser friendly
- # format of text (=string params) is preserved (e.g. line breaks)
- # urls are marked as links
- #
- # @param related_links [optional,String] uri on related resources
- # @param description [optional,String] general info
- # @param png_image [optional,String] imagename
- # @return [String] html page
- def to_html(related_links=nil, description=nil, png_image=nil )
- # TODO add title as parameter
- title = nil #$$sinatra.request.env['PATH_INFO'], :full) if $sinatra
- html = "<html><body>"
- html << "<title>"+title+"</title>" if title
- #html += "<img src=\""+OT_LOGO+"\"><\/img><body>"
- html << "<h3>Description</h3><pre><p>"+description.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if description
- html << "<h3>Related links</h3><pre><p>"+related_links.link_urls+"</p></pre>" if related_links
- html << "<h3>Content</h3>" if description || related_links
- html << "<pre><p style=\"padding:15px; border:10px solid \#C5C1E4\">"
- html << "<img src=\"data:image/png;base64,#{Base64.encode64(png_image)}\">\n" if png_image
- html << self.link_urls
- html << "</p></pre></body></html>"
- html
- end
- def uri?
- URI.valid?(self)
+class File
+ # @return [String] mime_type including charset using linux cmd command
+ def mime_type
+ `file -ib '#{self.path}'`.chomp
-module URI
+class Array
- def self.compound? uri
- uri =~ /compound/ and URI.valid? uri
+ # Sum up the size of single arrays in an array of arrays
+ # @param [Array] Array of arrays
+ # @return [Integer] Sum of size of array elements
+ def sum_size
+ self.inject(0) { |s,a|
+ if a.respond_to?('size')
+ s+=a.size
+ else
+ internal_server_error "No size available: #{a.inspect}"
+ end
+ }
- def self.task? uri
- uri =~ /task/ and URI.valid? uri
+ # For symbolic features
+ # @param [Array] Array to test.
+ # @return [Boolean] Whether the array has just one unique value.
+ def zero_variance?
+ return self.uniq.size == 1
- def self.dataset? uri
- uri =~ /dataset/ and URI.accessible? uri
- end
- def self.model? uri
- uri =~ /model/ and URI.accessible? uri
- end
+module URI
def self.ssl? uri
URI.parse(uri).instance_of? URI::HTTPS
@@ -124,76 +103,3 @@ module URI
-class File
- # @return [String] mime_type including charset using linux cmd command
- def mime_type
- `file -ib '#{self.path}'`.chomp
- end
-module Kernel
- # overwrite backtick operator to catch system errors
- # Override raises an error if _cmd_ returns a non-zero exit status. CH: I do not understand this comment
- # Returns stdout if _cmd_ succeeds. Note that these are simply concatenated; STDERR is not inline. CH: I do not understand this comment
- def ` cmd
- stdout, stderr = ''
- status = Open4::popen4(cmd) do |pid, stdin_stream, stdout_stream, stderr_stream|
- stdout =
- stderr =
- end
- internal_server_error "`" + cmd + "` failed.\n" + stdout + stderr unless status.success?
- return stdout
- rescue
- internal_server_error $!.message
- end
- # @return [String] uri of task result, if task fails, an error according to task is raised
- def wait_for_task uri
- if URI.task?(uri)
- t = uri
- t.wait
- unless t.completed?
- error ={|error| error[:code] == t.code}.first
- error_method = error ? error[:method] : :internal_server_error
- report = t.error_report
- error_message = report ? report[:message] : $!.message
- error_cause = report ? report[:errorCause] : nil
- Object.send(error_method,error_message,t.uri,error_cause)
- end
- uri = t.resultURI
- end
- uri
- end
-class Array
- # Sum up the size of single arrays in an array of arrays
- # @param [Array] Array of arrays
- # @return [Integer] Sum of size of array elements
- def sum_size
- self.inject(0) { |s,a|
- if a.respond_to?('size')
- s+=a.size
- else
- internal_server_error "No size available: #{a.inspect}"
- end
- }
- end
- # For symbolic features
- # @param [Array] Array to test.
- # @return [Boolean] Whether the array has just one unique value.
- def zero_variance?
- return self.uniq.size == 1
- end